State of the story, questions. Spoilers inside.

Agent White



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
So I took a small hiatus to let the game come out with new content
And in the meantime someone took your shtick, but isn't doing nearly as good a job of it. We missed you, Ultimus I'm actually serious.

Originally Posted by Midnight_Guard View Post
If you want to know more about the Ascended, talk to Prometheus after doing DD.
Is there any place where one can read through Papa Smurf's plot exposition dump without having to suffer through the iTrials? I wanted to try ParagonWiki, but was advised that what's in there is incomplete and redundant.

Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
They are altered humans but, as I mentioned, they killed all magic on their world, which would include their own Well of Furies (along with all their gods)
Neither the gods nor the Well of the Furies are magic in nature. For the gods, that's actually stated repeatedly in canon. Both Virgil Tarikoss and War Witch agree that first there was the power of the divine, and then there was specifically and separately magic. They disagree on who discovered/developed/invented magic, with Virgil insisting it was humans from whom the gods learned it (and he's probably wrong, given Ermeeth's fate) and War Witch insisting that Tielekku discovered magic and taught it to the other gods, who in turn taught it to humans. This is actually a central point in the war between Tielekku's pantheon of good gods and Lughebu's banished pantheon of dark, life-stealing gods. Lughebu and his allies were monumentally stronger than Tielekku's alliance, having one god to each of her hundred, and still nearly winning. It was Tielekku who brought magic to the battlefield that eventually turned the tide and earned her the victory.

What the Rikti did on their world wasn't to "kill magic" because magic is not a thing. You can no more kill magic than you can kill the concept of objects moving in relation to each other. What the Rikti killed was their gods, which they accomplished by murdering all of their followers. Magic they did not kill, simply stopped practising it and forgot how to do so.

The Well of the Furies is never specifically said to not be magic, but it has also never specifically been said to be. With that in mind, to just ascribe anything that's unexplainable to "magic" is a mistake, especially since this game has such an abstract take on power origins. The well is not of a specific nature, but rather it boosts the nature of whoever is using it. The well is all origins and no origin at the same time, because it depends on who's benefiting from its power.

I don't know what the actual nature of the Well's functioning is since Angry Smurf won't tell me about it unless I raid stuff, but I have heard tell of Wells dying if they don't have people to powers, since the well appears to thrive on "recycling power." My impression is that these things are sort of like power sinks, granting great power to individuals who are already powerful, but then taking it all back AND taking the power the individual originally had when said individual dies. And the Well seems to like pitting these powers against each other. I could be wrong, but from my perspective, it's a clever idea - give great power to everybody, send everybody on a great war, then take back everything you gave out, with interest.

I'm not sure if the Well can actually die, however, and the Rikti's Well is tied to the Rikti themselves. As I understand it, as long as they exist, so will it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Went ahead and copy-pasted everything Prometheus says after the DD trial.

Prometheus: welcome blah blah blah

I have earned the right to know more about the Well.

I will share some of what I know. Do not take my willingness as a sign that you can make demands on me like this with abandon. You are only at the beginning of your journey.

Now then, ask your questions.

Care to explain why you've never told me I could ascend to become like a 'well', Prometheus?

I have kept nothing from you, because what you suggest is simply not an option available to you. Ultimately, it is I who bear the responsibility for those who ascend among humanity, and there are very few who have ever been deserving of such an honor. You are not among them.

However, since you have learned of ascension, I see no harm in explaining it further.

Mot, Darrin Wade and Diabolique are like many others I have borne witness to in the past. A being of great power, feeling constrained by the 'well' to which they are tied, strives to break their link to it. They seek to link instead to that which provides a 'well' with its potential. To achieve this, however, requires a great amassing of power from outside the 'well'.

This very often brings those who wish to ascend into conflict with their own kind, with their 'well' and with those like me who are charged with watching over the 'wells'. This is because the individual who does ascend no longer needs to draw upon their 'well'. They become engines of their own power and creativity. They are their own potential. They become as powerful as any 'well' could ever be in their own right, and in the process, potentially diminish their original 'well' and those who still remain connected to it.

In the past, I have generally acted against such actions amongst humanity, because so very few have been worthy of this honor. However, in these recent crises, an opportunity presented itself which would allow you to prove how far you have come on your own path.

What sort of power does an 'ascended' wield?

Those who have become like a 'well' have the ability to create whole worlds out of their very thoughts. They can make dimensions of their own design, setting the rules by which their world will exist. They can create entities to serve them, or isolate themselves in a peaceful silence. In this way, they are freer than the 'wells' which are linked to a species, for their continued existence is dependent only on themselves, not the survival of the species. This makes them quite dangerous, and is the reason why my organization watches all attempts to 'ascend' in this way closely.

What you describe... it sounds like Rularuu, actually.

Quite observant of you. Indeed, Rularuu is an example of an individual who managed to become a 'well' unto himself... though I will note that he did so without my knowledge. How he managed to achieve it while remaining beneath our notice for so long remains unresolved.

Prometheus stops speaking, deep in thought. You can tell this mystery troubles him deeply. After a moment, he begins speaking again.

Rularuu is not even the only such entity with which you are acquainted. There are a very few others who have 'ascended'. Most of them use their power wisely, either eventually coming to believe that they can aid another species in its growth and serving as their 'well', or working to create places of security, serenity or service for the good of the multiverse.

Most of them? You mean there are 'renegade' ascended?

There are indeed. Occasionally, one of those who seemed worthy was... misjudged, or as with Rularuu, an unworthy circumvented the system. Those wretched deceivers use their power to further their own agendas or grow their own power, some of them daring to even try to control that to which they are linked.

Such 'renegades' are a threat to the multiverse, and we see to it that such threats are neutralized. When such a threat appears, it frequently gives rise to a war which dwarfs any conflict with which you are familiar, even that in which you are currently engaged. You can see, then, why control over such monumental power is so carefully monitored and sanctioned by my organization.

You can see, then, why control over such monumental power is so carefully monitored and sanctioned by my organization.

Why have you been hiding this from me?

Prometheus's face hardens in response to your charge. When he speaks, you catch notice of him glancing back at Michael, who appears to be watching his reaction intently. Whether it is in support of him, or in judgement, you cannot say for certain.

I have hidden nothing from you. Have I not explained this to you now, when you first asked me about it?

Remember, I am the one guiding you along a path in which you control the Well without bringing its control or our judgement upon you. I have presented you with the path that keeps all of us alive and us in control of the Well.

If others have told you of the path to ascension as though it were a real option, then you must understand that they were mistaken. I... we... simply will not allow any further ascensions amongst humanity while its fate remains so uncertain.

Your options remain unchanged from our earlier conversations. You can only choose to serve the Well, or you can choose to use it as a tool for your own ends. That is it.

I fail to see how you have the right to deny me anything, Prometheus.

The tension between you and Prometheus is palpable. You can feel a simmering anger emanating from him, but he remains firmly in control.

I do not deny you anything. I simply will not permit anyone to entertain any thoughts of ascension while the very fate of humanity is on the line. Be you hero or villain, focusing on such a lofty endeavor now is selfishness of the highest order.

I have devised this plan, guided you through it, so that humanity will stand the best chance of defeating Battalion and you will have the best chance of retaining your freedom from the Well. If I had believed that any of you, regardless of whether you were capable of ascending or not, would achieve equal or better results, I would have taken that course instead. That this displeases you is understandable, but my goal is victory against Battalion. The truth of the matter is this: you are not capable of ascending at this time, and even if you were, it would do more harm than good.

Know this: when Battalion comes, many will fall. Were all of those who would fight them ascended, then their power would be added to Battalion's should they fall. For an Incarnate, however, the power would return to the Well and allow another to take on the mantle.

Make no mistake about this. I would rather have you dead and your power returned to the Well, than vanquished and your power absorbed by our enemies.

I still would like to have known this option even existed.

You still do not understand, do you? You still think that pursuing ascension at this time is an option!

Let me then illuminate you: should you attempt to abandon my plan and try your hand at ascension before the time is right, our association will be ended.

Should you truly wish to pursue such madness, then you will have to find your own way to defeat Emperor Cole. You will have to make your own path to defeat Battalion.

If you survive that, then you will be alone while you struggle to retain all the power you have acquired from the Well, because that wretched fool will try to take it from you should you try to leave him. No assistance from me shall be forthcoming when that confrontation occurs.

And finally, when you emerge from your battle with the Well, know that you will be considered a 'renegade', and that I will come to destroy you.

I would really rather it not come to that. For all the inconvenience and aggravation you cause, I have come to enjoy our deliberations.

Why do I get the feeling that the time will never be right with you?

Prometheus grins broadly and breaks out into a hearty laugh. He then leans in closer, in such a way as to prevent his statement from being heard by Michael.

You are like an impetuous child! Let me be more direct then! I will not allow any further ascensions while I have a say in the matter. And, should you attempt to do so before I permit it, our paths will cross one final time. When that day comes, you will submit to my judgement or I will bring a force to bear upon you unlike any you have ever imagined.

We'll see about that, someday. Until then, let's talk about Cole.

<returns to dialogue about Tyrant>

@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter



Originally Posted by Midnight_Guard View Post
Went ahead and copy-pasted everything Prometheus says after the DD trial.
Hah! Thank you! That explains a lot, and it's actually a pretty cool idea to follow up on. "Incarnates" always bugged me as a basic design, being servants of the Well or, at best, defiers against its will but still using its power. Including the "Ascended" concept as a self-made, self-contained, independent powerhouse is much, much more attractive. Thanks for going through the trouble of reposting this.

Is there any other amazing info like this that Prometheus won't say unless I run a specific iTrial?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I believe that almost every trial completed unlocks a bit of new info from Prometheus - but it's not quite as juicy as what DD gave us. It's mostly about the "inside of Praetoria", "Tyrant and the Well" and "the Hamidon"

EDIT: A lot of this info is already on the paragonwiki, which is why it's probably called 'redundant' - nothing particularly amazing

@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter



Really hope we get to smack Prometheus around a bit sometime.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Really hope we get to smack Prometheus around a bit sometime.
When that day comes, I hope Gilgamesh becomes our new guide.


In my headcanon of City of, Gilgamesh was originally a half-god who managed to 'woo the Well' so to speak and didn't even need to seek the Well out, the Well just said "you're so awesome! Have power!" and thus, Gilgamesh became the "Two thirds God, one third man" we know him as mythologically. But when Gilgamesh could not be controlled by the Well, even though he basically drank directly from it, the Well felt increasingly jilted and created Enkidu as another means of control.
It backfired and Gilgamesh taught Enkidu hot to be awesome and have fun like him, and finally the Well killed Enkidu and withdrew its support from Gilgamesh. And so, for several thousand years now, Gilgamesh has been biding his time, waiting for a chance at revenge against the Well of Furies for killing his best friend.

Plus, if Gilgamesh is an arrogant jerk to me, I'd actually be able to accept it (no small part because of his depiction in Fate/Stay Night) since he was the first Incarnate, one of the first named humans, one of the oldest heroes ever, and and was the king of a mighty and ancient civilization and duo'd the Humbaba iTrial with Enkidu.

You tell me he didn't earn his right to be a smug jerk and look down on us.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



You are like an impetuous child! Let me be more direct then! I will not allow any further ascensions while I have a say in the matter. And, should you attempt to do so before I permit it, our paths will cross one final time. When that day comes, you will submit to my judgement or I will bring a force to bear upon you unlike any you have ever imagined.
To paraphrase Han Solo, "I dunno, I got a pretty good imagination."

It's interesting - rather a number of NPC's have told us, at various times, "Do/Don't do this or you'll have to deal with me!". It seems like a pretty decent number of them have been... dealt with.
Might not be the best kind of threat to make, is all I'm saying.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
To paraphrase Han Solo, "I dunno, I got a pretty good imagination."

It's interesting - rather a number of NPC's have told us, at various times, "Do/Don't do this or you'll have to deal with me!". It seems like a pretty decent number of them have been... dealt with.
Might not be the best kind of threat to make, is all I'm saying.
They all make the generic excuse of "I'm nothing like anything you've ever faced."
When they say, it typically dooms them to defeat.

I kind of imagine that with how we're progressing so far, by the time we'd be ready to ascend and Prometheus tries to threaten us, he'll realize we've already come too far, he can't stop us if he wanted to anymore and has to keep trying to bluff.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
To paraphrase Han Solo, "I dunno, I got a pretty good imagination."

It's interesting - rather a number of NPC's have told us, at various times, "Do/Don't do this or you'll have to deal with me!". It seems like a pretty decent number of them have been... dealt with.
Might not be the best kind of threat to make, is all I'm saying.
I see it as bad writing. Devs want to give us a roadblock, a reason why we can't get more power or progress in a certain direction. So just have someone threaten and try to scare us if we go down that path.

All it does is tick players off, though :\



Neither the gods nor the Well of the Furies are magic in nature. For the gods, that's actually stated repeatedly in canon.
Yes, they are, and no, it isn't.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Actually Sam it isn't just that they stopped practicing magic the words used are "They have killed their Gods."

As in they've either destroyed said divine being ala Discworld and Planescape, where mass belief is the greatest power a God can have, without said belief the Gods simply become Small Gods, no more powerful than a mere man, left to wander the world until they are forgotten and eventually fade into nothing.

Or they literally killed their own versions of Mot, Emereeth etc. with technology.

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A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Actually Sam it isn't just that they stopped practicing magic the words used are "They have killed their Gods."
"Magic" and "their gods" are not the same thing. The Rikti are indeed said to have killed their gods, based on the notion that gods need worship to survive. Kill the worshippers, starve the god, lovely jobly. Magic is entirely and completely unrelated to the gods and cannot be "killed." The Rikti don't practice practice magic and thus lack the knowledge of how to use it. They are, therefore, forced to resort to converted descendants of the Mu bloodline to whom magic comes naturally without having to train in it or know what they're doing. One would assume that they, as smart as the Rikti are, they'd have been spending their time since Angus McQueen's Division: Line learning about magic.

You don't need gods to use magic and you don't have to deal with magic when dealing with the gods. The gods in the City of Heroes fictional universe are not inherently magical.

Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
It's interesting - rather a number of NPC's have told us, at various times, "Do/Don't do this or you'll have to deal with me!". It seems like a pretty decent number of them have been... dealt with.
Might not be the best kind of threat to make, is all I'm saying.
Honestly, with Papa Smurf, I think it's deliberate. It's not uncommon to have a character threaten the player to not do something on pain of death as a que for the player that he should go do exactly this right now. Then have the character carry out his threat, let the player defeat him and you have both your plot railroad AND the player feels like it was his decision AND you give him a boost to the ego. Everybody wins.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
The reason the Rikti may have been able to defeat the Batallion is because they effectively killed off their own well.
As said by Prometheus, The Rikti share the Well of the Furies with Primal Earth.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
To paraphrase Han Solo, "I dunno, I got a pretty good imagination."
And, of course, Luke was full of crap when he said Leia was rich. Her planet had just been blown to bits. And Luke knew squat all about her finances unless Obi-wan had told him, and money isn't the sort of thing that crazy old wizard probably knew anything about.




Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
They are altered humans but, as I mentioned, they killed all magic on their world, which would include their own Well of Furies (along with all their gods), meaning the Battalion would have nothing to feed off since the Battalion seems to have the whole strategy for feeding off the well of a race, thus weakening it. The Rikti transcended the need for the Well and thus nolonger required it, advancing to the level of technology at which it is sufficiently advanced to have the capabilities to match against magic using foes.

The Rikti killing their gods and thus all magic thing is a very old piece of Lore and is only mentioned very briefly during ye olde Rikti info that use to be on the Website.

Actually I honestly suspect that the devs have forgotten this little piece of Lore themselves.
Wells are, explicitly, stated in game, 100% canonically, NOT magic.



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
As said by Prometheus, The Rikti share the Well of the Furies with Primal Earth.
What do oyu have to do to get Prommie to say this? That, and I could have sworn I saw someone post part of a tree about kheldians and their well. I wondered if PBs and Nictus can draw from both at once or something like that



Originally Posted by PowerLeveler View Post
Wells are, explicitly, stated in game, 100% canonically, NOT magic.
Venture likes to talk about ducks here. Personally, I think any conflict or confusion around this point is a symptom of having poor definitions for both magic and the Well.

Originally Posted by G_Savior View Post
What do oyu have to do to get Prommie to say this? That, and I could have sworn I saw someone post part of a tree about kheldians and their well. I wondered if PBs and Nictus can draw from both at once or something like that
I believe it's under the 'What is the Well of the Furies?' section that asks about how Wells relate to the Kheldians and Battalion.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Has anyone ever discussed the fate of either the Outbreak zone or what remains of Galaxy City? One assumes there's a never-ending stream of young heroes fighting there of course, but it basically doesn't exist after the tutorial, right?

Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.



We can probably assume that the Outbreak problem was cleared up - and Galaxy City is featured later on in Twinshot's storyline.

@Golden Girl

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