Regression towards the mean?




I only recently started playing melee toons, after close to 5 1/2 years. Previously I'd only ever gotten one brute and one WS to 50, to abandon them to a languishing retirement.

But I'm beginning to get into them now but I've kind of noticed that there's little advantage to playing a tank or scrapper compared to a brute. That seems to be my own experience and supported anecdotally from various threads and comments on the forums.

I'm sure that's likely to be contentious with some, but it's a good reflection of how I feel, but I'd take this a stage further because it ties in with something else I've been feeling for a while - that there's a shift from "AT individuality" to homogenity... the distinctive flavour of different ATs being either diluted or morphed into something less than it was.

As with my above example, there seems to be less reason to roll anything other than a brute - but I've been "bothered by blasters" for a little while now. I mean, why play a blaster nowdays? The purpose of a blaster is to deliver high damage from range - the Devs concept was a "glass cannon" I believe. But if I want to play a high damage ranged toon, I'd be much better off playing a Dominator, a Corrupor or even more likely, a Soldier of Arachnos or a Kheldian - they can all dish out damage - and any advantage the blaster has in terms of damage is countered by the amount of time spent faceplanted. All other ATs have mitigation to improve their survivability, so if their damage is reduced, they can manage it for longer.

As for Corruptors and Defenders, there's barely any distinction I can see... Maybe a crupper dishes out a bit more damage in exchange for slightly less potent de/buffs but I'm not expert on those ATs so can't comment too far.

With Going Rogue, and moreso with Freedom, I feel that three ATs have effectively been neutered due to obsolescence - and so leaves a smaller pool to draw from. We're potentially in danger of a "one size fits all" AT with a few exotic types around the edges - but that's probably overstating the case.

I'm not sure if there's an easy answer and I'm pretty sure that this isn't something the Devs intended but it would be good to have a bit more distinction between some of the ATs at the opposite ends of the spectrum.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I've been seeing the same thing in-game. While each AT has different caps and scales, it's hard to see a real difference between Brute and Scrapper. Blasters need their damage looked at. The whole "You have no defenses so your damage is higher" doesn't really apply anymore. Especially since Brutes and Scrappers tend to outshine us and be more survivable at the same time.



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
I've been seeing the same thing in-game. While each AT has different caps and scales, it's hard to see a real difference between Brute and Scrapper. Blasters need their damage looked at. The whole "You have no defenses so your damage is higher" doesn't really apply anymore. Especially since Brutes and Scrappers tend to outshine us and be more survivable at the same time.
The part I agree with is especially re: tankers. I just don't see them like I used to. I see brutes almost always fulfilling that role.

In fact, I see a lot of scrappers 'tanking.' But this is not solely due to what a scrapper can do, but the fact that with Incarnates and inherent fitness (leading many teams to have multiple people with leadership pool) so many of the traditionally squishy ATs are a bit less squishy and a scrapper, may not be able to hold aggro, but only really needs to take alpha.

I personally, tend to look at the ancillary pools a lot when choosing between brute and scrapper.

Honestly, all the proliferation has kept me playing, but I do hate to see any AT be obsolete.

Mains - Freedom: Croatoa - 50 Fire/Psi Dom, Grandville - 50 SS/Elec Brute, Dark-Astoria - 50 Dark/Fire Scrapper, Pearline - 50 Spines/Regen Scrapper, Caffeine Girl - 50 Earth/Kin Troller



Here is my fix

Scrappers: give them more damage!

Brutes: Do nothing

Tankers: Do nothing

All for say yay
Against say nothing

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
As with my above example, there seems to be less reason to roll anything other than a brute
My suggestion would... Well, play a Brute. If you see no reason to play anything but a Brute, simply play a Brute. That was the point of powerset proliferation - that you could play the ATs you wanted and STILL have access to the powersets you wanted. There's nothing in this game which says you need to play all ATs if you don't want to. With 14 of them, trying to play them all would be untenable. Simply pick the ones you like and stick with them. I, for instance, only ever play Scrappers, Stalkers, Brutes and Masterminds and have NO interest in anything else.

This is only really a problem if most people pick one AT and abandon another, and I don't believe that's the case with Brutes. Yes, they can be very strong, but they're also very stressful to play and actually not that good if you play them like I play them, which is to say slowly and with lots of pauses while I get distracted by my TV set. With a Scrapper, I can pick up where I left off even if I fell asleep at the keyboard (it's happened) for the last hour. First hit and BAM! I'm doing great damage. With a Brute... Yeah, they're strong once they get going, but getting them going and keeping them going is a chore, simply put.

So long as an AT isn't abandoned - and I don't think any of the generic ones are - then pick what you like and don't worry about the rest.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



This is only really a problem if most people pick one AT and abandon another, and I don't believe that's the case with Brutes. Yes, they can be very strong, but they're also very stressful to play and actually not that good if you play them like I play them, which is to say slowly and with lots of pauses while I get distracted by my TV set. With a Scrapper, I can pick up where I left off even if I fell asleep at the keyboard (it's happened) for the last hour. First hit and BAM! I'm doing great damage. With a Brute... Yeah, they're strong once they get going, but getting them going and keeping them going is a chore, simply put.
This is why im a scrapper at heart, while im playing im usually distracted by anything as simple as the tv, youtube or simply chatting on a global channel.
With a scrapper i know that i dont need any buffs or constant fighting to be able to hold my own against the enemy, this allows me to play at my own pace. While yes i do have a brute also [dm/fire], i hardly ever play him because he doesnt seem anywhere near as fun as my scrapper characters.

I have seen my scrappers tank better than tanks, kill faster than a fire brute, keep agro away from the team better than both and this is what make scrappers so awesome in my eyes.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I think the OP is truly just the perception of the poster. I enjoy Brutes just fine, but I prefer Scrappers by far. The two ATs are not just the same things with different AT modifiers. They play differently. While not by miles, I prefer the way a Scrapper plays.

In terms of the actual attribute modifiers (and the contribution of Fury), the changes to Brutes that came with GR pretty much ensured that, setting aside things like cross-powerset comparisons, Brutes are more durable but do less damage. Yes, their resistance caps are much higher. That really doesn't bother me in the least. Very few of my characters operate significantly often at/above the Scrapper resistance caps outside of cases like having multiple Barriers spammed on me, in which case the massive +defense tends to make me so survival the resistance is moot.

I view the two ATs as peers, not one as functionally superior to the other.

Tanks have a completely different AT role. Some folks simply refuse to accept that. Anyone who thinks a Tanker's vastly higher survival compared to either a Brute or a Scrapper doesn't matter in terms of fulfilling that role simply isn't paying attention. The debate there really comes down to whether people value that role. Some don't. That's fine - they shouldn't play Tankers.

Edit: Blasters are a different thing. They have always had issues, since long before the CoV ATs were introduced. They still have problems, IMO. Forum discussion about it seems to be fairly regular and ongoing.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I first rolled a Blaster. The description was indeed a "glass cannon," and the now-departed lead designer said that the Blaster's main advantage was "ranged damage." Sounded good to me.

Except that the Blaster powers kept forcing me back into Melee range. I started with an Elec/Fire Blaster. I had ONE ranged multiple-target attack. All the others were PBAoE, which meant that I had to run into the middle of the folks I wanted to attack, trigger the attack, wait for the Dramatic Animation to finish and then scurry quickly away. Further complicating this was the nature of Aggro in 2005, my newbiness, the variable quality of PUGs I played with and the different abilities of the villain groups I encountered, none of which I knew very well.

Today, I can evaluate Aggro management by myself and the team pretty accurately, I know who the hard-hitters among the villains are and I am quite adept at running in and out of Melee range. It does not hurt either that I have Procs with Stun, Hold and Knockdown helping now as well when I play a Blaster.

Back in the day, I simply faceplanted. A lot.

