Mobs Stuck in walls




Simply put. The issue is, when a mob is knocked back or pushed while in combat, they occasionally end up stuck in a wall (particularly on cave maps). Once said mob is in the way, they are unable to be attacked, rendering some 'kill all' missions uncompletable.

I'm a three year vet that was been away from the game for 1000+ days and this is an issue that has been present since the beginning days of the game. Why hasn't there been a fix for this. I know that this is not just an isolated case.



I think it's one of those issues that the devs selectively ignore, sort of like the Seer Marino waypoint bug or the Tsoo Coup level slip.



Originally Posted by SKRONG View Post
Simply put. The issue is, when a mob is knocked back or pushed while in combat, they occasionally end up stuck in a wall (particularly on cave maps). Once said mob is in the way, they are unable to be attacked, rendering some 'kill all' missions uncompletable.

I'm a three year vet that was been away from the game for 1000+ days and this is an issue that has been present since the beginning days of the game. Why hasn't there been a fix for this. I know that this is not just an isolated case.
It hasn't been fixed because it is a very, very difficult bug to fix.



The 'fix' to this bug was the ability to auto-complete a mission every 3 days.



I mostly call out for a /fire brute (wich is currently probably the most played AT ingame), to put down some burn's and kill the mob afterall.

Council maps sometimes make mobs even drop below the map, though you can still choose to get support (might take a while) or just reset the mission.

Then again, its indeed a great example of 'ignored bugs in the lifetime of CoH'.
(sadly the list only grows).

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don't use Knockback!

TP Foe would fix it. If only that was a temp power we could craft rather than that silly revolver or St Louis Slammer....

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



The usual solution to these are tp foe if they can still be targetted. AOEs and wormhole will still work if you can no longer target them. If you knock them through the wall and beyond the AOEs radius then its either petition time or restart the mish.

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All of these suggestions are great solutions are great but they are indeed only 'work-arounds'.

I don't understand how the walls in missions aren't solid. Especially when in some cases it completely hinders the task at hand... (mission, trial and even task force.) The auto complete thing is a good 'help' but again, it's not the same as the issue not happening at all.

Saying don't use gale and KB powers isn't fair as it doesn't allow the player to play the game as intended. It is relatively easy to get a BA brute/tank to help at times but once again, I don't feel that this is a reasonable to problem to still have around considering how long this game has been out.

It just really seems like there is writing on the wall and devs willingly ignore it.



All I can tell you is, if you find a hole in the wall petition it.

If you want to use Gale and other KB powers when there is a chance things will get stuck in a kill all mission well, you knew the risks.

I agree, this shouldn't be a problem, but there are plenty of other bugs I would love to see fixed too.

Unless the bug generates MARTy, it will be fixed "Soon" (tm)

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by SKRONG View Post
All of these suggestions are great solutions are great but they are indeed only 'work-arounds'.

I don't understand how the walls in missions aren't solid. Especially when in some cases it completely hinders the task at hand... (mission, trial and even task force.) The auto complete thing is a good 'help' but again, it's not the same as the issue not happening at all.

Saying don't use gale and KB powers isn't fair as it doesn't allow the player to play the game as intended. It is relatively easy to get a BA brute/tank to help at times but once again, I don't feel that this is a reasonable to problem to still have around considering how long this game has been out.

It just really seems like there is writing on the wall and devs willingly ignore it.
There is writing on the wall, but it isn't the developers who are ignoring it. Based on my experience with developing physics engines, the developers could fix it -- but if they did so, it would probably be the only bug fixed that year. Is this really something you want?



For like 3 days running the new sewer trial ("Boredom from Below"-I actually like it, but can't resist heh) a mob was always getting stuck in the same spot in the fight right before the boss that must be killed before minions. I mean every time. Haven't seen it happen for a week now. Not sure if it was fixed (if it even can be) or just on teams doing a lot less KB.



Originally Posted by SKRONG View Post
I don't understand how the walls in missions aren't solid. Especially when in some cases it completely hinders the task at hand... (mission, trial and even task force.)
No wall in the game is solid. No character in the game is solid. They are all just numbers. And if one of them gets a tiny fraction off from where it should be, you're looking at the wrong side of a wall.

The most annoying place I've seen it recently is in the villain SSA. In the vault, you need to kill two groups and click a glowie to end the mission. Twice, I have had one of the two groups run, leap onto a lighting fixture and hop above the ceiling.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I think it's one of those issues that the devs selectively ignore, sort of like the Seer Marino waypoint bug or the Tsoo Coup level slip.
I ran the Seer Marino questline again recently and was shocked to find the waypoint bug still hadn't been fixed; it's like Morrowind's missing Medium Armor master trainer bug in its venerable antiquity. heh.



I was running a friend's Sky Raider/Crey mission on a tech labs map with my Ill/Kin. I had my Phantasm out and it blasted some poor Sky Raider into a wall about six feet off the ground. Looked like the results of a horrible teleport accident. He twitched there until he faded away.

Haven't lost any recently from the standpoint of alive but untargetable. I've found caves are more problematic then warehouses/labs.

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