Suggestions to improve Super Packs




Honestly, the only thing that bothers me about this (and I've said it before in other threads) is that I'm currently unemployed and don't have a lot of disposable income. I'm okay with the model itself, as I've done collectible cards in the past--I used to be big into the Marvel cards back in the 90s.

But if they're going to treat Super Packs like collectible card packs, then that means the rewards need to be tradeable. It's been mentioned that most of the rewards will probably be able to be sold at the auction house, but I'm not sure that's the right way to go. Make them actual in-game cards that you have to redeem for your rewards, and make the cards tradeable only for other cards--no gifting cards to another account that didn't buy any. Set up a Super Pack section on the forums where we can announce the cards we have for trade and what we're looking for. (Once claimed, things like IOs would still be salable on the market, but the cards themselves would not be.)

And as in real life, cards would need to be tradeable in different quantities... say you got a costume piece you don't want, but really want an ATIO card, and a friend of yours has the ATIO card and knows that your costume card isn't quite valuable enough on its own, so you trade the costume card and a couple enhancement booster cards to get it.

Additionally, when awarding a costume piece, PLEASE make sure that we never get duplicates of something that's already been claimed on the account, and NEVER make any of the Super Pack costumes "per character"--costumes purchased for real money should ALWAYS be account bound.

If the system worked similarly to what I described above and I had the money, I'd probably pick up around 5 Super Packs per week at the proposed $2 cost until I collected everything I wanted.

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Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
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Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
As a player who has no interest in either ATIOs and convenience boosts, nothing would make me want to buy them repeatedly. I don't even want them once. I already do one repeatable purchase, that is the subscription. I also buy every costume set and powerset they make available.
Ah, that sounds a lot like me. I just reviewed what I have actually used Paragon Points on in addition to maintaining a VIP subscription. The list includes a power set (Beam Rifle), convenience power (Rocket Board - redundant since I also always choose Fly), vanity pet (German Shepherd Pet), costume conveniences (all 6-10 costume slots, Capes, Auras), and every costume item bundled or single (if not available in a bundle). Currently on my Wish List is Street Justice and the Pilgrim Hat.

That's why my suggestions for the Super Pack still include costume items. What can't I get in the market? Well, things like costume invention recipes. I'd be willing to pick up a Super Pack if it was themed with costume-only items that were convenience for per-character without have to go to Wentworths for the recipe and salvage. I wouldn't be willing to pay much, but I'd be willing to pay something.

Going with that, I'll do another post with Super Pack theme ideas.



Another idea is to have themed Super Packs.

Super Pack A has a collection of attack temporary powers.

Super Pack B has a collection of various temporary powers: One personal buff, one debuff, one melee attack, one ranged attack, one wild card.

Super Pack C has various temp boosters (5 use each): XP increase, Windfall, mission teleport, etc.

Super Pack D has event unlockable costume pieces, invention recipe costume pieces and limited-use (say 60 minutes) vanity pets: Hellenic Sandals, Piston Boots, German Shepherd Pet, MVAS, etc.

Super Pack E has uncommon/rare/very rare enhancement recipes and ATIOs. Each pack guarantees an ATIOs and at least one other rare.

Super Pack F has salvage. At least two are rare/very rare, and at least one of those is Incarnate rare/very rare.

What other Super Pack consumable themes would work well in sets of 5?



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
But if they're going to treat Super Packs like collectible card packs, then that means the rewards need to be tradeable. It's been mentioned that most of the rewards will probably be able to be sold at the auction house, but I'm not sure that's the right way to go. Make them actual in-game cards that you have to redeem for your rewards, and make the cards tradeable only for other cards--no gifting cards to another account that didn't buy any. Set up a Super Pack section on the forums where we can announce the cards we have for trade and what we're looking for. (Once claimed, things like IOs would still be salable on the market, but the cards themselves would not be.)

And as in real life, cards would need to be tradeable in different quantities... say you got a costume piece you don't want, but really want an ATIO card, and a friend of yours has the ATIO card and knows that your costume card isn't quite valuable enough on its own, so you trade the costume card and a couple enhancement booster cards to get it.

Additionally, when awarding a costume piece, PLEASE make sure that we never get duplicates of something that's already been claimed on the account, and NEVER make any of the Super Pack costumes "per character"--costumes purchased for real money should ALWAYS be account bound.
Quoted for being a lot like what I think. I am still not sure I would mess with it. Having to go trading with people after I spend (proxy) money to buy something is about a hundred miles from where I want to be. But the above suggestions make the system sound like something I just wouldn't want to participate in as opposed to something I felt dirty about being in the game.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
If random ATIOs would not tempt you to buy, what would make Super Packs enjoyable for you to repeatedly purchase?
If they have to include enhancements, I would rather see a chance for random high end (ie. pool C or purples) or PvP recipes...note that I would still consider this a bad idea, but it would remove the "exclusive" while still remaining highly desirable.

