Freedom Phalanx Roster




With the current deaths and shake ups afflicting this team, their current roster is changing. But what I wanna know is how would you change it? What would your dream line up be? For me....

Back Alley Brawler
Ms. Liberty
Hero 1
War Witch

The first 4 are a given I would think. For Ms. Liberty, with her mother and grandfather's death, I think it's time she graduated to the big leagues. Maybe even inherited some more incarnate powers. Hero 1 should be cured, take back his sword, and be the epic Statesman replacement we all want him to be. And War Witch, I just love. She'd be a pretty decent Sister Psyche replacement, and also she's awesome and a fan favorite.

As to why some members were taken out, Manticore should prolly take some time off. Maybe become a darker vigilante or something. As for Citadel, I honestly just don't like him. He's under utilized to the point where I have no attachment what so ever. Maybe if they used him more, developed a personality or at least a robot-esk one...

So what about you guys? What are your opinions?



P.Yin's an obvious shoe-in, just from how she's been thrust into the spotlight recently, but also just for her (so far) unique powerset.

I'd throw in Apex, seeing as you're bringing War Witch into the fold. At that point, I'd kind of love to see a brand new Horus come in too, and not just because I'd like to see a dearth of new Egyptian themed costume bits. Though, I really would.

I'd be tempted to gussy up Faultline in something approaching a proper superhero suit and then toss in Fusionette as his companion/sidekick. If for nothing else because I think the dour squad could use a bit more colorful/brighter characters in the mix.

While we're at it, why not throw in Foreshadow, Mirror Spirit, Rose Star and Sparkblade that featured as part of the Asian trailer? They all look pretty cool and with Foreshadow's cooler newer costume, it's a shame to let that go to waste as little as they use him now.

Though, I imagine there's plenty enough reasons not to add in Sparkblade given he's just going to fuel the "Y no have sword and gun powerset?" folks.

I'd love to add in a vote of your own character, given the way the SSA seemed to be promoting our heroes to the spotlight. Maybe a badge that labels us as a full fledged Freedom Phalanx member, as opposed to the Phalanx Reservist one that we can get through whatever means now, as a reward for the second SSA? If they're the premier hero team and our characters are saving/helping them, it seems odd that we don't at least have the option to join up with them.



With the current changes to the Freedom Phalanx, I think my dream scenario would go something like this:

Penny takes Malaise's spot in the Vindicators (and takes a hero name)
Mirror Spirit joins the Freedom Phalanx, replacing Sister Psyche.
Ms. Liberty could join the Freedom Phalanx, but I think I'd rather keep her as leader of the Vindicators.
Have a story revolving around Hero 1's cleansing and redemption and have him take over Statesman's spot on the Freedom Phalanx.
Have Positron stay the heck away from leadership of the FP. He's the guy who builds stuff in the basement, he is not the inspiring leader type.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Utopia View Post
With the current deaths and shake ups afflicting this team, their current roster is changing. But what I wanna know is how would you change it? What would your dream line up be? For me....

Back Alley Brawler
Ms. Liberty
Hero 1
War Witch

The first 4 are a given I would think. For Ms. Liberty, with her mother and grandfather's death, I think it's time she graduated to the big leagues. Maybe even inherited some more incarnate powers. Hero 1 should be cured, take back his sword, and be the epic Statesman replacement we all want him to be. And War Witch, I just love. She'd be a pretty decent Sister Psyche replacement, and also she's awesome and a fan favorite.

As to why some members were taken out, Manticore should prolly take some time off. Maybe become a darker vigilante or something. As for Citadel, I honestly just don't like him. He's under utilized to the point where I have no attachment what so ever. Maybe if they used him more, developed a personality or at least a robot-esk one...

So what about you guys? What are your opinions?
Yin is also a member, you left her out, Desdemona Also.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Have Positron stay the heck away from leadership of the FP. He's the guy who builds stuff in the basement, he is not the inspiring leader type.
According to one of the novels, he's the guy that put together the current incarnation of the Freedom Phalanx. Which is enough, for me, to at least give him a try as leader.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Freedom Phalanx
Shining Stars
Praetorian Midnighters
Black Knights

If there's one thing City of Heroes has taught me is that Super Groups are hot dysfunctional messes and it's best to go solo.
A lot of Super groups are a big dysfunctional mess though. Part of why you join a super group is to fill in your gaps in knowledge and to get backup when you need it and that it sometimes helps to have differing opinions and viewpoints on what may or may not be going on. It's usually supposed to be seen as an advantage than a hindrance.

I'll grant you, we didn't see much of that going on with the most recent SSA, but that's a whole other ball of wax.



Positron is going to be a leader anyways.

It will be:

Back Alley Brawler
Penelope Yin
New character from contest (I hope it got a nice costume at least)

Looks like Manticore could be vigilant solo for a while.
We want Hero 1 cured with a new awesome costume.

I think most of the NPCs hero should get a new costume and powerset reasigment, game has changed a lot since they exist and they didnt aged as well as the game.



I don't want Hero 1 to have a new costume. I really like his simple straightforward, already non-riktified awesome look.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Mirror Spirit joins the Freedom Phalanx, replacing Sister Psyche.
Ms. Liberty could join the Freedom Phalanx, but I think I'd rather keep her as leader of the Vindicators.
I don't really care for Ms. Liberty and her not-a-villain mercenary group Longbow so I'd like to see her join the FP.

I'll admit I don't know much about Mirror Spirit but why would you want to curse anyone you might possibly like with being in that utterly dysfunctional and basically fail group?



Hero 1 has no reason to join the Phalanx, and it would be silly to add him to their roster. If Hero 1 needs a "family", it should be with Vanguard. If the Phalanx needs a patriotic presense (and I don't think it does), then Ms. Liberty should step away from the Vindicators and join them. She should not be considered for leadership of the Phalanx, however.

I'd put Ms. Liberty in charge of the old Statesman TF and put Back Alley Brawler in charge of training in Atlas.

/em Forest Gump
That's all I have to say about that.

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



Originally Posted by Mallerick View Post
Hero 1 has no reason to join the Phalanx, and it would be silly to add him to their roster. If Hero 1 needs a "family", it should be with Vanguard. If the Phalanx needs a patriotic presense (and I don't think it does)
Gotta agree up to that point, dude. Anything after, well... no. Except for your suggestion on TF Contacts that is.

For me the Ultimate team of Phalanxers would be:
  • The leadership of the team is taken over by a totally new, hopefully not lame or patriotically colored hero
  • Positron -- He resumes his role as inventor, and resident smart guy
  • Glowball -- Penny Ying becomes resident psychic, but takes on an -actual- hero name... not the one I suggested I hope
  • Citadel -- He receives some more attention in-game and actually becomes a character worth caring about
  • Synapse -- He's gotta stay around as the resident wise-cracker
  • Foreshadow -- Manticore steps down to be all Vigilante and brooding after the death of his wife, and Foreshadow steps in to fill his spot.
  • War Witch -- She steps in to be the resident dead chick on the team, since Numina is boring, IMO



I nominate "Glowball" for Miss Yin's super hero name! That, or the "Scarlet Midriff".

I think Back Alley Brawler should step out of retirement from the Regulators and settle the "are you a Phalanxer or not" argument (he isn't) and just join already. I like my BABs.

Gotta agree up to that point, dude. Anything after, well... no. Except for your suggestion on TF Contacts that is.
I must be hanging around right-thinking people!

Having a new (possibly player-created) Phalanxer be leader? Don't know about that one ... I think the new leader will have to have tons of experience, know the team well and its history, the psychology and personality of its members, their fighting techniques ... and blah and blah. Positron, in my mind, is comparable to Iron Man's leadership of the Avengers (when he was leader for a while there). He played an important role in bringing the current Phalanx together as well, and therefore I have no problems with him becoming leader.

Foreshadow and Mirror Spirit? Sure, bring them along too. War Witch? Love the character, but not so much as a Phalanxer. Have her join Vanguard to be with Apex where they can reminisce about Horus and the old days.

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



I'd rather see a Ms Liberty that breaks away with her [redacted] organization and become a real vigilante org.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Positron is going to be a leader anyways.

It will be:

Back Alley Brawler
Penelope Yin
New character from contest (I hope it got a nice costume at least)

Looks like Manticore could be vigilant solo for a while.
We want Hero 1 cured with a new awesome costume.

I think most of the NPCs hero should get a new costume and powerset reasigment, game has changed a lot since they exist and they didnt aged as well as the game.

Well, I appreciate everyone's support for my character *Silver Cyclone* to fill out the roster of the Freedom Phalanx. As a mantle-bearer of the Order of the Four Winds, he is finished with his training and has some real-world crime fighting experience, and will now take a visibly active role defending Paragon City. Especially after helping his former archnemesis' Scirocco and Ice Mistral grow as people and see beyond the villany they've lived the past years, and with the support of his Partner, Serpent Drummer, Silver Cyclone hopes to offer favorable winds to all.

His costumes are fantastic.

Hero1 should be healed by now and would definitely make a fantastic addition to the FP. Foreshadow can come too.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
I don't want Hero 1 to have a new costume. I really like his simple straightforward, already non-riktified awesome look.
You mean his tight pijamas with that not-unique-old-low-res belt?
I love the costume, cape, bracers and helmet.
But he needs an update, even if minor:
Better tights, at least sleek. And a new unique golden belt to match bracers, and 2 tones boots (red/white or red/blue could work)
Otherwise, his blue pijamas is damn boring.
Seriously I dont know who is in charge of the costumes for the NPCs heroes, possibly same person did Merit vendors pushing random with purple/yellow selection for colours.



And I still want a new zone with all W.I.S.D.O.M. in it.
Range 40-50, much needed.
Even with Rose Star and Spark Blade, giving out new TFs if possible.
Put Fussionette as trainer in Faultline and Flambeaux in Hollows and done.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
I don't really care for Ms. Liberty and her not-a-villain mercenary group Longbow so I'd like to see her join the FP.

I'll admit I don't know much about Mirror Spirit but why would you want to curse anyone you might possibly like with being in that utterly dysfunctional and basically fail group?
If your writers are bonkers, you're not safe anywhere.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Penny takes Malaise's spot in the Vindicators (and takes a hero name)
Playing her story arc, I always felt Penny should begin her heroic career with Faultline and Fusionette, not be immediately pushed into the big leagues. Plus, the Vindicators are at most an informal group of Freedom Phalanx sidekicks, and Penny barely qualifies (she did receive some training from Sister P, but really...). Why is Penny leaving her former friends behind, anyway? They're much more competent than anyone currently in the FP rooster.

Mirror Spirit joins the Freedom Phalanx, replacing Sister Psyche.
She's a member of W.I.S.D.O.M. if I'm not mistaken, she wouldn't just switch groups without a very strong reason. Besides, I don't think she's popular enough, she's just... there...

Ms. Liberty could join the Freedom Phalanx, but I think I'd rather keep her as leader of the Vindicators.
I think the Vindicators should be disbanded. They're hardly a group at all if no one could account for the actions of Malaise during the SSAs. Ms. Liberty has her hands full, tho, she inherited Statesman's estate, her mother's Freedom Corps and still has to keep a tight rein over the increasingly aggressive Longbow army.

Have a story revolving around Hero 1's cleansing and redemption and have him take over Statesman's spot on the Freedom Phalanx.
According to most sources, he's british, and so is his girlfriend Lady Jade. Why would he stay in a dying city? Even if he did, he'd probably take over Vanguard or the Dawn Patrol, not the remnants of the Freedom Phalanx.

Have Positron stay the heck away from leadership of the FP. He's the guy who builds stuff in the basement, he is not the inspiring leader type.
I can imagine the headlines...

TNP Today: ... In a triumph of the middling, a nod to mediocrity, and with gorge rising, it gives me great nausea to announce Raymond Keyes - Positron, himself - as the new leader of the Freedom Phalanx.
Paragon City Free Press: ... This lapdog of the marketting interests is as dull as he is unremarkable...
Asian Paragon: lackluster as he is soporific.
Paragon Inquisitor: ... This reversion to the mean...
Paragon Bugle: ...this rebuke to the exemplary...
WSPDR: hope to the millions unfavored by the exceptional...
The Paragon Tattler: ... Ray Keyes: not the worst, not the best, just what we're stuck with.

Personally, I'm hoping for Warwitch to take over, but only after cleaning house abit



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
Playing her story arc, I always felt Penny should begin her heroic career with Faultline and Fusionette, not be immediately pushed into the big leagues. Plus, the Vindicators are at most an informal group of Freedom Phalanx sidekicks, and Penny barely qualifies (she did receive some training from Sister P, but really...). Why is Penny leaving her former friends behind, anyway? They're much more competent than anyone currently in the FP rooster.
I agree with this. It's why I left Penny off my roster. She's too green to immediately join the big guys.



I don't see the hate on Numina. Boring? She's just as exciting as War Witch. War Witch got a story in one of the worst CoH comic storylines.

Mirror Spirit, all she has going for her is a look people want. There has been nothing more on her, so why people say they want her in the team then say "this other person is boring" is quite baffling.

Leader: Positron --- Personally I don't care for him in that spot, but I guess he's going to become the Iron Man of the FP?

Second in Command: Numina --- Posi has the tech bases covered, she covers the magic. Needs a costume update. I good one. Really, judging by the comments, that's all it really takes to make a character interresting to a lot of the players.

Resident Psychic: Penny Yin --- Needs a hero name. I'm sure the devs have some awesome name excluded from the players they have in waiting that they can use.

Resident Speedster/Jokester: Synapse --- Needs a costume update!

Secondary Magic User: War Witch --- Might as well make her a FP member, seeing what they're doing to her in i23, it seems to be the best reason to do it! But change her up! Dark Control/Cold Domination/Fire Blast Troller!

Resident Strong Arm: Citadel --- Every team needs it's brute force super strengther!


Blaster: Synapse
Controller: War Witch
Defender: Positron & Numina (and look they're a couple!)
Scrapper: Penny Yin
Tanker: Citadel

All the 5 original Hero ATs are covered. The basics are covered. War Witch can become the darker hero (she's been dead after all), Penny the excited/eager young hero, the super couple, Synapse is the prankster who can be serious when really needed, and Citadel is that boring member people don't really care for, but you know the team needs them to really be complete!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Ms. Liberty: She's Statesman's only surviving blood relative, and thus his heir. At the very least she should have been considered and/or offered a position.

Aurora Borealis: She was Sister Psyche's sidekick and one time host. Shalice was her mentor and friend. Plus, a reskin of Mommy Mayhem would have been a (assumed) easy way to give her an update.

Back Alley Brawler: Never understood the love for this character. But, hey, old guys that can beat you senseless are cool.

Synapse: No reason to keep him, but no reason to toss him out either. Devs forget he exists half the time. But, he is the token speedster. Needs to mind the 4th wall, though.

Positron: Need someone to do "SCIENCE!"

And since it's a "dream team"

Redeemed Scirocco: As the resident broody, "I most atone for my past, while ironically being morally superior to everyone else." angst bucket character.



Originally Posted by Wynele View Post
Ms. Liberty: She's Statesman's only surviving blood relative, and thus his heir. At the very least she should have been considered and/or offered a position.

Aurora Borealis: She was Sister Psyche's sidekick and one time host. Shalice was her mentor and friend. Plus, a reskin of Mommy Mayhem would have been a (assumed) easy way to give her an update.

Back Alley Brawler: Never understood the love for this character. But, hey, old guys that can beat you senseless are cool.

Synapse: No reason to keep him, but no reason to toss him out either. Devs forget he exists half the time. But, he is the token speedster. Needs to mind the 4th wall, though.

Positron: Need someone to do "SCIENCE!"

And since it's a "dream team"

Redeemed Scirocco: As the resident broody, "I most atone for my past, while ironically being morally superior to everyone else." angst bucket character.
I actually thought about putting Ms Liberty in as Citadel's replacement (never cared for Citadel myself)...but went with the idea of them fleshing out the Vidicators while they were at it and make them as awesome as they should be.

Could of remade her into a combo of StJ/MA/SS & INV Tanker

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



What would I like to see?

For those who remember the not-too-far-in-the-past Justice League animated series, You may or may not remember that after two seasons they changed formats to Justice League Unlimited. While Justice League focused on the 'core' group, the JLU focused on individuals or groups coming together to solve whatever case was up. Mix and match, get to know the whole DC universe and it's miriad characters. I liked both styles, but there's a key here that really hit a chord with me.

I want us, the players, to have the chance to become the "Unlimited" to the Freedom Phalanx. Make us the newest members alongside Penny. Give us the opportunity to take the signature characters as mentors like villains can in Arachnos. Give us story arcs that make us care about each of them and why they believe the way they do, to earn their trust so they may teach us their secrets (like the villain patrons do). Come up with story arcs both hero and villain side to expand upon that relationship/understanding of lore that makes us give a pancake about any of them and why they're in 'our' (the player's) world.

The trick here is to do it without putting words directly in our character's mouths, but by drawing us lines that give us understanding (whether we agree or not) into the heroes passion and/or reasoning for doing what they do in a way that anyone can respect (again, whether we agree or not). Not as easy as villains, but just as possible.

Many have made a lot of 'broad brush' strokes for the various hero's motivations/faults during the SSA, but what else do we have to base on them? Don't tell me comics and novels (though I've read them all myself). Most players, especially new ones, won't get it, and don't know there's story outside of this game.

I see a lot of empathy for the villain Patrons in a lot of these replys (which is funny, since apparently nobody likes to play villain side) compared to the disdain we have for the signature heroes. This, in my opinion, is one of the main reasons for this. We never get to see their story, or ambitions, played out in a way we can get 'in-game'.

I have characters that would be honored to join the Phalanx and finally get to understand the 'premiere' heroes of Paragon. Don't you? Let's join Penny in getting to know the Phalanx and be a part of the team! (disclaimer: This, like the villain patrons, would presume this would be pre-incarnate content.)

That's what I really would like to see.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
What would I like to see?

For those who remember the not-too-far-in-the-past Justice League animated series, You may or may not remember that after two seasons they changed formats to Justice League Unlimited. While Justice League focused on the 'core' group, the JLU focused on individuals or groups coming together to solve whatever case was up. Mix and match, get to know the whole DC universe and it's miriad characters. I liked both styles, but there's a key here that really hit a chord with me.

I want us, the players, to have the chance to become the "Unlimited" to the Freedom Phalanx. Make us the newest members alongside Penny. Give us the opportunity to take the signature characters as mentors like villains can in Arachnos. Give us story arcs that make us care about each of them and why they believe the way they do, to earn their trust so they may teach us their secrets (like the villain patrons do). Come up with story arcs both hero and villain side to expand upon that relationship/understanding of lore that makes us give a pancake about any of them and why they're in 'our' (the player's) world.

The trick here is to do it without putting words directly in our character's mouths, but by drawing us lines that give us understanding (whether we agree or not) into the heroes passion and/or reasoning for doing what they do in a way that anyone can respect (again, whether we agree or not). Not as easy as villains, but just as possible.

Many have made a lot of 'broad brush' strokes for the various hero's motivations/faults during the SSA, but what else do we have to base on them? Don't tell me comics and novels (though I've read them all myself). Most players, especially new ones, won't get it, and don't know there's story outside of this game.

I see a lot of empathy for the villain Patrons in a lot of these replys (which is funny, since apparently nobody likes to play villain side) compared to the disdain we have for the signature heroes. This, in my opinion, is one of the main reasons for this. We never get to see their story, or ambitions, played out in a way we can get 'in-game'.

I have characters that would be honored to join the Phalanx and finally get to understand the 'premiere' heroes of Paragon. Don't you? Let's join Penny in getting to know the Phalanx and be a part of the team! (disclaimer: This, like the villain patrons, would presume this would be pre-incarnate content.)

That's what I really would like to see.
good idea! Let us take patrons as heroes to really prove we're the number one hero!

Which, remember, Statesman was killed by this point. this point we're suppossed to be THE HERO already.

So we're going to take THE HERO OF HERO characters (our own heroes) and then say "Oh hey, look, you need to grab a patron, because really, you're still so lowly"

Well, as long as they dont offer up any epic power pool with it, sure! Do it!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection