Animal pack II




I will break this up in to sections

Heads: gorilla, chimpanzee, Anubis dog head, antlers, bear, shark, and hammer head shark.
upper body: gorilla, Shark, and bear
lower body: gorilla, bear and shark skin for legs
belt options: some of the banished pantheon options would work here
head options: some of the banished pantheon options would work here as well
feet options: gorilla feet, bear feet, and webbed feet for shark (maybe just re skinning the monster feet from the Halloween pack.
tail options: don't know if a fish like tail would be possible but maybe, a bear tail would be small, a monkey tail for the none gorilla.
weapons: again some of the banished pantheon options would work here as well,
arms and hands: for gorilla, and chimpanzee, bear, and shark (maybe just re skinning the monster feet from the Halloween pack.
options for the upper torso: there again some of the banished pantheon options would work here

that is all i can think of right now

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Works for me.



Yes please!

I'd finally be able to make a mummified bear with shark head toon!



If we do get a second animal pack, it will more than likely cover more reptilian and aquatic based animals, to try to fill in that niche. Around the time the first Animal Pack came out, David Nakayama made a comment about lizard heads and something else along those lines.

But I doubt we'll be getting one for some time.



Dragon heads, please

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Beats me why they don't go with a general concept, such as an aquatic based pack, perhaps develop a powerset maybe something like water control (again I'm being very general here). Release the powerset and at the same time release the pack, or maybe a 'special edition' pack with both. Surely demand would be high?

A current example would be up-coming Beast Mastery, while not release some more animal related costume parts when that is released - surely demand would be highest at that time?

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Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
A current example would be up-coming Beast Mastery, while not release some more animal related costume parts when that is released - surely demand would be highest at that time?
Absolutely, although the current Animal Pack and all-access costume parts cover the various minion types in Beast Mastery (viz. Wolves, Hawks, Locusts, Lions, Dire Wolves).

Perhaps to make the existing Animal Pack more attractive, Dink or someone in the art department could add one more option to the current pieces, say, chimp or ape parts. If not, then adding new animal-themed costume elements piecemeal could work in the Paragon Market.



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Beats me why they don't go with a general concept, such as an aquatic based pack, perhaps develop a powerset maybe something like water control (again I'm being very general here). Release the powerset and at the same time release the pack, or maybe a 'special edition' pack with both. Surely demand would be high?

A current example would be up-coming Beast Mastery, while not release some more animal related costume parts when that is released - surely demand would be highest at that time?
Technically, I think it would be an increased quantity demanded... But I agree. :P

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If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



They could put out a fantasy pack with dragon, cyclops, raven, like heads and parts

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Dragon heads, please
I second this!! And more horn options from what we have already to go with it!
Still wouldn't mind a longer dragon tail (slightly) longer than the organic armor one from mutant pack to go with the head n stuff.

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Something for ppl to use



They need to have feathers too, we can't really make a proper bird character from the previous pack if we have no feathers. Feather textured skin with all those furs and scales would be nice.



It's niche, I know, but I would really love a "Dog Breed pack" (A "Dog Pack Pack?") with heads and tails for many different breeds. You can't make recognizable tributes to specific breeds with the current options, severely limiting my concepts for an all-dog supergroup.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
If we do get a second animal pack, it will more than likely cover more reptilian and aquatic based animals, to try to fill in that niche. Around the time the first Animal Pack came out, David Nakayama made a comment about lizard heads and something else along those lines.

But I doubt we'll be getting one for some time.
Wow! Crocodile heads!



They'll probally need to add some bird features like feathered arms, legs and torso. We only have a head, wings and feet.

Love to see some Shark and Croc stuff, especially since two of my VG partners are based on those critters.



That fine and all but a Shark isn't an animal, there should be another pack for Sea Life booster pack Like Sharks, whales, Sting Ray and Hammer head.

What I like to see is Stag, Rabbit, Bear, Prime Ape which would be Gorilla and Rodents like Rats, God I love Rats they so cute and Elephant.

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Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
I second this!! And more horn options from what we have already to go with it!
Still wouldn't mind a longer dragon tail (slightly) longer than the organic armor one from mutant pack to go with the head n stuff.
I third this, i no alot of Dragons theme toons on Virtue and I want to make a better Dragon toon myself.

*Maybe you guys should make a list of costume themes stuff you want in this game and Send it too Noble Savage or another Gm that designs costumes in this game.

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Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by dbhellfist View Post
They could put out a fantasy pack with dragon, cyclops, raven, like heads and parts
I second this Ideas with Dragons, Cyclops, Orc's and troll's, so on.

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Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by dbhellfist View Post
They could put out a fantasy pack with dragon, cyclops, raven, like heads and parts
Good idea!



So let me get this right a Sea life pack, an animal pack with deer, bear, rabbit, gorilla and rat type heads and parts (maybe dog as well that can be colored to make different breeds that would have to have snout and ear options ) and a fantasy creature pack with cyclops, unicorn, dragons, ravens etc, I like it sounds like 3 packs total adding the odd parts that were misted last time would be great

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



I like all these suggestions, but I am somewhat skeptical on whether we will be allowed shark heads, only because that may diminish the originality of Capt. Mako, but I could be wrong.

If they do allow sharks skins and heads, the shark heads need to have access to several paint schemes, so as to allow for leopard sharks and tiger sharks, a goblin shark and/or a swordfish head would be awesome! Flipper hands would be interesting.

More reptile heads would be awesome, but I would prefer to see some dinosaur heads, kinda like a "prehistoric pack" with:
a velociraptor head, a pachycephalosaurus head (with ankylosaurus/stegosaurus head variant + organic body armor plates* + variant ankly/stego tail + stego fin back pack), and maybe a triceratop head if they could work out a scheme for how to make the head look balanced to the shoulders.
Along with an ancient marine creature:
a dunkleosteus head with organic body armor plates*
Finally, flying reptile head:
a pterosaur head*2 (variants--Pteranodon head/Ornithocheirus head)

A highly unlikely suggestion/request would be a serpent neck combo for:
-sea serpent (a variant of the "Snakes" head but with dragon fin webbed ears)
-long necked bird
-sauropod (variant of sea serpent)
-hydra head (not the in-game "Hydra" but classical myth hydra)
-Pterosaur*2 (the really impressive looking pterosaurs had this type of neck)
This would use a scale slide adjustment of the current in-game animated tails or use the current in-game "Snakes" tail/torso skeleton, but programmed/written to the head area instead of the tail area.



i would not mind seeing new body types. Male, Female, Huge Male, Huge female, Monster and so on. a snake for a lower half stuff like that.