As I said in the main thread, my problem with the idea is the combination of exclusive + random + real money. Obviously they're not going to remove the "real money" aspect, which is why I'm trying to focus on the other two for my feedback. Removing the random is basically selling them in the stores, which is fine with me but goes against the marketing desire for "repeatable" revenue streams.

All that being said, I am not the type that Super Packs are aimed at. The truth is I will probably never buy them regardless of what they contain, exclusives or not, but the way they are handled can and will have an effect on whether I think my subscription is worth maintaining.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
But if they're going to treat Super Packs like collectible card packs, then that means the rewards need to be tradable. It's been mentioned that most of the rewards will probably be able to be sold at the auction house, but I'm not sure that's the right way to go. Make them actual in-game cards that you have to redeem for your rewards, and make the cards tradable only for other cards--no gifting cards to another account that didn't buy any.
This got me thinking of a new idea. I don't think the Super Packs could be modified enough for it, but it might be possible as a future Paragon Market offering. Call them Picture Packs.

These Picture Packs are ONLY for cards (let's say 15 in each). The cards are pictures of prominent City Of Heroes people, places, events, and things. They still have common/uncommon/rare/very rare drop rates. Cards can be merged to be traded up (think Incarnate conversation rates), swapped with other players, or returned for a much reduced number of Paragon Points.

There is a card-for-card player trade market. A player flags their card for sale, then toggles all the cards they are willing to trade it for. When a second player fulfills the requirements by putting up their card and selecting a trade with the card of the first player, it is automatically fulfilled. First-come, first serve.

Nice but not required: A new tab in the Character Info window would feature the Pictures Cards that players has, similar the the Badges tab.

The incentive for the cards (beside vanity collect-them-all) is that when a set is complete, it can be traded in for a reward:

- Common (50 cards) = 15-use consumable power (XP boost, Windfall, mission teleport, etc)

- Uncommon (20 cards) = one-use items (enhancements, Alpha slot unlock, etc)

- Rare (10 cards) = account service (Character Rename Token, Character Slot Unlock, Server Transfer Token, etc.)

- Very Rare (5 cards) = account item (permanent vanity pet, permanent moderate-damage power, costume set etc)

All rewards are known before completing a set and can be obtained by other means.

As City Of Heroes is always releasing new content with new NPCs, zones, monsters and more, new cards and sets can be added all the time.

The packs can be a base-prices Picture Pack that includes a random chance for a drop of any cards released to date. Also much more expensive Picture Packs are available that feature cards released per Issue.

Don't know about you, but THAT would be a random buy I could happily get involved with.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Quoted for being a lot like what I think. I am still not sure I would mess with it. Having to go trading with people after I spend (proxy) money to buy something is about a hundred miles from where I want to be. But the above suggestions make the system sound like something I just wouldn't want to participate in as opposed to something I felt dirty about being in the game.
What about being able to combine your own cards in a "trade-up" or "equal trade" for a more desired item?



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
How can a drop be available for all alts but not be account based? Or are you saying that ATOs ought to be tradable?
I'm thinking it could operate like this.

VIP or "Enhanced Rewards" Certificate holder Dominator defeats enemy:
Chance for ATO to drop scores a success.
Dominator will only receive Dominator ATO on a success.

SupaFreak goes crazy and buys a SuperBooster pack, logs on as Dominator:
Rare random results in Dominator ATO (Rare).
Dominator will only receive Dominator ATO on a success.

ATOs would be tradable and able to be "converted" (if that makes it live)
Possible Options for me:
Use the ATO on my Dominator
Put it on the Auction House
Give it to a friend
Convert it as a Tanker ATO for an alt.



Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post
The truth is I will probably never buy them regardless of what they contain, exclusives or not, but the way they are handled can and will have an effect on whether I think my subscription is worth maintaining.
I think that is why we are all so passionate about the introduction of the Super Packs.

My default choice is "I pay for what I want and only what I want". But if the Super Packs are coming one way or another (which seems true), then I want to do all I can so they reenforce the type of gaming I and everyone else most enjoy in City Of Heroes instead of leaving an unpleasant taste in my mouth.



Originally Posted by SupaFreak View Post
ATOs would be tradable and able to be "converted" (if that makes it live)
Possible Options for me:
Use the ATO on my Dominator
Put it on the Auction House
Give it to a friend
Convert it as a Tanker ATO for an alt.
Thank you for giving the examples, SupaFreak.

Being able to convert and use it on an alt sounds like a great idea. Then my poor Empath Defender who NEVER gets good drops can still have the chance to enjoy ATIOs when my Illusion Controller get one she doesn't want.



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
What about being able to combine your own cards in a "trade-up" or "equal trade" for a more desired item?
That's closer, but I still don't think I would do it. Not for "real money". I just don't like random stuff.

Let me give an example. In game, when Reward Merits were new, I spent them on random rolls. It was kind of like playing an in-game lottery. Sometimes I got something great that financed buying lots of other stuff. Most of the time it wasn't so hot. Then I figured out how to use the market better, and figured out that, even if I was passing up on the chance to win big in the short term, I far preferred the near-deterministic behavior of spending 10 times more Reward Merits on something specific that sold well, then selling that on the market, and using those proceeds to buy what I really wanted.

Now, Reward Merits are much more a form of play "money" than Paragon Points are. I get Reward Merits doing stuff in game that I enjoy doing anyway - playing TFs with in-game friends. I can't produce Paragon Points in any way akin to that - I either have to wait for them to accrue naturally, or spend real money to buy them. I'm even less inclined to do spend something like that for a random reward.

Making me less dependent on additionally needing to trade with other people does remove a significant element of unknown beyond the pure random aspect, but for me the random aspect remains a barrier all its own.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Making me less dependent on additionally needing to trade with other people does remove a significant element of unknown beyond the pure random aspect, but for me the random aspect remains a barrier all its own.
Very understandable.

So if the Super Packs were not random, how could they be repeatable? Hmm.

What about if they were sets of reward tables? For example: You buy Super Pack Incarnate and get the choose 5 commons, 3 uncommons, or 1 rare salvage. (I can't imagine them selling very rare salvage.)

Does this break the game? Doubtful, since they've been selling enhancements in the Paragon Market already. If that didn't do it I don't think this would.



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
Very understandable.

So if the Super Packs were not random, how could they be repeatable?
Something was posted over in the main unoffical feedback thread that I agree with strongly. If they want to sell stuff repeatedly, sell stuff we have ongoing desire for. One example of this is enhancements, which they do already sell some of. Now, I have no intention of buying the sets they currently sell, because there is a close enough approximation to them in game already that I can get without spending "real money" above my subscription. But they sell other things that I can see myself buying more of over time: Enhancement Boosters and Unslotters. Why will I buy more of these over time? Because I will make more characters who they could benefit. These are the same the fundamental things that drive the in-game auction house - the need to supply new characters or make ongoing changes to existing ones.

ATIOs are a fine example of that. If they have a good price/utility ratio (something I realize is highly subjective - I can only speak for myself), then not only will I buy them once, I'll come back and buy more of them again later for additional characters.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA






I agree with Dr. Mechano, I think the 'exclusive' costume parts should be removed from the 'insert coin to try and grab machine', and believe by doing so, you will eliminate the majority of the player frustration.

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Instead of getting an ATIO you get a voucher, when a character claims it they get a random ATIO for that character's AT.

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Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
So you'd like to buy the costumes separately? That does seem to be a request everyone has who wants the costume sets.

What, then, would you like to get that would entice you to buy the Super Pack repeatedly?
Nothing. I know you don't want to hear that, but nothing. There is nothing they could put in there that is going to have me [virtually] standing at a slot-machine, robotically pulling the handle over and over again.

Some people - myself included - are absolutely hated by the game's RNG. To stand there at that virtual slot-machine would be nothing but frustration for those such as myself.

So sorry. Nothing.



Let me pick the specific ATIO I want, and let the other pieces of the Super Pack be random.

Or, let me pick any one item to be the non-random part of the Super Pack, and let the rest be random.

Add more kind of consumables which could drop in these packs, or be purchased individually. For instance, more temporary powers like the ones one can get in the weapons deal side missions in mayhems and safeguards. I like those, but once they're used up, they're gone. Let me get more of them.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Nothing. I know you don't want to hear that, but nothing. There is nothing they could put in there that is going to have me [virtually] standing at a slot-machine, robotically pulling the handle over and over again.
That's where I am. Gambling with my money is not something I want to do, and not something I will do. I don't care if you put the key to eternal life in there at 0.00001% chance to drop, I'm not gonna'.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's where I am. Gambling with my money is not something I want to do, and not something I will do. I don't care if you put the key to eternal life in there at 0.00001% chance to drop, I'm not gonna'.
Honey, they can put Vanessa DeVore's entire costume, including the fan backpiece in the Super Packs.

They can put the new CoT Arc Reactor belt in there. They can put the new CoT "lightning bolt" backpiece in there, and for that matter the Mage robe and hat.

STILL NOT GOING THERE. There is no inducement that will get me to do this.



First, the exclusive stuff has got to either go, or become non-exclusive.

I'd suggest that they be put in as is, but later they need to be put into the store like normal. Maybe rotate which of the ATIOs is for sale every week, so that you can get specific sets if you wait, or you can buy packs and hope.

Beyond that, though, is what else is in the Super Packs. The simple fact is, I think they're selling the wrong things. If they want people to buy them and keep buying them, then they need to fill them with things that people KEEP reusing and needing/wanting more of.

Something to upgrade an ATIO? Nope, not going to be using those left and right. The Chaingun temp power? Oh yeah, THAT I'll use. And if it's for a limited number of uses, and only claimable by one character, then I'll need another for the next character even if the first still has charges on it.

Most of the temp powers you can get in the game would be good for this. Iron Sword, Kinetic Shield, Bow and Arrow, Prismatic Taser... all useful, at least at low levels. There's options for new powers, too. A one-use (no timer) version of Inner Inspiration, for example. Or maybe a 5 minute duration summons of a non-controlled version of one of the MM pets? Very Rare chance of a Shivan or Warburg nuke, maybe?

Give us things we use in battle, not things we use when we're checking our notes and carefully planning out our build or shopping at the market. Market/Build stuff might be valuable, but it's not as intense as actual combat. I'm far more likely to use a temp power on impulse because that EB is a bit too tough, or because while I can Foostomp those's a <bleep>ing CHAINGUN, and that's just more fun!

Final thought (for now):

I would suggest that, if you do wish to put costume stuff in there, you also include account-wide unlocks for things like the Dragon Wings and Rocket Boots that are currently recipe drops in-game. That does open up the idea of also making the costume sets in the Super Packs available in-game as recipe drops. I do not think that would work as well, however, as there's a big difference between trying to get one item (wings) as compared to trying to get every item in a full set.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

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A variety of new temp powers with different vfx, themes, and damage types would be nice, and I could see circumstances where I'd buy them.

Another problem with the consumables are the very sparse descriptions of them on the market. For instance, "Shielded Dual Inspiration (Small) x1" has this description: "x1 - Small (+Def/+Res) Dual Inspiration" Okay, fine not buying that because I have no idea what I'm actually getting. How much Def? How much Res? How long does it last? Is it positional or typed defense? Which damage types for the Res? All? Most? Some? Sure, I could go to paragon wiki and look them up, and hope that's filled in and accurate, but not while I'm in game mulling over a purchasing decision.

If you want the Super Packs to be attractive, a good start would making the parts that make them up attractive, and right now, the only way in-game to even know what they are is to buy and try them. I think people would understandably be reluctant to buy something like that.



I will add one other constructive post to this thread.

I, personally, would be okay with exclusive costume pieces in the super packs on the one condition that when the super packs are released, a reasonable release date (no more than 2-3 months later) and reasonable price (equivalent to current costume costs) is also announced when the costume pieces will be made available as store purchases. By this I mean that I would be okay if people who bought super packs got a preview of costume pieces I can buy at a somewhat later date for a reasonable price. I speak for myself alone with this suggestion.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Ardrea View Post
A variety of new temp powers with different vfx, themes, and damage types would be nice, and I could see circumstances where I'd buy them.

Another problem with the consumables are the very sparse descriptions of them on the market. For instance, "Shielded Dual Inspiration (Small) x1" has this description: "x1 - Small (+Def/+Res) Dual Inspiration" Okay, fine not buying that because I have no idea what I'm actually getting. How much Def? How much Res? How long does it last? Is it positional or typed defense? Which damage types for the Res? All? Most? Some? Sure, I could go to paragon wiki and look them up, and hope that's filled in and accurate, but not while I'm in game mulling over a purchasing decision.

If you want the Super Packs to be attractive, a good start would making the parts that make them up attractive, and right now, the only way in-game to even know what they are is to buy and try them. I think people would understandably be reluctant to buy something like that.
While I agree that the market could be better and does need to present itself better, that may be one of the goals here. In buying a pack for the IO or costume piece, you get a little collection of consumables you've heretofore been reluctant to buy. You didn't ask for them, but here they are anyway, and maybe you discover that, hey, they're actually useful.

I mean, heck. I bought a pack of Windfalls because I got a few in my vet rewards kit. I don't buy consumables in F2P games all that much either, but I figured, hey, they're here and they're free, I might as well use them. In doing so I found them to be modestly useful, so now I have a stack sitting in email for whenever I go on a Roman killing spree. I imagine the idea behind the packs is at least partially the same.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
I will add one other constructive post to this thread.

I, personally, would be okay with exclusive costume pieces in the super packs on the one condition that when the super packs are released, a reasonable release date (no more than 2-3 months later) and reasonable price (equivalent to current costume costs) is also announced when the costume pieces will be made available as store purchases. By this I mean that I would be okay if people who bought super packs got a preview of costume pieces I can buy at a somewhat later date for a reasonable price. I speak for myself alone with this suggestion.
This I could go with. So long as gambling provides a possibly cheaper by uncertain ALTERNATIVE to regular-price purchases, then it can only be a good thing. So long as gambling provides the ONLY means of access to an item, then that's just bad.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.