[TITLE EDITED]: Not Just for Pocket D Anymore!

Agent White



Mr. Caldoun. A villainous "paper mission" contact in First Ward. He's evil, I get it. Go start a protection racket on a tough person running a tough place, fine. People trying to make some downtime in a rough piece of crater and you go in to extort, yeah, that's evil. Destroy their supplies and leaving them hungry in a war zone? That would take it "too far" enough for villainous purposes.

But then it crosses a line. Given the very real, very horrific kidnapping and forced sexual servitude trade going on in the world, especially in war zones, I have a very hard time accepting that a 'paper mission' is the right place for treating this topic so... so...

I'll just record it and see if other people have their own adjectives.

Start a racketeering ring on the Dregs

The Duchess runs a dance hall out around the Sunken City. I know, she's crazy, but nobody ever messes with her entertainers. The way I figure it, she's in need of some protection in case something bad happens to her business. I'd like you to pay her a little visit and show her how bad it would be not to pay for that protection.

No need to hurt her, just smash up her place andwork over her entertainment a little. That should get the message across.

Talk to Duchess; 2 supplies to smash up; 3 of the Duchess' dancers to rough up

Dancer <Captive>
(shabby-clothed civilian woman surrounded by toughies with guns)
Dancer: Uff!
Dancer: What's going on?
Dancer: Are you here to save me?
Dancer: Please!
Dancer: Stop!
Dancer: Don't kill me!
Dancer: No! Please!
Dancer: Uh...
There's more from Caldoun that take what I find to be ridiculously malicious and glib options and force them on Loyalists and Rogues, which I find hamhanded after running all the way through the Loyalist storyline again with its vast ranges of moral choices and good/evil. The mainline story of First Ward is just amazingly awesome. So to have the scant few but clumsily brutal on Caldoun is just... wha?

But this one -- just took the proverbial 'cake'.

Ironic thing? THIS is where they score a Gender Equality win by having the sex trade victims randomly male or female. Go figure.

#28470 - MA & YOU! Quick Tutorial
Poster 1481: Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings
Cultist fun in 3586 Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit
Formerly of Perils of Paula!



He's more of a red side contact rather than a Praetorian contact - the FW storyline lacks any really evil stuff, so he's there to satisfy the moustache twirlers.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Paula View Post
I was just putting this out there, but if that's the first reply...

Seriously? You look at beating up sex trade victims and say "moustache twirler"?
To work out what's moustache twirling content, simply read a mission briefing, then ask yourself, "would Westin Phipps approve of this?"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Paula View Post
I was just putting this out there, but if that's the first reply...

Seriously? You look at beating up sex trade victims and say "moustache twirler"?
I think you need to remind yourself where the phrase of "mustache twirling" comes from.



Examples of twirlers in the game:

Protean, Darrin Wade, Westin Phipps, Dominatrix.

Examples of non-twirlers in the game:

Tyrant, the Hamidon, Scirocco, the Clockwork King.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



to help people with my new Golden Girl Translator, I think what she's saying is that she sees Mustache Twirling evil as any sort of villain who's evil deeds see so over-the-top they come off as more ridiculous than offensive, motivation being an additional factor.

For example, as noted, tying women to railroad tracks if mustache twirling evil because there's honestly no point when you consider that there's better, more efficient, faster, and practical ways to kill people, and the motivations of the people who do this range from "rejection" to absolutely nothing.

Just as, to her, Westin Phipps' lack of real motivation (other than just to be a jerk to the world) and over-the-top acts of villains that are effectively bullying (worse, actually; having others bully for you) in extreme, pointless ways.

I suppose it can be understood, at least in a fictional media standpoint, but it feels jarring from someone like Golden Girl who'd probably treat petty theft the same as arson, and will casually label anyone who happens to be in the Rogue Isles a monster of a person who must be locked in jail no matter what their actual motivations or reasons for being there are. (One year old born in the Rogue isles because his pregnant mother was kidnapped by Arachnos? Better hope they have clean diapers in the Zig, BABY.)

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
He's more of a red side contact rather than a Praetorian contact - the FW storyline lacks any really evil stuff, so he's there to satisfy the moustache twirlers.


Did you actually play the FW arc? You know. Sober?



OK, just a side note I'd like cleared up...

Pocket D?

Have I been missing something potentially important there?

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



You may not realize this, but CoH is not real life.



Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
OK, just a side note I'd like cleared up...

Pocket D?

Have I been missing something potentially important there?
This was my concern as well. If there is "entertainment" in Pocket D, I wanna know about it.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Maybe referring to the caged dancers? >>



This attitude that sex crimes are the be-all end-all of horrific villainy has always irked me. Look, they're terrible things and all, but they're far from matchless in the psychological damage they do to people. Any kind of slavery or longterm imprisonment is actually going to have similarly debilitating effects on the human psyche unless effort is made to mitigate them. And none of them carry the irreversible totality of murder, which is something which happens pretty often in-game.

There is actually some content in this game that makes me freak from trauma to the point where I'm deeply uncomfortable playing it. I can make myself do it, but I will spend the next several hours in a state of semi-panicky heightened awareness. This content has absolutely nothing to do with sex, and it's also my problem. I don't particularly mind that it's included in the game, because it's clearly not endorsed by the narrative and I can skip it if I want.

Why should a different flavor of trauma be treated differently?



As a small note: some years back, I recall running around Port oakes when I noticed two female NPCs on a balcony. one called to me with the following: "Having a good night? Wanna make it even better?"

My exact thoughts were: "Wow... they really managed to get that past the radar."

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I haven't done these missions...
Is there content/text that hasn't been posted here that makes it out to be sex trading victims?

I see a vague presentation of a "dance hall" and "entertainers" and an OP taking the leap on what that means.

Regardless, I don't have any issues with harsh and repugnant issues being used for content, if done well enough (including a good deal of respectfulness in the writing and the approach).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
To work out what's moustache twirling content, simply read a mission briefing, then ask yourself, "would Westin Phipps approve of this?"
Westin Phipps:

Desperation, deprivation and despair are floating through the halls of Haven House now that everyone has heard about what you've done. I had a young mother bring her little children to me in tears.

'Oh, Mr. Phipps! My little Elsie and Sophia ate some of the food Character poisoned, and now they've gone blind! What will we do?'

Oh, I tell you, it took all the control I had to stop myself from laughing. But I put on my most sorrowful and sympathetic face for them, and took them all in. You've made this dreary charity case a simply delightful situation.

Now, whatever will I do with a desperate mother and her blind twin daughters? Hmmm...
That always sounds like a reference to the "sex trade" to me.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post

For example, as noted, tying women to railroad tracks if mustache twirling evil because there's honestly no point when you consider that there's better, more efficient, faster, and practical ways to kill people, and the motivations of the people who do this range from "rejection" to absolutely nothing.

Just as, to her, Westin Phipps' lack of real motivation (other than just to be a jerk to the world) and over-the-top acts of villains that are effectively bullying (worse, actually; having others bully for you) in extreme, pointless ways.
The 'Tying the girl to the railway tracks' thing isn't about killing per se.
It's about forcing 'poor young Nell' to marry the moustachioed malevolent, in order to get her hands on her inheritance. Usually in such cases her childhood sweetheart, Jack, arrives home on leave from the Navy. The Villain is sent packing with a swift jab and Nell is rescued from her awful fate.

Though one may argue that her marriage to the frequently absent Jack is merely swapping one undesirable fate for another.

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Originally Posted by Paula View Post
There's more from Caldoun that take what I find to be ridiculously malicious and glib options and force them on Loyalists and Rogues,
Not quite, although Loyalists and Rogues can do Caldoun's mission, he's intended as a Villain contact.
The Loyalist repeatable missions in First Ward are given by Angela Hu and, although Rogues don't have a contact of their own, they're probably better off going to Vickers than Caldoun.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



I just see this as another instance of the mixing up of what makes a good antagonist and what kind of villain people actually want to play as. While opinions obviously vary, my experience has always been that if you force people to do something very distasteful as a villain, they'll balk.

As far as I'm concerned, a good villain we want to play as is the kind of villain we secretly want to be but have the good sense not to. It's the glamorous villain who's cool, who gets his way, who no-one can touch and who can steamroll anyone who opposes him.

Player villains should not be a lesson of morality. Player villain missions should not be designed to make us feel ashamed to play out villains. There's nothing wrong with writing missions that make peoples proud of themselves for being a villain, nor is there a problem with writing villain missions that put an evil grin on people's faces. There's nothing wrong about letting people enjoy being evil in a game where you play the villain. And I remind you - not a lot of people enjoy being truly repugnant.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



An evil villain doing something evil? Stop the presses!



After reading this thread I came across a Valentine Tip where you can misdirect a Valentine to Crosscut. Setting him on a woman was genuinely a little disturbing.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth