Paragon Market: Ligers and Lions...OH MY!




Originally Posted by SilentSpy View Post
I am extremely disappointed overall with how long they've been sitting on Staff Fighting and then release stupid things like this that weren't even entertaining as April Fool's jokes.
Good thing everyone goes to you to find out what they should and shouldn't like, huh.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Good thing everyone goes to you to find out what they should and shouldn't like, huh.
Yes. Yes it is.

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Can I get a freaking tiger? Lions and Ligers are fine but I'd rather have a tiger.

Or anything but new animals. German Shephards, Cyote power, then the dark beast in dark control, and then Beast Mastery, now Lions and Ligers. This whole game has gone to the dogs... (Sorry I couldn't help myself.)

But seriously, since the animal pack last year and now all this stuff, bat auras and what have you, I'd be happy if we got back away from the animals a bit. I know it's popular with some folks but it seems like in a short time we've gotten inundated with animal updates.

Less animals and more Super for me please.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Can I get a freaking tiger? Lions and Ligers are fine but I'd rather have a tiger.
Tigers have a different body shape than the lion/liger or panther, so, it has to be crafted rather than simply reskinned, which is more work.

The same for a domestic cat.

I sure these will be coming eventually, but they weren't on the Beta server when it was open (Beta server currently closed in prep for I23).

We saw the same thing with the roll out of the doggies: first the wolf/shepherd/dark wolf model, then the coyote, then the dire wolf. While all dog-framed rigs, they have different body types.

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Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Less animals and more Super for me please.
Non animal releases -

Beam rifle
Dark blast
Dark manipulation
Street Justice
Titan Weapons (and added skins)
... feel like I'm missing about two other than Beast.

Costume sets:
Imperial Dynasty
Pocket D
Fire and Ice
Carnival of Light

Other - ignoring things like super packs, ATOs, etc.
Leprechaun buff pet

While yes, there's a lot *recently* (as they're trying to get some stretch out of the new rig,) on balance it's not all that bad.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Egads, you're right. I guess I didn't realize there would be anything faked on the Internet.

Let me try again...


Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



I can only hope that means we'll actually get Clown Summoning in the not too distant future.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

I am appoint.
Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Photoshopped... Ligers don't have manes! Or it could be a Tigon, but I don't think they have full manes like that either.
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Egads, you're right. I guess I didn't realize there would be anything faked on the Internet.

Let me try again...


Yeah, I was searching around to make sure my thoughts of the first photo being fake were likely correct...
Also, as an expert witness for the court, I will state for the record that this last image is not entirely accurate. Thankyouandgoodday.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Sure you might not care about these vanity pets and that's fine. But don't let yourself be fooled into thinking that the -only- thing the entire Dev staff of Paragon Studios has been doing lately was working on these pets. You realize that one person can churn out vanity pets while other people can be fixing bugs and working REAL content at the -same- time right?
If they really wanted us to buy all the pets pokemon style, they would have let us have MORE THAN ONE OUT AT THE SAME TIME.

And they said they were going to look into the Vanity Buffing Pets at freedom launch, and they still haven't gotten back to us.

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Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I can only hope that means we'll actually get Clown Summoning in the not too distant future.
Well of course it will be at least four months from now give or take a month or two depending when it hits BETA, based on the SF timeline.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Non animal releases -

Beam rifle
Dark blast
Dark manipulation
Street Justice
Titan Weapons (and added skins)
... feel like I'm missing about two other than Beast.

Costume sets:
Imperial Dynasty
Pocket D
Fire and Ice
Carnival of Light

Other - ignoring things like super packs, ATOs, etc.
Leprechaun buff pet

While yes, there's a lot *recently* (as they're trying to get some stretch out of the new rig,) on balance it's not all that bad.
Granted, but I never said it was all they did recently, just that they've done a lot of it. And they have, since animal pack, no other theme has really gotten as much love as "animal". Sure there have been other powersets and lots of other stuff in the game, but Titan weapons didn't get 9 weapons packs. It got one.

All I'm saying is, the animal stuff has come on really heavy, and maybe it's selling like hot cakes, but I don't see that many of them (outside beast mastery) running around in the game, and honestly I think they can dial it down a little for a bit. I don't think we need a new animal in the game as often as we've been getting them.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Granted, but I never said it was all they did recently, just that they've done a lot of it.
Because it sells. And it sells because people want it. It's not all about you.

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Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Granted, but I never said it was all they did recently, just that they've done a lot of it. And they have, since animal pack, no other theme has really gotten as much love as "animal". Sure there have been other powersets and lots of other stuff in the game, but Titan weapons didn't get 9 weapons packs. It got one.

All I'm saying is, the animal stuff has come on really heavy, and maybe it's selling like hot cakes, but I don't see that many of them (outside beast mastery) running around in the game, and honestly I think they can dial it down a little for a bit. I don't think we need a new animal in the game as often as we've been getting them.
Not really - and let me point out that one thing that's come up for *years* is "Where are all the animals? Why are there no dogs or cats roaming areas of the city?" I expect we'll get to see that soonish.

As far as "no other theme," you're comparing a "theme" with a powerset. Not really valid. Titan Weapons came out, for *multiple* ATs, and then had an extra pack for more weapon variety. And then we had one - *one* - mastermind set based on animals. And a few temporary powers that others can use to fill out their character ideas (shapeshifting druid, archer with dog pet, etc.)

Before this, we've had people asking for more animal parts, companions, etc. They're finally able to fulfill many of those requests - so why shouldn't they? *They're able to do what we've asked for, and they're doing it.*

And no, obviously by "we" I don't mean everyone. But as far as "we" a portion of the playerbase? Heck yes.

So, y'know what? If you (by you, I mean all the people complaining about "all" the animals) don't like it, all you have to do is wait. Others *have* been waiting, and they're getting their requests done now that it's possible. In a little while, something else will be filling the requests of other customers, just like Titan Weapons did, for instance, and if it's new tech they had to develop, they'll use it and we'll see the same old "OMG they're overusing it I'm so sick of seeing it" threads on that.



Bill, it's nice to see someone else saying basically what I've been saying about the "all the animals" complaints as well.

Since they can't be customized, I hope they keep dishing out a lot of these things (or come up with a way to customize them, which I find highly unlikely any time soon, if ever).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Bill, it's nice to see someone else saying basically what I've been saying about the "all the animals" complaints as well.

Since they can't be customized, I hope they keep dishing out a lot of these things (or come up with a way to customize them, which I find highly unlikely any time soon, if ever).
Personally, I expect it to peter out soon, then come back when they can do a somewhat different (more... "slinking," I suppose) animation with them.

My "Wouldn't be surprised" list:
- Dogs/other creatures in the city.
- Random dog-like creature with new group, possibly with attacks other than the lunge.
- Porting 2-3 other dog types over once they're NPCs/scenery.
- The "Dog Pack" with multiple variants in the market, 800pp.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Did you cancel your subscription whenever they failed to release a new power set that week pre-Freedom? Or whenever a cosmetic-only microtransaction was released? My goodness, it's a wonder you ever subscribed at all!
Hell, no.
I dont even forget last time I cancelled my suscription.
What I mean is Im having lots of points that I dont spend lately, and SSAs were not that great so that makes me wonder if I should remain as premium, and pay only for points when I want to buy something...



Do these have the same animations as the wolf? if they do, I'm less interested. One thing that bugs me about the wolves [and the Demon MM set] is how "busy" they are. They're constantly in motion, not to mention when I see an animal sit and scratch every ten seconds I automatically think "where's that Advantage I had in the kitchen drawer, is it still there...."

Real animals are not nearly that busy, and I'd like to see in-game pet animation cycles slowed by at least 50%. AND, AND! Demon noises greatly reduced, but that is an old issue. Which it would be great to see actually addressed!



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Do these have the same animations as the wolf? if they do, I'm less interested. One thing that bugs me about the wolves [and the Demon MM set] is how "busy" they are. They're constantly in motion, not to mention when I see an animal sit and scratch every ten seconds I automatically think "where's that Advantage I had in the kitchen drawer, is it still there...."

Real animals are not nearly that busy, and I'd like to see in-game pet animation cycles slowed by at least 50%. AND, AND! Demon noises greatly reduced, but that is an old issue. Which it would be great to see actually addressed!
From my testing on beta, the cats had their own animations.
And I remember thinking that the animations were very well done. The licking of their paw and rubbing it on their face was a very nice touch and was animated quite well.

Whether or not you'd like them, I can't say. I do recall there really only being two idle animations, so the rotation through them gets a little old quickly... but the ones they did have were some nice, fluid work.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Review of "Jungle Pets 1" purchase (Lion & Liger vanity pets)

- Expressive ears
- Idle animations
- Full-body breathing
- Liger's exit animation swirls

- Hair not attached
- Mane is sparse
- Black teeth makes it look like someone forgot to add in the texture there

*** At their best angle, the hair still doesn't make a convincing mane and is not attached properly. From the back the poor beasts' manes look mostly bald. (Click picture for full image.)

Request/Recommendation: Please 1) attach the hair, and 2) re-color the head and shoulders between the mane to be the same shades as the mane so the color are blending instead of balding.

Overall I'm pretty happy with my newest vanity pets except for the heartache for my poor, almost-bald kitties.

PS The "scorpion tail" on the Liger is just the very tip, not the whole tail. Honestly it looks to me more like the Liger is suffering from a bad reaction to a bee sting than anything else. Mostly I ignore that detail without much effort.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Hell, no.
I dont even forget last time I cancelled my suscription.
What I mean is Im having lots of points that I dont spend lately, and SSAs were not that great so that makes me wonder if I should remain as premium, and pay only for points when I want to buy something...
The amazing thing is that if you don't want to buy something you don't have to spend your points. Wait I'm certain something will come along you just must have.

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
From my testing on beta, the cats had their own animations.
And I remember thinking that the animations were very well done. The licking of their paw and rubbing it on their face was a very nice touch and was animated quite well.

Whether or not you'd like them, I can't say. I do recall there really only being two idle animations, so the rotation through them gets a little old quickly... but the ones they did have were some nice, fluid work.
Well, I bought the Liger for my little Beast MM.

I think he's very cute! And he does NOT make noise, for which I give thanks. And I would much rather only have a few animations, than the animal shifting through his animations every 2.5 seconds. That is visually busy and I don't like that.

I like the animations that he DOES have, the only thing is that his black teeth puzzle me... but overall he's really cute and I like him.