



Ever had a character where you felt that the basic value of one or more powers was too high? One power in this set is ‘iffy’ or you should be vulnerable to something? Or even “I never asked for the Fitness pool, how can I remove it”? I suggest Dehancements. These look similar to training level Enhancements except that they reduce/diminish the displayed power attribute rather than enhance it. They are noted with a red outer ring and bend (akin to road signs such as ‘No Parking’).
They drop like Single Origin Enhancements, but at one-tenth the rate. However they have no level so they may be used by any character. They may be placed into any unused enhancement slot of a power which can be affected by the symbol on the Dehancement. They have a constant effect of -50% to whatever power aspect they display. Whenever you assign a Dehancement, you gain one Enhancement slot to assign to any power. Each power may only slot 1 Dehancement, and the limit of slots available per power remains six. An additional -50% is applied when the power is an Auto power – to offset the fact that Auto powers generally offer smaller bonuses than other types.

Just call me "The Pool Guy" - cause I believe that power pools are the ultimate in powerset proliferation. Fewer powers to develop and available to all.
"ADVERBS - we define action!"
"ADVERSE - we are action!"



I could see this approached in a different way.

The first, and simplest, is not to take a power even if its available. Now, I know this doesn't work with things like inherant fitness but, thats where the second part comes in...

Don't slot anything into it. Or, more creatively, slot intentionally weaker enhacements like, say, purpose built IO enhancements which never lose their numbers even if you have technically out levelled them.

For example, if you want your lv 30 character to be a bit less effective with their rain of fire, you either, dont slot it with damage OR go out and buy yourself a lv 10 basic damage IO and use that. You'll still get some damage bonus but nowhere near as much as you would by using something at the highest level you can.

That might get you the effect you're looking for.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



I have a slightly different idea. There needs to be a positive aspect... or else... like others have said... players could just not slot.

I say it should be like a more advanced enhancement. IO's have and advantage over SO's because they give greater values (and sets add global bonuses). So, I suggest this should be like a super SO. It gives a better enhancement to a single area than IO's, but also decreases a different value as well.

For example: A common Accuracy IO gives +42.4%. An Advanced SO will give +62.4% but also decreases your damage by... let's say... 10%.

*sidenote* Of course the general concept of stat decreasing would only work if it's calculated by using the stat total, not the base.



The only way I could see this being in any way useful for more than a handful of players (far too few to make it worth spending development time/money on) is in the form of the oft-suggested "Knockback reducer" enhancement -- which I'm still not in favor of, by the way.

Otherwise, this basically amounts to free slots in some builds -- how many tanks/brutes/scrappers take the Fighting pool for Tough and Weave? They have to take Boxing or Kick to get to it... now they can reduce the damage in a power they probably weren't using anyway to make a power they already use even more useful? For a vast majority of players, these would have the same effect as simply handing out more slots, and just giving the things away would be far less complicated.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Does not compute. . .



I believe it would be very difficult to explain this to new players.

Just imagine the following: Timmy Newplayer realizes why he couldn't slot the enhancements that dropped during his encounter with the circle of thorns: His own origin is science, not magic. Happy with his newfound understanding, Timmy proceeds to slot each and every science enhancement he finds, and wonders why his powers don't get improved...

To be honest, I don't see more than 1% of the players using such enhancements. (And even then, you'd think the only dehancement to actually be slotted would be -knockback.) For the rest, enhancement slots are simply too valuable.




I've never encountered a player power in this game that I thought was *too* powerful, especially at base value.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Yeah, I really can't imagine any scenario where I would ever use this.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



A while ago I tossed out an idea of tradeoff enhancements - the kind that has exceptional benefit in one aspect, but decreases another; for example, an SO-grade enhancement that gives out 66% to damage, but -33% to accuracy. Or {and I foresee these getting sold out within minutes, nevermind the fact that NPC supply is infinite} 66% to recharge and -33% to knockback, hold duration versus damage, and so on. That way you'd get much more versatility in slotting without getting more in terms of enhancement values.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I've never encountered a player power in this game that I thought was *too* powerful, especially at base value.
Not what the OP had in mind ( I don't think) But I think the base KB value of a lot of powers are "too powerful" especially when they are >1.



First power set the popped into my mind was KM.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
Not what the OP had in mind ( I don't think) But I think the base KB value of a lot of powers are "too powerful" especially when they are >1.
I would largely disagree, and in the instances where I might agree I'd likely rather see the powers changed to KnockUp rather than have their Knockback nerfed.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I see...this is the way to make that single slot power you had to grab, like Boxing, and move that slot to another power, basically, turning that worthless power into an extra enhancement slot!

Also handy for those secondary powers you have to grab, but have no plan to use after the fact.

Really, I'm not sure this is a good idea.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Maybe to change a KB power to KD?