Titan Network: Need some assistance

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Originally Posted by Elanthil View Post
Just out of curiosity. While the site(s) are down, is there a mirror to the latest version of Mids anywhere out there?

Usual disclaimers apply. Don't trust software from unknown sources. Has been virus scanned by me but that shouldn't mean anything to you. Will be taken down again once the cohplanner.com site is back up and running.

Edit: Please see Tony's post here for the MD5 hash of the installer

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If you haven't donated to the Titan Network yet, I don't know why TonyV and the gang are busting their humps for you (and using vacation time to do it, too!)



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
Because I don't say it often enough: Thank you, Tony.
This, 1,000 times this!

It amazes me that you are taking a day off of work to do something you don't get paid for! Nothing says dedication than something like that! I do have to say that I really need my WikiEditing fix. I am jonesing here.



I just wanted to add my thanks to TonyV and everyone at the Titan network. We appreciate your hard work not only in getting things back up and running, but also for a maintaining a great set of web sites for City of Heroes gamers.

We love you guys! =)

"The Sky is not the limit to Mastery, for (as any science fiction enthusiast can tell you) there are infinite worlds left to explore once the sky is left behind." From "Role Playing Mastery", by Gary Gygax.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
If you haven't donated to the Titan Network yet, I don't know why TonyV and the gang are busting their humps for you (and using vacation time to do it, too!)
Now now, don't go guilting people into donating. Especially since...

Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
I'd love to see people who get PAID to do this sort of thing do a better job than TonyV has. Keep up the good work Tony!
If I were getting paid for this, I'd like to hope that I would have done a better job of making sure all of our software was up-to-date, possibly preventing this whole mess to begin with. Truth be known, I'm feeling a bit guilty over it, since keeping current is normally a big emphasis of mine to maintain security of the system.

Still, things have been pretty crazy on all fronts at the Titan Network lately, what with changes to the game coming fast and furious. Everyone loves the pace at which new stuff is coming out these days--including us!--but I won't lie, sometimes it's like, "Aw, come on guys! Give us some time to breathe!"

So I admit it, I let something slip that really shouldn't have slipped, and we got bitten for it. For anyone else running a web site out there, whether it's a hobby like this one or a more professional endeavor, I can't pound this into your skull enough. Make sure you stay on top of patches and updates! Not just the big stuff like the OS, web server, database, and scripting language (though those are certainly important), but also every library, packaged software, and coding framework you use, too.

Incidentally, that's also one thing we'll be working on, is making sure that only our live, up-to-date sites are hosted on the server. No more development stuff, and no more deprecated sites. Keeping the dozens of things in the live environment current is hard enough without having to worry about a development site being hacked; it doesn't make sense to needlessly expose ourselves because that old forgotten copy of the PC Free Press that no one looks at is still hanging out there using an ancient version of Mambo. We'll still have dev and test sites, probably hosted on VMs at my house, and I'll try to host those old deprecated sites somewhere (possibly on a dirt cheap shared web host or something), but not where it could compromise our active sites.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



To TonyV and all of the Titan team:

Thank you, for both your sterling work on the most useful City of Heroes fan sites available, and your effort and dedication to fixing what has gone wrong.

While I can't speak for all players, I can tell you from the bottom of my heart* that your work is appreciated by me more than you can possibly know.

You have my thanks for helping to make my time playing City of Heroes a joy for the last six years.

Keep it up, good people.

*: Or other appropriate internal organ.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
To TonyV and all of the Titan team:

Thank you, for both your sterling work on the most useful City of Heroes fan sites available, and your effort and dedication to fixing what has gone wrong.

While I can't speak for all players, I can tell you from the bottom of my heart* that your work is appreciated by me more than you can possibly know.

You have my thanks for helping to make my time playing City of Heroes a joy for the last six years.

Keep it up, good people.

*: Or other appropriate internal organ.
^ this a hundred times over

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Still, things have been pretty crazy on all fronts at the Titan Network lately, what with changes to the game coming fast and furious. Everyone loves the pace at which new stuff is coming out these days--including us!--but I won't lie, sometimes it's like, "Aw, come on guys! Give us some time to breathe!"
I'm always amazed at the way you guys do keep up with the recent pace of change in the game. I always feel for the Mids team everytime a new powerset with a new gimmick comes out.

I'm sorely missing the CIT site but I understand sometimes the poo hits the fan and we are all just grateful that it's being sorted in such a professional manner.

Bug hugs to the Titan crew.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
UPDATE: (00:05 UTC Nov 05)

Okay, it's been a long haul today and I know I've been pretty quiet in this thread, but I think we're aaaaalmost ready to turn the rest of the sites back on. All of them except Faces are physically up and running on the new server, and they're just locked out to the public while we finish some internal testing and validation. We've run into a few snags with the synchronization of passwords between the Titan Key and our forums due to SMF changing their authentication mechanism. We might go ahead and turn the rest of the sites back on and just warn people that they might not be able to post to our forums until we figure it out.
WTH are you posting from? But seriously, it kinda makes me wonder how an essentially solo-maintained host can be worked on and updated (posting regular updates here) about ten times faster (atleast it seems to me) than other's that more than one body works with and more than one source of income supplies...



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post

Usual disclaimers apply. Don't trust software from unknown sources. Has been virus scanned by me but that shouldn't mean anything to you. Will be taken down again once the cohplanner.com site is back up and running.
I was just going to say the same thing (except I can't afford to host files) as I keep an archive of my downloads + a couple generations.



Just a quick update that we're keeping the sites down for another day while we plug the hole we've identified as the likely exploit vector. We have strong reason to believe that this was the butt-kicker. We found a "smoking gun" in the Faces filesystem, along with some other oddities that we're using for diagnostic and research purposes. Needless to say, we're going to be patching every installation of CodeIgniter we have before turning stuff back on.

Note that the sites that are currently up, which include our forums, the Paragon Wiki, and HeroStats site, do not use CodeIgniter and are not vulnerable to the attack that was used. Also, we've significantly locked down the permissions on the directories so that even the web service account doesn't have write access to pull off this kind of thing again.

As a side effect, to be honest, there might be a few glitches because scripts don't have the same access to the system that they used to. If you notice any oddities or get any errors, let us know and we'll try to get them fixed.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



TonyV, any chance you could post the MD5 for the current Mids' installer, just so that anyone who wants to can check it against the one they download off my server?

I'm sure most people won't care, but I'd like to provide the option for those who do.


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I want to thank you for your work on this project, you have provided all of us with a valuable tool (and nc should pay you for this)

That said, I caught some weird super virus the other day. I can't say it was from your planner, however it was coh related. I think I was looking up some badges on wiki. For the most part I fixed my computer, however I get some strange message about a folder when I open coh, I can still get into game. At the same time My planner isn't able to store any info, I'm locked into one build. Fortunately it is my current build, and I can tinker with it, I just can't save anything.

The upshoot, is that I'm eagerly awaiting your updates and corrections, I'm also wondering if you will give us a way to update, reinstall and correct issues with our programs that are bug related? It would be helpful.



Originally Posted by dazedandconfused View Post
The upshoot, is that I'm eagerly awaiting your updates and corrections, I'm also wondering if you will give us a way to update, reinstall and correct issues with our programs that are bug related? It would be helpful.
There's not really anything that the Titan guys can do to fix issues that may have occurred on your PC, whether as a result of the compromise or not.

I would suggest making use of free tools such as:


To tidy up your machine, although in many cases it's safer just to wipe everything and start again.

Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes

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Er...any chance somone her could do me a solid and send me a copy of MIDs? Btw, Hope thigns go well for you fine folks at Titan.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Just to give an idea of why we're being so paranoid, apparently our domain names got harvested into the botnet as a compromised host, and even on the new server I've seen several attempts to access the attack vector (which I must emphatically stress HAS BEEN CLOSED) from zombie machines in various parts of the world to try to reinfect it.
Tony, I know this whole thing has been terrible but... that whole thing you just said there sounded AWESOME! A botnet with zombie machines?! I mean, I know those are actual terms, but when used in a sentence it sounds like skynet has become self-aware and has started raising the dead!



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
TonyV, any chance you could post the MD5 for the current Mids' installer, just so that anyone who wants to can check it against the one they download off my server?

I'm sure most people won't care, but I'd like to provide the option for those who do.

You bet. It is:
fd8f4946e53ef9a466674f4f160b0eb7 MXDSetup1-952.exe

I've run both the latest version that was posted on our site and the version that is mirrored above through a checksum, and compared it to a known good version that I had from Diellan's and DeProgrammer's updates to the repository, and they all match up.

For anyone who wants to verify the integrity of their file, they can snag a copy of a file checksummer utility from Microsoft from their web site.

If you want to verify that your installed copy of Mids is okay, here's the checksum of executable files within the distribution:
47f54527bc44c4dc98845da86e7387b0 Hero Designer.exe
0b3b4e8d1de31f844e466d61cf7937b5 ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
e1ee2d27c6f6f105a7ba21387e1cbf07 midsControls.dll
80e41408f6d641dc1c0f5353a0cc8125 zlib1.dll
d993e1da5d1c5cda8d8daa096eecced4 Uninstall.exe

Just to stress the point: The Mids download was not compromised on the site. Barring infection in some other manner, downloading Mids, installing it, and running it would not have affected your computer.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



thx for your efforts

perma jump is ---> /up 1



Any chance there's a link where to download the Titan sentinel tracking tool from a mirror site ?




Originally Posted by DarkProthon View Post
Any chance there's a link where to download the Titan sentinel tracking tool from a mirror site ?

herostats can be used as a badge tracking tool for both CIT and badge-hunter.com although it does not record badges very easily since you have to do the old badge-setting bind file method to track them quickly

sentinel will only work with CIT, which as tony states is not up yet (although you should still be able to export live builds with it if thats what you wanted it for)



I know that beggars can't be choosers, and I don't want to sound ungrateful—I think it's fantastic that ParagonWiki is available at all—but do you have any idea when write access will be restored for ParagonWiki? A guide I have posted is somewhat out of date in a couple of important respects and I've really been wanting to revise it for the last several days now. I've been trying to be patient, given the nature of the problems the sites have faced, but I'd really like to get that revision out of the way.