When will Advanced iXP be available elsewhere

Agent White



Originally Posted by BLYKMYK View Post
- What makes the other trials more fun?
Better reward vs time ratio and more rewarding and less gimmicky encounters for the goodies.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
What I'm frustrated about, with regard to this trial, is mostly the lack of options. When the iTrials first came out, the impression that was given was that over time we'd have an ever expanding pool of ways to advance through 'Incarnateness', for lack of a better work. And, while it was slow, it gradually did expand, and eventually we even saw a decent, if slow, solo/small team path.

All of that progression was a positive in my opinion. Now, suddenly, we take 5 steps back. There is only one option to progress again. There aren't even 2 or 3 iTrials to choose from, and certainly not even solo path. I see why they did it, they are hoping to force the players into trying they latest, but I don't think it's a good decision. They were finally to a point where you had some variety of options...

I wanted to check the Magisterium out, and see it to it's conclusion, but with the oods being high I'll end up in a farn, and the railroaded feeling I'm getting, I think I'll just give it a pass for now.. I've got plenty of 50s that still need all their t4s, and plenty of alts still on the path to 50 that I won't get bored if I wait till there are more options.

This is one of the big points I have been trying to make on this isse. When all this started we had a huge mass of complaints from different sources.. The BAF and the LAM "forced" us to run the same trial over and over if we wanted to open Lore or Destiny and gain extra level shift. There was no way at all for a person to solo or join small teams (2-7) and gain Xp, threads,,ect and open powers.

Then new trials were added and we even got the ability to use the astrals and empyreans we had on one character to help another by emailing threads. Then .. we got the ability to outright BUY slots open using those same threads we could now email. We went from two trials that we had to do in order to open powers to a total of 7 and some trials even allowed a character to collect both kinds of XP. Heck its slow as can be but its even possible to street sweep in Dark Astoria and get both types of IXP. And now we went back to square one and have ONE trial we have to do if we ever want to open Hybrid. There is no story arc that offers up Adv. IXP to solist, there is no place to go a street sweep to earn AIXP and there certainly is no way YET to use threads and INF and buy the slot open.

And yet .. there must be half a dozen threads out right now with players bad mouthing other players for farming Phase one of the Magi and quickly and easily opening the slot. Now I have never been much for farming in the past but I never outright condemned anyone else for doing it either.. But somehow despite all the steps backward the devs took introducing this new XP and power to us certain people seem to feel its "not playing the game right" to farm the Magi. The last time I checked there was no definative book published by NC Soft saying there was any one way to play this game.. unless it violates the TOS a player can play any way they see fit. And the last time I checked quitting a mission. TF, Trial or whatever was not a violation of any rule.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I don't understand why the mobs and arcs in Dark Astoria don't at least award this new XP. If they're going to make us kill a ton of pixels for this stuff, at least let us do it while waiting for trials (mobs) or during mission completion (Arcs).

Missed opportunity all over the place...

Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
The last time I checked there was no definative book published by NC Soft saying there was any one way to play this game.. unless it violates the TOS a player can play any way they see fit. And the last time I checked quitting a mission. TF, Trial or whatever was not a violation of any rule.
Well seeing MArty...I wouldn't be surprised to see IXNay coming out next.

"IXNay on the bridHyay people! This new tool will throttle your iXP intake if the game sees you are earning too much, too quickly. All part of our commitment to a balanced levelling experience for all." Whee...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
"IXNay on the bridHyay people! This new tool will throttle your iXP intake if the game sees you are earning too much, too quickly. All part of our commitment to a balanced levelling experience for all." Whee...
Looks like another veiled individual desire to control "other" people's ixp rate yet again when the devs are doing a good job of that already.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



If the idea was to "force" players to try out the new iTrial (and I use "force" pretty losely here), instead of gimmicking with new salvage or new iXP or what-have-you, couldn't have they set it up so Hybrid would unlock with (massive amounts of) normal Physical/Psychic iXP - delete as applicable - BUT only if :

- the character had unlocked BOTH lore and destiny slots AND
- the character had the badge for a succesful run of the Magisterium Trial?

That way, no need to force people to grind/farm it to unlock, no new currencies anywhere, and happy people all around. I'm sure it wouldn't have been any harder to code than adding a new XP type, even. I mean, we have the tech for badge-checking on multiple things - even dialogue options. Why not on incarnate unlocks? Wouldn't have been much different from a stats-boosting accolage grant.

And that way I could spank Tyrant's level-shifted booty ONCE (more than enough in a lot of people's book, apparently) and go back to cleaning out the streets of DA.



Originally Posted by Netphenix5 View Post
If the idea was to "force" players to try out the new iTrial (and I use "force" pretty losely here), instead of gimmicking with new salvage or new iXP or what-have-you, couldn't have they set it up so Hybrid would unlock with (massive amounts of) normal Physical/Psychic iXP - delete as applicable - BUT only if :

- the character had unlocked BOTH lore and destiny slots AND
- the character had the badge for a succesful run of the Magisterium Trial?

That way, no need to force people to grind/farm it to unlock, no new currencies anywhere, and happy people all around. I'm sure it wouldn't have been any harder to code than adding a new XP type, even. I mean, we have the tech for badge-checking on multiple things - even dialogue options. Why not on incarnate unlocks? Wouldn't have been much different from a stats-boosting accolage grant.

And that way I could spank Tyrant's level-shifted booty ONCE (more than enough in a lot of people's book, apparently) and go back to cleaning out the streets of DA.
Clearly there were other/better ways recommended during BETA that got ignored in favor of the one trial fits all method employed.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
In between LFG/Queue failures yesterday, I unlocked Hybrid on 3 of my Incarnates. All on farm teams.

I've not even SEEN Tyrant yet. Rather frustrating.

It seems everyone just farms the Mag and once they have unlocked Hybrid they go run BAF or SLAMs to get components.

Surely the devs could have seen this coming?
My opinion is they knew this would happen. The reason behind gating Hybrid behind this trial is that they wanted players to play Magi, and they knew the only way to do this was to make it the only way to unlock the power.

After the previous few trials came out, players still favored Lam and BaF and if memory serves me correct the devs were not happy that they spent a lot of time and effort creating those trials and players weren't running them, thus they tweaked the end rewards by giving guaranteed rare, vary rare and increased Emps. I can't find the thread but I think they even make a "threat" about what they were willing to do if players didn't start playing the new trials.

Personally I've only been on two runs, one successful with my dark/dark controller. Unfortunate for me I have a desire to unlock the slots on my Staff/EA Brute and on Victory it seems you either need to be +3 or a debuffer so a solo path would be welcome.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
After the previous few trials came out, players still favored Lam and BaF and if memory serves me correct the devs were not happy that they spent a lot of time and effort creating those trials and players weren't running them, thus they tweaked the end rewards by giving guaranteed rare, vary rare and increased Emps. I can't find the thread but I think they even make a "threat" about what they were willing to do if players didn't start playing the new trials.
rewards/efficiency are the only motivations that work on large masses of gamers. When you get punitive, they walk.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I have never played CoH for the new-shinies. I run iTrials because they are fun. I love the camaraderie and the satisfaction of working toward a common goal with friends and strangers. It's a Band-of-Brothers kind of thing for me. The new-shinies come as a matter-of-course; they are a side effect of playing normally. From reading this thread I just realized what a complete lunatic I must be