Who will get Statesman's powers? The player or Darrin Wade?Or FAST power with freedom from the Well?




Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
A lot of people aint read that announcement thread because they want to find out in the arc as it happens They at least didnt put it in their title, people just asking that its not put in the title of threads ASSUMING everybody has either A) Read it and found out or B) Dont really care about the story.

Ergo, imo and quite a lot of others, its still a spoiler
As has been pointed out the info is already in the LAUNCHER. The devs don't consider it a spoiler.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
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Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
*starts to hate all who posts threads with huge spoilers in them* Just saying!
Zwil modded the other thread, then he changed the name back. So this isn't a spoiler.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
As has been pointed out the info is already in the LAUNCHER. The devs don't consider it a spoiler.
Yeeeah. I do, and I was kinda seriously irritated when I saw the story in the launcher.

Jason Heavensrun
Swift : Freedom Server
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Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Hero 1 is going to be the subject of the next SSA and it'll be our mission to raise him to an healthy version of himself so he can take the mantle of Statesman.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Some other thoughts too:

1) What does the chest in SSA 1 in the villain side have to do with any of this? It talked about the Cult of Eyes...

2) What about the vision at the end of SSA 1? It talks about Positron looking grim shaking a ghostly woman's hand... At first we thought this was Numina, maybe its the deceased daughter of Statesman?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
1) What does the chest in SSA 1 in the villain side have to do with any of this? It talked about the Cult of Eyes...
The Rulu-Shin.

2) What about the vision at the end of SSA 1? It talks about Positron looking grim shaking a ghostly woman's hand... At first we thought this was Numina, maybe its the deceased daughter of Statesman?
It takes place in Cimerora, so it's likely Deadalus and Sister Airlia.

I think Statesman's powers will go back to the puddle. Giving them to the player would be unbalanced, there is nothing to suggest Incarnate power can be passed on to your descendants or Riktified buddies, and if an NPC steals his powers it'll really tick off villains....although lately the SSAs have been moving right back into the same "I don't see what's in it for me" territory most villainous content resides in.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
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Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
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Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
0Think of it this way, if he kills Statesman and obtains his powers, he will then become an Incarnate at FULL power and be COMPLETELY free of the Well. He will have no connection to it. This is what players in the story are currently suppose to be doing. Slowly gaining their power to be free of the Well.
I'm not sure I follow the logic, here.

If Wade kills States and gains his incarnate power all at once, he'd be just as open to being taken over by the Well as would anyone not taking the "slow" path like the Player Heroes do. At least, that's how it seems to me.

In any case, given that the villain in question is Wade, I find it kind of hard to associate any kind of benevolence (even Machiavellian benevolence) to him. The guy's too singular in purpose.

More likely, he wants to get the Well's power so that he can free Rularuu from the Shard, and- given that (based on his story arc) he's fairly familiar with Cimerora, and by extension, probably the Well of Furies- he's been working on his plan for a long time.



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
I'm not sure I follow the logic, here.

If Wade kills States and gains his incarnate power all at once, he'd be just as open to being taken over by the Well as would anyone not taking the "slow" path like the Player Heroes do. At least, that's how it seems to me.

In any case, given that the villain in question is Wade, I find it kind of hard to associate any kind of benevolence (even Machiavellian benevolence) to him. The guy's too singular in purpose.

More likely, he wants to get the Well's power so that he can free Rularuu from the Shard, and- given that (based on his story arc) he's fairly familiar with Cimerora, and by extension, probably the Well of Furies- he's been working on his plan for a long time.
I always interpreted the lore as a person becomes a slave to the Well when they obtain their power from it. The path the player is following is building the powers outside of the Well's influence.

What I am saying with Darrin Wade, if he steals Statesman's powers he'd essentially bypass the "Obtaining the powers directly from the Well"



Actually, who says anyone gets Statesman's powers?

Sure, Wade intends to steal the powers of a member of the Surviving Eight. But if his plans can be stymied by a single character (like we've been doing, even if it has still partly helped his goals), then how is he going to handle Statesman?

More to the point, a pissed off Statesman. For all we know, Statesman is circling the globe multiple times so he can build up enough speed to do a Mach 90 fly-through on Wade.



Oh man, I call dibs on hand clap!



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Some other thoughts too:
2) What about the vision at the end of SSA 1? It talks about Positron looking grim shaking a ghostly woman's hand... At first we thought this was Numina, maybe its the deceased daughter of Statesman?
Considering where things are going, maybe it's Ghost Widow.

Lord Recluse 'goes away' when Statesman 'dies', leaving Arachnos in shambles. Ghost Widow picks up the reins.

Positron and Ghost Widow enter a non-aggression pact while everyone comes together to deal with extra-dimensional threats like first the Praetorians and then Rularuu.

I remember an old suggestion of mine which said that they should kill off Statesman and Lord Recluse and make the game story less about their vendetta and more about our characters. Seems like the devs do listen!

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Considering where things are going, maybe it's Ghost Widow.

Lord Recluse 'goes away' when Statesman 'dies', leaving Arachnos in shambles. Ghost Widow picks up the reins.

Positron and Ghost Widow enter a non-aggression pact while everyone comes together to deal with extra-dimensional threats like first the Praetorians and then Rularuu.

I remember an old suggestion of mine which said that they should kill off Statesman and Lord Recluse and make the game story less about their vendetta and more about our characters. Seems like the devs do listen!
Why would Recluse go away?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Why would Recluse go away?
Recluse is Statesman's Darker Half. SImilar to the relationships between Lex Luther/Superman Or Batman/Joker. While those villains are always trying to kill the hero..in the few stories where it's shown they outlive them they are left in shambles to one extent or another. Even moreso when it is not them that gets to end the heroes life.

I'd expect news of Statesman's real death would affect Recluse in the same manner. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if the loss of his Niece hasn't affected him to some degree.



Why would I want his powers? Mine work great already thanks.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Positron and Ghost Widow enter a non-aggression pact while everyone comes together to deal with extra-dimensional threats like first the Praetorians and then Rularuu.
While this would be very cool, it would require a lot of redside to be rewritten. Namely, anything with Longbow in it, and a lot of the missions where you go invade Paragon City. Of course, as a villain you can just ignore any agreements they come to and rob Paragon City banks anyway, but some of the missions have you invading Paragon at Arachnos's behest. And they'd have to either kick out Longbow or make them officially a rogue army, at which point they would have to redo any heroic missions that involve them.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
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Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
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Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
I don't see it unlocking an Incarnate slot, because we don't even know yet if you're going to have to be level 50 to run the next part of the SSA. Furthermore, since non-VIPs can pay points to access the SSA, having it unlock or open up something that they can't get because they're not VIPs is... well, it's a bit mean.

And yes, I'm aware that there are Incarnate item rewards for the parts of the SSA that have already been put into the game. But they're not the only rewards.
I doubt it will unlock a new slot, but the odds are good of it unlocking a new tree for an existing slot.

A Judgement power that replicates his signature attack seems most likely in that regard.

And if I had to put money on it, I'd bet on Ms. Liberty getting his powers and being the new contact for the STF. Seems logical that if the Well's powers were going to go to someone, it'd be someone in his bloodline.

BaBs is already a trainer in Atlas, all they'd have to do is move him to the spot Ms. Liberty currently occupies and it'd be a nice way of tying that together.

Obviously, the MLTF would have different dialog than the STF, probably mentioning his passing and all that.

That's how I'd do it at least.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



My bet is that Statesman's power will invest itself in the most worthy group of heroes in the city...

Well, it'll want to, miss, and hit The Shining Stars, instead, except for the players.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*