Psionic Armor




At the NCSoft workshop at the end of this month they will have a "build a powerset" seminar. One of the most requested powerset combos is Psionic Armor/Melee.

This is how I see it:

75% Resist to Psionic Damage.
To Hit Debuffs.
Defense/Resist combo set with excellent status protection.
An aura that siphons stamina from foes in melee range.
A PBAOE nuke.

Cones that put people to sleep.



The individual power descriptions for all the new sets have been leaked already. I think posting it is against the rules, so I'll just say google it.



Original post is not a leak, it's a suggestion.

That said, power descriptions for Psionic Melee, which supposedly involves psi blades like Penelope Yin has somehow, are accessible on the beta server.

So I'd concentrate on that Psionic Armor suggestion, which sounds very interesting. Make sure you make it different enough from Willpower, in both theme and mechanics, to warrant its place.



I kind of understand why the OP would want "psionic armor" but if you're just looking for an armor set that gives protection against psionic attacks (resistance I guess I should say)...Dark Armor ftw!

My DA tanker has 75 or 80% resist to psy I think heh...all I know is it's actually a bit higher than my S/L resist (by 5% or so I think).

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



No, we need Gravity Armor, not Psionic! I want everything that approaches me to be flung back a few dozen feet.



I know that Staff is on its way. I couldn't find anything about Psionic Armor in a google search except other speculative posts from these forums.

Psionic Armor just sounds cool.

Conceptually, it would be a combination of telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Physical damage is less likely to strike because the Psionic Armor set uses the power of the mind to weaken the resolve of attackers (i.e. defense), as well as telekinensis to absorb or reflect attacks. I would imagine that it would take inspiration from Illusion Control, and might even be called the "Dark" Willpower of melee powersets because it imposes the will of the user onto others.

In fact, I kind of like the idea of it working like a combination of regeneration and super reflexes, similarly to how willpower was a combination of regeneration and invulnerability.

Many powersets basically mimic the mechanics of similar powers. I think that Psionic Armor would be a control set like Dark Armor, but have defense instead of resistance, utilities, and at least one glaring weakness (i.e. weakness to fire or something).

Powersets often are introduced along with a new line of baddies who wield them to some extent. So I imagine a possible alliance between the Tsoo and the Circle of Thorns or Carnival of Shadows; a fusion of the various elements of magic and martial arts.

1. Telekinetic Barrier: TOGGLE: Resist S/L; Psionic Defense
2. Psychic Aura: TOGGLE: Raises Regen/Recovery by # of Foes in range
3. Telekinetic Shield: TOGGLE: Resist En, Neg, Cold; Psionic Defense
4. Psionic Wall: TOGGLE: Resist Psionic, Status Resistance (to all)
5. Telepathic Integration: AUTO: Adds Psionic Damage to Melee attacks
6. Illusion Walk: TOGGLE: +Defense, +Speed, +Recharge
7. Dominating Presence: AUTO: Raises ToHit by # of Foes in Range
8. Overpower: TARGETED AOE: Slow 3, DefDebuff, ToHitDebuff, Sleep 2
9. Mind Over Matter: CLICK: +MaxHP, +Defense, +Resist, +Damage for 120 seconds, minor crash, high up front cost.

The beauty of something like this would be all of the slotting options available. Psionic Armor should be the Mids builder's dream come true with its customization potential.



i would post the pictures i have of psychic melee, and other new sets but im not allowed due to it being against the rules as some one mentioned, you can however check on paragon wiki if the posts are still available however i do believe they have taken them down, psychic armor sounds like a good choice but like someone mentioned you'll need a good mechanic to go with it since all new sets come with a base mechanic, plus it needs to be unique lke psychic melee relies on its own mechanic.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
No, we need Gravity Armor, not Psionic! I want everything that approaches me to be flung back a few dozen feet.
Take whirlwind.



I have seen the leaked photos and description for Staff, but not Psi. I'm not really into the spoilers at this point. I have a hard time keeping up with the game as it is with my part time gaming schedule and full time job.

But I am a sucker for armor sets with damage auras because of the fast leveling potential in AE, because I'm picky about what content I play due to time constraints.

Can you imagine a PSI damage aura? Whoa.



This is how I would like to see it...

For all melee AT's (Of course stalkers would require the normal minor changes)

Psionic Armor:
Tier 1: Psionic Barrier - Your focused mind creates a barrier around your body inside melee range deflecting blows. Toggle: 17.5% Melee Def(enhanceable)/30% Defense Debuff Resists(unenhanceable) 0.26 End/sec

Tier 2: Synaptic Overload - Your mind carries a great presence in your surrounding area, and it causes damage to your surrounding enemies, also with the possibility to stun them. Toggle PBAoE: Minor DoT (Psionic)/20% chance for mag 6 stun. range 8' 0.52 End/sec.

Tier 3: Telekinetic Barrier - With greater exertion, you are able to extend the range of this barrier to include attacks from moderate to great distances. Toggle: 17.5% Ranged Def(enhanceable)/30% Defense Debuff Resists(unenhanceable) 0.26 End/sec

Tier 4: Strength of Mind - Mind over matter is literally true for you, as your mental abilities have become so great, you can resist moderate amounts of damage through sheer willpower. Toggle: 17.5% Psionic Resists/7.5% to all other resists except toxic 0.26 End/sec

Tier 5: Extra Sensory Perception - Your situational awareness has become so attuned that you are now able to predict where Area of Effect attacks will be hitting. Toggle: 17.5% AoE Def(enhanceable)/30% Defense Debuff Resists (unenhanceable) 0.26 End/sec

Tier 6: Mental Fortitude - Your Psyche has become so strong, that through your mental faculties, even brute force cannot move you. Toggle: Resistance to KB (Mag 10)/ Resistance to Recovery Debuff (50% unenhanceable)/ Resistance to Recharge Debuff (50% unenhanceable) 0.26 End/sec

Tier 7: Neural Drain - You can tap into the minds of those around you and drain their mental energy, converting it into your own. PBAoE Moderate DMG (Psionic), Foe -Recovery - +15% HP for 1st enemy and 5% each up to 10(enhanceable)/+10% Endurance for 1st enemy and 5% each up to 10(enhanceable) range: 10' cost: 18 Endurance

Tier 8: Living Mind - Even though your body may have fallen in battle, your mind is so strong that you are able to gather yourself by draining the mental energy of those around you. Duration 90 secs untouchable, 50% HP + 5% per enemy up to 10 (enhanceable)/ 50% Endurance +5% per enemy up to 10/ Moderate PBAoE damage/ Mag 10 Stun.

Tier 9: Mental Juggernaut - For a brief period of time, you can focus your energy to dramatically increase your mental protections. +40% Def to all positions +40% Resists to all except Toxic. Duration: 15 secs. Cost: 15 End. (I could also see this being something like unstoppable from the invuln set with a crash at the end, but I prefer this version without a crash)

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



t1) Doesn't Matter.
t2) Doesn't Matter.
t3) Doesn't Matter.
t4) Doesn't Matter.
t5) Drain Psyche.
t6) Doesn't Matter.
t7) Doesn't Matter.
t8) Doesn't Matter.
t9) Doesn't Matter.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
t1) Doesn't Matter.
t2) Doesn't Matter.
t3) Doesn't Matter.
t4) Doesn't Matter.
t5) Drain Psyche.
t6) Doesn't Matter.
t7) Doesn't Matter.
t8) Doesn't Matter.
t9) Doesn't Matter.
Drain Psyche. LOL!

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
t1) Doesn't Matter.
t2) Doesn't Matter.
t3) Doesn't Matter.
t4) Doesn't Matter.
t5) Drain Psyche.
t6) Doesn't Matter.
t7) Doesn't Matter.
t8) Doesn't Matter.
t9) Doesn't Matter.
I am sure you'll understand if I think your opinion "doesn't matter"

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
I am sure you'll understand if I think your opinion "doesn't matter"
1. psychic wail
2. psychic wave
3. drain psyche
4. psysmic smash
5. golden psyfly
6. psyfense sweep
7. who cares
8. who cares
9. who cares

Hew in drag baby



Rad Armor before Psi Armor.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Rad Armor before Psi Armor.
You already got symbiotic armor in the works, and its like a toxic/radiation symbiotic like Venon or Carnage, and does looks very promising.

So, Psionic Armor for suggested at summit.
Or Whips/Chains as melee long range powerset like ones we got lately.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
You already got symbiotic armor in the works, and its like a toxic/radiation symbiotic like Venon or Carnage, and does looks very promising.
Haven't seen any details, and in no way does the pure concept of radiation align with that of a symbiote... *shrug*
(Ignoring the fact that binding a set to a limited concept like that is itself awkward.)

Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
So, Psionic Armor for suggested at summit.
Good luck with the suggestion, but I'd be very disappointed if one of the longest standing player requests like rad armor got bumped for a johnny-come-lately.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Good luck with the suggestion, but I'd be very disappointed if one of the longest standing player requests like rad armor got bumped for a johnny-come-lately.
Psionic Armor is hardly a new request either, you know.

I know basically nothing about Symbiotic Armor beyond the name, but yeah, it seems like it won't be a good match for a radiation concept.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
No, we need Gravity Armor, not Psionic! I want everything that approaches me to be flung back a few dozen feet.
Thinking small. If *I* take Gravity Armor, I want everything that approaches me to be flung into space!

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Planet_J: The one problem I see with your list of powers is that we'd be stuck with primarily defense slotting, so a Psionic Armor build would have to get all of its extra defense from its teamed powerset and that really limits slotting options. Unless 6-slotting Red Fortune is worth it. I run into the same problem with Energy Aura. At least the defense is positional, but that also doesn't leave it with any holes which I think it needs in order to be balanced.

Psionic Armor should be something like a midway point between Energy Aura and Dark Armor. As in, in the same territory as far as the style of armor set it is, but being a combination of defense and resistance with an obvious strength against psionics but a weakness against another element (i.e. fire, cold, whatever).



Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Planet_J: The one problem I see with your list of powers is that we'd be stuck with primarily defense slotting, so a Psionic Armor build would have to get all of its extra defense from its teamed powerset and that really limits slotting options. Unless 6-slotting Red Fortune is worth it. I run into the same problem with Energy Aura. At least the defense is positional, but that also doesn't leave it with any holes which I think it needs in order to be balanced.

Psionic Armor should be something like a midway point between Energy Aura and Dark Armor. As in, in the same territory as far as the style of armor set it is, but being a combination of defense and resistance with an obvious strength against psionics but a weakness against another element (i.e. fire, cold, whatever).

it would mostly contain ports such as indomitable will and kinetic shield, drain psyche is possibly one of the most overpowered moves in the game and most likely would not be included in the set, from what i know of, the mechanic of this set is insight, which builds up psionic damage over time, so if it were to be a damage type defensive set it wouldnt need the extra damage, not when you could slot the cognitive interface for extra dot, it will definitly be a highly popular set since being requested set since beginning of the game but the only psionic set currently in the works is psychic melee not psychic armor, so i think everyone needs to not jump the gun too far.



Originally Posted by Kathari View Post
Planet_J: The one problem I see with your list of powers is that we'd be stuck with primarily defense slotting, so a Psionic Armor build would have to get all of its extra defense from its teamed powerset and that really limits slotting options. Unless 6-slotting Red Fortune is worth it. I run into the same problem with Energy Aura. At least the defense is positional, but that also doesn't leave it with any holes which I think it needs in order to be balanced.
It does have holes...on SOs, which the game is balanced around. But to softcap to regular content and not eat into your primary slotting...look at this...

17.5% to ALL positions enhanced to 155% will come out to be around 25-26%
Manuevers/Weave/Combat Jumping add +/-12% to ALL positions...we are at 37-38% now...add the 2 unique 3% Def resist IOs into your Resistance power and fill the rest with say...3 Aegis...and now you are at 43-44% M/R and 46-47% AoE...want to be over the cap? Add Agility Alpha and you can slot whatever in your primary with no worries. AND you have some extra endurance for APP/PPP pools, AND 33% recharge buff on your powers...Now if you wanted to hit Incarnate Soft Cap...that's another matter...

Psionic Armor should be something like a midway point between Energy Aura and Dark Armor. As in, in the same territory as far as the style of armor set it is, but being a combination of defense and resistance with an obvious strength against psionics but a weakness against another element (i.e. fire, cold, whatever).
I don't really disagree...I think of it as a Mixed Dark/Fire/Regen type set but inverse using Defense instead of being a Resists set. Or similar to EA but Positional instead if you will.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



I'll squeal like a little girl for Psychic Melee, but if there were to be a Psionic Armor, I'd hope it would introduce a different dynamic other than the usual Defense/Resist set. Some control would seem conceptually appropriate. Damage aura with a chance for confuse, or just a confuse aura. Phantom Army-like body doubles with taunt (non-damaging).

I like the idea of a rez power (Living Mind that was mentioned), but how about a twist on it. Think rez power meets Power Surge. You rez as a form of Psionic energy. 45% Defense, 70% Res, increased regen and recovery. When you rez, a copy of yourself is left laying down on the ground. You have 45 secs to clear the scene out or to help your team mates get to safety before you revert back to being defeated. At which point you TP back to where your body was.

Of course, the more I think about that, the more it sounds skippable. Meh.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
I'll squeal like a little girl for Psychic Melee, but if there were to be a Psionic Armor, I'd hope it would introduce a different dynamic other than the usual Defense/Resist set. Some control would seem conceptually appropriate. Damage aura with a chance for confuse, or just a confuse aura. Phantom Army-like body doubles with taunt (non-damaging).

I like the idea of a rez power (Living Mind that was mentioned), but how about a twist on it. Think rez power meets Power Surge. You rez as a form of Psionic energy. 45% Defense, 70% Res, increased regen and recovery. When you rez, a copy of yourself is left laying down on the ground. You have 45 secs to clear the scene out or to help your team mates get to safety before you revert back to being defeated. At which point you TP back to where your body was.

Of course, the more I think about that, the more it sounds skippable. Meh.
The only time I take rez powers is if I need another mule. But then again, sometimes you're doing one of those pain in the butt missions with many "levels" and no one has tp.... and I don't have travel powers.... then you die and have to run all the way back to where you left off... NAH, use a wakie... LOL



I'd wager there would be some sort of Rech debuff associated with it, that seems to be a common theme amongst Psionic powers.

Maybe a modified version of World of Confusion as the taunt aura.