A new IO, and a brand new build?




For those that aren't aware, the summer event (see thread here)

is bringing one new little IO:

It gives any damage attack without knockback the chance to knock things down...but it turns any damaging knockback power into a knockdown.
(per positron)

I know, old news to some, and one little IO, right? But now as I've been playing, I've been looking at powers in a different way as I level. My peacebringer has a love/hate with reaction to solar flare, especially when teamed. It does great damage, but many times I have to wait for the right position to use it, or until someone locks down with a -KB power. My fire dominator likes bonfire for concept/visual reasons, but as an area denial power it has few times when its KB is actually put to good, full use. My dark/Storm likes his tornado, but it scatters from his control if things aren't immobilized. My assault rifle blaster likes the damage from M30 grenade, but it has to be used in a certain order or it undoes some positioning for other AoE's. My rad/rad characters always shied away from electron haze as it scattered their toggles. All of these powers would work very differently if they knocked things down while not scattering them.

A similar thing happened when the ATO's were introduced, all of a sudden my tankers were redoing their attacks to slo tthe +res IO, same for my dominators and their +damage proc, and stalkers with their +hide IO.

I know it's fickle, but has a new invention set, or even new singular IO ever had you redo how you build a character? (From redoing slots up to taking entirely new powers?) If so, what IO and how did it change your character?



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
it turns any damaging knockback power into a knockdown.
Does this mean that it will not work with powers like Hand Clap?

Edit: Well obviously it wouldn't...since Hand Clap doesn't take damage sets. That's a shame...but a great IO for certain powersets and ATs nonetheless.



Well, it's for the same reason as you mentioned, but the overwhelming force antiproc is why I'm working on a claws/dark scrapper right now. My principal build goal is to make my teammates stop and say, "Uh, are you allowed to do that?" My reply shall be, "Apparently I am!"



I'd be a bit surprised if this single IO turns the Knockback in Bonfire into Knockdown, because a high damage knockdown patch can be very powerful - one click to neutralise and defeat a spawn.

I think there was an exploit a while back with the KB-resistant robot minions of Neuron or Synapse could be kept in a Bonfire if they were +5 or so, and special code was put in place to prevent people from doing this.



Upcoming new Feature Movie:
"Return of the Nrg/Nrg Blaster"

If only the single Proc affected all powers with the KB - KD.



My PB will be spamming Solar Flare with this



Couple things.. Am i seeing this right Min. Level 47? That gives me a sad face i was hoping to use one for my energy/energy blaster so she could actually hover down some!

Which makes me wonder if theses will even be transferable ( you know like winter's gift)



I am going to definitely try and get one of these and put it in my Grav/Storm Controller's Tornado. It will allow me to keep it up and have it follow me around and not worry about the KB scattering mobs

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by Alpha-Six View Post
Couple things.. Am i seeing this right Min. Level 47? That gives me a sad face i was hoping to use one for my energy/energy blaster so she could actually hover down some!

Which makes me wonder if theses will even be transferable ( you know like winter's gift)
If you check the linked thread, you'll note these can be traded/sold. The level 47 minimum is for the level 50 version, and I believe these are start earlier, but behave like ATO's and are 'attuned'.



has a new invention set, or even new singular IO ever had you redo how you build a character?
Blessing of the Zephyr: KB protection changed the way some of my characters got built. Unbounded Leap: Stealth (and any KB protection) made all my blasters very much better.

A lot of people made some changes when LoTG: 7.5% Global Recharge came out.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Blessing of the Zephyr: KB protection changed the way some of my characters got built. Unbounded Leap: Stealth (and any KB protection) made all my blasters very much better.

A lot of people made some changes when LoTG: 7.5% Global Recharge came out.
It's funny you mention that, now that I think about it I rarely used stealth from the concealment pool before the stealth IO's. But with that little gadget, the possibility of full invisibility between the two stacked has made it a very handy single pick power. (And the fact that stealth takes luck of the gambler helps even more)



Hmm damage powers only? Bah, there goes my plans on putting into Handclap..

Though it could be hella useful for those powers with "scattery" Knockback, like Explosive Arrow or Frag Grenade.. I might pick up Electron Haze on my /Rad defender now, if I can make room for it.

Could work nicely in Gale, turning that power into a KB power should make it quite strong, but then again it might serve better in Tornado. All depends on the player and the other powe r set I suppose.

Heh, it would make Repulsion Field a mighty useful power if only you slot it into that.. And we'll have to see how its handled in Bonfire, that could be a beast.

Any word on how long these will be available? I'm guessing we're gonna want to load up on them if they are limited time, since they are non-tradable, and who knows what kind of builds a person will come up with sometime down the line..



Since IO sets are assigned to powers individually (not by category), it's entirely possible the devs just won't assign this one to Bonfire.



This IO has the potential to create the most massive respec campaign I have done since Issue 19 when Fitness pool became free and added 3 extra powers for everyone..

Peacebringer.. check
Nrg/Nrg Blaster.. check..
Storm Ice Controller..check...
Ice/Thorn Dominator.. check..
Rad/Rad Defender.. check
Rad/MM Blaster.. Check..
arch/Dev Blaster.. Check..

and thats off the top of my head.. better start saving up influence

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
A lot of people made some changes when LoTG: 7.5% Global Recharge came out.
I'm sure they did... since, y'know, that's the day Inventions became a thing in the game.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



For all of issue 9 I avoided slotting more than a single lotg global per character because I was positive that they were meant to be unique. Heh. Also they cost like eight million influence! Is that crazy or what?



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
"Chance for kb to kd" meaning it has to proc....
Er...this was covered in the original post. Any KB has a 100% chance to become KD in said power. Unless Positron was incorrect.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
I know it's fickle, but has a new invention set, or even new singular IO ever had you redo how you build a character? (From redoing slots up to taking entirely new powers?) If so, what IO and how did it change your character?
Lets see for my kat/SR scrapper;

Before I could afford them my build didn't had any purple or PvP IO and its structure was quiet different as well as its power selection and slotting.

After I could afford two purple set (hecatomb and armageddon) by collecting more than half through gameplay and getting others from a friend that leave the game for good. My build changed but not too much drastically.

Later I manage to get a gladiator -res proc and once again my build changed once again to put it in GD.

When I got into incarnate content my build didn't changed at all but I know a couple of friends changed their builds based on alpha and destiny.

When we got enhancement boosters however my build went a big overhaul. I removed maneuvre completely from my build removed most of red fortunes in my SR powers and replaced them with three LoTG's and put CJ to save a couple more slots, put more slot on health and tough and removed a slot from hasten and still keep it 3 second away from perma.

When ATO and catalyst came in my second big overhaul happened, I removed CJ as well and had enough inf at this point to get a shield wall+res and glad armor +def, with addition of these my build moved away from focusing on getting enough defense from sets and even slotting for enough defense on powers it actually become a race to not get overboarded. I always aimed normal defense cap because I can survive in incarnate content with less problem thanks to judgement, lore and destiny and it only matter in solo content of DA since while in a team I had more than enough def for itrials and I always keep recharge at the same level to let me use almost perma hasten so my focus moved on health, damage and edurance in respective order.

On beta I was lucky to get my hands on 2nd ATO's and I can say that another big overhaul will be coming on my way when they are released.

So yes I made lots of changes on my character based on what is released and from bonuses of this I will probably get it up to 5 and slot it. I amnot sure if I will overhaul the build though from what I see this has similiar bonuses of 2nd ATO I am planing to put so I may use this as a base.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Er...this was covered in the original post. Any KB has a 100% chance to become KD in said power. Unless Positron was incorrect.
Oh I didn't click the link.

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