What would you do to make Underground better?




I would like to do the Underground more, but one of the largest barriers to me doing so isn't so much the trial itself as who else is on the league.

All it takes is 1 or 2 people not paying attention to waste upwards of 2.5 hours of my time (up to an hour to form it, 90+ minutes to do the trial). To me, that isn't a good use of my time.

Problem 1 for me - Escort mission:
Desdemona. The Underground Trial is, at its heart, a huge escort mission. Yes, one of the most player-hated mechanics in the gaming industry. Even developers hate this mechanic. Yet we are subjected to one that is the basis of the longest Incarnate Trial to date.

Worse, the players that should be least responsible for caring for this dead weight (melee) are stuck with her until they die (often self-inflicted by means of Self-Destruct, something I don't think the developers meant by using "unused" powers) or the team tries tricks like teleporting the handler far enough away from Desdemona to get her to latch on to another player.

Problem 2 for me - Visual cues, or lack thereof:
Can you tell me what is the difference between the following pictures and the lichens buffing the Lichen Infected War Walker?

If you guessed that the above pictures have Devouring Earth Eminators showing their Area of Effect, you would be right.

The same issue is to tell who is being targeted by any of the three War Walkers. Why? I don't want to be anywhere near ground zero of any of the War Walker's special attacks, particularly Lethal Force. I'm not shown who isn't listening to instructions and staying with the group when they are being targeted, and I'm not being given the tools to protect myself from their mistakes.

Other visual clues that is hard to spot are the Will of the Earth and which side is Hamidon's back?

Problem 3 for me - Hell is other people:

  • People not getting away from the group when targeted can cause the trial to fail.
  • People rushing ahead can cause the trial to fail.
  • People confused in the last section with the, for all intents and purposes, permanent confusion WILL cause the trial to fail.
  • People not paying attention to the bright red letters under their health bar can cause the trial to fail.
  • Being forced to bring the above players can cause the trial to fail.
Problem 4 for me - Length:
Due to the high failure rate of PUGs, other methods of forming the trial has to be used. This means a lengthy amount of time needed to assemble the trial, and if a leader can't get enough to succeed, they are forced to one of two choices:
  • Take "unknown" or "undesirable" players
  • Call it off and do something better.

Potential Solutions:
  • Allow the leader to assign Desdemona to a player. The leader is supposed to be the one in charge of her "security" team, so let them do their job.
  • Minimize how much damage a few players can cause a league by not paying attention.
  • Reduce the Mag on the confuse. If it requires more than the medic in the hospital is selling, it is too high.
  • Better visual cues.
    • Show who is being targeted in a clear manner, even on the lowest graphics settings.
    • Show the lichen's regenerative AoE.
    • Show the Demolition Charges' area (actually could use a Force Field graphic to show the "trigger" area).
    • More differential between "front" and "back" of the Avatar.
    • Show the Will of the Earth in a clearer manner, even on lower graphics settings.

Question for the reader:
If the goal is to get more players to do this trial, and the mechanics of the trial are causing barriers to people wanting to do it, what would you change to make it more acceptable to run?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I agree with all your points Snow.

For one, make it shorter. There are so many areas in the trial that can be shortened, physically. Especially the spore tunnels places. They are really annoying for people who die too, and have to hike back around all those bends. Just doing that would cut 5-10 minutes of I think.

Again, make the visual clues better. I know in many runs I have done, I have been 'Targetted' by the warwalkers, and there is just that tiny red text under my HP. If you happen to have the mission info thingy also moved to that area, it is very very easy to miss.

Do the lichens actually DO anything? Looking at the help text, it mentions their effect on the warwalkers..but every run I have done..I get an invalid target message, for all of them. Of course, maybe someone else just used one.

I don't think lowering the confuse mag is the answer. If it is lowered, the fight will just become a pile on DPS fest. Really needs better visual clues (again) as too what all his powers are doing.

I think the confuse needs to be changed so that if any Incarnate or buffing powers are used during the fight, they do NOT affect the Avatar. All the mobs, fine, just not the Avatar. This would stop him suddenly getting buffed with barriers, regens etc etc. Not to mention judgements killing team mates.



I'd like the Avatar to keep its confuse, but make it a desperation move. Like how pre-GR Nightstar would Nova at 10% HP, have the Avatar keep its confuse in reserve like that, too. Hit 10% HP? Eat Mag 20 Confuse! But not before. Or do the Anti-Matter thing at trigger it at 75%, 50%, and 25% HP. So you know when it's coming and can prepare. Even if preparing means taking a break until it wears off.

Also the reward changes in beta are looking... good. Two salvage rolls with one being between a Rare or a Very Rare? That'll help a lot.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Change all timers from fail conditions to badge earning and possibly Astral conditions. You still have to bring down the bosses to pass, but you don't have to teach new people in 10 minutes or fail completely.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Change all timers from fail conditions to badge earning and possibly Astral conditions. You still have to bring down the bosses to pass, but you don't have to teach new people in 10 minutes or fail completely.
Sorry, after being on several versions of this trial where the SRWW & LIWW were not timed, and with the broken Avatar timer, the fail conditions are needed to prevent people spending an hour on those sections fruitlessly.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



cut the ambushes in half for the "rituals"
reduce the amount of lichens for the LIWW to sponge off of
those team killing bombs should be spread out farther towards the end before you reach the Avatar
I'd rather love it if the Avatar wasn't basically a big middle finger to melee types...freaking overkill on a non-optimal team.
reduce the amount of unresistable damage flying around...



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Sorry, after being on several versions of this trial where the SRWW & LIWW were not timed, and with the broken Avatar timer, the fail conditions are needed to prevent people spending an hour on those sections fruitlessly.

As opposed to spending an hour and getting kicked out at the end? Sorry, can't agree on that one. The timers are my most hated "feature" of this content. It's not like you're trapped and unable to quit.

In any case they did make some major changes to the trial recently I didn't know about, including this one:

The Underground Incarnate Trial will always award a Rare or Very Rare component after successful completion of the Avatar of Hamidon encounter for players who are present for the entire event's duration.
That final battle is still really going to suck though.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Allow the leader to assign Desdemona to a player. The leader is supposed to be the one in charge of her "security" team, so let them do their job.
There is tech in-game that already exists: Warburg Scientists. You can pick up and drop them simply by clicking on them. Not sure how much work would be involved in porting that over for an active healthbar escort but it's possible.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
IProblem 1 for me - Escort mission:
Desdemona. The Underground Trial is, at its heart, a huge escort mission. Yes, one of the most player-hated mechanics in the gaming industry. Even developers hate this mechanic. Yet we are subjected to one that is the basis of the longest Incarnate Trial to date.

Worse, the players that should be least responsible for caring for this dead weight (melee) are stuck with her until they die (often self-inflicted by means of Self-Destruct, something I don't think the developers meant by using "unused" powers) or the team tries tricks like teleporting the handler far enough away from Desdemona to get her to latch on to another player.
Escort missions have never been fun. Not on the NES, not on the PS2, and not now. Especially when the league might request you stand back and do nothing for the hour and half duration of the trial if you get saddled with escort duty.

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
There is tech in-game that already exists: Warburg Scientists. You can pick up and drop them simply by clicking on them. Not sure how much work would be involved in porting that over for an active healthbar escort but it's possible.

Honestly, the WB Scientists are the only valid reason escorts should be used. (This is my personal oppinion.) It's a PvP zone, and as such, the escort function makes it's VERY annoying & challenging to get the reward of the WB nuke.

On the other hand, it's stupid and frustrating. I can't tell you how many times (I'm an MM so I love this power.) I've been grinding to get the Mutagen Nuke in WB, only to be backstabbed by a Stalker after having to clear endless rooms of stupid arachnoids/other rogue crap, and lose everything that I just worked for.

Ahem... that was a little off topic.. my apologies.



Snow Globe brings up some great points; and it is very nice to see constructive improvements offered to make the Underground Trial more fun to play.

The discussion about being forced to take “unknown” or “undesirable” players however is really a bit distressing to me. I know this topic is not a core part of the original posting, but it just struck a nerve with me.

I am finding I despise the incarnate trials for this very reason…not because I am forced to play with the great unworthy and unwashed masses…but because I AM one of them.