I also started rolling some Controllers. They can either stay at range and beat up on the bad guys pretty effectively, or they go into Melee range with controlling auras running, like Choking Cloud or Arctic Air, and even without someone taking the aggro, they can pummel the baddies close up and live to tell about it.

I think the majority of my Controllers play at range and deal more damage than my Blasters overall, and even moreso when they get access to the Power Pools and can add a multi-target blast like Fireball, which does double damage on targets contained a second earlier by my AoE Immob power, etc. In Melee, they are FAR easier than Blasters.

I like the challenges of playing Blasters, and have rolled others and still play them. The Devs certainly gave us the "glass" part, but Controllers are certainly more of a "cannon" more often than most Blasters.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



I personally feel the way to set Tankers apart is to make them better force multipliers. I would have approached the situation by having their APPs contain ally buffs (completely missing in any archetypes APPs), and allow them to become mild force multipliers. Powers like:

- Deflection Shield (from Force Field)
- Thermal Shield
- Cold Shield
- Fortitude
- Sonic Barrier
- Temporal Selection
- Resurrect
- Clear Mind
- Transference
- Forge
- Frostwork

The powers would be modified to be less powerful than their Defender counterparts. But the main idea would be to take Tankers off the same scale as Brutes. Not by making them more survivable, but making them more able to assist the team. If that change ever happened I would be all over Tankers and not care about their lower damage, because I would feel they live up to their support role. Just being somewhat more survivable IMO doesn't set them far enough apart from Brutes.

If they don't want to go back and change all the existing APPs, just creating one "Healing Mastery" one that lets Tankers function like a "Paladin" would interest me: Fortitude, Clear Mind, Heal Other, Absorb Pain, Resurrect. But Thermal, Cold Domination, and a Time/Force Field combo also offer similar opportunities.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I think the OP is truly just the perception of the poster. I enjoy Brutes just fine, but I prefer Scrappers by far. The two ATs are not just the same things with different AT modifiers. They play differently. While not by miles, I prefer the way a Scrapper plays.

In terms of the actual attribute modifiers (and the contribution of Fury), the changes to Brutes that came with GR pretty much ensured that, setting aside things like cross-powerset comparisons, Brutes are more durable but do less damage. Yes, their resistance caps are much higher. That really doesn't bother me in the least. Very few of my characters operate significantly often at/above the Scrapper resistance caps outside of cases like having multiple Barriers spammed on me, in which case the massive +defense tends to make me so survival the resistance is moot.

I view the two ATs as peers, not one as functionally superior to the other.

Tanks have a completely different AT role. Some folks simply refuse to accept that. Anyone who thinks a Tanker's vastly higher survival compared to either a Brute or a Scrapper doesn't matter in terms of fulfilling that role simply isn't paying attention. The debate there really comes down to whether people value that role. Some don't. That's fine - they shouldn't play Tankers.

Edit: Blasters are a different thing. They have always had issues, since long before the CoV ATs were introduced. They still have problems, IMO. Forum discussion about it seems to be fairly regular and ongoing.

UberGuy pretty much posted my entire feeling on the topic.

I suspect also that the OP is not someone who optimizes all of their builds, there are several builds that work out in favor of Scrappers or Brutes depending on powersets and that's usually how I choose which one I'm going to build.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
As for Corruptors and Defenders, there's barely any distinction I can see... Maybe a crupper dishes out a bit more damage in exchange for slightly less potent de/buffs but I'm not expert on those ATs so can't comment too far.
Well speaking for myself I think that Corruptors and Defenders are relatively well balanced compared to each other at the moment. Solo their base damage is about the same (the damage buff from Vigilance pretty much balances the higher base damage of Corruptors) but Corruptors get Scourge while Defenders get better buffs and debuffs.

Teaming is a similar dynamic, Corruptors do slightly better damage and get more benefit from any damage buffs floating around while Defenders provide a bit more team support.

The difference between Corruptors and Defenders is more an issue of focus than anything else and in that respect is like the difference between Brutes and Scrappers. The two ATs do very similar things with a very similar level of capability but the way in which they do them does differ.



The important thing to remember is what the archetypes look like from 1-50, as opposed to at 50 and beyond.
-Before Dominators get Perma-Domination
-Before Brutes have the slots available for End Mod so that they can run toggles and continuously attack without running out of Endurance
-Before a Scrapper has the slots available to make his/her secondary shine.

IMO, the lower levels are where the distinctions become apparent. A blaster's role is damage, and it will do great damage starting at level 1. A tanker can "tank" starting at level 1. Sure, both those ATs will get better at doing what they do as they level up, but they are still very good at what they do right off the bat.

With an archetype like (say for example) a scrapper, that is expected to be both resilient and damaging, it is hard to achieve both early on due to the design of how we pick and slot our powers. By the early twenties, we have had over half of our power choices and less than half of our slots. For a blaster, those slots are most likely going towards damage, and a wise tanker will devote most of those slots to their primary (they are going to have the aggro, they should be able to survive it). But for an archetype like a Scrapper, its hard to choose which road to take. Do you do more damage but are less tough, hoping you kill your enemy before they kill you? Or do you slot up your defenses and just acknowledge that it will take a bit longer for you to defeat the bad guys? The archetypes with a more specific role have a much easier decision in that situation.

By level 50, with proper IO set slotting and Incarnate powers, pretty much any archetype can be turned into the proverbial "tankmage," mainly because all of the above affects each archetype equally. A Controller's Judgement attack will do just as much damage as a Blaster's, and a Dominator's Destiny power will buff people just as well as a Defender's equivalent. That being the case, it is only natural that homogenization become apparent.

Frankly, I dislike the situation, but at this point I honestly think they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. If they do nothing, then it is like everyone has been saying: Tankers will lose their specialty somewhere in the mid-30s and Brutes continue to be popular, Blasters will lose their specialty around the same time once Defenders and Corruptors get (and can maintain) their more powerful buffs/debuffs. If they actually do something, like upping Blaster's damage numbers for example, then they succeed in distancing blasters as the "damage kings" but they end up with an archetype that (once they have IOs and Incarnate powers) is vastly more devastating.

Of course, that begs the question of whether or not that is the point of the Incarnate system in the first place: to make any character capable of great damage/defensive buffs/debuffs/etc. But that is off-topic.

I agree that there are definitely archetypes are becoming less significant, however, I do not think that there are any changes to be made that would not imbalance either the early game or the late game.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Of course, that begs the question of whether or not that is the point of the Incarnate system in the first place: to make any character capable of great damage/defensive buffs/debuffs/etc. But that is off-topic.
I think the point of the incarnate system was to guarantee that a league of incarnates at +N Level shift would have just enough of X, Y & Z powers to help the entire league to complete the objectives/trial without having a specific league composition in terms of ATs present.

This frees leagues from needing specific compositions for the most part, and is more inclusive.

It's also a bit homogenizing and your individual AT can feel "washed out" at time - but I still think there are places for certain types of broad roles to be filled ("damage", "aggro control", "support", "crowd control").

I think it's been a success overall.

I run PUG trials on Freedom and Virtue, I run probably 2-4 per night. The only thing specific I've ever seen asked for with any regularity are "Clarion" for the UGT and "Rebirth" for Keyes before the changes.

I've never seen any league request specifc ATs, although some leagues will be looking for "support", "damage", aggro" etc. This is a good thing.



Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
I think the point of the incarnate system was to guarantee that a league of incarnates at +N Level shift would have just enough of X, Y & Z powers to help the entire league to complete the objectives/trial without having a specific league composition in terms of ATs present.
*snipped for brevity*
I've never seen any league request specifc ATs, although some leagues will be looking for "support", "damage", aggro" etc. This is a good thing.
On the one hand, I agree, that is a very good thing. I absolutely abhor people who call for specific ATs, and refuse to do it myself.

On the other hand, is that not the point of having individual archetypes: to have characters that fulfill specific roles on a team to maintain balance? Odds are, if you have 4 Scrappers on a team already, you are probably going to be looking for a buffing/debuffing character, as opposed to more damage. Though I agree, to encourage that on trials would be preposterous.

I would have preferred the Incarnate powers be more tailored to individual archetypes, based on existing archetypical definitions. In other words, while any character would have access to any Incarnate powers, a Blaster's Judgement power would out-shine anyone else's in terms of raw power, where as their Interface debuff numbers or Destiny buff numbers would not be as impressive as those from a buff/debuff archetype. The same end-result would be achieved in that any character would be able to bring "X, Y, and Z," however individual archetypes would still shine by being able to provide more of X, Y, or Z (depending on the archetype).

But the above did not happen, so as it is, I am glad they erred toward homogenization rather than archetype/character discrimination.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post

Tanks have a completely different AT role. Some folks simply refuse to accept that. Anyone who thinks a Tanker's vastly higher survival compared to either a Brute or a Scrapper doesn't matter in terms of fulfilling that role simply isn't paying attention. The debate there really comes down to whether people value that role. Some don't. That's fine - they shouldn't play Tankers.
I like Tankers for the simple fact that I am required to put MUCH less effort into survival, and can slot for other things instead. A combination like Super Reflexes/Street Justice for example, can be softcapped by level 24 using just power choices and SOs. That leaves me room to do things like slot a silly number of procs in my attacks to up my damage output. With lots of recharge, a Street Justice character with proced out powers will deal a significant amount of damage over time.

I can't do that with a Street Justice/Super Reflexes Scrapper or Brute, because I have to spend a good chunk of my slotting chasing the soft-cap that the Tank got to on SOs.

Yes, Scrappers and Brutes can be built to be survivable, but how much of your IO slotting was spent getting there?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



IMO, once Going Rogue went live and all ATs could be on any side, Defenders and Tankers became obsolete, with the exceptions of Empathy and Force Field Defenders. Brutes, Scrappers, and yes, even Blasters, have their place in the game. Defenders and Tankers, again with the exceptions of Empathy and Force Field, not so much.

Anything a Defender can do, a Corruptor can do almost as well and output a significant amount more damage. Anything a Tanker can do, a Brute can do almost as well and output a significant amount more damage. There's nothing in the game that a Defender can do that a Corruptor can't, and nothing in the game that a Tanker can do that a Brute can't. And the Corruptor and Brute would output a lot more damage while doing it.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
Anything a Defender can do, a Corruptor can do almost as well and output a significant amount more damage. Anything a Tanker can do, a Brute can do almost as well and output a significant amount more damage. There's nothing in the game that a Defender can do that a Corruptor can't, and nothing in the game that a Tanker can do that a Brute can't. And the Corruptor and Brute would output a lot more damage while doing it.
Personally I see the Defender versus Corruptor issue as one of personal preference. I prefer Defenders to Corruptors because I can get more personal survivability and I don't really notice the loss in damage.



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
IMO, once Going Rogue went live and all ATs could be on any side, Defenders and Tankers became obsolete, with the exceptions of Empathy and Force Field Defenders. Brutes, Scrappers, and yes, even Blasters, have their place in the game. Defenders and Tankers, again with the exceptions of Empathy and Force Field, not so much.

Anything a Defender can do, a Corruptor can do almost as well and output a significant amount more damage. Anything a Tanker can do, a Brute can do almost as well and output a significant amount more damage. There's nothing in the game that a Defender can do that a Corruptor can't, and nothing in the game that a Tanker can do that a Brute can't. And the Corruptor and Brute would output a lot more damage while doing it.

I see what you're getting at but I'd maybe make the point that a Dominator with Perma-Dom up is probably up there in terms of damage with a blaster and has a far better secondary (in terms of survival) than most blasters. Obviously that's not the easiest comparison to make, given the varying damage types... but most blasters are pretty underpowered compared to other ATs and their lack of mitigation - that's even with Defiance 2.0 in place.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Thinking about this and reading responses, I'm feeling (it's an emotional response so take it any way you choose) along these lines:

There are now essentially two kinds of toon: Ranged or Damage.

The following ATs are mostly obsolete: Tanks, Defenders & Blasters - there's plenty of other toons that do their job as well if not better.

You probably won't lose anything by playing an obsolete toon, because it's hard to quantify the "fun factor" but if you care about numbers then you will probably have to choose carefully whatever you decide to play!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



For anyone saying Tankers are obsolete, I ask that you consider Gauntlet (their inherent). I can count on one hand the number of Brutes I have met that could hold aggro like Tankers, and all of them were actively using Taunt. Most Tankers I know skip that power altogether because their attacks automatically taunt anyone in their vicinity. For those that don't have an "aggro aura" (Against All Odds, Chilling Embrace, Rise to the Challenge, etc.), they need only launch a PBAoE attack within the mob in order to keep most of their teammates safe. The typical Brute, for all it's orange numbers, cannot do that.

The Corruptors vs. Defenders argument is a bit more plausible in my opinion. Corruptors lose nor gain nothing between solo and teamed situations. Defenders lose damage when teamed, but gain the ability to activate abilities at a lower endurance cost provided their teammates' health bars are failing. These days, endurance management is trivially easy compared to what it once was, so that part of Vigilance is much less meaningful now. While I've seen Defenders do some amazing things for their teammates' stats, I find the Corruptor's buff/debuff numbers to be close enough to the defenders, making the difference in damage (while teamed) much harder to justify.

Blasters are the outlier, in my opinion. They are supposed to be the highest damage dealers, and their ability to attack from range is supposed to be their mitigation. I see no problem with increasing their ranged damage output (not overall damage output, mind you). When using attacks with, say, a range of 30+ feet, they get a damage bonus. It won't step on the Scrapper's or Stalker's toes for melee damage, it will make their presence quite more noticeable than currently, and is consistent with the definition of the archetype.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Thinking about this and reading responses, I'm feeling (it's an emotional response so take it any way you choose) along these lines:

There are now essentially two kinds of toon: Ranged or Damage.

The following ATs are mostly obsolete: Tanks, Defenders & Blasters - there's plenty of other toons that do their job as well if not better.

You probably won't lose anything by playing an obsolete toon, because it's hard to quantify the "fun factor" but if you care about numbers then you will probably have to choose carefully whatever you decide to play!
1. without IO sets a brute cannot fill in for a tanker unless they get a ton of buffs. If you are saying "when played at the most extreme level there are a few builds that are the best" that is certainly true and will always be true. But that is very different from thinking they are generally interchangeable.

2. Brute vs Scrapper is a playstyle choice. Brutes are only good if they move forward aggressively engaging foes. If they have to pause, they lose fury and do far less damage. Under optimal conditions they do more than a scrapper, under poor conditions they do far less. But as you noted, these are melee damage AT's. There may not be a reason to have two of them. If there is no real distinction than it is no real loss for one to not be played.

3. Defenders are better on teams than corruptors do to their higher buffs. Corruptors are better soloing. If you always do one or the other the choice is easy. If you do both, play a corruptor. I think defenders are largely obsolete. But again if there is no real distinction between two buff/debuff-range damage AT's then it is not a problem to lose one of them.

4. Blasters do more damage than anyone else. They are not as easy to solo as a corruptor, but in a team they do far more damage if built as an aoe build. Really the reason to play a blaster is the sheer simplicity of just vomiting damage and not thinking about anything else.

5. There really seems to be little reason to play anything besides a SoA except character concept. They are just better than everything else, especially for teaming. Only tankers have a role that you cannot replace better with a SoA.

