Request: Shadow Shard Redux For Upcoming issue.

Agent White



Now that we have seen that rarely used areas are up for grabs for co op zones, and Issues 22 will add Dark Astoria redone as such a zone, can we please talk a little about the Shadow Shards?

So Now we have Cimerora, Rikti War Zone, Pocket D, Praetoria (first ward and other zones), and essentially all the trials; that are openly available to all Factions within the game and we can team up together to work regardless of Hero or Villain status. (not counting Galaxy City cause its still really just a Hero Zone even if it is a tutorial area, since Villains can not go there via Ouroboros.)

Issue 22 : Brings us an old rarely used area from Blue Side : Dark Astoria. And its been completely reworked right? All the old missions and quests redone and new rewards for doing stuff there, AND both side will have access to it. Fantastic.

Thats the setup for Proposal.

Shadow Shard zones: These 3 zones are home to many a beasty to kill, and a at least 1 hero only SF that is RARELY run because it is so universally hated for being too long and tedious. So Could we have a chance to see this zone reworked as well for an upcoming issue. In the same way you have for Dark Astoria?

First open up area to both sides. (as it is now if a Vigilante goes in to firebase zulu the exit portal already says it goes to Grandville, but it really goes to Peregrine Island.)

Second Scrap Dr. Quaterfield as it currently is and maybe split it up a bit into 2 if not 3 TFs.
Same with Sara Moore SF. Really completely reworking Dr.Q would be preferable cause it just NEEDS IT! To many going in and out of the Shards region and back into Hero zones for it to be a true Co-op Task Force.

And Third Add more missions and contacts to the area for all the zones and both sides.

Being that this is already a fairly high level region. 40-50 basically, this is a great place to add more end game content including new trials at some point...

My personal fav area in the game is in the Storm Palace zone, but its a ghost town regardless of what server I have ever been on cause there is no reason to go there... Its time to open up the Shadow Shard zones to more contacts missions and TFs for both sides...

Please Consider this region for future issues and co-op areas...

Thank you..



I don't know if I like all the suggestions made in this thread but, I do like the basic premise of it. The Rikti War Zone is co-op becuse it threatens the entire world, not just the heroes. The same applies to the new Dark Astoria and to the incarnate trials. I think Rularuu qualifies as a global threat to both heroes and villains so I don't see any reason to not make it co-op.



I admit. Reading about the shadow shard on paragon wiki I did find it odd that arachnos didn't have any outpost there. It's very hard to believe that such an organization would ignor it. Personally I'd like to see an outpost run by the Mu mystics there for villains to go to and get missions. And a magical outpost rather then another technological outpost would make a nice change of atmosphere.



Originally Posted by HT_Ingram View Post
Shadow Shard zones: These 3 zones
Correction ... there's 4 Shadow Shard zones.
Fire Base Zulu, The Cascades, The Chantry, The Storm Palace.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by JRV View Post
I admit. Reading about the shadow shard on paragon wiki I did find it odd that arachnos didn't have any outpost there. It's very hard to believe that such an organization would ignor it. Personally I'd like to see an outpost run by the Mu mystics there for villains to go to and get missions. And a magical outpost rather then another technological outpost would make a nice change of atmosphere.
There's a couple villain arcs that have you go there, one under the pretense of establishing a base... Things do not go well, however.

I'd be in favor of a revamp - at least get some of the new game tech in the area... like turrets and bunkers that are fully functional combat NPCs... Right now soldiers are just stuck in an animation loop firing at nothing, and turrets are entirely non-functional.

And yeah, the DR.Q TF needs a re-work. Heck, just eliminating the Simultaneous clicks would be an improvement; it would still be annoyingly long, but you wouldn't have to maintain a minimum amount of people over the course of the entire thing.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



1. 4 Zones.
2. 4 Task Forces. 3 of which I'm pretty sure send you to hero only zones. All of which would probably have to be redone.

Not to say this isn't a good idea. People have been requesting this for years. In fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if something like this is already in the works, just judging from Noble Savage's recent post:

Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Moon zone was before my time, so I can't speak to that, but there's something coming soon that might make you very happy. Not a moon zone, but's cool. Can't say any more!
It's not a guarantee but an outer space related zone that isn't the moon zone we've been wanting for years...then throw in the coming storm stuff...and they seem to be in a zone revamp mood least that's where I would go if I were a dev. At least I'm sure this is on their list of things to do in the game somewhere and its just a matter of time and resources before it does happen.



I must always bring up these points when this subject comes up!

1: Villain only zones in the Shadow Shard. The Arachnos base should look really bad-***.

2: At least one co-op zone in the Shadow Shard. Maybe some Incarnate content there, much like DA.

3: Probably just one PvP zone in the Shadow Shard. A battle over some important whatsit between heroes and villains.

4: Vigilantes and Rogues should be able to traverse from the red side Shard zones, through the co-op and/or PvP zones, into the blue side Shard zones, and vice versa.

5: All aspects of Rularuu should finally be shown. Or at least those death star like spheres where they reside should be there, probably each in its own zone. And those zones should be co-op.

6: Nemesis' base in the Shadow Shard should be somewhere in here. Probably in a co-op or PvP zone. It should look significantly upgraded and with a lot more steampunky goodness than how it appears in the RWZ arc.



There've been a lot of hooks and clues pointing to Rularuu being extra important in recent content so it would not be a surprise if something is done with the Shadow Shard in an upcoming issue



I've posted them before... I'll post them again. Maybe some day they'll stick...



That's massively sweet NovaFang!

I would love to see the Shadow Shards become co-op zones with one FFA PvP zone.



Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
I would love to see the Shadow Shards become co-op zones with one FFA PvP zone.
We could call the PvP zone "Rularuu's Victory" ...

What ...?

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Saw a thread similar to this

And here's my post on the subject:

Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Okay, Here's one way I could see things pan out:

Zulu: Heroic zone only. Sorry, bros.

Villains (And possibly Praetorians) would get their own base Zones:

Widow's Peak An enormous synthetic landmass built from Grandville-style cables tying together hunks of floating rock.

Neuron City: A giant metal Colony of Praetorian Citizens, run by Neuron under Cole's Authority, this base was designed to gain a foothold in the Shadow Shard against Primal forces.

Cascade, Chantry, Storm Palace: They Become Co-Op...But the missions are widely different from alignment, and Rogues and vigilantes get their own specific contacts...Perhaps by then if Praets can get high enough, they could have their own "Imperial Investigation Team" Arcs where they either try to claim the Shard for Cole, or try to help the denizens of Primal Earth protect it from Praetorian Control. There could even be Moral choice arcs!

New PVP Zones: The Factory & The Repository: Heroes, Villains, and (if they can reach that level by then) Praetorians fight a four-sided battle (along with Chularn the Slave Lord and Kuularth the Scavenger) to gain control of the mighty Factory cubes and their powers, with separate Villainous, Heroic, and Praetorian iTask Forces to fight against Chularn the Slave Lord and Kuularth the Scavenger, respectively. Would be a zone that is intended for 45-50, but geared more toward Incarnates, as the monsters in the orange and red map areas are all at least 50. This would also give a place for Incarnates to smite each-other while the non-icarnates continue to wail on each other in RV.

New Co-Op Zone: Garden of Mirrors: Really only a Co-Op zone in name, Phasing will mostly separate alignments except for special circumstances (An Uuralur Zone Event/GM Fight), and is centered around characters trying to understand the origins and harness the powers of the mirrors, without being absorbed into Uuralur's power.

Possibly a new iTrial where the players must face all of the aspects of Rularuu, and maybe Rularuu himself! Would offer all slots experience, and Probably a guaranteed VR. Gods be crazy strong.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Not sure how I missed that earlier thread, but it's a completely wonderful idea Kirsten!



I love the Idea Revamping Shadow Shard also The Preatorians Should make a Base on Tyrant's Rock which would be a good Place for PvE