The worst powersets in the game?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
I'm not sure I completely understand the "it's so SLOW!" complaint about Energy Melee. Because, for example, Electric Melee has two attacks that are just as slow as Energy Melee's slowest attacks, one even using the same animation, and Jacob's Ladder isn't exactly speedy, either. Yet I've never heard any complaints about Electric Melee's speed. Is it just because Electric Melee's slowest attacks are AoEs instead of single-target?

The same goes for Kinetic Melee, which can't be explained by single target vs. multiple targets. Kinetic Melee's second-slowest attack (Burst, which has the same animation time as Energy Transfer) is also a PBAoE, and none of its attacks (even Concentrated Strike, its slowest) are as slow as Total Focus / Thunder Strike. Is it the elaborate animations that make the set feel slower than it is?
Basically, it boils down to Energy being;
1) Quite slow
2) Having one AoE attack which is pretty naff numbers wise.

Both of the top tier powers are ST attacks with very long windups. Total Focus is only of much use soloing or fighting Boss class and higher in teams. Ditto for ET. Thunder Strike, being an AoE, will still hit *something*, unless the team wipes out the entire mob in one-two shots.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Illusion. Why?
- Two invisibilities wasting power slots.
- Pet that does knockback, and summons another pet. I don't mind knockback *for players* because there should be actual *intelligence* behind it. For pets... not so much.
- Too reliant on PA.
- Not enough direct control.

When the playstyle is generally described as "Spam two powers, use a third (PA) when it's up, try to perma that," that's not, IMHO, a good set. If I want control, I'll go to anything else.

VEATs. Not least for the forced respec at 24. They just don't seem to know what they want to be. Barring the "huntsman" style (which makes that 24 forced respec even more annoying) and the crab, which is a bit recharge driven, they're just completely un-fun to play for me.



I don't know if it's the "worst" powerset, but here's the one I hate the most of the powersets I've played:

Stone Armour. It's reliant on caveman design which was questionable even at the time of its creation, and has only gotten worse in comparison with other sets. This is the only set where it's not just prudent but PREFERRED to respec after you get your last power and dump half your set. Granite Armour is a horrible idea, or at the very least a mediocre idea with a horrible execution. And even ignoring that, the set proper is not that impressive. It costs far too much to run for what it does, it has really irritating limitations on top of that and it's fugly, to boot.

Pretty much every other set I've played, I enjoy. Some more than others, obviously, but there is no such set that I've outright refused to ever use again. Except Stone Armour. Unless something revolutionary happens with the set's core design, I will never make another character using that thing.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



There's no powersets which I "hate" as such, but some, for me, are unbearable.

  1. Illusion - God, do I dislike Illusion. I've even tried for the Illusion/Rad combo and still found it abysmmal to play. Just really, really boring.
  2. Force Field - Outclassed by pretty much any other Support set. Even worse on a Defender unless you picked a good attacking powerset.
  3. Infact, Thermal and Cold Domination, or anything which requires me to keep a buff active on more than two people. Because the only time the whole time stands in a neat little group is right at the beginning of a mission, and i'm not shouting out every 2 minutes.
  4. Super Reflexes - I have a lot of SR characters, and I like the set, but A) Scrappers get the AoE defence toggle far too late B) Motherchuffin RNG
  5. Titan Weapons - Higher levels, it destroys everything. Pre-SOs? You'll be lucky to have any hair left.
  6. Stone Melee - Hits hard, but it hits your endurance harder

That's all I can think of at the moment. I've tried most sets and like nearly all of them, some are just more/less fun than others.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



Changed title of thread to fit answers given.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Unfortunately, that only applies to the latest post.



For me, personally...
I actually like and have pretty good luck with a lot of the sets that have been mentioned. I absolutely love my Peacebringers and Claws stalkers. Force Field (I can't imagine my Ninja MM's life without it-), Trick Arrow (Try running a decently-played one with a Demons MM and watch what happens- ) and even Sonic can be useful, and definitely have their place in the game.

That said... I'm not at all impressed with Beast Mastery. Mine's in her 30's and I'm still not at all sure I'm going to keep her. The pets are much, much more annoying to control and keep alive than either the Bride's zombies or Hanano's ninja, and that's saying something.

I also haven't been very impressed by my Electric/Electric Dom. Even at 50+3 with all his iToys, he just feels very weak solo and pretty much entirely useless on a team or league. I had Gremlins for about a week on him and respecced out of them. It was like having two Lady Janes around... those jerks' AI was just insane. And suicidal. <_<

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
That said... I'm not at all impressed with Beast Mastery. Mine's in her 30's and I'm still not at all sure I'm going to keep her. The pets are much, much more annoying to control and keep alive than either the Bride's zombies or Hanano's ninja, and that's saying something.
What'd you pair with it?



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
What'd you pair with it?
I've already had two versions of Nuwisha... The first (which I deleted early-) was Beast/Thermal. The current version is Beast/FF.

