Why 3 slot anything with 3 recharge enhancements???




Now, come on guys, be nice.

Just because Tanks get Taunt doesn't mean we have to use it.



All right, I confess it has been a while since I built anything that needed to worry about permaing dull pain. I might have been including spiritual or something. My point remains however that two to five seconds of hasten is not going to have an impact on something like that in practical circumstances. This is particularly true when you consider the cost of that third slot. Assuming level 50 common IOs, it's giving you something like 15% recharge just in hasten. If you don't have five lotgs already, that slot would be far better spent on another one of those.

Even if you can't translate it directly into another lotg, I wonder if you couldn't shave a few more extraneous slots from the average build that does things like three slotting hasten, since it seems to me that the person who thinks two to five extra seconds of hasten is mandatory may also find .05% extra EPS appealing and have stamina three slotted, for instance. Being the tanker forum, another option most builds here could probably integrate is taking mocking beratement from four to six slots, gaining a lotg sized bonus in the process. 15% recharge in one power, even hasten, is worth a damn sight less than that.



It comes down to both personal preference, and or build choice. Some build won't use a third slot in hasten because they need it else where, or don't need that extra "iota" of recharge on hasten. Some prefer to get hasten up "that much quicker" and will use the third slot. That can end up adding some measure of dps etc. to the build. Is it always the perfect solution? Not always. There are certainly other ways to get more recharge into a build, and those can all add up nicely should you choose to go that route. Layering all those in, as well as 3 slotting hasten is also "a choice".

The OP, unfortunately, seemed to come across with the attitude that no one here "gets it" when it came to how to slot hasten. For the most part we do "get it". And most of us like to 3 slot hasten most of the time.

As for the Green vs. Red numbers. Min/maxers prefer to see the red numbers as it means they're pushing it to the limit. Green isn't "the max".

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



I'd call maxing out individual powers basic min/maxing. It seems to me that the more advanced route is maxing out the total value of your available resources. A truly zen builder shouldn't even fear underslotting useful powers, which I'm not convinced going with only two slots in hasten can even be called, as long as the overall impact is positive. I'm talking 75% damage slotting in a non-mule attack if the average single target dps loss would be exceeded by the average aoe dps gain when one considers the average actual utility of the character's single target and aoe dps. Woah.



I decided to go through some of my builds looking for Hasten.

The first two, my Khelds had haste with just 2 slots.

I came across a Blaster that haste had 3 slots. I then looked about for better alternatives.

Another LotG wasn't a better alternative. There was no better alternative.

I may help people with their builds and not move their 3rd rechg slot but then I am just throwing alternative slotting suggestions their way and not something I am concerned about being their final build. People should always finish off their final build. I did this recently after I had replied to this thread. They had 3 slots, I left them with 3 slots.

Sometimes min/maxxing isn't about getting the best out of a characters rechg levels its just about getting what you need, sometimes you might skip that expensive enhancement because although the build is tighter with it, you won't really notice or miss it.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Helluva_Goon View Post
Why 3 slot anything with 3 recharge enhancements???
Because you're not my real Dad, Stan!



This made me laugh. In the beginning I decided never to purple a build suggestion. Purples cost a lot of inf and do mean a lot of invested time. For a similar reason I wouldn't ++ anything because it can mean buying from the market when really it don't necessarily matter all that much.
On the other hand, enhancement boosters are a repeatable purchase with reward points, should you be at that tier.



And, if you bother with the super packs at all, you'll be swimming in enhancement boosters whether you like it or not.



Originally Posted by Mordakar View Post
On the other hand, enhancement boosters are a repeatable purchase with reward points, should you be at that tier.
I am not goingto be asking people whether or not they are before I spend 5 mins on a mere suggestion.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I know for my Ill/cold troller. Perma Hasten is a must to make sure that PA always recharges in 59 seconds. (also 125% recharge in PA).

