Psionic Armor




Originally Posted by sypher_vendetta View Post
it would mostly contain ports such as indomitable will and kinetic shield, drain psyche is possibly one of the most overpowered moves in the game and most likely would not be included in the set, from what i know of, the mechanic of this set is insight, which builds up psionic damage over time, so if it were to be a damage type defensive set it wouldnt need the extra damage, not when you could slot the cognitive interface for extra dot, it will definitly be a highly popular set since being requested set since beginning of the game but the only psionic set currently in the works is psychic melee not psychic armor, so i think everyone needs to not jump the gun too far.
Just curious, have you run the new Energy Armor to 50 yet?

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I also couldn't help but notice a distinct lack of mez resistance in planet j's psy armor. probably a slight oversight during the write up, and something easily added to (and most likely intended) mental fortitude.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



My only hope is that they'll give Drain Psyche to this set, then use that as an excuse to fix that power.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

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Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
My only hope is that they'll give Drain Psyche to this set, then use that as an excuse to fix that power.
The devs did a full pass on Psi Assault when they nerfed Psi Shockwave to heck and back, so not really sure where this nerf call for Drain Psyche is coming from.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
The devs did a full pass on Psi Assault when they nerfed Psi Shockwave to heck and back, so not really sure where this nerf call for Drain Psyche is coming from.
I didn't agree with them not touching it then, either, but the Devs have consistently made poor decisions when it comes to Regen (both buffs and debuffs), and I don't think they quite get it.

I really love the power, but in its current incarnation it is ridiculously overpowered, and it would remain so on a Brute (even more so, because of the higher max hp there).

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

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Originally Posted by RaikenX View Post
I also couldn't help but notice a distinct lack of mez resistance in planet j's psy armor. probably a slight oversight during the write up, and something easily added to (and most likely intended) mental fortitude.
I assure you it was my intent that it be implied that the mental fortitude power was the mezz toggle...perhaps I hastily missed adding the implications...but that was my thought...

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
I didn't agree with them not touching it then, either, but the Devs have consistently made poor decisions when it comes to Regen (both buffs and debuffs), and I don't think they quite get it.

I really love the power, but in its current incarnation it is ridiculously overpowered, and it would remain so on a Brute (even more so, because of the higher max hp there).
Brute's don't get it so that is up to debate if they ever do. Many powers get adjusted down when as did Psi Shockwave for Blasters. Still not seeing this evidence of OPness from DP.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Thinking small. If *I* take Gravity Armor, I want everything that approaches me to be flung into space!
Fine, this then- Everything within fifteen feet is constantly hit by Lift. So they are all propelled up and slammed into the ground. If you want them to really fly you can slot KB enhancements.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Brute's don't get it so that is up to debate if they ever do. Many powers get adjusted down when as did Psi Shockwave for Blasters. Still not seeing this evidence of OPness from DP.
Actually, the power was nerfed when moved to Blasters, but they didn't change it for Dominators (because screw you Blasters, I suppose?):

Dominator Psi Assault:
100 Melee_Ones% Regeneration, Recovery for 30s (max of 1000%, unenhanced)
-500 Melee_Ones% Regeneration, Recovery for 30s

Blaster Mental Manipulation:
75 Melee_Ones% Regeneration, Recovery for 30s (max of 750%, unenhanced)
-250 Melee_Ones% Regeneration, Recovery for 30s

Rise to the Challenge is 100% + 25% per target, for a max of 350%. Instant Healing is 600%. Fully saturated Drain Psyche is the strongest regeneration buff available to players, period, able to beat fully slotted Willpower or Regeneration without any slots - once you slot the power out, it only has to hit a couple of targets to beat entire powersets at survivability. Oh, and at even one target, without enhancement, it will give you more Recovery than 3-slotted Quick Recovery. And it is the strongest -Recovery debuff available to players (nothing else that I know of is more than -100%, and Short Circuit is only 10 seconds). And it is the only enhanceable -Regen debuff, allowing Blasters to tie Lingering Radiation for magnitude and Dominators to be twice the strength(!).

Part of the problem is that regen and recovery uses Melee_Ones, which is the same regardless of your archetype.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

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This thread is fairly moot since something like nine new power sets have already been leaked and psi armor isn't one of them. What they tell us, though, is that there will never be another armor set that relies solely on the old melange of defense, resistance, healing and status protection. At minimum it would include absorb, but I find it incredibly unlikely that they would stop short of giving it its own novel mechanic. How else would they justify selling it for 800 points?



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
This thread is fairly moot since something like nine new power sets have already been leaked and psi armor isn't one of them. What they tell us, though, is that there will never be another armor set that relies solely on the old melange of defense, resistance, healing and status protection. At minimum it would include absorb, but I find it incredibly unlikely that they would stop short of giving it its own novel mechanic. How else would they justify selling it for 800 points?
True, they really do like adding new mechanics, but Staff Fighting tells us they don't mind recycling various other special mechanics in unique mixes (Staff combines the Ammo system from DP, the combo system from Street Justice, and Kinetic Melee's "buff per attack", but has no new mechanic of its own). So we could justify a new set by, say, combining the Global Chance for damage from Fiery Embrace with the new Absorb mechanic. It could even combine that with an Against All Odds type thing and give you a hybrid:

Psychic Backlash
Toggle, +Psi Damage, -Recharge
+25% Global Chance for Psi Damage (doesn't stack)
+5% Global Chance for Psi Damage per target
-20% Recharge to target
Taunt to target

Psionic Embrace
Click, +Psi Damage, +Absorb
+25% Global Chance for Psi Damage
+some amount of Absorb (whatever is relevant)

Now you've got a set that gives you a constant amount of psionic damage, a la Fiery Embrace, where that amount fluctuates based upon the number of enemies around you, and you have a click power that will pump that number up to 100% for a short time (making it a match for Fiery Embrace, which is 100% Global Chance) as well as giving you some Absorb.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

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Right but I don't see that 30 sec buff as OP and apparently neither do the devs.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Right but I don't see that 30 sec buff as OP and apparently neither do the devs.
There has never been a direct correlation between dev inaction and their opinion of powers. Castle remarked upon Blaze multiple times, but it never got changed, for example. I completely expect to see this power altered on Blasters whenever it is that Synapse and company get around to doing a balance pass on them, even if all they do is make the -Regen unenhanceable.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

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There are probably other things in their minds than simple "balance" when considering whether or not to nerf/balance powers/sets. Its possible that they won't nerf it until it becomes ridiculously OVERUSED. I don't play on all servers and I'm part time because of work, but I honestly haven't seen to many psychic toons. So if its "overpowered" it could be to encourage more people to use the builds.

Based on this logic, one would expect SS/Fire brutes to get a rework.