[TITLE EDITED]: Not Just for Pocket D Anymore!

Agent White



Originally Posted by lordlondis View Post
You shouldn't have been a villain, you should have been a baseball player. If playing a bad guy in a video game makes you queasy you should stop playing bad characters and maybe watch some My Little Pony.
You forgot to insert "care bear" in there.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



This whole time I am reading this the only thing I can think is, "Man, none of these guys must play the red side much if at all, and on top of that, NONE of them have ever been to St. Martial before I take it!"

I have to agree with others, if playing the bad guy makes you feel bad, then maybe a bad guy ain't for you. As for playing the bad guys you want to play, yeah you can RP that all day, but unless you make the game up (and rules) yourself, I don't ever really see any game being the way I myself want it, but I am just fine with the way this one is!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You always need to account for whether players would actually WANT to do this particular kind of evil deed. Remember - City of Villains is a game for the masses, meaning you have to develop villainous content for people who are not inherently evil, malicious or violent will still enjoy.

I'm not saying villains should be less evil. What I AM saying is that villains should concentrate more on the glamour and high life of being evil and the rewards it brings, as opposed to the dirt and grime and the disgusting side of what it means to be one.

Really, I'm getting a little sick - literally sick - of villain story arcs that "reward" me with an act of depravity. I didn't become a villain for the killing and the torture and sliminess. I became one for the money, the fame and the girls, damn it!
See the bolded section of the quote. The answer is yes. Yes, there are people who want their villains doing just those evil deeds.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You forgot to insert "care bear" in there.
If you want to watch care bears thats fine by me, I do not judge people.



Originally Posted by Demonic_Spark View Post
I have to agree with others, if playing the bad guy makes you feel bad, then maybe a bad guy ain't for you. As for playing the bad guys you want to play, yeah you can RP that all day, but unless you make the game up (and rules) yourself, I don't ever really see any game being the way I myself want it, but I am just fine with the way this one is!
Playing the bad guy doesn't make me feel bad. I have plenty of villains who would scare the pants off Mr. Phipps. It's playing THAT KIND of villain who brings only vile and no class that makes me feel underwhelmed. You very much CAN do evil without seeking to revolt your audience.

Take a look at Lord Recluse, for instance. Yes, Arachnos as a whole do some very, very bad things that, when you get down to them, will make your skin crawl. But Recluse himself? Everything any story of his comes up, it always focuses on the ways in which he's awesome and glosses over the ways in which he's repugnant.

He's powerful, both personally and in terms of followers. He's smart, enough to usurp and run his own villain organisation, to say nothing of his own sovereign state. Every time his name comes up, it's treated with either respect and admiration or respect and fear, and every time his name makes a splash. Daos and Mako and Brass and the others may be trying to play their little games and chase their little agendas, but every time Recluse gets involved, everyone shuts up and listens because he IS the big guy in the isles.

That's the kind of villain I want to be - the cool kind. If that doesn't involve murder, kidnapping, selling people for body parts, murdering civilians and so forth, then so be it. I want a villain with a cause above and beyond being evil, and whose character is expressed in more than the evil he or she does. The kind of villain I want to be is defined by his dreams and aspirations, not his body count or his penchant for cruelty. Those are, ultimately, just means to an end. What that end is defines what kind of villain we're dealing with, and most of what's out there for player villains is vastly underwhelming.

Mind you, it's not underwhelming because it's not "evil" enough. It's plenty evil. It's underwhelming because "evil" is all it is.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Ya know I have enough weird ideas for characters. I don't need you throwing fuel on the fire. Thanks a lot.

<goes off to the character creator grumbling>
Argh! You beat me to it! Fine, I'll just have to create the train that swore vengeance upon evil after its parents were de-railed by a damsel tied to the tracks...

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Ya know I have enough weird ideas for characters. I don't need you throwing fuel on the fire. Thanks a lot.

<goes off to the character creator grumbling>
You're actually going to make her? I just thought up the strangest character concept I could from that picture. What powers are you giving her?
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Argh! You beat me to it! Fine, I'll just have to create the train that swore vengeance upon evil after its parents were de-railed by a damsel tied to the tracks...
This is a nice idea as well. Kind of the arch rival to the previous one. Steam Girl and the evil Night Train! (Names may or may not be available.)

I do hope you post pics of the characters when they're done, if you're actually making them. I want to see.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Playing the bad guy doesn't make me feel bad. I have plenty of villains who would scare the pants off Mr. Phipps. It's playing THAT KIND of villain who brings only vile and no class that makes me feel underwhelmed. You very much CAN do evil without seeking to revolt your audience.

Take a look at Lord Recluse, for instance. Yes, Arachnos as a whole do some very, very bad things that, when you get down to them, will make your skin crawl. But Recluse himself? Everything any story of his comes up, it always focuses on the ways in which he's awesome and glosses over the ways in which he's repugnant.

He's powerful, both personally and in terms of followers. He's smart, enough to usurp and run his own villain organisation, to say nothing of his own sovereign state. Every time his name comes up, it's treated with either respect and admiration or respect and fear, and every time his name makes a splash. Daos and Mako and Brass and the others may be trying to play their little games and chase their little agendas, but every time Recluse gets involved, everyone shuts up and listens because he IS the big guy in the isles.

That's the kind of villain I want to be - the cool kind. If that doesn't involve murder, kidnapping, selling people for body parts, murdering civilians and so forth, then so be it. I want a villain with a cause above and beyond being evil, and whose character is expressed in more than the evil he or she does. The kind of villain I want to be is defined by his dreams and aspirations, not his body count or his penchant for cruelty. Those are, ultimately, just means to an end. What that end is defines what kind of villain we're dealing with, and most of what's out there for player villains is vastly underwhelming.

Mind you, it's not underwhelming because it's not "evil" enough. It's plenty evil. It's underwhelming because "evil" is all it is.
And that's great. Most if not the majority of villain side content is directly towards villains like you. The bargaining, power hungry, anything to rise through the ranks (within reason of course) villain. You want money and power and you spend most of your time fighting other villains to get it (which means that redside content is primarily the same as blueside content with some text differences)

I think it's a bit silly to be complaining "evil for the sake of evil" missions when I can probably count the truly evil ones on one hand.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I find it interesting that, when given something that leaves room for personal imagination, people who would get offended about certain things tend to imagine those very things.
So very much this.

Also, I'd forgotten about the guy who thought the Science Pack would lead to real life crossdressing and dogs and cats living in sin, etc. Funny stuff.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Playing the bad guy doesn't make me feel bad. I have plenty of villains who would scare the pants off Mr. Phipps. It's playing THAT KIND of villain who brings only vile and no class that makes me feel underwhelmed. You very much CAN do evil without seeking to revolt your audience.

Take a look at Lord Recluse, for instance. Yes, Arachnos as a whole do some very, very bad things that, when you get down to them, will make your skin crawl. But Recluse himself? Everything any story of his comes up, it always focuses on the ways in which he's awesome and glosses over the ways in which he's repugnant.

He's powerful, both personally and in terms of followers. He's smart, enough to usurp and run his own villain organisation, to say nothing of his own sovereign state. Every time his name comes up, it's treated with either respect and admiration or respect and fear, and every time his name makes a splash. Daos and Mako and Brass and the others may be trying to play their little games and chase their little agendas, but every time Recluse gets involved, everyone shuts up and listens because he IS the big guy in the isles.

That's the kind of villain I want to be - the cool kind. If that doesn't involve murder, kidnapping, selling people for body parts, murdering civilians and so forth, then so be it. I want a villain with a cause above and beyond being evil, and whose character is expressed in more than the evil he or she does. The kind of villain I want to be is defined by his dreams and aspirations, not his body count or his penchant for cruelty. Those are, ultimately, just means to an end. What that end is defines what kind of villain we're dealing with, and most of what's out there for player villains is vastly underwhelming.

Mind you, it's not underwhelming because it's not "evil" enough. It's plenty evil. It's underwhelming because "evil" is all it is.
As my government and economics teacher said "Shock effect sells."

That said, with the right player (btw I'm not saying I'm such a player) that vile evil OMGWTF villain can be played quite well.

I have a SG member who can do it very well. What many lack when playing such a character is giving them a personality beyond those vile acts.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
And now I am off to create yet another new alt.....
Hah! Too late! I already have Dastardly Whiplash on Exalted! (Demons/Traps MM, his Demons are supposed to look like they were drawn by Warner Bro.s Animation in the 1930s and his traps backfire)

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I think it's the difference between, you're not likely to be kidnapped by Dr. Frankensteins for your body parts in real life, but real people are *****/trafficked every day, that leads to stuff like that (and a particular St. Martial arc) being distasteful.

It's a fantasy vs reality thingermabob.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by lordlondis View Post
You shouldn't have been a villain, you should have been a baseball player. If playing a bad guy in a video game makes you queasy you should stop playing bad characters and maybe watch some My Little Pony.
Dude, Nightmare Moon is scary...

... It's the Royal Canterlot Voice, gets me every time