Praetorian Infernal

Agent White



Are the gods pan-dimensional? Has Praetoria ever had Lilitu (Infernals mom)? Or does she exist in all dimensions?


K'Varr D'Shall was the most skilled demon binder in the Order of the Crimson Lotus on an alternate Earth. His order bound demons into their weapons and armor, in order to keep Infernal Earth from being overrun by them. They were maintaining and uneasy peace until K'Varr's best friend T'Keron grew jealous of his comrade's power and skill. T'Keron attempted to bind Valmaz, Lord of Demons, but lost control of the ceremony. K'Varr arrived to help his friend, but it was too late. K'Varr, T'Keron, and Valmaz were all drawn through a dimensional rip caused by the binding ceremony onto Primal Earth, our Earth. T'Keron and the Demon Lord were bound together by the potent mystic forces.
The ways of our world are strange to K'Varr but Numina is assisting him in becoming acclimated and beginning his search for the unholy fusion of T'Keron and Valmaz.
So, Infernal comes from Infernal Earth.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
So, Infernal comes from Infernal Earth.
I wish I had a whole dimension named after me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Any setting that involves alternative dimensions means this is going to happen often.
It wouldn't be such a bad ship if it weren't for the implied narcissism. I mean. GG, wouldn't you find the egotism implied in say a GG/praetoria GG slash picture of fic a bit unsettling? That people are implying you would believe the only one attractive enough for you is yourself or some doppelganger?

Frankly, for me, it's unsettling like Shirou Emiya/Archer all over again.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Why not? I'm about to run through it on my Brute, but first, Unai Kennison's arc.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
It wouldn't be such a bad ship if it weren't for the implied narcissism. I mean. GG, wouldn't you find the egotism implied in say a GG/praetoria GG slash picture of fic a bit unsettling? That people are implying you would believe the only one attractive enough for you is yourself or some doppelganger?

Frankly, for me, it's unsettling like Shirou Emiya/Archer all over again.

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Twitter: @TonyParkeze





It's fairly obvious that each dimension has its own sub-dimensions.

Consider Hell.

If there were only one hell, just how much of this singular hell is taken up by Hitler?Primal hitler, Preatorian Hitler, Warwolf world Hitler and so on.

If there were just one hell it would be a crisis of infinite Hitlers.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Thing is, Infernal is described as Lilitu's son. Lilitu is summoned on Primal Earth, but Infernal's from his own world. So either he is Lilitu's kid, or as far as the magic is concerned, he's her kid. That or some of the magic stuff and higher level magical entities like Lilitu operate on their own set of rules regarding dimensions.

As for where's Infernal? I figure since a good chunk of Praetoria is covered with DE monsters, he decided to just walk the Earth, killing any monsters he wanders across.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
It wouldn't be such a bad ship if it weren't for the implied narcissism. I mean. GG, wouldn't you find the egotism implied in say a GG/praetoria GG slash picture of fic a bit unsettling? That people are implying you would believe the only one attractive enough for you is yourself or some doppelganger?
I don't know. That's kind of why I like to talk to myself. It's nice to have an intelligent person to talk to on occasion.


MAN that makes me come off like a larger-than-usual jerk...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Thing is, Infernal is described as Lilitu's son. Lilitu is summoned on Primal Earth, but Infernal's from his own world. So either he is Lilitu's kid, or as far as the magic is concerned, he's her kid. That or some of the magic stuff and higher level magical entities like Lilitu operate on their own set of rules regarding dimensions.
Who's to say that Lilitu didn't just pop over to K'Varr D'Shall's home dimension for some R&R, get cozy with some of the locals, and wind up in the family way several years before K'V was born? She could always drop the li'l bundle of demon-binding joy off once he was born, maybe even having a cup of tea with his dad before disappearing again. That way he's Lilitu's son and from a different dimension.



I suspect that, if they continue the Praetoria zones up in level past Night Ward, Prae!Infernal will show up there. They might opt against it, but I always figured that there would eventually be Praetorian content all the way to 50. Maybe, circa level 40s or so, Infernal is defeated/scared off and thus never participates in the iTrials (since they would come 'later' in the timeline).

NCSoft will be getting no more of my money and my GW2 purchase was halted the day of the announcement. I'm a loyal and very profitable customer. I hope to return to giving them all of my money, should CoH survive.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
It wouldn't be such a bad ship if it weren't for the implied narcissism. I mean. GG, wouldn't you find the egotism implied in say a GG/praetoria GG slash picture of fic a bit unsettling? That people are implying you would believe the only one attractive enough for you is yourself or some doppelganger?
Does it have to imply that, though? Unless you think that's implied in any pairing, I guess -- I know some fandoms have a lot of the 'One True Pairing' type of shipping. Generally, though, I don't think it's the conclusion I'd reach. (I'd probably assume that someone reeeeeeeally liked GG :-)

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
I'd probably assume that someone reeeeeeeally liked GG :-)
Which - of course - no one does.

She's our resident troll.


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Twitter: @TonyParkeze





Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And by "best friend", you mean "lover", right?
Pics or it didn't happen.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
It wouldn't be such a bad ship if it weren't for the implied narcissism. I mean. GG, wouldn't you find the egotism implied in say a GG/praetoria GG slash picture of fic a bit unsettling? That people are implying you would believe the only one attractive enough for you is yourself or some doppelganger?
I'd wonder what the heck was wrong with the artist/writer

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Then I suppose you'd be even more puzzled if they were both depicted as futanari.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Then I suppose you'd be even more puzzled if they were both depicted as futanari.
Rule 34.