Weekend Super Heroics!
Yes, and the second season of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes starts on April 1st as well, in a block with USM.
Young Justice was awesome this week. A DC version of Spiderman. An absolutely painful pun from Wally. Just plain all around good.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
CN recap
Ben 10 - Seems to be a good place to end this series. Sadly the animation of the next one looks godawful.
Thundercats - Lion-o's mostly dead. Slithe has the Sword and is bringing it to Mumbra. The rest of the cats are left in the desert far from the ThunderTank. While this is going on Lion-o's spirit is going through a series of trials to get a 2nd chance of life. All is required is for him to learn to be a better leader. Part 1 of 2.
Green Lantern - OK episode. No real forward progress on the overall story, unless you count robo-GL.
Young Justice - Wow. Now we all know Artemis's family tree. Boy is Red Arrow hard on her. And Wally, now realizing he is out of the running for Miss M, has his sights focused on Artemis, until the end of the episode.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
The antics between hulk and thing in the new avengers earths mightiest heroes had me laughing out loud. The poker game scuffle actually had me on my knees laughing.
My Pre-Order Coh box.
My character in coh beta.
My character in a coh beta mission.
Yeah, Hulk and Thing need their own show.
I watched Ultimate Spider-Man and am a bit ambivalent about it. I found the whole gimmick of him talking to the camera a little too Ferris Bueller-ish. (which was fine for that movie, but this isn't that movie) I know they're trying to convey Spidey's cockiness, but I think they could've just done that through ordinary dialogue. It started to grate on my nerves after a while.
On the plus side: Stan Lee as the school janitor. Who doesn't love Stan the Man?
I'll watch a few more episodes to give it a chance before deciding whether to make it regular viewing like Avengers: EMH.
One thing I liked about USM is having JK Simmons as JJ Jameson and the guy that played Agent Coulson in the Iron Man and Thor movies doing his voice here.
So does anyone know who "Not Spider-Man" was in this week's Young Justice episode?
And who else caught the Doctor Who shout out in same?
- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie
Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608
So does anyone know who "Not Spider-Man" was in this week's Young Justice episode?
He was voiced in this episode by Josh Keaton, who also was in the 'Spectacular Spider-Man' as...well you can guess.
Both YJ and SSM were written by Greg Weisman, so it was a bit of an in-joke.
Also note, fan speculation is that the reporter Black Spider was targeting was intended to be Bernell Jones and his daughter Cissie King-Jones(Arrowette).
Given that this weeks Young Justice was written by one of my favourite comic book and novel writers, Peter David, it's no surprise I loved it, but I was thrilled by the number of in-jokes in there as well!
Amazed no one has mentioned the blue police box entrance to the YJ base yet!!
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

I didn't notice it was a "police box", I thought it was the same old blue telephone booth that had been used in previous episodes.
Edit: Dang it, I should have caught that (just watched the clip from YouTube).
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
I caught the police box but forgot to mention it. I was too busy geeking out about the other stuff.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Just got caught up on YJ, and I must say, So the big question is which of the 3 YJ'ers that the villains have a line on, will be the one that betrays the team? Also wondering which of the team will make the Ultimate heroic sacrifice on the season finale? With 3 episodes left this season, I'm leaning on Artemis to make the Ultimate Sacrifice, but in my opinion she's way too obvious a choice for it.
I'm guessing Superboy is the mole due to him being brainwashed and crazy. Artemis is too obvious a guess, Miss Martian couldn't pull off that without being far too suspicious, as she can barely keep her true form a secret. Robin wouldn't be it unless he pulled a Jason Todd, Kid Flash is too immature and idealistic, and Aqualad's too straight and narrow for it.
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOI LER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOI LER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOI LER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOI LER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOI LER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOI LER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOI LER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's Red Arrow!
And all the couples will share a kiss!
So, this weekend we have the premiere of Ultimate Spiderman. Looking at the Disny XD website revealed something I have not heard about until now.
Guest Stars!
Including Iron Fist, Power Man, and Nova!
Though not sure if they will appear in this weekends episode.
Young Justice!
I gotta tell you, I love this show, and glad it is back on.
Personally, Superboy and Aqualad are my favorites, how about you?