So in conclusion two points
- are you comparing the AT's on SO's or are you comparing them IO'd out with sets? No game can balance all AT's and all sets for what is the most optimal possible character. It is pointless to complain about it.
- if AT's are truly redundant than it is no loss to get rid of them. The game should be about playing, not about getting attached to the word "defender" and wanting them to be good. Play what works for you and you have fun playing.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
The Corruptors vs. Defenders argument is a bit more plausible in my opinion. Corruptors lose nor gain nothing between solo and teamed situations. Defenders lose damage when teamed, but gain the ability to activate abilities at a lower endurance cost provided their teammates' health bars are failing. These days, endurance management is trivially easy compared to what it once was, so that part of Vigilance is much less meaningful now. While I've seen Defenders do some amazing things for their teammates' stats, I find the Corruptor's buff/debuff numbers to be close enough to the defenders, making the difference in damage (while teamed) much harder to justify.
I guess it depends a bit on what sets you play. My two primary Defenders are Traps/AR and Time/Elec and in neither case would I be willing to trade Defender stats for Corruptor. I've got a good chunk of survivability built into both characters and switching to a Corruptor would cost me either survivability or require me to change my build to compensate costing me something else (such as recharge) and especially for the /Elec .

Now for a less personal survival oriented set I can see the argument for going Corruptor and if I rolled something like a Fire/thermal it probably would be a Corruptor.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I see what you're getting at but I'd maybe make the point that a Dominator with Perma-Dom up is probably up there in terms of damage with a blaster and has a far better secondary (in terms of survival) than most blasters. Obviously that's not the easiest comparison to make, given the varying damage types... but most blasters are pretty underpowered compared to other ATs and their lack of mitigation - that's even with Defiance 2.0 in place.
There is a lot of maybe's and almost-as-good-as going on in this thread. Bottom line, there are differences between the AT's that make them distinct from one another. How you can tweek them to blur that line of distinction is actually a good thing and shows how flexable our default "classes" are. But at their cores they are different. I'm a blaster type person. I've tried many times to play Corruptors but the way they play is not "blastery" enough for me. And my Defenders have a play quality that my Dominators just don't have, and vice versa.



Personally, I have always found very dubious the declarations of "obsolete" that stems from the opinion that, since XYZ is not the most numerically optimal way to achieve success, it is therefore obsolete.

It bugs me how often folks who hold such opinions have them because they set forth an extremely strict definition of "success", usually measured in hard metrics like DPS, XP or Inf per time or time-to-completion for a fixed set of content. I have no problem with people caring about those things more than anything else, but it doesn't help that folks with this view are often (though not always) dismissive of any other definition of "success". (It's one thing to say only certain measures of success matter to you, but another to say others are wrong for holding different ones.)

I personally value taking something I find interesting to play and making it the best I can. It matters much less to me if something else I played was "better". If all I cared about was XP/hour, absolute DPS, mag/second, or similar things, I would only play like 1-3 powersets, ever, and would discard them whenever something better came along. There are things I don't play, but best metric/time is not the primary way I prioritize them. (Note that this doesn't mean I don't ever think some powersets or even ATs have issues, but that only sometimes overlaps with the declarations of "obsolete".)

So long as anyone holds views like mine, I doubt any currently existing AT or powerset will ever be "obsolete" in the sense of having no players.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I've always hated the "us vs. them" debates that you get in MMOs. In other games and in the past, where it might have taken you a year or more to reach the top echelons of your chosen class, then there was maybe some validity to being dismayed to find that your class did not excel at something it was meant to excel at, or wasn't valued because another class did that thing better. But in CoH, you can not only play EVERY AT to 50 if you want, but there really isn't an AT out there that's not worth playing. (Though my MA stalker comes close, and I'm none too fond of my peacebringer or my DP/Devices blaster).

There's no reason to play a scrapper instead of a brute? My Electric Melee/Shield scrapper would like to have a word with you. ^_^ That's still my best tank mage. If I want to destroy stuff, that's the toon to do it. But my favorite toon for months now has been my super strength/invulnerable brute, basically a tank that actually does damage.

I have about 12 scrappers at level 50, and 4 brutes, with two more at 48 and 44. They all play different. Brutes are very powerful but not obviously superior to scrappers or (for the most part) tanks.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid