I'll just have to see...
I my self put some thought into the dynamics and possible outcomes in regards to the market. What I think is going to happen is a lot more grand scale in a said "domino effect". What I see is a periodic reaction like everything else thats really cool. Like AE merits and profiteering the salvage.

I spent the first few days of converter craze buying the pvp io recipes that I can only assume some of you were dumping at bargain prices because, well, for whatever reason. I crafted, kept some, sold some and made a very tidy profit.
And then it occurs to me - what am I gonna do with all this loot? I don't really pvp - at least, not more than 30 minutes every few months. But, I told myself, better to have them and not need them, then want them and not be able to get them. See, I notice that there were some people that were paying twice as much for recipes as for the IOs themselves. This means 1 of three things: 1. Several people pressed one too many zeroes. 2. Someone foolishly forgot to read the latest patch notes and wasn't aware that the prices were dropping. Or 3. They have a lot of the crafted IOs for that recipe for sale, and they want folks to either burn up all their converters to get what they want, or pony up the inf and buy that persons IO at a price that by todays standards is probably about 10 to 20% higher than we've come used to. I looked, but didn't see any post about Alignment and Astral/Empyrean merits being able to purchase the enhancement converters, but my understanding is that it will be possible soon. And, because for most of us, it's not that big a deal to get a toon to 40 and confirm alignment - even though there will be a cooldown, I suspect it won't take us long to use the other merits to get what we want. I do see prices rising a little bit over time. How much? Can't say, but my guess is about 600 mill when things calm down. Greed will get the most of some folks, but impatience will get the better of even more people. Purely conjecture on my part. I could very well be wrong. |
I have come to the conclusion over watching the market behavior all these years that some people never compare recipes to enhancements even when enhancements are selling cheaper than recipes. Because of this I have always compared the price of the recipe and the enhancement before I craft my drops. People are really slaves to the perceived "price" of the items based upon the current last 5 sales or their own memories of what something is supposed to cost.
Also people tend to play at the same times and days of the week which means they often do not know that an item is cheaper or more expensive at other times of the week.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I do see prices rising a little bit over time. How much? Can't say, but my guess is about 600 mill when things calm down. Greed will get the most of some folks, but impatience will get the better of even more people.
I bought several hundred pvp IOs prior to I22 for <20m each.
So the total cost is perhaps 130m.
Suffice it to say, there is basically no chance there's going to be a 400M+ profit available. So the options are:
1. LotG/etc prices will rise because less merits are going into Pool C rolls/recipes because
2. The supply of PvP IOs is actually constrained and prices rise because of raw material scarcity (not happening while pvp farms exist)
3. The prices on PvP IOs falls
My money is on a mix between 1 and 3. I'm expecting LotGs to creep up as converters become more known, and possibly setting in the 100-125M range more firmly. I'm expecting PvP IOs to drop to be from 175-250M.
Don't be deceived by the fact that they fell precipitously and now are climbing. They are climbing simply because of the artificial constraint on how many converters can be purchased. Raw merits only come from TF completion, arc completion, and super packs. A-merits, E-merits, and HAMs are all soloable in a much greater quantity and A-merits and E-merits are attainable in mass quantities by groups.
I think there's going to be slightly less money available per really high-end build, because people won't need to farm as hard to purple out a character (and because some of the reservoir of inf drained off in the Great PVP Frenzy.) And people who have it will spend it, competing with other people who have it, so... my grand guess is that purple prices will come down to about 75% of their old values for the expensive ones, maybe 2/3 of that for the cheap ones.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I fully understand that with converters, some folks picked up the cheaper pvp ios and made some extra for their foresight.
I can understand the ...inflation of prices on the junk pvp ios. Demand for them goes up, because everyone wants to get them because they're cheaper and use the converters and hope they get lucky.
Nothing new there.
But, people have been willing to pay 2 billion and more for a glad proc.
The thing that really puzzles me is this: I know that the cheaper something is, the more folks that can afford to buy it. However, I think that if, instead of 300-450 mill for the glad armor, we all saw a last 5 sales of 800 million, then we'd all be seeing 700 to 900 million for them.
What crazy person sells an item for 400 million when he is reasonably assured of making 2 billion? Even the folks that get in quick enough to buy a junk pvp io, they either convert and slot, or convert and sell - and they'd love to sell it for billions, rather than 400 million.
People have shown they're more than willing to spend more than a billion on these. Why dump the price down so low? This market forum definitely has more impact on the market than 80% of the player base, I'm thinking.
The gas stations call it price fixing. The two gas stations across the street from each other agree to sell their gas for the same price. Otherwise, they have a price war to see who can go lowest. The end result is neither one makes as much money as they'd like.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I get supply and demand. But the standard rules don't seem to apply to pvp ios on the whole. Panaceas and glad armors are no more plentiful than javelins, yet they are almost double the price now, and were many more times the price before talk of converters.
Perception is reality. If the playerbase does indeed see 3% def(all) as worth 2 billion, though the supply may increase because of converters, has the greed decreased?
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
People have shown they're more than willing to spend more than a billion on these. Why dump the price down so low?
Most PVP IOs are essentially junk. With a few exceptions, they have undesirable bonuses, and no one really wants them. So much so, that despite the incredibly low supply and the fact they they keep their bonuses on exemping, demand was low and so prices were low.
Imagine demand for IOs as a pyramid.
At the top, you have the people who will pay 2+ billion off-market for their +def proc.
Below them, is a tier of people who will pay 2 billion on the market. They just aren't willing to go to the hassle of off-market transactions, or they don't value the IO more than 2 billion anyway.
Below them, is a tier of people who are willing to pay 1.5-2 billion.
Below them, is a tier of people who are willing to pay 1-1.5 billion.
Then the people who are willing to pay 0.5-1 billion.
Etc, all the way down to all the people who would pick one up if it was the same price as a Steadfast +def.
In the past, supply of the highly desirable PVP IOs was so low, that it was only enough to fill the very top tier of the pyramid, with a little overspill. Many went to off-market sales, and those that went into WW were immediately picked up by a 2 billion standing bid.
Then comes news of enhancement converters.
Demand for PVP sets increases globally, because they now have a use -- conversion into desirable IOs.
Demand for the PVP sets containing the desirable procs increases more than for the other sets, because it requires fewer converters to hit gold.
Off-market sales dry up as the news of converters spreads, buyers decide to wait, and the demand vanishes. The top tier of the pyramid is gone before the converters are even active.
People with PVP IO stock start to unload it on the market, because they foresee increasing supply and falling prices. Again, even before converters go live, prices start to fall because supply is increasing.
First of all, it reaches the people who still have outstanding bids for 2 billion for the IOs. (And lets hope they really wanted them, and weren't just storing inf.) Eventually, that tier is filled up. There are no more buyers willing to pay 2 billion.
Now, sellers have a choice. They can wait for more of the 2 billion buyers to come along, or they can start dropping their prices, to pour supply into the tier of people who will pay 1.5-2 billion. Sellers are still making out like bandits at 1.5-2 billion, and they know supply is increasing, so down the prices go.
Remember that sellers are competing against other sellers for buyers. If I have a waiting bid in at 1.9 billion, and you price your IO at 1.899 billion, you get the sale when someone who prices at 1.901 billion doesn't. So particularly when there's a combination of increasing supply and outstanding high bids, it makes sense to drop listing prices to try to catch those bids. Once those outstanding bids are they're gone, there might never be bids placed that high again.
Eventually, though, the demand at the 1.5-2 billion level soaks up the supply. Is there still an excess of supply? Then either a seller must drop their price, or be left sitting on piles of unsaleable stock while other sellers take the sales.
Prices will keep dropping, until the supply coming into the market is matched by the demand at that price. Then it will stabilise.
If there was price-station gas supple price fixing happening, then sure, everyone could agree to sell their IOs for only 2 billion. But that requires that a) you can get agreement from everyone who ever sells on the market, which is impossible and b) no one will agree to the price fix, and then unload all their stock at 1.8 billion and run away giggling. Which, of course, would be very ebil.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
What crazy person sells an item for 400 million when he is reasonably assured of making 2 billion? Even the folks that get in quick enough to buy a junk pvp io, they either convert and slot, or convert and sell - and they'd love to sell it for billions, rather than 400 million.
People have shown they're more than willing to spend more than a billion on these. Why dump the price down so low? |
Even if all the players here on this forum colluded, all it takes is one affluent or well-supplied player (and I know several who do not post here) to put big cracks in the dam by undercutting us all to get the sales. Once one person starts sales at lower prices, it would create tremendous temptation for colluding folks to break ranks with the coalition.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Once again, I suppose I must conclude that I make the crazy assumption that people will compare the price of a recipe and the salvage and crafting costs with the price of the IO they want.
Obviously, this is not the case. At least not with some. (and those of you that bought my overpriced Panacea's, I thank you....I think. )
I appreciate all of your responses. I particularly enjoyed the phrase "prisoner's dilemma".
I suppose I underestimated the desire for a "quick" sell. I had this idea that many of you were far more affluent in terms of inf., that you would be able to sit on your glad procs until such time someone finally ponied up the inf to get it. But, I guess, if you don't sell it at 400 million, someone else will.
Again, thanks for your responses. It's the marketing and the quirky things I see it do that have been keeping me subscribing - although the UGT and MoM trial have helped a good bit, too.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Were you not familiar with the prisoner's dilemma?
Cool, we're educating people and making them evil!
I agree with the "PVP crash" thesis. Apparently the average to make a random PVP into a Glad 3% is something like 40 or 50 converters? Call it 5 Alignment merits , if that code ever goes live.
Something that used to cost 30 AM's is now available for 5 AM's and a junk recipe. Less than 5 if you're willing to settle for another of the "big three". There are around ten times as many junk recipes as valuable ones.
And just in case someone was gonna try and buy up supply to hold the price (a good way to burn hundreds of billions of inf and still lose, if my experience on smaller-scale projects is anything to go by) we're going to start off with a flood of, like, three hundred Glads.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
My only envolvement in the converter craze was fairly late compared to those who were aware before me. I paid 100 million for lower PvP crafted enhancements and converted them to defense/resist/heal for my favorite toons. I have no intention of selling them for gain, they will be slotted. I only got my hands on 20 or so. I myself was too slow from lack of interest on trying to land billions. I did not have the foresight from beta/forums etc. I am usually locked into base edit stacking legos. So for me, the converter and acct reward merits were thee answer to the market and this thread altogether. But now that I have them I did open up the flood gate of slotting all my toons with exactly what I want. I didn't post this for any significant contribution other then some added data to your census.
When I get drops that are purple I never sell them. Because of this habit, I think I was one of the few who gained the most from the converter. I suppose I can still make a fair price for the converted purples. I have chosen not too. I suppose it would be wiser to stay out of the market because my needs have already been met.
I am sure there are many like me who avoid the lure of the market. BTW, it never hurts to bid 1,11,111,1111 on items. Since the market is global I have been hard pressed selling items at this price. I am one of the contributors that attempt to augment the demand in favor for the small percentages so people can "GAME ON!"
Just my thoughts.. not trying to be right or wrong.
I didn't even mess with PvP IO's. All I did with converters was buy up some level 15 rares and convert them into low level procs, mostly stealth.
I had a bunch of level 30 recipes that I got from Fulmens and converted many of them and put them on the market.
I think I might have lost money on it overall but I made an extra 3 billion (I know, nothing like a real marketeer could make) over the last month to keep my liquid reserves at 22 Billion. Besides, someone out there can actually use a Trap of The Hunter Triple at level 30.
I spent the first few days of converter craze buying the pvp io recipes that I can only assume some of you were dumping at bargain prices because, well, for whatever reason. I crafted, kept some, sold some and made a very tidy profit.
BTW bought hundreds of cheap sleep purple recipes also, those I am crafting, out of set converting and keeping. It's nice to know I now have multiples of each purple set just waiting for future toons and I've only crafted about half of the sleep recipes so far.
I had thought about doing that with the cheap sleeps. But, with the exception of the pvp ios, I don't make a habit of buying anything in the market. What good is a farm toon if it can't get that stuff? Although I do have the council empire map and the freak map and the infernal demons on a few toons, hero tips may not be as easily farmed, but they can be run at */8 for purples as well any other mission.
I suppose if I had hundreds of "junk" pvp io recipes, I would have placed them in wentworths at a price I thought they would sell at. It would never have occurred to me to keep them on various alts as recipes until converters made their way to beta.
I have always thought about setting up a pvp io farm. I am slightly better than mediocre at pvp at best. It would be the only way I'd get them aside from a farm or outright purchase.
However, I must not have wanted to that badly, because I never did. Not sure where I would have put them even if had tried. My server is fairly active with pvp. I've little doubts both killer and rezzer would have been laying dead upon my return.
You are correct about one thing for certain. Crafting and acquiring the salvage takes time. Some days, I just put it off until the mood strikes me.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
I spent the first few days of converter craze buying the pvp io recipes that I can only assume some of you were dumping at bargain prices because, well, for whatever reason. I crafted, kept some, sold some and made a very tidy profit.
And then it occurs to me - what am I gonna do with all this loot? I don't really pvp - at least, not more than 30 minutes every few months. But, I told myself, better to have them and not need them, then want them and not be able to get them.
See, I notice that there were some people that were paying twice as much for recipes as for the IOs themselves.
This means 1 of three things:
1. Several people pressed one too many zeroes.
2. Someone foolishly forgot to read the latest patch notes and wasn't aware that the prices were dropping.
3. They have a lot of the crafted IOs for that recipe for sale, and they want folks to either burn up all their converters to get what they want, or pony up the inf and buy that persons IO at a price that by todays standards is probably about 10 to 20% higher than we've come used to.
I looked, but didn't see any post about Alignment and Astral/Empyrean merits being able to purchase the enhancement converters, but my understanding is that it will be possible soon. And, because for most of us, it's not that big a deal to get a toon to 40 and confirm alignment - even though there will be a cooldown, I suspect it won't take us long to use the other merits to get what we want.
I do see prices rising a little bit over time. How much? Can't say, but my guess is about 600 mill when things calm down. Greed will get the most of some folks, but impatience will get the better of even more people.
Purely conjecture on my part. I could very well be wrong.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese