Might of the Tanker, chance for +Res




Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
I have the proc slotted in Haymaker and I find it works pretty good as is, but I just see it as an added bonus so my expectations aren't that high. I get one stack fairly consistently, hitting two or three is just gravy.
I have it in haymaker as well and it doesn't fire off anywhere near as much as I expect it to

My dom can stack his proc (3/min not catalyzed) relatively quickly and keep it up without much trouble in a power that has an identical recharge time (8 seconds) while my tanker has the epic proc (6/min) can hardly ever stack it and often goes with no procs at all.

My expectations aren't high I just expect it to work as advertised.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
I have it in haymaker as well and it doesn't fire off anywhere near as much as I expect it to

My dom can stack his proc (3/min not catalyzed) relatively quickly and keep it up without much trouble in a power that has an identical recharge time (8 seconds) while my tanker has the epic proc (6/min) can hardly ever stack it and often goes with no procs at all.

My expectations aren't high I just expect it to work as advertised.
I have mine catalyzed and slotted in Jab. I still have a hard time having it fire more than a twice per minute. I'm very lucky if it even double stacks.



I got off my lazy butt and copied a toon to Test to try it out. I slotted the MotT Res proc and headed to RWZ to test it out.

Short answer is that the MotT proc seems to work fine in Crowd Control, where I slotted it. I doubt I'll miss the chance for Lethal proc I had in there. At base numbers it adds 5% resistance to everything per proc. It seemed to fire each time I used CC, with only a slight delay. I could keep about two of them up, but with the base recharge in Crowd Control keeping more up was problematic. So about 10% resistance overall, which is nothing to sneeze at.

With an Enhancement Catalyst, the proc adds 6.7% resistance to everything, or about 13.4% across the board with a typical two running. Not bad at all.

I'll have to think about this, but Crowd Control does offer nice damage on a decent recharge (about 5.8 seconds) and I just love using it. I could put the MotT in some faster firing power, but with the less damage or mitigation. Yeah I think the mitigation in CC is going to win out. There's a big difference between one or two extra procs, about 6.7% to 13% less damage, and 100% less damage because everything is knocked down.

So the CC is convenient because the Chance for Lethal proc is about the only IO I can remove without messing up the build, and the combination of decent recharge and mitigation make it a power that I'm constantly mashing anyway.



Originally Posted by Hatred666 View Post
I have mine catalyzed and slotted in Jab. I still have a hard time having it fire more than a twice per minute. I'm very lucky if it even double stacks.
This is very odd. Mine basically fires every time I use it. I hope it's you that is bugged and not me, I'd hate to lose the way the proc is working now.

EDIT: Here's a weird thought: The text says that the proc fires up to 5 times per minute. How does it do that? Does it consider the recharge time of the power it's slotted into?

Crowd Control has a base recharge of 12 seconds, and 60 seconds / 5 = 12 seconds on the money. Whereas Jab has a recharge of 2 seconds, which would yeild a proc chance of about 16.5% if you wanted 5 of them per minute. Hmmm.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
This is very odd. Mine basically fires every time I use it. I hope it's you that is bugged and not me, I'd hate to lose the way the proc is working now.

EDIT: Here's a weird thought: The text says that the proc fires up to 5 times per minute. How does it do that? Does it consider the recharge time of the power it's slotted into?

Crowd Control has a base recharge of 12 seconds, and 60 seconds / 5 = 12 seconds on the money. Whereas Jab has a recharge of 2 seconds, which would yeild a proc chance of about 16.5% if you wanted 5 of them per minute. Hmmm.
From what I'm reading elsewhere, it seems like it's chance to fire depends on the base recharge of the power it's slotted into. The way my build is slotted, only Foot Stomp and LBE would have room for the proc. I don't even know if LBE would take it or not though. I figured since I use Jab heavily in my attack chain, it was good to slot with it.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
EDIT: Here's a weird thought: The text says that the proc fires up to 5 times per minute. How does it do that? Does it consider the recharge time of the power it's slotted into?
My testing in beta indicated that the proc chance uses combined Base Recharge and Cast times for the calculation. For single target attacks (currently no Tanker attacks are considered single target due to punch-voke) the formula appears to be Proc/Minute Rate * (Recharge + Cast) / 60s.

For AoEs I believe the only change is that this value is divided by a factor that estimates the number of hits per cast and appears to be based off just Radius, Arc and Maximum Targets. I only have the sketchiest idea what the formula for that AoE factor is at the moment. However, for melee cones this factor appears to be fairly small, which is why Crowd Control is at or near a 100% proc rate. If the factor is less than 1.167 then it should be at 100%.

Unfortunately, due to the punch-voke bug, right now you are usually better off putting the Tanker proc in a true AoE, as the radii for the Taunt for longer recharge ST attacks can get to be quite large (17' on a 20s Recharge attack such as Seismic Smash or Knockout Blow) and so it will knock the proc chance way down.

On top of that punch-voke bug alluded to above, the IO also has only one chance to proc per casting, regardless of how many targets you hit. Which means you pay the penalty for it being in an AoE but actually get no benefit whatsoever from hitting multiple targets. (Almost all of the self-buff SBE/ATOs that I tested in Beta suffer from this handicap; the only one that didn't was the Brute proc, but that has now been changed, invalidating my Beta test, and probably resulting in it having the same problem as the others.)


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
For AoEs I believe the only change is that this value is divided by a factor that estimates the number of hits per cast and appears to be based off just Radius, Arc and Maximum Targets. I only have the sketchiest idea what the formula for that AoE factor is at the moment. However, for melee cones this factor appears to be fairly small, which is why Crowd Control is at or near a 100% proc rate. If the factor is less than 1.167 then it should be at 100%.

Unfortunately, due to the punch-voke bug, right now you are usually better off putting the Tanker proc in a true AoE, as the radii for the Taunt for longer recharge ST attacks can get to be quite large (17' on a 20s Recharge attack such as Seismic Smash or Knockout Blow) and so it will knock the proc chance way down.
Just to point out: in my very brief test on Beta yesterday, I was often finishing up a single boss in a spawn, and on a single target I saw no change in the frequency of the proc. It was always 100%.

I strongly suspect that whatever you think you are seeing as a bug here doesn't exist. For melee attacks, a small radius does NOT change the chance to proc. It does not knock down the chance to proc. I had 100% proc rates the whole time. Likewise, this "puch-voke bug" certainly wasn't affecting Crowd Control.

There may be an issue with actual large radii AoE. I'll make another copy and test with Shield Charge.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
There may be an issue with actual large radii AoE. I'll make another copy and test with Shield Charge.
There is a definite AOE factor in the proc calcs. Doms slotting the Dom proc into the AOE immobs (big area, plus very fast recharge) are seeing the worst proc chances -- which go up remarkedly when the proc is re-slotted into the ST hold (which has a relatively long recharge).



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
Just to point out: in my very brief test on Beta yesterday, I was often finishing up a single boss in a spawn, and on a single target I saw no change in the frequency of the proc. It was always 100%.

I strongly suspect that whatever you think you are seeing as a bug here doesn't exist. For melee attacks, a small radius does NOT change the chance to proc. It does not knock down the chance to proc. I had 100% proc rates the whole time. Likewise, this "puch-voke bug" certainly wasn't affecting Crowd Control.

There may be an issue with actual large radii AoE. I'll make another copy and test with Shield Charge.
First, Crowd Control doesn't have the extra punch-voke AoE added on to it, no Tanker AoEs do, only the ST attacks. The do have punch-voke, but since they're already AoEs, they're already paying the SBE/ATO proc rate penalty. ST attacks do have an extra AoE hiding in the background that does nothing but taunt... and ruin their SBE/ATO proc rate.

Second, you misunderstood the bug... the proc rate doesn't change with the number of targets you have, it only changes with the particulars of the power. Once it's slotted in a power it's always the same (unless it's an ATO and you upgrade it with a Catalyst). What I'm trying to say is that it only checks once per activation no matter how many times it hits. Since you're using powers with a 100% chance to proc you aren't seeing this. Though you would if you noted that it never procs more than once per activation no matter how many you hit.

For Crowd Control the AoE modifier is apparently less than 1.167, so it's proc chance is 100% when you hit 1 target or 5. If it was 80% it would also have an 80% chance of firing whether you hit 1 target or 5. Not 1-(0.2^5) = 99.968% chance as you'd expect when hitting 5 if it was checking for each target hit. I say as you'd expect because you'd be paying a proc chance penalty for the IO being in an AoE so naturally I think you'd expect it being in an AoE to provide some sort of benefit.

For Shield Charge to reduce the proc rate to less than 100% it would have to have an AoE mod of 9.84 or higher, which is highly improbable. It should be in the 4-5 range. For observing this bug you need to deliberately choose powers that will NOT give you a 100% chance to proc. You've chosen two that do. Once again, when you choose a power that gives a 100% chance to proc the issue of one activation = one chance to proc if you hit anything is completely irrelevant unless there is a possibility for multiple procs per power activation (as there should be if you're paying a penalty to have the proc in an AoE). However, with a power such as Tremor it does matter even without considering the multiple proc potential; as the proc rate is somewhere around 43%. It has a 17.3s cycle time compared to Crowd Control's 14s. So the AoEMod is clearly much higher. In the neighborhood of 3. So the IO pays a significant penalty to its proc chance for being in Tremor. However, in testing versus 1 target it proc'ed on 43% of the hits, while in testing against 4 it proc'ed in just 12% and there were never instances where it proc'ed more than once on a cast. That's not because the proc chance changed, it's because any hit past the 1st on each activation didn't result in a chance to proc at all. The proc rate per activation in which there was at least one hit was 48%, consistent with the 1 target tests. If it was giving me the benefit of multiple checks I should have seen an average of 1.67 procs per activation and at least one on 89% of my casts.

I believe the reason this proc behaves this way is because it targets the caster, not the target of the power it is slotted in. To try to confirm this during beta I tested all of the procs that target the caster and on beta all but the Brute proc behaved this way. And since going live they have changed the Brute proc. So I suspect it now behaves this way as well.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



I PM'd Synapse with this bug, and he wrote back. I'll paraphrase:

1. There is a known punch-voke bug.

2. It will be fixed soon. (Like, very soon.)

3. And Crowd Control and other AoE melees won't be affected, they're working as intended.

So... soon.



huzzah test server patch notes!


Fixed an issue with Tanker single-target powers where their proc chance for PPM enhancements was erroneously being penalized for Gauntlet's AoE. Tanker attack powers should now have the same proc chance on PPM enhancements as other Archtypes' versions of those powers.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Excellent! Good to hear.

I'll have to see how it plays out in Scorch after the change. It currently doesn't proc as much as I'd like it to and was debating moving it to Fire Sword, but I'll wait to see how it goes after the change.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory