Part 2. What should every trial participant know?
I expect members of my iTrial teams to know/do four things:
-- Pay attention to league chat (this of course assumes they know how to add it to a tab)
-- Follow directions
-- Ask questions about the method, or things you don't understand
-- Not give up, even if it looks bad; method is modifiable, suggestions can turn the tide (sometimes)
Beyond that, things are handled case by case. I will tolerate a different level of "goof off" and junior leadering on a normal run than an Mo run, for instance. Sometimes a leaguemate is well trusted, and I will let him co-lead... then I additionally expect the league to act accordingly when he says things.
As for some of your other questions, I value any valid suggestion. But when folks on a Magi run are yelling "don't die," well DUH! I'd prefer they just shutup, of course no one wants to die. That's like yelling "use powers."
I think that my point about asking questions covers most of the rest. If someone doesn't know what to do, or missed instructions during an AFK, don't guess what to do, or just stand there... ask! I think my biggest annoyance is when a league member refuses any responsibility in light of them "not knowing" something. Then bloody ask about it. For instance, using Lambda temps: it drives me bonkers that no one ever keeps their powers and insists on passing them off. How hard is it to click a button when the screen flashes WHEN to click it?
Related to the topic: I ran a Tin Mage the other day and tried for Hacker. I stated that, gave some instructions about waiting to enter the building, twice and then again later when someone asked and while we cleared Clockwork someone clicked the door the moment the last War Walker was down. Okay, whatever, people miss stuff... that wasn't too horrendous. However, when I stated that we missed the badge, and folks were supposed to wait, they chewed ME out for not saying anything. Moral of the story is, don't blame the leader because you can't read. Also, read the chat... and as I keep saying, ask if unsure.
On my phone ATM, so this'll be brief.
The main thing I expect is that people be able to read, interpret and follow league chat instructions.
The most important thing after that is that they know how to play their character in a team situation.
Trial/league play is massively different to solo, and to me at least requires different priorities.
I may expand later when I've got a proper keyboard available.
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
1. Listen to the league leader.
2. It's not your trial. Do as the league leader says.
3. It's not your trial. Don't try to change the stated goal of the league just because you see an opportunity to get what you really wanted to begin with (ie - a more experienced leader logging in that can get you that last MO badge.)
4. It's not your trial. You don't have the right to demand who gets invited or not invited based on how many stars you, personally, have above their head. Feel free to ask, but no is no. You can give your spot to someone else if that's a problem.
5. It's not your trial. Somebody screws up and gets called out by the leader, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT while the trial is in progress! The offender has been corrected, no need to join in. In fact, it's probably best for the entire league if chatter over the league channel is kept to a minimum anyway so instructions can be seen and heeded with more reliability.
Sorry. Had to get that out of the way. Now, reading that you might think I'd led a few trials and been burnt. You'd be wrong. I've led a total of two trials since they came out, both times when no one else would step up to lead them. The first one I led succeeded, and everyone was very grateful. The second one failed, and everyone was very gracious. Since then, I've found the behavior I've seen from a surprising number of members more than a little sickening. To the point that lately I've preferred the small team incarnate path of DA to the trials, regardless of how long it takes.
I have nothing but respect for anyone willing to pass out the cudgels to up to 47 other people and risk being verbally beaten with them if everyone isn't A-1 spiffy happy when it's all said and done. Hat's off to ya, folks.
BUT to the OP, some screen layout tips that have helped me on the occasions that I HAVE run in trials:
I tend to like a few windows being open (like the map) more than most, so I go into the preferences and knock the window size down to about 85%.
The big thing I like to do for trials, raids and anything involving a league is to designate the fourth custom chanel (the "4) on the menu options above the chat window) as the League/Request channel on all my characters. THEN I click on the upper left button on the window frame to unattach it from the chat window and return the league view to its proper place. The new "League/Request" window I drag down to the left of the chat window and size accordingly. My inspiration window is always popped out and kept down front in the center of the bottom, and since my eyes tend to be in that area anyway (to see what inspirations to click) it's easy for me to see instructions as they come out.
IMHO every member of the league ought to know how to create a chat tab and keep it out during the trial.
Now I think it helps to have read the guides for the trials (although I will again repeat my desire to see those official guides placed in some sort of contact dialogue in-game similar to the RWZ raid coordinator) but it isn't absolutely necessary. And I sure don't think it's necessary to communicate your knowledge to the league leader. But just as a league leader has a spare tray full of macros for giving instructions, every trial participant needs to have a spare tray for macros that they can use over the course of the trial. Like the acid/grenade selection macro, for example. You've got a handy-dandy little "plus" sign over on the far right of your power tray menu options along the top of the tray. It opens up a floating power tray that you can customize to fit. Use it. Love it. My extra tray is 2 across and three deep and sits down to the left of my normal power trays.
(so if you're keeping track, the bottom of my screen has ::Global andTeam Chat/Team Members::League/Request Chat::Inspirations::Extra Power Tray::Power Tray:: )
I can't recall them all right now, but a list of Trial Macros might be a handy thing to publish here and/or keep in an in-game email to send to people.
That's it off the top of my head - hope it helps.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
If you are leading a trial and you know it backward, then a *very* useful command is :
/windowscale scriptui 0.7
(/windowscale costume 0.7 is a good one too

The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
First and foremost: I wish some people knew how to SHUT THE FUDGE UP when the league leader is trying to direct the trial, especially a badge run or when they are directly contradicting what the league leader has said/is saying.
Second: Even though you might disagree with the instructions, follow them. If you have a problem with the instructions, send the leader a tell or talk to them before or after the trial. Just don't try to run roughshod over the leadership during the trial.
2a) Have Request, Leaguechat, Broadcast, and Team channels visible or you might miss something critical.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
If you are leading a trial and you know it backward, then a *very* useful command is :
/windowscale scriptui 0.7 (/windowscale costume 0.7 is a good one too ![]() |
On a related note I'd say a trial goer should read the trial window and understand it. That way they understand what to ignore and what to pay attention to.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
This might have been the wrong question to ask after a few weeks of me being on Magisterium badge attempts.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Hit the GREEN button.
I've even had to ask players to not "drown out" the league leader's instructions last night on a Magisterium badge run.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
And finally, this. Trials can be hectic in general, and league leaders are put in the unenviable position of "cat herder." If you want a trial done in a specific way, feel free to step up to the plate and form/lead one of your own, but don't try to override the league leader because you think you can do better. If you've joined a league, you've agreed to be a follower... so follow.
Also, it's a major irritation to have players using speech keybinds linked to power actvation during trials. There's enough relevant chat going on to fill the window without cluttering things up with "Bi teh p0w3r uv Numskullz!" or "$target, you are taunted" or (even worse), "Hover boots activate/deactivate". Does the league really need an announcement when you turn Hover on and off??!? Some of these are very clever and amusing... once. Most are not.
As always, YMMV
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
1. Listen to the league leader.
2. It's not your trial. Do as the league leader says. 3. It's not your trial. Don't try to change the stated goal of the league just because you see an opportunity to get what you really wanted to begin with (ie - a more experienced leader logging in that can get you that last MO badge.) 4. It's not your trial. You don't have the right to demand who gets invited or not invited based on how many stars you, personally, have above their head. Feel free to ask, but no is no. You can give your spot to someone else if that's a problem. 5. It's not your trial. Somebody screws up and gets called out by the leader, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT while the trial is in progress! The offender has been corrected, no need to join in. In fact, it's probably best for the entire league if chatter over the league channel is kept to a minimum anyway so instructions can be seen and heeded with more reliability. Sorry. Had to get that out of the way. Now, reading that you might think I'd led a few trials and been burnt. You'd be wrong. I've led a total of two trials since they came out, both times when no one else would step up to lead them. The first one I led succeeded, and everyone was very grateful. The second one failed, and everyone was very gracious. Since then, I've found the behavior I've seen from a surprising number of members more than a little sickening. To the point that lately I've preferred the small team incarnate path of DA to the trials, regardless of how long it takes. I have nothing but respect for anyone willing to pass out the cudgels to up to 47 other people and risk being verbally beaten with them if everyone isn't A-1 spiffy happy when it's all said and done. Hat's off to ya, folks. BUT to the OP, some screen layout tips that have helped me on the occasions that I HAVE run in trials: I tend to like a few windows being open (like the map) more than most, so I go into the preferences and knock the window size down to about 85%. The big thing I like to do for trials, raids and anything involving a league is to designate the fourth custom chanel (the "4) on the menu options above the chat window) as the League/Request channel on all my characters. THEN I click on the upper left button on the window frame to unattach it from the chat window and return the league view to its proper place. The new "League/Request" window I drag down to the left of the chat window and size accordingly. My inspiration window is always popped out and kept down front in the center of the bottom, and since my eyes tend to be in that area anyway (to see what inspirations to click) it's easy for me to see instructions as they come out. IMHO every member of the league ought to know how to create a chat tab and keep it out during the trial. Now I think it helps to have read the guides for the trials (although I will again repeat my desire to see those official guides placed in some sort of contact dialogue in-game similar to the RWZ raid coordinator) but it isn't absolutely necessary. And I sure don't think it's necessary to communicate your knowledge to the league leader. But just as a league leader has a spare tray full of macros for giving instructions, every trial participant needs to have a spare tray for macros that they can use over the course of the trial. Like the acid/grenade selection macro, for example. You've got a handy-dandy little "plus" sign over on the far right of your power tray menu options along the top of the tray. It opens up a floating power tray that you can customize to fit. Use it. Love it. My extra tray is 2 across and three deep and sits down to the left of my normal power trays. (so if you're keeping track, the bottom of my screen has ::Global andTeam Chat/Team Members::League/Request Chat::Inspirations::Extra Power Tray::Power Tray:: ) I can't recall them all right now, but a list of Trial Macros might be a handy thing to publish here and/or keep in an in-game email to send to people. That's it off the top of my head - hope it helps. |
A few other things to add.
6. If you have never been on a particular trial, inform the league leader BEFORE the trial starts. The good trial leaders will ask if anyone has never been on X trial. Even so, its good to speak up sooner than later. Once it starts, its too late, the trial leader is too busy to hold your hand.
7. If you must go afk, say something. RL issues happen, however there are so many people who doorsit, hospital sit and dead sit. If you at least say something, people will give you the benefit of the doubt.
8. Be proactive. Read the guides on how X trial is done. It certainly doesn't hurt.
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

I almost forgot one:
9. IT'S NOT YOUR TRIAL! If you load into a trial first and end up the league leader, HAND THE EFFING STAR BACK TO THE ORIGINAL LEAGUE LEADER!!!!
Not noticing that you have league leadership is one thing, but deliberately keeping the star because you (rightly or wrongly) think you "know better" how to win the trial results in me (on the rare occasion that I'm on a trial) giving you one star and avoiding any trial you might form in the future like the plague, I don't care how good you may be as a league leader.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
1) How to read league chat
2) How to ask if they don't know a mechanic/trial.
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
I think this thread is pretty funny. You can always tell the people who have played games like Everquest where raiding is a major aspect of the game, because they have such a strict, militaristic attitude. I used to lead raids back in EQ, and while I am generally a very casual, jovial guy, I warned everybody that when I am in "raid-leader mode" my instructions are NOT suggestions and failure to follow them will result in expulsion from the raid and possibly never raiding with me again (though fortunately, that level of severity is quite rare).
It's always been my attitude that you can do whatever you like when you're soloing, because you're really only affecting yourself. When teaming, you should be more serious because you're not only risking your own success, but also that of your teammates, who very well may take things much more seriously than you do. When raiding (or doing league trials in this game) your actions can determine the outcome of two dozen or more people's efforts, which is a big responsibility. Think about it, 24 people is enough to play a full regulation soccer game. How would you like it if a player on either team just started goofing off and kicking the ball out of bounds constantly, or just sitting on the grass doing nothing?
Therefore, I think the most important thing every trial participant should know is that everybody else on the trial is depending on them to put forth their best effort, not to screw around, and to maintain a positive attitude.
Ignorance should be educated. Inexperience must be compensated-for. But negligence and disrespect should never be tolerated.
Know what type of trial is being run - normal, badge run, MO.
PAY ATTENTION to the league leaders instructions.
Thats probably the two main ones
but also
Join it. - i.e. Hit the green button
No going AFK without warning.
Participate - no running off to pose for cut scenes.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
You can always tell the people who have played games like Everquest where raiding is a major aspect of the game, because they have such a strict, militaristic attitude.

I fully agree.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
One thing that I notice is that sometimes when the leader is giving instructions, others try to assist the leader in giving instructions when not asked to. Even though what they are saying maybe correct. At times, that should be avoided.That way you wont contradict what the leader is saying.
Everyone should listen to one voice.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Earlier in the week - I asked you folks a question - more to make sure that I was doing my part as an itrial leader than anything else. Within those responses, I got some insight from them - and for that, I thank you all again.
Now, it comes time for something that may have far more than one correct answer - perhaps even a different answer for each trial leader.
I'm sure that for the most part, the most basic element any trial participant should have is to be literate.
There are many different ways to play this game. Some loathe typing, and use something like Skype, or Ventrillo.
I would guess that some of those that use vent or something like it may not even have the chat screen up.
Others do not have league chat enabled. Something that's very easy to miss. 23 other players, I assure you, I won't notice the folks that aren't speaking in league chat unless they send me a tell or make some obvious mistake. It's entirely too easy to not mention to a returning player that perhaps, they should click on league, instead of team, so they can see the league members as well as their team, as well as enabling league chat.
I think it would be greatly beneficial to a lot of players to see how some of you have your screen UI set up. Obviously, some set ups would be so different - but I only learned 6 months ago that I could resize all the windows to give me more space between the windows.
And, that I can use /wdwsave and /wdwload to set it up the same way on new characters.
But, tonight, we had a player who was brand new - or at least seemed to be. So new, he's asking for an invite, but he's blocking accept. I find this common with a lot of newer players; not at all sure why.
Sometimes CoH is just plain glitchy. I was on a dfb once, and when I hit level 2, I stopped getting xp because I was set to earn extra inf while exemplared. That was apparently the default setting for that toon - but not the default setting for the next toon I made just to see what the default setting was.
You other leaders - do you expect folks to understand what you mean when you tell folks to go do acids? Or do you break it down to "Use this macro to target what you need to destroy:
/macro LAM targetcustomnext Chamber$$targetcustomnext Cache
What is it that you think every one that's doing a trial should know?
What is it that you WISH they knew?
If you could tell them what they could do to be more valued, what would it be?
We're all different - if a player has a suggestion or an idea, would you prefer that to be a tell, or just that they shaddup and run their own trial if they're so smart?
The LFG queue - should they know that if they get d/c'd, they can click lfg and choose to rejoin last event? Or is that something that we all get sooner or later just by playing?
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese