Freedom Phalanx Roster




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
good idea! Let us take patrons as heroes to really prove we're the number one hero!

Which, remember, Statesman was killed by this point. this point we're suppossed to be THE HERO already.

So we're going to take THE HERO OF HERO characters (our own heroes) and then say "Oh hey, look, you need to grab a patron, because really, you're still so lowly"

Well, as long as they dont offer up any epic power pool with it, sure! Do it!

I'm certain your "NUMERO UNO"/MOST POWERFUL OF THEM ALL/HERO OF HERO could stand to learn a thing or two from other heroes. I highly doubt the Phalanx would be so condescending and degrading to a fellow hero, unlike Recluse and his PATRON-izing, darwinist ilk.

For the record, I'm all for learning some new tricks from fellow heroes in a cooperative manner.




Pretty much ALL of the Primal Vindicators and Phalanx badly need a costume update. Especially after GR and the updates to their Praetorian counter-parts, their costumes look very, very aged. I'm surprised they weren't updated with GR with the Praetorans, but now would be a great time as well. With Statesman gone and the shuffling of the positions, why not update their costumes a bit too?



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I actually thought about putting Ms Liberty in as Citadel's replacement (never cared for Citadel myself)...but went with the idea of them fleshing out the Vidicators while they were at it and make them as awesome as they should be.

Could of remade her into a combo of StJ/MA/SS & INV Tanker
I'd like to see Ms. Liberty remade as a sort of scraptroller. Perhaps, the deaths of her mother and grandfather ignites her incarnate bloodline--or maybe she just took a few notes from her counterpart. So that she's a MA/Electric assault/Invun/with a splash of electric control.

I would have liked for Ms. Liberty to have been offered a position in the Phalanx--only to have her turn in down, out of respect for Gramps (She can't fill his shoes and she shouldn't try) and because she wants to renew her efforts to redeem her Uncle. Not to mention she now has Freedom Corps to run.

I'm sort of mixed on the Vindicators. Don't mind them as a group, but found it silly that every member of the Phalanx had a sidekick. Guys like Synapse, and even Positron, don't strike me as the mentor type. They're allegedly the junior members of the Phalanx...who apparently aren't as qualified as she of the belly shirt. er...*cough*

Citadel could be interesting if the devs bothered to tell his story.

As for disdain for the signature characters? Eh, not really. I do feel that labeling any character "the best and most powerful" anything is, in general, a bad idea.



Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
I'm certain your "NUMERO UNO"/MOST POWERFUL OF THEM ALL/HERO OF HERO could stand to learn a thing or two from other heroes. I highly doubt the Phalanx would be so condescending and degrading to a fellow hero, unlike Recluse and his PATRON-izing, darwinist ilk.

For the record, I'm all for learning some new tricks from fellow heroes in a cooperative manner.
Im going strictly by what the devs stated purpose of killing States and SP make the characters number 1.

Of course, nevermind though, that they dont get the CoL mask in UG and all those other things #1 character you would think, would get.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Some good ideas in here. We definitely need storylines for the members, so we can give a crap about why they are even here.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Im going strictly by what the devs stated purpose of killing States and SP make the characters number 1.

Of course, nevermind though, that they dont get the CoL mask in UG and all those other things #1 character you would think, would get.

I understand your position, but I'm baffled as to how your hero could LEAD a group like the Carnival of Light. Or any group, for that matter. I think that would actually lead to an excruciatingly boring series of arcs.

CoL Contact:

[Big block of text setting up mission]

That sounds like a good idea, Contact. (mission acceptance text)

Cutscene plays showing your minions completing the mission.


You may be on to something. We should check it out. (mission acceptance)

Proceed on mission with minion/lt/boss spawn equal to your own difficulty. Wipe floor. Rinse, repeat for the entire arc.

Edit: Ok, the latter actually sounds like it could be really awesome if done right. Especially utilizing the pop-up power bar they recently created to give players MM-styled controls over objective allies...this idea gets more and more interesting the more I think about it.




Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
I understand your position, but I'm baffled as to how your hero could LEAD a group like the Carnival of Light. Or any group, for that matter. I think that would actually lead to an excruciatingly boring series of arcs.

CoL Contact:

[Big block of text setting up mission]

That sounds like a good idea, Contact. (mission acceptance text)

Cutscene plays showing your minions completing the mission.


You may be on to something. We should check it out. (mission acceptance)

Proceed on mission with minion/lt/boss spawn equal to your own difficulty. Wipe floor. Rinse, repeat for the entire arc.

Edit: Ok, the latter actually sounds like it could be really awesome if done right. Especially utilizing the pop-up power bar they recently created to give players MM-styled controls over objective allies...this idea gets more and more interesting the more I think about it.
Who says the leader has to stay at the base of operations all day?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



My updated FP Roster.

-Contest Winning Character-
Aurora Borealis
War Witch
Ms. Liberty (May be too busy with Freedom Corps and longbow, but will be the STF contact)

Manticore is going total Vigilante and will be almost an Anti-Hero now
Back Alley Brawler will be the Hero Trainer in Atlas and a reserve Member
Penny Yin takes Aurora's spot on the Vindicators and will be Aurora's side kick

Note that 2nd Signature story arc Pandora's Box, from the looks of it, will restructure the Villain side of the Equation.



Originally Posted by Dr_Illuminatis View Post
Note that 2nd Signature story arc Pandora's Box, from the looks of it, will restructure the Villain side of the Equation.
Absolutely petty, but I hope the Redside important NPC body count at least matches Bluesides in SSA#1. Recluse and Ghost Widow (States and Psyche), Jenkins (Miss Liberty), Scirocco (villain turning hero for Malaise's hero turned villain). I wouldn't like three of those deaths but fair's fair and it would show that Redside does actually have some skin in the SSA game.