Were the 5 remaining incarnate slots mentioned at all today?

Agent White



Title says it all, been following the threads and streams all day and have seen nothing on the topic.

D: Toss me a hai @DarkNat My Fify glory: Renzer Dark/Dark Corr., Renzro Dark/Dark Def., Amartasu Dark/Dark Scrap.Less important ones: Fire/Fire Blaster,Ice/Ice Blaster,Ele/Ele Brute, Mind/Storm Troll,Fire/Kin Corr.,Bots/FF MM., DB/Regen Scrap.



did you mean to make your own thread, Von? lol



Originally Posted by ShadowNate View Post
Title says it all, been following the threads and streams all day and have seen nothing on the topic.

They were mentioned briefly during the Endgame panel. No major info though.
If I remember correctly, they are working on them. Some of them have changed from their initial design concepts (and the names may change too). And, no estimated release time frame was given.

So, yes. They were mentioned, but no juicy news.



Originally Posted by Woolite View Post
They were mentioned briefly during the Endgame panel. No major info though.
If I remember correctly, they are working on them. Some of them have changed from their initial design concepts (and the names may change too). And, no estimated release time frame was given.

So, yes. They were mentioned, but no juicy news.
Thank you .

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Woolite View Post
They were mentioned briefly during the Endgame panel. No major info though.
If I remember correctly, they are working on them. Some of them have changed from their initial design concepts (and the names may change too). And, no estimated release time frame was given.

So, yes. They were mentioned, but no juicy news.
Did they say anything like we'd see them in 2012?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Did they say anything like we'd see them in 2012?
I believe "no estimated release time frame was given" covers that.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Did they say anything like we'd see them in 2012?
I don't think they mentioned any sort of time frame.

Oh, one of the things they did say was they want the new slots to do more than pump stats (though they do know players like those too), so they'll be more along the lines of letting you do things you weren't able to do before. I don't remember if they gave an example of what that meant though.

The impression I got was that they are working several ideas and weren't able to put a release date on anything until they have a more concrete concept of what they want (and what the players will like).



Originally Posted by Woolite View Post
I don't think they mentioned any sort of time frame.

Oh, one of the things they did say was they want the new slots to do more than pump stats (though they do know players like those too), so they'll be more along the lines of letting you do things you weren't able to do before. I don't remember if they gave an example of what that meant though.

The impression I got was that they are working several ideas and weren't able to put a release date on anything until they have a more concrete concept of what they want (and what the players will like).
Well that's annoying. Oh well.

D: Toss me a hai @DarkNat My Fify glory: Renzer Dark/Dark Corr., Renzro Dark/Dark Def., Amartasu Dark/Dark Scrap.Less important ones: Fire/Fire Blaster,Ice/Ice Blaster,Ele/Ele Brute, Mind/Storm Troll,Fire/Kin Corr.,Bots/FF MM., DB/Regen Scrap.



So, basically, several of us were right.

The new incarnate slots will start coming out when the devs actually figure out what they do XD



So, basically, several of us were right.

The new incarnate slots will start coming out when the devs actually figure out what they do XD
They also said that the names of those slots might change as well. The names as they stand right now are basically 'placeholders'. So, yeah, everything is up in the air.



I believe all they said was specifically not i22.



That's fine honestly, more time to fill out the other powers, Judgement and Destiny still have a lot of different possibilities, and I'm sure Lore could be filled out some more too. Heck, with the DA revamp it wouldn't surprise me to see Banished Pantheon and Tsoo added to the Lore slot



Originally Posted by Woolite View Post
Oh, one of the things they did say was they want the new slots to do more than pump stats (though they do know players like those too), so they'll be more along the lines of letting you do things you weren't able to do before. I don't remember if they gave an example of what that meant though.
That's good, because my Incarnate Inv/SS Tractor is hitting the damage cap easily, as well as hitting the HP cap, is Defense softcapped for regular content and can easily hit the Resistance cap for everything save Psi with the T9.

That only leaves Regeneration as a stat that would really add anything to the mix.

Going forward, I want things like -Res debuffs to enemies, a damage aura, more bonus damage added to my attacks, more level shifts, new attacks (like a ST melee attack to compliment Judgement).

Or Incarnate boosts that can change stat caps. If Afterburner can act as a multiplier to max flight speed, why can't the same thing be done to other existing caps?