The incarnate trials have become so complex, so time consuming, and SOOOO rewards fixated; that only the worthy are allowed to play this game content. Trial leaders have become the new content gate keepers, the high priests of the incarnate religion; they will form a trial ONLY with known acolytes. Acolytes must have the proper computer equipment, characters that are built to conforming standards, and players that know and perform their assigned role in this religious function. Trials are not about great maps, interesting game mechanics, awesome new NPC opponents…and above all…trials are NOT about story. The gate keeper priests are looking only for those worth of grinding for gear.

So here I am a seven year veteran, with an average computer, and a more casual story oriented play style. On occasion I may pop on my one and only badger character who is also one of my two incarnates. I have read about the various trials, and would love to see this new game content, not to grind for Emp. Merits or whatever reward; but to see the new stories and art and have a little fun.

So I drop myself into the LFG tab and pick a trial I’d like to see. If I am really motivated to get into a trial I might run around to Pocket D/the Vanguard base in RWZ/The Midnighter’s council room and see if people are forming up. If I ever do see groups forming, which is very rare now days; I quickly realize I will never be picked by a gate keeper priest anyway. I am clearly one of the “undesirables”…and I am shunned. Incarnate trials…a wonderful new aspect of City of Heros…for those deemed worthy.

My constructive suggestion is to make the incarnate trials more PUG friendly by simplifying them and making access happen via the LFG tab only. Take away the ability of the gate keepers to strangle access to the trials. Find ways to build fun and challenging trials for the majority of the player base; not just for the very few desirables. I am not looking for a CoH easy button, I don’t want to get all the powers and costumes and whatever new shinies the incarnate stuff provides for no effort, I don’t feel entitled to all the stuff for free…I just want a chance to participate!



1) First and foremost when fighting warwalker AVs it needs to be significantly more clear who is targetted, whether that is large flashing arrow graphical effects pointing to that person that everyone can see, or large text on screen that everyone can see specifically naming the person that is targetted, so that if that person is not paying attention they can be informed that they need to move. In addition make it more clear using a graphical effect what the radius of the lethal force is around the player so they can easily see how far away they need to move to not wipe the entire league.

2) Many things need to be updated for avatar fight.
a) have a door between the last mob and the avatar room so that leagues can properly buff up for the fight
b) melee'ing with the avatar is a death sentence, damage to melee ATs needs to be reduced.
c) There needs to be a way to acquire confuse protection that is not dependant on having your league having x number of people with tactics/clarion or having x number of break frees, cause if you dont or you run out of break frees you become effectively useless unless you suicide to get more. This could be in the form of defeating destructable objects in the avatar's room with 5400 hp that release a small pbaoe mag 10 confuse protection buff that lasts x number of seconds (similar to the buff/debuff tech containers in crey labs).

3) The map itself should be shortened. You could reduce the number of mobs in the map to reduce the overall time it takes to complete however all that would really do is make it look unpopulated, spawn distribution is, for the most part, good currently, the problem is that the map is too big. Whole sections of the map with mindless mob fodder could be taken away and you would be left with a much better, more focused trial.

Example of how trial could be shortened....
Using this map:

1) acquire desdemona and defeat 24 guards: good.
2) Have her perform the ritual, Reduce the number of ambushes at each location to 1 ambush, but triple the size of the ambushes. Currently they are trivial, pointless and do not pose a threat and you spend more time waiting around then actually protecting desdemona. Tripling the size of the ambush should make this objective more fun and somewhat more threatening
3) REMOVE the hallway between the ritual room and the defeat 40 IDF guards. This is just fodder and unnecessarily increases the duration of the trial.
4) Extinction Warwalker fight - as said above make targets more clear.
5) REMOVE approx 50% of the hallway between the extinction warwalker and the crystal trap room, again this is unnecessarirly increasing the threat while nothing interesting is happening
6) Crystal Trap room - this event is good as is. Upon successfully completing this event award each player in the league 1 Lichen temp to use on the self repairing warwalker
7) REMOVE the hallway between the crystal trap room and the defeat 40 DE guards room
8) 2x Warwalker AVs room, again, make targetting more clear, also the second av fight should be less dependant on fighting the AV in a corner to avoid the regenerating lichen
9) REMOVE the hallway between the 2x warwalker AV room and the spore hallway, upon exitting the warwalker room you should immediatly be in the spore hallway, also remove the first bomb to compensate for this.
10) Avatar room - Add a door seperating the final mob and the avatar's room so that teams can properly prepare and buff up. Add 5400 hp destructable objects inside the avatars room that grant a small pbaoe confuse protection buff upon defeat.

As you can see by this post, I feel that the UGT should be heavily altered, in it's current state it is unnecessarily long, full of unnecessary beating up of fodder, and AVs that are overly reliant on hax abilities that need to be more defined.

Slapping more rewards on the trial doesn't make the trial itself better and/or more fun, it just means you get slightly more for suffering through a poorly implemented trial that has the potential to be very enjoyable if certain key things were changed, even if those things are more than the dev team would like to put into changing a trial that they had worked so hard on, I believe that it's worth it.



Originally Posted by Tally View Post
So I drop myself into the LFG tab and pick a trial I’d like to see. If I am really motivated to get into a trial I might run around to Pocket D/the Vanguard base in RWZ/The Midnighter’s council room and see if people are forming up. If I ever do see groups forming, which is very rare now days; I quickly realize I will never be picked by a gate keeper priest anyway. I am clearly one of the “undesirables”…and I am shunned. Incarnate trials…a wonderful new aspect of City of Heros…for those deemed worthy.
Well I completely agree about the potential for this sort of behavior to develop, and very much expected it to, but so far I have been gratified to see that it doesn't seem to have happened, at least on the server I play on. I'm not trying to deny that you've had this experience of being shunned; I'm simply saying that it is not the same one I've had. And one of the characters I've incarnated so far is my Claws/Nin stalker. Never had a problem getting her onto a league. Could be that the experience of getting a trial is different on different servers. However, I am curious about the part I've bolded in your quote. What was it that lead you to conclude you would never be picked? Did you ask for a spot and get rejected?



Snow Globe, I agree with all your points. The big one for me is "make it shorter." DreadShinobi seems to have some good ideas for doing that. Just getting rid of some of the "filler" fights would help a lot. I particularly agree with Dread's point about the ambushes.

Regarding Desdemona, I so very much wish they would just get rid of her. If they won't, then letting the league leader pick the handler seems like a decent compromise. In another thread, I also suggested giving the person who has "control" (and I use that word loosely) of Desi for 3/4's of the Trial a bit of a larger chance to get a Rare or VR, but now that they're changing the end rewards, that's largely moot. And hurray for that!

Regarding your discussion of the War Walker phase though, I feel like I should insert some defense of the people who are new to the Trial and have no idea what they're supposed to be doing when targetted. That was me, the first time I ran it. Fortunately, I didn't cause a disaster, but I certainly could have had I made a different decision about how to react. I ran away. But it was definitely more of a "this seems like the most likely appropriate reaction" moment than it was an "I know what I'm doing" moment. Having said that, I suppose I agree that visual cues should be more clear, as if they were, somebody might have been able to tell me to get away from the league.

And now I'm running late and have to be off, but thank you for starting this thread and your "How to make Keyes more fun thread."



I think it might be an idea to have the Avatar do a slowly stacking confuse effect, so you have some time to get the confuse res spores. Maybe have the spores reset your confuse counter, so it slowly builds up again?



Originally Posted by Tally View Post
The discussion about being forced to take “unknown” or “undesirable” players however is really a bit distressing to me. I know this topic is not a core part of the original posting, but it just struck a nerve with me.
It is distressing to me as well, but every single time I've tried to PUG this trial, I've failed. Every. Single. Time.

I've led instructional BAFs, Lambdas, and Keyes (before the beta changes) to success with players completely new to the Incarnate System. I can't with Underground.

I frequently run with open leagues where anyone is accepted.

Originally Posted by Tally View Post
I am finding I despise the incarnate trials for this very reason…not because I am forced to play with the great unworthy and unwashed masses…but because I AM one of them.
I'd gladly help you, or anyone else, with gaining experience with BAF, Lambda, or Keyes. I cannot say the same for Underground or TPN, and I've not done the MoM trial yet.

Originally Posted by Tally View Post
The incarnate trials have become so complex, so time consuming, and SOOOO rewards fixated; that only the worthy are allowed to play this game content. Trial leaders have become the new content gate keepers, the high priests of the incarnate religion; they will form a trial ONLY with known acolytes. Acolytes must have the proper computer equipment, characters that are built to conforming standards, and players that know and perform their assigned role in this religious function. Trials are not about great maps, interesting game mechanics, awesome new NPC opponents…and above all…trials are NOT about story. The gate keeper priests are looking only for those worth of grinding for gear.
I don't ask for any of that on my tutorial trial runs. All I ask is to please pay attention and know how to play your character.

Originally Posted by Tally View Post
My constructive suggestion is to make the incarnate trials more PUG friendly by simplifying them and making access happen via the LFG tab only. Take away the ability of the gate keepers to strangle access to the trials. Find ways to build fun and challenging trials for the majority of the player base; not just for the very few desirables. I am not looking for a CoH easy button, I don’t want to get all the powers and costumes and whatever new shinies the incarnate stuff provides for no effort, I don’t feel entitled to all the stuff for free…I just want a chance to participate!
The Underground is the only trial on live where I have a strict no-PUG rule for me to participate. It is probably why I have a higher failure rate across all trials than players that are strictly pre-formed only.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Problem 2 for me - Visual cues, or lack thereof:

...The same issue is to tell who is being targeted by any of the three War Walkers. Why? I don't want to be anywhere near ground zero of any of the War Walker's special attacks, particularly Lethal Force. I'm not shown who isn't listening to instructions and staying with the group when they are being targeted, and I'm not being given the tools to protect myself from their mistakes.
  • People not getting away from the group when targeted can cause the trial to fail.
  • People not paying attention to the bright red letters under their health bar can cause the trial to fail.
Ugh, this, so much this. Was on a league that attempted one of these for the first time yesterday. I'd like to say it was fun, but that'd be a lie.

We spent more than an hour forming up and having the leader explain everything - including many repeated warnings to *get away from the rest of the league* if you get targeted by the war walkers. We got to the extinction walker and an inexplicably-left-on-agressive-mode MM pet aggroed him while we were buffing up. The league jumps on him, and immediately a big message flashes on my screen that said something about being targeted. I jumped away to the corner of the room, but apparently he targeted at least one more person, and I didn't see anybody but me actually trying to move out of the way. Half the league drops dead instantly, and then the WW aggroes on Desdemona and stomps her into the ground in 5 seconds flat.

Total time between aggroing the WW and the trial failing? About 20 seconds. All told we spent at least twice as long in pocket D beforehand than we spent on the trial map. And the worst part is that none of us had any real idea of exactly what went wrong. No way to tell who got targeted and didn't move away from the group. No way for the group to tell that someone got targeted in time to move away from them. And then the 'idiot AI' bane of all escort missions kicks in and the dumb NPC thinks it'd be a great idea to run up to the AV that just wiped half the league and hit it with her whip, instead of running away like a sensible person. (It figures - about the only time in this game that the AI *doesn't* run away all the time is when you actually *want* it to!)

I suppose it's a good thing that whoever wasn't following directions wiped the trial on the *first* war walker instead of, say, the end boss, but it was still a waste of almost 2 hours for absolutely nothing. I'd still like to see the rest of the trial at some point, but that experience certainly makes me want to never ever do it with a PuG again. When just a single idiot can fail the trial for everyone, I don't think I want to run that risk on a trial that involves such a huge time investment.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Crystal_Smoke View Post
Regarding your discussion of the War Walker phase though, I feel like I should insert some defense of the people who are new to the Trial and have no idea what they're supposed to be doing when targetted. That was me, the first time I ran it. Fortunately, I didn't cause a disaster, but I certainly could have had I made a different decision about how to react. I ran away. But it was definitely more of a "this seems like the most likely appropriate reaction" moment than it was an "I know what I'm doing" moment. Having said that, I suppose I agree that visual cues should be more clear, as if they were, somebody might have been able to tell me to get away from the league.
I have a popmenu for instructions for BAF (rarely used), Lambda (also rarely used), Keyes (used frequently), and Underground (Used on every run that I've led and most of the trials I've joined).
Menu "UGT"
	Title "Urgent"
	Option "&V. Lichen 2"			"req Kill the lichen nearest the Walker."
	Option "&B. Bomb"			"req Bomb! Target through targeter!"
	Option "&M. Move"			"req If you have the word 'target' under your health bar, MOVE AWAY FROM THE GROUP."
	Title "War Walkers"
	Option "&C Crowd Dispersal"			"req Crowd Dispersal: When hit, you and everyone around you are Terrorized for 10 seconds."
	Option "&A Arrest Mode"			"req Arrest Mode: When hit, you and everyone around you are Held for 10 seconds."
	Option "&L Lethal Force"			"req Lethal Force: When hit, you and everyone around you suffer a rapidly ticking, high damage over time (DoT) effect. This DoT deals 30% of your maximum HP each tick. Death is assured if no healing occurs"
	Option "Move Walker"			"req Move the War Walker to the corner so that only a few lichen are healing."
	Option "Attack Lichen"			"req Only attack the lichen nearest to me."
	menu "Ba&gde Instructions"
		Option "Don't run ahead!" "Req If you run ahead and lose the badge, I'll be tempted to never invite you back to another badge run I host."
	menu "Instructions"
		menu "&B. Badges"
			Option "&1. Tour Guide."			"lc Tour Guide: Don't let Desdemona's health go below 50% AND the trial has to succeed."
			Option "&2. Regenerate This."			"lc Regenerate This: Defeat the Self-Repairing and Lichen Infested War Walkers within 8 minutes of starting the fight AND the trial has to succeed."
			Option "&3. Preservation Specialist."			"lc Preservation Specialist: Don't let any of the IDF bombs detonate AND the trial has to succeed."
			Option "&4. Avatar Assassin."			"lc Avatar Assassin: Defeat the Avatar of Hamidon at the same time as a Seedling Bomb is out AND the trial has to succeed."
		menu "&0. Setup"
			Option "Macro Regenerative"			"beginchat /macro RL targetcustomnext Regenerative"
		Title "Hospital"
		Option "Info"			"req Outside of the hospital is a glowing circle. Stand in the circle to get teleported near the group."
		Option "Spawn"			"req The hospital teleporter goes to this location. You may have to do a 180 turn to see the door to where the group is."
		Title "Briefing"
		Option "Beat stuff up."			"req Beat everything up until I say otherwise. Don't let Desdemona die or the trial fails."
		Title "Crystal Trap"
		Option "Crystal Chamber Trap"			"req Crystal Chamber Trap! Defeat the 4 regenerating crystals that have locked Desdemona. She cannot be healed while trapped. Crystals will quickly regenerate if there are any DE near them."
		Option "Lichen"			"req COLLECT LICHEN!!! It is needed for the next AV."
		Title "Mid-AVs"
		Option "SRWW"			"req Use collected Lichen on Self Repairing War Walker."
		Option "LIWW"			"req The War Walker will now be infested with Devouring Earth Lichen and will attack, in the area, Regenerating Lichen will spawn which will regenerate the War Walker health."
		Title "Spore Caverns"
		Option "&8. Bombs 1"			"req When you approach one of these devices, it gives a ten-second warning before unleashing a large-radius explosion. You are continually warned while in the explosive radius of a device by a countdown."
		Option "&8. Bombs 1"			"req When you approach one of these devices, it gives a ten-second warning before unleashing a large-radius explosion. You are continually warned while in the explosive radius of a device by a countdown."
		Option "&9. Bombs 2"			"req If we don't defeat the bomb in that 10 seconds, we lose the badge. We have 15 bombs to destroy. DO NOT RUN AHEAD."
		Title "Avatar"
		Option "&H. Hammi."			"req Use Break Frees, Emerge, Escapes, or Liberate to protect yourself from confusion. Also use Clarion Destiny. We have to defeat Hami while there is a spore out to get the badge."
		Option "&W. Will of the Earth."			"req If you are targeted, you are the center of the Avatar's AoE heal. If you are targeted, MOVE AWAY FROM THE GROUP."
As you can see, I have clear instructions for what to do when a player is targeted: MOVE AWAY FROM THE GROUP.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post

The Underground is the only trial on live where I have a strict no-PUG rule for me to participate. It is probably why I have a higher failure rate across all trials than players that are strictly pre-formed only.
I remember we had a huge argument/discussion of open vs. closed leagues when the trials were first introduced. For Snow to say this (and Arcanaville's recent comments) says all there needs to about how unfriendly the UG Trial is to Pugging.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I think something needs to be done about Infection, the Avatar's PBAoE -Defense/-Resistance power. I believe it does -33% to both defense and resistance, and can stack up to three times. It basically allows the Avatar to one-shot absolutely anybody, and makes melee virtually worthless. I'm convinced that trial success/failure at the last fight hinges largely on whether you have an Illusion controller to tank the Avatar with Phantoms who can't be killed, or if you have to make do with a player.

Anyway, if they don't just get rid of it, they need to make it much, much more obvious than it is. Right now all you can do is watch your list of icons for it (it uses the Soul Drain icon, which is also a problem). It should put some red text under your status bar like Held or Confused does, and say how many stacks you have on you. (Protip: Run away at 1 stack.)

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
As you can see, I have clear instructions for what to do when a player is targeted: MOVE AWAY FROM THE GROUP.
Ah I see your point. You are providing instruction, something the particular league leader I ran with did not do, but not getting the necessary response from players (i.e. to move away from the group).



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I remember we had a huge argument/discussion of open vs. closed leagues when the trials were first introduced. For Snow to say this (and Arcanaville's recent comments) says all there needs to about how unfriendly the UG Trial is to Pugging.
It is a choice I never wanted to make. However it is simply not worth my time to do this trial with a group that is inexperienced or doesn't pay attention. Of course that means people don't get the experience either.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
I think something needs to be done about Infection, the Avatar's PBAoE -Defense/-Resistance power. I believe it does -33% to both defense and resistance, and can stack up to three times. It basically allows the Avatar to one-shot absolutely anybody, and makes melee virtually worthless. I'm convinced that trial success/failure at the last fight hinges largely on whether you have an Illusion controller to tank the Avatar with Phantoms who can't be killed, or if you have to make do with a player.
I've never even seen this effect come into play. I've only been on two failed UGTs in about 10, both pugs, and both failed at the WWs, not the Avatar.

Since none of the successes I went on even had an Illusion Controller, I'm pretty sure that can't be a determining factor in success.

Edit: I also don't know where the "it's fatal to melee the Avatar" comes from. Most of the UGTs I've attended have been on a melee character. I find melee with the War Walkers more dangerous. I'm wondering what leagues I've been on are doing right that my experience with the above things is so different.

Edit2: I should mention that I'm not opposed to improving the trial, I just am surprised at some of the things people find hard about it. I think Snow Globe has some great suggestions on how to improve it. I think the (lack of) visual queues part in particular is very important. I think some of the other things are matters of opinion (and SG prefaced all his complaints with that disclaimer). I happen to agree with the escort mission bit, but I seriously doubt there's anything that can be done about that at this stage.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Edit: I also don't know where the "it's fatal to melee the Avatar" comes from. Most of the UGTs I've attended have been on a melee character. I find melee with the War Walkers more dangerous. I'm wondering what leagues I've been on are doing right that my experience with the above things is so different.
I've run the UG four times now... twice on my favorite WP tank, once with my older Peacebringer and most recently with my favorite stalker. Each time it was done with an experienced leader and a reasonably solid league. All three of my characters are +3 full Incarnates.

Three of those four attempts failed... One on the second war walker, two on the Avatar. Being a melee type each time, I can tell you exactly where that "Melee is suicide" idea comes from... Simple experience. When your tank is getting one-shotted by effects you can neither see nor avoid every time you get close to the AVs, you learn to wish you'd brought a blaster. My poor stalker had it even worse. I think I managed to actually survive long enough to attack the Avatar exactly twice this afternoon. Kestrel died within a few seconds every time I got close to it.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



The Avatar has A LOT of tricks that it's throwing around. Cluster around Desdemona (who is where, exactly?). Scatter away from targeted player. AoE confuse. -Def/-Res. Even being prepared for it, it's somewhat overwhelming. The UGT team I was on tonight more or less settled on as many people as possible flying over the Avatar's head while our melee types got turned into chum. We need a group hug protocol for hitting Clarion. It didn't happen.

I think the player base would do well to do develop the ingrained tactics that have made it in to people who grind BAF runs all night, or else the League Leader needs to be someone who basically sticks to nothing but micromanaging every fight. I don't think the UGT is too hard, exactly, but it seems like every victorious run is laid at the feet of whomever is tanking and whomever happens to have Clarions.

Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.