New Halloween trial (question)




Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Just got all 3 badges my first run thru on Live.

We had less than a minute to spare, too.

If you're *really* after the badge then being on a team of other badge hounds and everyone agreeing to throwing out Shivans and HVASs helps *a lot*. DPS is the name of the game.

Also, if they're using the zone-spawning rules, you don't want to be running too fast and too much. Players moving at a certain speed don't trigger spawns. Standing still causes zombies to spawn right next to you. Same with flying: spawns don't spawn once you hit a certain height.

And you don't want to be fighting the Abomination at the same time as killing zombies. You'll be wasting Damage on the AV regeneration. Once you hit 99 zombies, then go all out on the Abomination. Lots of -Regen is useful here, so make sure you have Envenomed Daggers.

Question about the 3rd badge (Tricked Out)...did you wear the costume throughout the whole trial or just at the end?

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Question about the 3rd badge (Tricked Out)...did you wear the costume throughout the whole trial or just at the end?
Don't forget to put it back on if you die and are rezzed/go to hospital. I learned that the hard way.



Managed to track down the hidden Boss (Black Whip) but no sign of any hidden EB. Rumour in global channels said you had to kill a lot of zombies at the end, either to meet an additional hidden quota or force a specific zombie spawn, but we never managed to get enough. If anyone knows anything else, would love to hear.

Additional neat thing:

After you encounter the Dr for the first time, all the people queuing inside and outside the mansion are dead, the wolves are running free, and all the barkers and Mr Mausoleum are gone.

I am confused about the reuse of Azuria's model on the cynical woman though.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
However, I just did it on another toon and 'put on' the costume for The Abominations last 10% HP and still got the badge. So, you just need to have it on when he's defeated.
Nice to know, thanks again

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Leese View Post
I am confused about the reuse of Azuria's model on the cynical woman though.
I assumed that's her Halloween costume.



Question about the "Tricked Out" badge: Anybody know if the permanent costume powers work for it? I have a couple, so if they work I don't have to Trick or Treat on my badger (since he has all the badges for ToTing already).



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
Question about the "Tricked Out" badge: Anybody know if the permanent costume powers work for it? I have a couple, so if they work I don't have to Trick or Treat on my badger (since he has all the badges for ToTing already).
Yes I can confirm that you can get the badge on any permanent costume power. I used the one I have for a Praetorian Experiment, for zombie on zombie fun, and got the badge.



Got all three badges on the first try with minutes to spare because of this thread.

Thanks for the tips!



Didn't read all the posts but what really increased the spawns for me was a combo of a few things:

#1: knock abomination down to 5%-10% range first, since he has 0 regen.

#2: move in groups of two as it seems to be more efficient as to number players vs spawns triggered and less zombies get a chance to wander off as with moving in singles.

#3: try to move not much faster then lv1 base run speed as you seem to need to stay in an area for so much time to trigger a spawn and it seems to not care how many you trigger in a set amount of time.

For the one where this all came together my 4 person team got it down to 5% by 9:00(3 minutes) which I would say is at best a bit above average since I have been part of taking it down in 1-1.5 minute range a few times. The moving around at a slow run part worked so well that in the scrapper pair that the first time not planning for the resulting #'s we covered 1/4 the graveyard and then notice we spawned 28 zombies on the way. From then on we went to shorter bursts so the zombies ran off less.

The blaster/defender pair did just as well killing but had a few close calls whenever the abomination gave them a big hello. We ended up with 92 by the 6:00 minute mark but then had an extra minute with the last 7 cause the spawn speed suddenly dropped off then stopped and had to find a few already out and moving. We finished before it hit 4:30 after knocking the last few points off big ugly. Our main problem with speed was the constant interruptions of big ugly and zombies deciding to run off when they spawned.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
No one knows yet. The [Wolf Pet] hasn't been advertised yet, it was player-discovered.
Seeing that get move and move around was best part of whole thing for me and just seeing it laying there was cool enough.



Originally Posted by Teenage_Kid View Post
Before going into the house as you go up the stairs go Left into the grave yard and talk to Devil Girl and make a pact with her. Once you do that go talk to Bored Guy on the right and left side pavilions and make them eat candy. Then go back to Devil Girl and Fight Black Whip.
ive tried doing that but after you make both the bored guy and bored gal eat candy then devil girl wont talk to you and nothing seems to spawn



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
one for completion while wearing a ToT costume temp (im assuming it has to be for entire trial)
Where do you get the temp costumes?



Originally Posted by Recharge View Post
Where do you get the temp costumes?

Trick-or-Treating....clicking on random doors throughout the city. You have to be in a zone that's lvl appropriate for you. So if you're lvl 5, do ToT'ing in Atlas...if you're lvl 30 anything from Bricks/Talos down to AP works. Lvl 50 works anywhere (I think).

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Recharge View Post
Where do you get the temp costumes?
Costumes that were awarded with costume codes such as the coralax one also seem to work.

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ive tried doing that but after you make both the bored guy and bored gal eat candy then devil girl wont talk to you and nothing seems to spawn
You have to do it all before anyone enters the house.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
You have to do it all before anyone enters the house.
ah, will give it a try again at some point



I noticed that if you go to the back of the mansion in the starting area (before going inside) after a minute a wolf walks out the back and if you click it, it says out loud "Nice day, isn't it?" or something like that as it walks into the war wall in the back and vanishes. He doesn't reappear that I saw.

Dunno if that's a bug or something significant.

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