Those secondaries were great with the Bride's guys (she's Necro/Thermal) and Han's pajama-wearing maniacs (Ninja/FF), but have done jack-all as far as I can see for the durability of the traveling circus. The wolves in particular also seem to ignore command changes more often than the other sets I've played. Even spamming bodyguard or putting them on full passive doesn't always keep them from running off to the far corners of creation.

I've had to make a dismiss key to keep them from aggroing entire maps. Even my ninja at their worst never drove me to do that. <_<

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Scrapper version of shield is pretty horrible pre-IOs. It's like it was designed with IOs in mind.

Honestly, strictly with SOs, I'd say regen is more survivable than shield.



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
I've already had two versions of Nuwisha... The first (which I deleted early-) was Beast/Thermal. The current version is Beast/FF.

Those secondaries were great with the Bride's guys (she's Necro/Thermal) and Han's pajama-wearing maniacs (Ninja/FF), but have done jack-all as far as I can see for the durability of the traveling circus. The wolves in particular also seem to ignore command changes more often than the other sets I've played. Even spamming bodyguard or putting them on full passive doesn't always keep them from running off to the far corners of creation.

I've had to make a dismiss key to keep them from aggroing entire maps. Even my ninja at their worst never drove me to do that. <_<
Huh >> I just got done running mine up through Night Ward, mostly just had problems when trying to travel across the zone, never really any troubles in missions. The double EB missions kinda sucked :P

Dunno! Time has been quite survivable for them, for me anyway. Keeping farsight up on them and hitting fortify pack when a boss comes up tends to keep every critter alive. Again, multiple EBs excepted (just 1 tho doesn't seem to prove much trouble).



Originally Posted by TheShattered View Post
4. Titan Weapons - Higher levels, it destroys everything. Pre-SOs? You'll be lucky to have any hair left.
One thing I would really like to see happen with Titan Weapons is to be able to cancel out of an attack mid-animation; many of the attacks, if you don't have Momentum, take enough time to unload that your target goes down before the swing even begins. It would be nice if there were a mechanism in place where you could, if you hadn't actually started the swing on an attack, cancel it (still using up the attack and its End) and start another; it seems a little counter-intuitive to me that if you're standing there pulling a gigantic sword back over your shoulder, that if you see your target go down before you swing, you're going to uncork the shot and swing at the dead body instead of switching to a new target.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
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Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Unfortunately, that only applies to the latest post.
LOL, I know I was just making the point that folks are just chiming in based on hate is all.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I'd say my weakest level 50 is a dual pistols/devices blaster. Just... blasters have problems, dual pistols has its problems, and then I combined all that with devices which as most people will tell you, has 2-3 good powers, especially if you want to play at the speed of the typical CoH team.

I tend to dislike my PB also. And I found MA on a stalker to be pretty meh... MA only has the one AoE and it's not a fantastic one, but not having it really hurts.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
LOL, I know I was just making the point that folks are just chiming in based on hate is all.
With a thread title like this, it's doomed to be roughly 158% people ignoring everyone else's posts and stating their opinions as if they believe others will see them. (-:



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post

2. Peacebringer/Warshade. No.
Yeah.. you haven't seen my Peacebringer.

I personally believe the PB's to be one of the best AT when you know how to play it.
2 heals.
2 great melee
1 res toggle
3 good chaining blasts
1 good aoe
1 good pbaoe
1 good cone
Inherit Flight
Photon seekers are beast

Yeah theres more. But, when it comes to pve, i will most likely out dps you.
When it comes to pvp, I will most likely decimate you.

Do not ever underestimate PB's.

Fight The Power



This is a hard pick for me.

I would probably put Ice Control as the weakest of the control sets. However, my general feeling is that the worst of the control sets is probably about as good as an "average" Defender blast set, because just the basic control powers and modifiers are very good. This is the way I felt about Gravity prior to its buff as well. Both of those sets look bad next to massively overpowered sets like Plant and Fire, but to me they still seem better than fairly "average" sets like Defender Radiation Blast, and MUCH better than the weakest blast sets, like Electric. At least to me, if you have to be worst, being the worst control set is probably the best category to fail at.

Beyond that:

Psi Blast on Blasters. Bad enough that if a prolif is described as having been "Psi'ed" most people understand that to mean stripped of its worth. I consider this the single worst set in the game personally. It's especially pathetic because Corruptor and Defender Psi Blast are average sets to start with, and this set is essentially a nerfed version of that.

Sonic Resonance, Force Field, Poison, and Trick Arrow all ride around at about the same level of underpowered for me, each for somewhat different reasons.

Energy Melee for reasons probably stated in this thread. Bad enough that I can assume someone said something about it without having actually red the thread.

