Question about Dark Astoria




I am not sure if this was designed this way. I think though in a sense it poses a problem. I am on the Exalted server. I already ran the DA arcs fully through about a week and half ago. Loved them.

Here is the problem.

I wanted to take a team into DA and rerun the arcs for fun. Many of us came to DA, I had mistakenly thought that I could just rerun the arc. After we tried, one person on the team noted that he thought the only way to rerun the arc was through Oro.

So off the team went to Oro.

Sure enough he was right. There the arcs were as missions I could select from the Oro crystal.

Too our surprise I got an error message that stated that we could not run it as a team because at least one or more people on the team (besides myself) had not done the arc in the past.

So..........I could not lead a 2nd run within DA, yet I could not lead a run in Oro.

I really wanted to introduce the arc to the group (not all of them were 40-50) for fun.

Just seemed to be a bit counterproductive to me. The people on the team who had not yet done the arcs in DA, were not quite high enough level to get the arc in DA. Those on the team that were--- had already run it.

Regardless of the process, or the reasons why, lets make things easier for teams who want to run content, even content thats at level 50.

I rarely complain about this game, I love it. That just left a bad taste. The group eventually went about their separate ways. :/

Maybe I was just doing something wrong?

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Originally Posted by MCG_Warface View Post
I really wanted to introduce the arc to the group (not all of them were 40-50) for fun.
Best not to run DA arcs if you don't have your Alpha slot unlocked. The reward table will count as you "first time" table for the arc so when you do get your Alpha unlocked you won't get a "free" shot at a component.



Originally Posted by MCG_Warface View Post
Maybe I was just doing something wrong?
Nope. That's how it works.

Everything about the DA arcs discourages teaming. To get enough components to make your powers in a reasonable time frame (a month) you have to run one to three arcs through Ouro every day. Since you can only do this through Ouro, you are forced to stealth them solo to get incarnated in any reasonable amount of time.

This tediousness is almost certainly intentional. Getting iXP, components and astral/empyrean merits through incarnate trials is at least an order of magnitude easier and faster. The reason is simple: iTrials are themselves so annoying and inconvenient that a solo path that was only, say, twice as onerous would be far more attractive and would make iTrials totally obsolete.

As it is, it may be that DA has almost totally sucked the life out of iTrials on the servers where I play. Three or four trials used to be run nightly back-to-back, but now I see an odd one running maybe a couple of times a week, if that. Part of it is due to incarnate burnout, I'm sure, but acquaintances who used to run iTrials frequently are now running DA content or lowbies instead.



Originally Posted by MCG_Warface View Post
Too our surprise I got an error message that stated that we could not run it as a team because at least one or more people on the team (besides myself) had not done the arc in the past.

So..........I could not lead a 2nd run within DA, yet I could not lead a run in Oro.

I really wanted to introduce the arc to the group (not all of them were 40-50) for fun.
Wow. That sounds like a bug. If it's not a bug, it's a stupid design decision.
Is it possible the error message was unclear and it was not letting you run the arc because you had teammates below level 50? That would make sense.

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Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
It would be better if Taskmaster Gabriel handed out the arcs after you've done them once, and that they worked like normal missions.
Or just put a Ouroboros crystal beside Heather

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Or just put a Ouroboros crystal beside Heather
BTW GG, Love the comics you put up on deviant art! Was that from that 3D poser program?

I had done a series myself, but unfortunately all were lost when the server that hosted mine went away, then my personal computer got a virus. Perfect storm of losing months of work

All my original art done by me or done by friends is under Warface99 here:

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
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Originally Posted by MCG_Warface View Post
. . .I wanted to take a team into DA and rerun the arcs for fun. . . I really wanted to introduce the arc to the group (not all of them were 40-50) for fun.
Why are you taking them into a 50+ zone? Is this how you treat your friends or it it some secreat plan to do them in?

Even Nylonus who isn't all Incarnated out, but has all 5 powers unlocked and at least slotted still calls in air support, ground troops, and medi-vacs while in there. But then again he is just a whimpy blaster.



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
Why are you taking them into a 50+ zone? Is this how you treat your friends or it it some secreat plan to do them in?

Even Nylonus who isn't all Incarnated out, but has all 5 powers unlocked and at least slotted still calls in air support, ground troops, and medi-vacs while in there. But then again he is just a whimpy blaster.
Nylonus we both know four things:

1. Zombies are cool.
2. Warface and Septimus Bane are overpowered, and team need not worry.
3. I provide cheetoes and beer to my teammates.
4. See number one.

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
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Originally Posted by MCG_Warface View Post
BTW GG, Love the comics you put up on deviant art! Was that from that 3D poser program?
I use Poser and other 3D programs for the basic renders, then add lots of posetwork to get the "drawn digital" effect that I'm looking for.

I had done a series myself, but unfortunately all were lost when the server that hosted mine went away, then my personal computer got a virus. Perfect storm of losing months of work

All my original art done by me or done by friends is under Warface99 here:
I'm pretty sure that you can still do some kind of data recovery to get them back from your computer.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I use Poser and other 3D programs for the basic renders, then add lots of posetwork to get the "drawn digital" effect that I'm looking for.

I'm pretty sure that you can still do some kind of data recovery to get them back from your computer.
I formatted the hard drive out of anger. Was having a rough week a few years ago. :/

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Or just put a Ouroboros crystal beside Heather
That doesn't solve the problem of running them and then wanting to lead a team that contains people who haven't done them yet.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
That doesn't solve the problem of running them and then wanting to lead a team that contains people who haven't done them yet.
How so? I can access DA arcs I've yet to complete through ouro. It might not allow people under 45 to join the team, I forget, but it would let fellow incarnates team up for them regardless of whether they'd done them previously.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
How so? I can access DA arcs I've yet to complete through ouro. It might not allow people under 45 to join the team, I forget, but it would let fellow incarnates team up for them regardless of whether they'd done them previously.
According to the OP, not being able to access DA arcs people haven't already completed through Oz is exactly the problem. How would the location of the crystal change that problem?

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



I agree with the OP. This is exacerbated by the fact that once you've run the set, the fact that it's in Oroborous puts an end to mixed teaming too. You can have heroes and villains team together all through the first section of missions, but that ends as soon as you bring Oroborous into the equation.

They need to be set up, from the first time on, similar to TF's. Have it be for levels 45-50 if they have to, but make them accessable from in-zone for mixed teaming. Yes that means that not anybody of any level can come along for the first run, but it's a mite more flexible than the way it's currently set up. Better yet, make them work like A.E. arcs in that you start the "Task Force" with a (required) level 50 then can invite anyone you want along, guaranteeing that at least a 50 is at the helm. That'll keep it's 'first run' flexibility, without shutting anyone (except non-VIP's who won't be able to be invited) out.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
According to the OP, not being able to access DA arcs people haven't already completed through Oz is exactly the problem. How would the location of the crystal change that problem?
I could have sworn I'd tried it before and had it work, but I just tried it now and it indeed did not. Maybe I was confusing it with First Ward. At any rate, it definitely would be nice not only to be able to run have runs with have not runs in ouro but to just be able to repeat the arcs in an open team format. I like the idea of Gabriel giving them out on repeat runs.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I could have sworn I'd tried it before and had it work, but I just tried it now and it indeed did not. Maybe I was confusing it with First Ward. At any rate, it definitely would be nice not only to be able to run have runs with have not runs in ouro but to just be able to repeat the arcs in an open team format. I like the idea of Gabriel giving them out on repeat runs.
Thanks all for the info. Hopefully they will consider a change.

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