(also, @PleaseRecycle. You are justifying sparing one slot and spending many more for the same amount of bonus. 15% recharge in hasten (3rd slot of recharge) = 1 slot. If you really need hasten up, then it's worth one slot. But in your example, you would slot 3 slots for 15% (3 LotG) or even more like 7-12 slots for the Taunt set. Yes, it would apply to all your powers, but if the person making the build really just needs hasten up. One slot is so much cheaper.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



Thank you for eloquently phrasing what I've been trying to get at. There is never a reason to "just need hasten up." Hasten doesn't do anything at all besides provide a recharge buff. Wait, that's wrong, it also hits you with an endurance penalty. But in terms of its benefits, all it is is a global bonus that happens to have different mechanics than global bonuses from lotgs and sets. There is no other benefit in hasten in and of itself. This is why a couple seconds less uptime hardly matters: five seconds of extra hasten time is going to translate to something like two seconds better uptime for dull pain or whatever. For low recharge things like attacks the difference is radically less significant, and instead the advantage of having hasten up for an additional five seconds is that once in a blue moon you might encounter a tiny gap in an attack chain that is otherwise gapless while hasten is up. What is preventing that worth to you?

By the way, lotgs are 7.5% global bonuses, you only need two of them to exceed the value of the third slot in hasten for hasten itself. Mocking beratement is something I assume tankers tend to four slot anyway as its four slot bonus is s/l defense, the fifth slot is f/c, and the sixth is 7.5 recharge. Those are excellent bonuses all around and hardly scoffable-at for tankers.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
All right, I confess it has been a while since I built anything that needed to worry about permaing dull pain. I might have been including spiritual or something. My point remains however that two to five seconds of hasten is not going to have an impact on something like that in practical circumstances. This is particularly true when you consider the cost of that third slot. Assuming level 50 common IOs, it's giving you something like 15% recharge just in hasten. If you don't have five lotgs already, that slot would be far better spent on another one of those.
*IF* you can put in an extra LotG, the math backs you up here.
Assuming a build with 4 LotG +Rech, 2 Level 50 Recharge IOs in Hasten, and no other global recharge bonuses:
2-slotted Hasten, 4 LotG (Baseline)
Hasten: 120 seconds up, 51.6 seconds down.
Average Global Recharge: 78.96%
Putting a third Recharge IO into Hasten gives you:
3-slotted Hasten, 4 LotG
Hasten: 120 seconds up, 39.8 seconds down.
Average Global Recharge: 82.58%
However, slotting a 5th LotG instead results in:
2-slotted Hasten, 5 LotG
Hasten: 120 seconds up, 45.7 seconds down.
Average Global Recharge: 88.18%
If you can manage to squeeze and extra slot out of another power and 3 slot Hasten with 5 LotGs:
3-slotted Hasten, 5 LotG
Hasten: 120 seconds up, 34.7 seconds down.
Average Global Recharge: 91.8%
Whether or not an extra few percent of recharge is worth it depends heavily on your build. If you absolutely need long recharge powers up often (perma PA for instance), it probably is. In a recharge-heavy build, a 5th LotG does outweigh a third slot in Hasten. If you already have 5, though, it's only worth giving it up if you can get a recharge set bonus > ~3.5% out of the deal.

The equation changes a bit once you have a lot of global recharge. but the results are similar. Remember that because recharge ends up in the denominator, it has built-in diminishing returns the higher you go.

Even if you can't translate it directly into another lotg, I wonder if you couldn't shave a few more extraneous slots from the average build that does things like three slotting hasten, since it seems to me that the person who thinks two to five extra seconds of hasten is mandatory may also find .05% extra EPS appealing and have stamina three slotted, for instance. Being the tanker forum, another option most builds here could probably integrate is taking mocking beratement from four to six slots, gaining a lotg sized bonus in the process. 15% recharge in one power, even hasten, is worth a damn sight less than that.
The optimal slotting for Stamina is two endmod IOs and a Perf Shifter: +End proc, which gives more than .05% EPS. If you actually need max recovery is build-dependent, of course.



Thanks for checking that out, glad I haven't completely lost my mind yet.

When you bring up perma-PA that's a very different issue and in that case, as with perma-dom, I agree that it can make sense to chase after every last crumblet of recharge. If one second's gap is the difference between definitely losing something's aggro or not, or avoiding a big crash or not, then by all means close that gap.

With something like dull pain, and indeed hasten itself, you don't actually lose anything by having a gap in its permanence. The only way for a two second dull pain gap to matter is if it would have recharged less than two seconds after you died or if in those two seconds you take just over your normal max hp's proportion of your health bar. The likelihood of that seems just shy of itty-bitty unless you're specifically tailoring your character for a silly task such as soloing ten specific AVs at once in AE. For dull pain, most of the time I find myself not using it when it comes up in the first place as rare are the situations where a decked out meleer is under that level of pressure non-stop for minutes on end.



So are we all agreed that each build has to be looked at as a seperate case scenario rather than making anything a strict rule?

I chuck out rules anyway.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



The only "Heavy" characters I try to really squeeze recharge times down on are the Dark Melee/Invulnerability or Invulnerability/Dark Melee builds I run. This is because (in my perception) the Dark/Invul Synergy is strengthened disproportionately by high recharge. There are many reasons for this, and it is precisely because there are so many reasons that recharge is so valuable.

Dull Pain being up often is of course very good. Dark Melee has Siphon Life for keeping health up, but the Dull pain power works to just make the build that much tougher. Soul Drain is a 30 second build up power with no crash, no bad thing about it. But it has a 2 minute recharge time. To get this thing up near constantly requires a ton of recharge. And yes 2 seconds can mean a lot with this power. Hitting it as the first person in a spawn and getting saturated target coverage...sweet. Hitting it two seconds later after a Nuke hits the spawn and half the survivors are scattered? Sad Panda. We all know Invulnerability can "Run Hot" -(my term for endurance issues), especially with fighting toggles, maybe manuevers, and possibly with a build design emphasizing more defense and +health +recharge. Well, Dark Melee provides again, with Dark Consumption. That sweet power can take you from no blue bar to filled with just a few targets in range. er, once every 3 minutes. Since I do not want to wait for the next ice age to end before I get me End I advocate a little Glob Rech in the mix. And finally, I have just stated 3 powers that help keep you on your feet from Dark Melee. 2 of which really benefit from massive global rech, and one it sure doesnt hurt. But guess what that means? Dark Melee is a little short on attack powers. A strange little cone that works best on crowds and a heavy hitting odd attack late in the build. So....global recharge to the rescue. At least that way you get your buttons up, and if you need to spam the cone, the cone is there for you. If you need that one big attack up always, global recharge will at least try to help you. So that is why Global Recharge is so important on this one particular build. I am unsure it is quite that important on any other "Heavy Melee" character. It is of course highly sought after by dominators. Also, some folks calculate out attack chains and DPS and have a very specific global recharge number they will jump through hoops to get to. So, is 2 seconds global recharge that important? No. Except when it is.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
With something like dull pain, and indeed hasten itself, you don't actually lose anything by having a gap in its permanence.
For Hasten it's a little arguable, I think. Though I calculated an average global recharge value based on the % uptime of Hasten, that only truly applies to powers with a long recharge. In reality you still have the "down" period where everything is recharging like molasses.

So while the aggregate performance can be figured across the gap, it may be desirable to minimize it for subjective reasons. Short-recharge survivability powers can also be negatively affected by the gap, in a way that isn't easy to reduce to raw numbers.

Edit: Aggregate performance? Subjective reasons? Holy crap I'm starting to sound like Arcanaville... I need to get away from this thread



Originally Posted by Helluva_Goon View Post
Any power that indicates buffed numbers from enhancements in "Red" will give a false reading on the actual numbers because of ED. Its also a waste of a slot that can be used eslewhere. For an example, two slots in Hasten with recharging enhancements will highlight in "Green", meaning that this is good, and if a buffed power is highlighted in yellow, that means you are not too far from the accurate mark on Mids.
Red doesn't mean "bad", nor green "good", in this context. Think of it more like a traffic light. Green means you can KEEP GOING, you're not there yet. Red means STOP enhancing this attribute, you're at the ED cap.
Pulling the third slot from Hasten is one of the first places I look when a build is tight, especially now that enhancement boosters exist. But without boosters, for many builds that third slot in Hasten is still more useful than lots of other things you can do with the slot instead. Obviously another LotG is better, but that's not usually the tradeoff I'm considering. If a build wants recharge, I put LotGs everywhere they'll fit, I can't put in another one whether I pull a slot from Hasten or not. By the time I'm considering a third slot in Hasten, the alternative is usually something minor like a Regenerative Tissue proc in Health.



Originally Posted by Helluva_Goon View Post
I've noticed when looking at mostly everyone's build posted on this thread, it seems as if no-one knows that slotting more than 2 slots/recharge enhancements on Hasten, Rage and so forth is overkill.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
See I saw Arcanaville on this post and expected a detailed well thought out mathematical discourse and found the simplest, truest answer there is !!!

Sheer Awesome.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I'd call maxing out individual powers basic min/maxing. It seems to me that the more advanced route is maxing out the total value of your available resources. A truly zen builder shouldn't even fear underslotting useful powers, which I'm not convinced going with only two slots in hasten can even be called, as long as the overall impact is positive.
By the same token, one should not be afraid to OVERSLOT if it is the most efficient way to get the build to where you want it.

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I usually only 2 slot recharge for the majority of powers, and I *do* like to min/max. If another slot in Hasten will get me to perma, I'll go ahead and add it, but otherwise I don't really care that badly about 3-5 extra seconds.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
hmm... Should I laugh, mock or scoff? Tough call.

I'll take the high road and explain that my calculations (i.e. FACTS) contradict your assertion.

Fixed that for you.
(Couldn't resist some snark. His post was just too ridiculous.)
Thank you for proving this is indeed a video game forum.

The amount of snark and condescension in this thread is rather disturbing. Way to show how good the community of this game is gang.

If one were to consider the OP post....

I can count on one hand the amount of MID's builds I have seen on here that are NOT lvl 50. it is also increasingly common to see purples and pvp IO's considered normal for a build. People are shooting for T3 incarnate/purpled out/pvp IO builds now. MAXIMUM POWAH! as it were. And indeed, many times the 3rd slot in some of these powers he lists do provide benefit to a build. More and more though, they do not. At least not at lvl 50. Especially with the new boosters we can use.

So in a way, I agree with the OP. The bit about green yellow red is a bit off IMO though. Normally it is pretty easy to get a power at least into yellow range, and going from green to yellow does provide a respectable amount of benefit. Really though, the times where going deep into the red is beneficial are few and far between. A few power/builds were brought up, like phantom army, where it is useful. but for the most part, on say, a standard attack power, going from 93 or so % to 99% in rech reduction is going to result in decimal points of rech time on the power. So for instance, if I needed a slot to get a 6th slot for gaussian's or somthing, I wouldnt think twice about losing 5-10% rech reduction enhancment out of a power.

But i think I am missing the point here as i re-read my post. I havent insulted the OP intelligence or made him feel sour enough to not post in his own thread again yet. Although I think that may have been taken care of plenty well enough already.

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May the rawk be with you.

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Its pretty Simple, 3 Recharge SO Enhancers gor over the max and hit ED for Hastern, or any power. But 2 are not enough to maximize it. You gotta make a judgement call when that extra slot used is beneficial or a waste. But as just pointed out there is now a 3rd option with using Enhancement Boosters to buff the 2 into enough to smack ED and save yourself a slot.

I played this game for years, poor and shying away from the market. I played with SO builds. I still run SOs 90% of the time until I hit 50. On my SO builds there are a LOT of times I will put 3 Damage SOs into a brutes attack. Or use 3 recharge on a build with Hasten. Why? Because maximizing using SOs require that. Sure, I could take that extra enhancer slot and buff my unloved tier 2 attack. or...I could put it into Knockout Blow and make sure it really hits for maximum devastation.

I am starting to learn MIDs and high end build concepts now. It really is even more complex than it looks on the surface. Stuff not only has to hit the numbers and "look right" there has to be a deep logic to how everything works together. Attack chains and powers that affect other powers or self buffs are required to function at a certain level to justify throwing a crap ton of cash onto a build. Seriously, otherwise just run with SOs, its almost as much fun.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Deus or anyone else, would you please explain the situation where an extra two to five seconds of hasten will make a substantial difference in a build?
My build is built on the cheap, like all of my builds. I don't have purples slotted, or ridiculous amounts of recharge from other sources. My global recharge is sitting at around 53.8%, which is just barely enough to achieve Perma Dull pain, but ONLY if my Hasten is 3 slotted to the ED cap as well.

So that 2 to 5 seconds is the difference between whether my Dull Pain is Perma or not. Like, it comes back up right as it's crashing.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Deus or anyone else, would you please explain the situation where an extra two to five seconds of hasten will make a substantial difference in a build?
The difference between 2-slotting Hasten and 3-slotting Hasten with level 50 IOs is about 16 seconds of downtime, not five, with no other global recharge. For the difference to be five seconds or less, net global recharge outside of Hasten has to be +109% or higher, almost precisely at the point Hasten becomes perma when 3-slotted.

For reference, the ED-adjusted difference is about +16% recharge (99.08% vs 83.32%).

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