Electric Assault, if forced to pick a Dom set. In fact, probably Electric Assault before Ice Control, at least for me. Where at least ice Control (and Gravity) has some unique things to set it apart, Electric Assault mainly stands out as being the same as everything else but perfectly worse.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
With a thread title like this, it's doomed to be roughly 158% people ignoring everyone else's posts and stating their opinions as if they believe others will see them. (-:
The other 58% being subtext hidden between the lines, I assume?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Wow, so many votes for Electric Blast!!
Okay... Go ahead and buff me up!
I don't mind!

(Not saying anyone's picks are wrong)

Hehe, I was thinking the same thing...

...and I like PB's too...

Yikes!!! I'm a closet-masochist! I think I better go see the shrink in Rm 604 now...


PS> As for bad powersets, hmmm... Nothing leaps to mind for me - the most
hated toon I have is a Rad/Elec Defender who's performance was all over the
map - when he was good, he was godlike, and when he wasn't, he was insta-dead.

The toon drove me nuts, because you never knew which of the above two options
you were gonna get ... every fight... regardless of mob con. By contrast, my PB or
my E3 Blaster is positively smooth sailing compared to that defender.

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
With a thread title like this, it's doomed to be roughly 158% people ignoring everyone else's posts and stating their opinions as if they believe others will see them. (-:
LOL, I love this post.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Wolf_Reign View Post
Yeah.. you haven't seen my Peacebringer.

I personally believe the PB's to be one of the best AT when you know how to play it.
2 heals.
2 great melee
1 res toggle
3 good chaining blasts
1 good aoe
1 good pbaoe
1 good cone
Inherit Flight
Photon seekers are beast

Yeah theres more. But, when it comes to pve, i will most likely out dps you.
When it comes to pvp, I will most likely decimate you.

Do not ever underestimate PB's.
Okay this isn't the point of the thread, but I'm gonna just quickly use my Peacebringer experience to shoot you down.

-Since one heal is an ally heal and one is a self heal, it's more like one heal either way. Neither of them are good.
-You can't make an attack chain out of two 'great' melees. Trust me, I tried.
-You need more than a single res toggle to have any sort of staying power.
-Blasts actually aren't very good. They do chain, though.
-I tried them, the AoEs aren't very good either.
-Inherent flight's not that much of a bonus these days, since every build can spare a slot for a travel power and even the ones that don't can get Ninja Run.
-Photon Seekers are pretty good, but that's one good, unique power in twenty-seven.
-Actually there's two, and I can tell you aren't even very good as a Peacebringer because you didn't take it into account, Light Form is pretty great nowadays but doesn't really make up for the rest.

I steered clear of suggesting Peacebringers in my opening post, because technically speaking they aren't a powerset, but Peacebringers are pretty rubbish. You also didn't mention the tons of often hard to control knockback. Depending on your build they can play like a poorly built Blaster or an even worse Scrapper, and the only real way to salvage it is to turn into a Blaster with very few blasts and Overload.

Warshades are pretty good though if you get the build and timing right.

I will say for the most part I'm liking this thread, though, even if people's personal distastes are seeping through (Illusion's not a choice many would agree with, but I suppose you can technically argue it's a bad control set by virtue of having very little of it). Ice Control seems to have a consensus built up as the worst control set, which I'll admit I didn't consider largely because I forgot it existed.



Well if you want objectively the worst sets you can just pull the numbers. It's pretty easy to rank anything based on stats like worst damage in ranged/control/melee or worst recharge or etc.

but for the most part, people aren't number crunchers so they'll run off what's subjectively the worst.



Force Field
Trick Arrow
Sonic Resonance

...As a frequent support player, these sets I personally find the worst.
They are so horrendously BORING to play.
The numbers are all ok, but they just don't hold up to a fun gaming experience in the modern game.
Also outside sonic, the visuals of FF, TA and Emp are dated.



My two penn'orth:

+1 for Electric Blast. Really disappointing and despite having an E3 blaster at level 50 who was my 2nd or 3rd ever 50 that at the moment I can't bring myself to delete Ive lost count the number of times I've considered deleting him.

+1 for Force Fields. Another set that I want to like but just fall asleep everytime I roll one. Anyone with a bots / FF MM toon should have it deleted and forced to roll a toon that makes them have something to do. Everytime I see someone with one (and there was a time when it seemed like EVERYONE had one Redside), a part of me cries inside.

Kinetic Melee. Probably the highest level toon I've ever deleted. Had a KM / WP brute at level 37 and it looked and sounded quite cool but it was a little slow; ultimately a bit dull to play.

As for PBs, yes with the changes that have been made to Light Form and the form animation changes, they are better, but imo the damage is still sub par. In actual fact a PB has 3 self heals. Two in human form and one in Dwarf. I'm enjoying mine at the moment but that's only after putting money into it to more or less perma Light Form. The recharge bonus associated with that makes all the other attacks cycle faster making it a "little often" type toon. KB is easily manageable if you play intelligently, so not really a major problem imo.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"