Power Trays Wiped Clean When Re-Zoning




For some reason, this morning as I was zoning into Founders Falls from the Train Depot and as I exited I noticed that all three of my power trays where now empty with the exception of only having a grey x-mas gift icon in them. It seems that all my powers and temp powers moved back up into the Combat Attributes area. I am not sure if I accidentally clicked on something to cause this or if this is indeed a glitch or bug? Anyone else have this happen to them since the last patch?



This started happening after the maintenance last week, and apparently wasn't fixed this week.

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This happened on two of my toons today when I first logged in to Triumph. Other were fine. Only thing in the tray on those two toons were Holiday Cheer & Holiday Spirit (or whatever they are called)



And if you had any macros set up as tray-clickables, those are completely lost.



This is a fun bug! But if you get annoyed, angry, frustrated, remember..the issue is NOW listed on the Known Issues page! If that does not give you a warm and fuzzy glow, I don't know what will.
(above looks better with the Sarcasm font on)



I'm glad they're aware, and hope they fix it soon. But that won't bring my macros back; they were young, they were innocent.



Its that good ole build testing that they don't do. Been seeing it since freedom launched. Sure they put the patch on test but then they add/remove things from it, just small minor tweaks and don't test that and that's why we keep getting all of these annoying bugs on live.

This is by far more annoying than the base turrets bug.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Ardrea View Post
I'm glad they're aware, and hope they fix it soon. But that won't bring my macros back; they were young, they were innocent.
Manly tears were shed when I saw this happen on my farming Brute.

I wasn't that annoyed on my 50 Stalker (who had 3 full trays) but the damn Broot had a tray I used as the main when farming which had macros for converting all kinds of insps.

I didn't have the bug happen again when zoning like others, but maybe that's because I used the stupid holiday powers before rearranging the trays.



This is an absurd bug to make it to live. It's even more ridiculous that this wasn't hotfixed the same day.

Every Paragon Studios employee should be ashamed they're drawing a paycheck for this kind of garbage.



I got this problem bad - not only do I have several chars with empty power trays, but if I re-fill them they vanish while zoning again! Lots of unplayable and broken characters...

I did however realize two things that seem to cause it: 1) The character has been created after Freedom went live; and 2) The character's power tray had empty slots in it somewhere.

EDIT: ...and apparently the forums think I'm a free player, not a VIP. Wth?

Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination



This has affected at least one of my characters as well. I logged in, saw the trays had been wiped, went wth? and then in short order tried to make some semblance of order... nothing like what it was.

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Devs - pls pls pls fix this before Christmas for us

I do appreciate that "maybe" you dont know what is exactly causing the bug, however short term would Removing the two Christmas gifts that are the only powers remaining in trays be an option? I know it may not be as simple as that, but this truly is gamebreaking for me.

i use ALL NINE TRAYS - 6 of them macros for the Incarnate Trials yes i could still run trials, yes i could just play with the 3 toons that "seem to be ok" now i spent 40 mins on each one making them right but should i really have to

only dared to log 5 characters on and 4 of them were affected and 2 of them lost them again the first time i zoned

Been playing and paying for over 6 years and to only be able to play 3 toons for the duration of the Christmas Holidays is just meh

Devs could we have another update on this pls?




I've had this happen on numerous characters so far.

Basically, I'm afraid to log into an alt that I haven't already logged into this week for fear they will have their trays wiped as well. I don't want any clever cool macros I have written to just 'disappear'.

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Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
I got this problem bad - not only do I have several chars with empty power trays, but if I re-fill them they vanish while zoning again! Lots of unplayable and broken characters...

I did however realize two things that seem to cause it: 1) The character has been created after Freedom went live; and 2) The character's power tray had empty slots in it somewhere.

EDIT: ...and apparently the forums think I'm a free player, not a VIP. Wth?
You could try paying your subs (LOL)

No serously...this happens to me with every char I log on, regardless of when I created that char and at a guesstimate I have ninety of the lil beggers.

Tis painful and time consuming but the only thing to do before the powers get round to fixing it is to refil all your trays. Sadly, you will lose all your macro's, I don't think there is a work around for them yet.

There is always a lot to be thankful for, if you take the time to look. For example, I'm sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt. ~Author Unknown



Ya, it is happening to all my toons old or new now with new patch. I am afraid to log onto any of my others.

So now even the patches are breaking the game? hmmm.....Think we are starting to feel the rain of the storm.

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



Got hit yet again on one of my 50 plus alts. Yes this is a gamebreaker and gamebreakers need to be addressed and hotfixed. I doubt that they will come through until after the new year since they are on vacation ATM. Yup that blows.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I had it on every toon I logged till now... I will NOT login my main now.. in fear of losing those trays and macro's. Even if my main is also my badger,.

This patch/bug is costing me the chance on getting the new holiday badges

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
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I've had it in only 2 of my chars, but I know people that has had it on every single char logged.

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It's not so much the initial power tray erasure that's annoying - I can fix that one character at a time, and probably will have to even after the bug is fixed. But the trays disappear again after zoning quite often, especially in and out of instances. That kind of makes those characters unplayable at the moment.

And no, I will NOT manually bind each and every power to a key manually as a workaround.

Also, I am a VIP according to the in-game stuff, and at the top of the board it says I'm VIP, but my gold name went missing.

Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination



Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
Also, I am a VIP according to the in-game stuff, and at the top of the board it says I'm VIP, but my gold name went missing.

Have you set the colour in your forum options?

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This has happened to me. On a 50. Aaagh.



So the Xmas Pack went live, and it makes me wonder how many people ARE being effected by this? Why, well simple, if you cant log onto your toons and you still want the stuff, well here you go just buy it..... great way for them to try and pick up some extra cash for the holidays...

O well at least they got it out before xmas...

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



Yeah, most bugs were tolerable to some extent, but this one has actually prevented me from playing, except for the one character I already logged in and lost power trays with.



I thought this was fixed, just logged on last night with some toons on pinn that I hadn't played in a month or two, logged on trays were okay, after zoning wiped. I've seen them scrambled before but not wiped just moved all over willy nilly.

I thought the "no exit" button bug was fixed but someone on a team tonight hit that one twice within the five or six missions we ran.



So, is there any plan to even try and fix this, or just goingt to wait till the event is over?

And on a semi-related note, as a tier 9+ vet who bought both CoV and going rogue when they came out (thus paid for all that content) what would I loose if I drop my subscription? Cause the response thus far isn't filling me with confidence and it'd be nice to know my options.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I do...not...want...to deal with.