The three things I'd change about PBs...




1. My simple seekers solution should be implemented.


PBs would deal more damage. Furthermore, it would not require a significant amount of time for the Developers to implement and it would not alter the accustomed way(s) in which the great majority of PBs use Photon Seekers.

Please, compare my opening remarks here...

2. The base resistance of Light Form should be lowered to 30% S/L/E/N/F/C/T/ and Psi in exchance the crash should go away.

Everything else about the power remains the same.


The crash goes away . Shields become (more) relevant. PBs would get Psi resistance.

To quote from one of my old posts,

"Now, everyone think about what this would mean.

30% resistance could be enhanced to appx 47% resistance.

If a PB were to be in Human form with Incandesence and Enhanced shields (35% res) then the human form could be at 85% resistance cap to E/N and have 82% resistance to S/L/F/C . With resistance enhanced Essence Boost (not that i recommend this) the human form PB could be at 70% resistance to Toxic and 47% resistance to Psi. All of this is not taking into consideration any bonuses from IOs.

In Dwarf (enhanced) one would be beyond resistance cap of 85% for S/L/E/N/F/C/T and have 47% Psi Resistance.

In Nova one would have 47% resistance to S/L/E/N/F/C/T/Psi."

This suggestion was well received by many of the most prominent members of this community long ago.

To see the discussion, I refer the reader to comments made here...

3. Pulsar's magnitude should be increased.


Ummm, why not? I don't anticipate any objections to this suggestion.

All Khelds...

1. Faster form shifts...oh wait, CHECK!

2. Toggle suppression. I have no idea why this has not yet been implemented. (Btw, it is worth discussing whether or not the toggles should remain active while in forms...but, I'll not get into that now.)

3. Dwarf forms should have debuff resistance, especially to end drain. This would provide incentive for going to Dwarf when getting sucked dry by numerous baddies.

4. Umbral Mastery and Luminous Mastery should be considered. I have proposed a number of items to supplement our abilities here...

Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
This is correct and essentially what the devs have even said themselves recently.

I have proposed a solution to this problem as well.

Later everyone.



1. Change all KB to KD.

2. Forms toggle suppression.

3. Give Inner Light a Fiery Embrace effect(increases base damage).

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



I had to really think about this for some time before I let myself post a reply. For me personally I was fairly happy with my PB before the big changes that happened (most notably with build up/Inner Light and Lightform) and after the changes I was also quite happy barring one thing - given the new playstyle of chase the button as it recharges it made shifting forms take away from the high speed of button clicks and power activations.

As a result I switched from a Tri-form to a Human only and started enjoying it much more. if the new instant shift change does make it live I may end up going back to Tri form though as I really did like that aspect.

As for my 3 suggestions....

1. Toggle suppression. Yes you can do without the shields in human form with perma Light form which I do have but sometimes you find yourself with a recharge debuff or if you are tight on slots it's harder to fully slot Light form to maximize both resists and recharge without the little extra from the shields. My human only has all 3 and uses them and I wouldn't change that for anything. If I was a triform though having to retoggle all of those plus assault and hover... well that is close to 10 seconds I am spending doing nothing else after shifting down to human form. QoL change but a very big one.

2. The knockback vs knockdown debate. Until recently I was just fine with the KB as it was. I learned how to position myself and knew what attacks were most likely to cause it and so on. However, after having gotten my kheld several level shifts I am suddenly knocking EVERYTHING back with every attack. My knockdown is now knockback and there's nothing I can do about it except raise my level difficulty in mission settings. I don't like that. Not that I can't handle the higher level difficulty but rather I don't always want to do that depending on what activity I am involved in. Sometimes having the higher level shift is good, but as it stands with practically everything a PB does having either KB or KD and having all of them forced to change to KB makes life a bit harder. Personally I would prefer that both the KD and KB be removed from the majority of our attacks and kept JUST AS THEY ARE on a select few that make sense to do so, specifically Solar Flare and Dwarf Flare. I don't think we need control in our powers really. Once we hit Lightform we are darn near invincible and if you have access to all 3 healing/HP Buff powers even a non perma LF build should be near unkillable outside of certain situations. Just take the KB/KD away and preserve it for certain powers.

Again I probably wouldn't feel this way except for my recent experiences with the Incarnate level shifts. YMMV.

3. I had a hard time coming up with #3 but I really like AIB's suggestion of debuff resists exclusively for dwarf. Very good idea and one that would likely become a game changer depending on the resist value.

Anyway that's my 2 inf.

Death can be Beautiful. A Night Widow Guide on a budget



In continuation of my last post...

#3..a) Debuff resistances in dwarf. With the low base damage and high endurance cost of solar flare The best i can do is lightly juggle mobs while my endurance is drained...Debuff resistances would be so helpful.



1. Photon seekers changed to a clone of Northern lights lore pet (with reduced dmg values and HP adjustment of course) Give them a 240 down 90 up recharge you summon two and any extra summon gets rid of the originals.

2. Solar Flare KB to KU. Seriously.

3. Lightform gains *some* psi resistance.

4. Pulsar standardized with Gravitic Emanation.



Make Luminous Aura and Umbral Aura powersets for brutes/stalkers/scrappers/tankers. Remove dwarf forms and travel powers to bring sets down to 9 total powers.

Make Luminous Blast and Umbral Blast secondary powersets for Blasters and Doms. Remove Nova forms and various other powers to bring set down to 9 total powers.

Remove Kheldian AT from the game. Powersets fixed.



Really? You had to come in here and do that? I did make some specific requests on starting the thread. If you'd like to make some actual, realistic and non insulting (which, frankly, that is) suggestions, feel free to edit your post.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Make Luminous Aura and Umbral Aura powersets for brutes/stalkers/scrappers/tankers. Remove dwarf forms and travel powers to bring sets down to 9 total powers.

Make Luminous Blast and Umbral Blast secondary powersets for Blasters and Doms. Remove Nova forms and various other powers to bring set down to 9 total powers.

Remove Kheldian AT from the game. Powersets fixed.
Its funny, horrible, and maybe a little true! I know I've thought it more than a few times myself how fun an Umbral/SS tank would be.

Umbral blast for blasters would be up there too especially if they fixed essence drain a little. A blaster with three pets running around and possibly a double mire Umbral/Dark Manip would just be awesome.

I wouldn't go so far as actually getting rid of khelds though, combining the sets together is fun after all.



1) Since Dwarfs are supposedly creatures that live on burned out stars, (I.E. Massive gravity) Give dwarfs a new toggle that inverts KB to KI, what is KI you ask? The opposite of Knock Back, Knock In. Sorry, I don't have a better name for it, but you get the idea, you are so massive and dense that your attacks draw foes inward towards you.

This will do two things, one, keep the whole Knock theme still firmly entrenched in Kheldian powers and two, not make knocks so hated all on one fell swoop.

2) Give Kheldians an ablative shield. Possibly in dwarf form since it's more of a survivability tool, but I can see it in any form really. Basically it uses the Mastermind Bodyguard mechanics which already exist in the game. How it works is, you cast the ablative shield and you are surrounded by the shield which has X number of hit points which CANNOT be healed by any means. It's actually a pet mechanically speaking even though it looks and acts like a click shield. It absorbs X amount of damage then fades. My rough idea is somewhere between 20%-50% damage absorbtion for around 1000-2000 hit points or so. This makes it a great alpha strike power or an oh crap power. Long recharge enough to not allow for perma stacking, or make it ignore recharge buffs completely.

3) I can't think of a 3rd off the cuff. So how about giving the Squid form an attack using one of it's tentacles. I'm picturing a ranged hold attack that looks like the "Hell on earth" whip tendril buff. I think that would look awesome shooting out a tentacle and holding fast some hapless foe while giving the brittle squid a much needed survivability tool.

Thanks for reading.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Really? You had to come in here and do that? I did make some specific requests on starting the thread. If you'd like to make some actual, realistic and non insulting (which, frankly, that is) suggestions, feel free to edit your post.
Maybe if you would look into my post a bit more first before jumping to conclusions. The 3rd part was meant as a joke, but if you really look at WHY LA and UA would be so much better on other ATs you could just as easily turn that 'why' into a buff for khelds. I made my post ambiguous on purpose.

Luminous Aura and Umbral Aura with form change and travel powers removed are actually very well built powersets and quite frankly would be amazing powersets on brutes/tankers/stalkers/scrappers. But why? It's not because Luminous Aura or Umbral Aura would be any better on a brute/scrapper/tanker/stalker other than minor differences in hp caps and resist caps, it's because brutes/tankers/stalkers/scrappers actually have good damage modifiers and good primary powersets and ancillaries that complete the character. As Lib mentioned, there's alot of things that would be downright awesome when paired with LA or UA, because they can actually put out good damage when using those sets

PBs/WSs have poor damage mods, and many attacks with either long animations, poor base dmg, knockback, or all of the above and little to zero functional team support to make up for it. Now if you look at why LA or UA would be good on other ATs and then look back at khelds, the answer is obvious, they need higher damage output, animations lowered, and knockback removed. The problem is entirely seated in their primary, their secondary is fine, quite literally speaking the majority of khelds are sacks of hp on legs.



1. Buff all forms -

  • Give Nova form Aim.
  • Give Dwarf form Build up and another single target attack.
  • Increase human form damage scale from 8.85 Melee to 1.000 and 0.800 Range to 1.000.

2. Change KB to a KD

3. Change Cosmic Balance - My idea for a Buff for Cosmic Balance is to change it to accept only one Common IO. The enhancements allowed would be Damage, Resist, Slow or a Hold IO. If you leave Cosmic Balance unslotted then it will default to the original setting as it has always been. If it is slotted with one of the 4 IO’s allowed then you will gain the stats as having a full team of that one buff. Once this happens and you are on a team, you will not gain the original buff of Cosmic Balance. For example if slot a Common Damage IO and I will have the damage buff of being on a full team of 8 (Tanker, Mastermind, Corruptor or Defender) and not gain the buffs from any other member on the team from cosmic balance. If I slot a Common Hold IO I will gain the Limited protection from Control effects as if I was on a full team of Controllers or Dominators. This will work the same for Warshades also.


Since the damage is going to get buffed in human form from 8.85 Melee to 1.000 and 0.800 Range to 1.000 to match the VEATs (I know they are not the same AT), I think Cosmic Balance should buff the team members .

For example:
  • Tanker, Mastermind, Corruptor and Defender will get a Damage buff.
  • Scrapper, Brute, Stalker and Blaster will get a Resistance buff.
  • Peacebringer, Warshade, Arachnos Widow and Arachnos Soldier will get a Recharge buff and Slow Resist.
  • Controller and Dominator will get Limited protection from Control effects.

Who would not want a Kheldian on a team if they are granting team member buffs. I would also like to mention that there will be a cap on how many buffs you are allowed to receive. No more than 4 of any buff. One kheldian on a team will grant a 5% buff, two on a team will grant an 8% buff, three on a team will grant an 11% buff and a fourth will grant a 14% buff.

P.S. Warshades should get the same damage buff as above and Dark Sustenance will get a change too.
For example:
  • Tanker, Mastermind, Corruptor and Defender will get a Defense buff.
  • Scrapper, Brute, Stalker and Blaster will get a Regen buff.
  • Peacebringer, Warshade, Arachnos Widow and Arachnos Soldier will get a Accuracy buff.
  • Controller and Dominator will get Limited protection from Knockback.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
1. Reduce pledge drives

2. Less British dramas

3. More hard science shows.
From a best light point of view, I completely agree.

I have never seen a hard science show, maybe soft science show claiming to be hard but plenty of American Dramas.

I have a Pure Tri Form PB with haste. No other outside powers except inherent fitness and still solo +4*8 and could tank strongly with her, be the blapper, be the super alpha, super nova and save friends in need by yes being a good enough defender. PBs are versatile and I like the different ways in which I can help a team more than I do anything that is solely only of some use to me.


1) Toggle suppression when shifting into forms.

2) A means via IO sets to reduce the KB in powers for a more universal approach to KB from which all ATs can benefit. Arbiter Hawk may not like to see less KB and still the remaining DPS from a power so therefore these sets might be less enhancing of damage but more enhancing of endurance discounting in order to maintain the set DPE of an AT.

3) No more Dramas. I do not understand the need for buffs really.

And where is Alien One? One of the few who stepped up to help me attain some reasonable level of ingame expectation of Dark Extractions so far by farming for me and now hes gone

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



1. Lock AIB in a room with Photon Seekers, use whatever comes out

2. Lock THB in a room with Pulsar, use whatever comes out

3. Toggle suppression



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Lock THB in a room with Pulsar, use whatever comes out
I may or may not get stunned if I was a minion, but probably not. If I didn't, and if I was anything higher, I'd probably just sap the **** out of you, stomp you in the face, and then wait to do it again until you slipped up on your tedious Pulsar animation while I pwnt yoo.



As a new player who's been getting the hang of a PB that just hit 35, here are my uninformed suggestions.

1. Has anyone mentioned toggle suppression yet?

2. Turn KB to KU. No chasing everywhere, Always fun to bounce people off the ceiling, and the polar opposite of slows and holds in a Warshade.

3 Pulsar needs something. Increasing the disorient would be nice, but how about a -range effect as enemies are blinded? It's a rare effect and would be a perfect setup for scrapping it out, hoverNova, or before going dwarf.



Gotta agree with all the people who want either better ways to manage KB or KB converted into KD/KU, ESPECIALLY in Solar Flare.

Giving PBAOEs a KB component is just vindictive.

For my other two I'll also be lazy and /sign onto more developed ideas: toggle suppression and the Photon Seekers remake.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



1) Give White Dwarf a 3rd ST melee attack, either:

- a Follow Up (Claws) clone that increases damage;
- something similar to a Tanker's Gauntlet effect (-res).

-> Why? White Dwarf does too little damage (particularly when compared to Black Dwarf), and its attack chain is cluncky and full of pauses without significant recharge. White Dwarf is my favored form while leveling (because of its mez prot), and if it had a 3rd ST attack I feel PBs would have a much smoother leveling experience.

2) Increase the recharge/damage/endurance of the ranged human form blasts like they did when they proliferated Radiation Blast from Defenders to Blasters:

- Gleaming Bolt - 1.5 sec recharge increased to 4 sec
- Glinting Eye - 4 sec recharge increased to 8 sec
-Gleaming Blast - 8 sec recharge increased to 10 sec

-> Why? Peacebringers tend to build for global recharge to achieve perma-lightform, making very short recharge powers like Gleaming Bolt with just 1.5 sec recharge particularly ineffective. Higher base recharge on the ranged blasts (along with an increased base damage to compensate for it) would greatly improve human form ST ranged damage, which I feel is lacking (most of my damage comes from the melee attacks + Tier 3 Gleaming Blast).

3) Change the shield toggles (Shining Shield, Thermal Shield, Quantum Shield) into passive abilities.

-> Why? It's annoying and ineffective to keep turning the shield toggles back on everytime we shift into a form. If they were passives, they wouldn't drop anymore. Toggle suppression would work here, but this is probably easier to implement, and I don't feel the toggles warrant an endurance cost for what they bring anyway.


4) Power Customization would be really appreciated as well, particularly a Minimal FX option on the shields, light-form and Nova/Dwarf forms.

-> Why? Shifting into a form while retaining your costume would distinguish one PB from another, since all forms look the same. While the forms look ok, I'd rather design my own costume than use any pre-generated model in the game, no matter how awesome it might look.

5) Peacebringers need to be able to participate in the Galaxy City tutorial and be allowed to start in Praetoria.

-> Why? Because I'm asking nicely



I knew Bill would be disrespected in this kind of thread..

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
2) Increase the recharge/damage/endurance of the ranged human form blasts like they did when they proliferated Radiation Blast from Defenders to Blasters:

- Gleaming Bolt - 1.5 sec recharge increased to 4 sec
- Glinting Eye - 4 sec recharge increased to 8 sec
-Gleaming Blast - 8 sec recharge increased to 10 sec

-> Why? Peacebringers tend to build for global recharge to achieve perma-lightform, making very short recharge powers like Gleaming Bolt with just 1.5 sec recharge particularly ineffective. Higher base recharge on the ranged blasts (along with an increased base damage to compensate for it) would greatly improve human form ST ranged damage, which I feel is lacking (most of my damage comes from the melee attacks + Tier 3 Gleaming Blast).

Eh, one I'll actually speak up about. (Yes, I'm actively avoiding the knockback vs knockdown comments. Kind of surprised there's not more back and forth on these, actually.)

I'd 100% disagree with increasing the recharge on these. While SOME people will build for global recharge - just like SOME people will build for softcap on their blaster, or SOME people will go proc-crazy on some attacks, or SOME people will go perma-dom, etc. that's not everyone. That's not even most people, I'd wager.

I'll pay more END if I need to if it gets more damage, that's fine. But more recharge time on the blasts? No, thanks. Adjust the recharge cap if it's an actual problem - but I'm more than happy to run my khelds on SOs or common IOs, and don't want to be penalized for the actions of a few.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'd 100% disagree with increasing the recharge on these. While SOME people will build for global recharge - just like SOME people will build for softcap on their blaster, or SOME people will go proc-crazy on some attacks, or SOME people will go perma-dom, etc. that's not everyone. That's not even most people, I'd wager.

I'll pay more END if I need to if it gets more damage, that's fine. But more recharge time on the blasts? No, thanks. Adjust the recharge cap if it's an actual problem - but I'm more than happy to run my khelds on SOs or common IOs, and don't want to be penalized for the actions of a few.
Other than people who go proc-crazy, I don't think there'd be a real penalty if that happened. DPS would remain the same, you'd just end up pressing the button a little less often. And for the people who do build for global recharge, it'd be an awesome buff. Look at what they did to Radiation Blast when they ported it to Blasters. Wasn't the net result overall positive?



I started a Peacebringer over a month ago with the Double XP and love the toon, so much that he's +3 and my main man. Abit vain of me but I love his color sets compared to the Warshade, but other than that, that's it. The Warshade clearly has the better power selection, I struggle to come up with pluses the Peacebringer has over the Warshade other than not needing corpses and having a more reliable heal in Dwarf form, but that's about all I can come up with. So this will be rough to limit to just three things, but I'll give it a shot, or ramble on, either or.

1.) Pulsar: Ok, this has to change, because as of right now, it's just a way to show off a bright light show and get your team to question your competence. One easy solution I can think of is perhaps a rather decent To Hit Debuff applied to anyone around you affected by this. Knocking down a mob's accuracy would certainly add abit to the Peacebringer's (supposed) role as the more defensive oriented of the Hero Epic ATs.

2.) Photon Seekers: Seriously, do something with these things. I even felt bad when my Shadow Simulacrum clone in Posi 2 used these, it was like the AI was fumbling as hopelessly as I do with them. Here's an idea, why not make them the support/heal version of the Extracted Essence, nothing real major, but abit of extra healing(PBAoE preferably) or maybe even a small +DEF buff aura from them would be far more helpful than "hover/orbit about aimlessly".

3.) White Dwarf Buff: Black Dwarf Mire alone is just a big slap in the face of the White Dwarf, so how about adding a small +DEF buff for every opponent affected by White Dwarf Flare or something similar to the suggested Pulsar's To Hit Debuff. Sure -Fly and -DEF are nice, but nothing compared to the +Damage and +To Hit Mire gives you ontop of it's -Recharge and -Speed.

Also another attack or being able to use Glowing Touch or something in Dwarf Form. Don't get me wrong White Dwarf Sublimation is a great, reliable heal, but the lack of a stable attack chain can really mess up any attempts to tank, so the White Dwarf should get something added to make up for it.

Something clever coming...eventually...possibly.



I notice people interject. Not sure interjection is required. One can only hope that the Devs see the madness one does.

I generally get what I hope for out of Photons, 86.666r % ave of max pos dam output as I use it on 10 tight mobs, not have them float to a single target and waste 9 other possible hits.

Pulsar, some mobs res disorient better than others, higher levels res more than lower levels. This is normal. Keeping some mobs permanently disorientated can happen.

PB Dwarf is a very basic form therefore in theory I'd of expected it to be not hard to of got right to design intentions by now.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



First of all, I don't think PB is that bad. The all-human form with team buffs is actually decent but it just doesn't stand out with lack of mez protection. I have not tried perma god mode. My human PB is pretty much stuck at level 38. Here is what I would like to see in order for me to enjoy PB again.

1. Get rid of shifting delays. The point of playing a Kheldian, in my opinion, is to enjoy switching forms. Truthfully. I don't enjoy it. I tried to enjoy by switching often but I find the delays absolutely annoying. That extra 2s is just so annoying.

2. Reduce the # of knock backs. It's just too many!!!

3. Both Dwarf and Nova form need to be better - a whole lot better. How?

a. Allow them to be able to run leadership toggles, hasten, aid other/self, Photon Seekers and Maxhp power.
b. White Dwarf needs one more attack
c. Nova needs to have way better DPS in BOTH ST and AoE.

I think there is room for Photon Seeker to be better but I would like the above 3 to be looked at first. I would love it if Human shields are suppressed during Dwarf/Nova but then I think that's more of human-only gameplay.

The way I see it is this:

Dwarf excels in survival
Nova excels in damage (st and aoe)
Human excels in versatility (but lack both survival and less damage than nova)

The recent change makes Human form superior in almost every way except for mez protection (which you can get from incarnate) and that's not right.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



If you really want peace and not a fight then start advocating for some kind of user control IO or "something" that reduces/eliminates KB for "YOU" and stop this crap about removal of KB for "EVERYONE".

Bill already asked this at the start of the thread and it is time for people to respect this now.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
If you really want peace and not a fight then start advocating for some kind of user control IO or "something" that reduces/eliminates KB for "YOU" and stop this crap about removal of KB for "EVERYONE".

Bill already asked this at the start of the thread and it is time for people to respect this now.
Well, I went back and checked and saw nothing regarding discussion of altering KB as verboten Perhaps I need glasses...

At any rate, I gave a few ideas that I'd had and some reasoning why I thought that they would be of use. Of course, I managed the last post of the page, so that undoubtedly added to my lack of reputation in leaving them unremarked upon. Nonetheless, it's quite interesting seeing other people's ideas. I'm still leveling my first Peacebringer, so I was trying to leave most discussion for others who are more experienced with the AT.

By all means, please resume your detailed discussion and brainstorming.