Who Should Have Been the Carnival Queen?




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Primal Penny wouldn't make much sense - but Praetorian Pemny would, as she's the daughter of Praetorian Vanessa - but she's also a prisoner in the asylum, so that'd mean we'd have to launch an attack on it to get her out - we'd be an army of Rustys coming to save the Mirror Kingdom from the Shadowlord
Shadowlord dwells in his keep in the Mirrorworld, you'd be saving her from Mother and probably Penny's sisters she doesn't like to play with. Though maybe Glowball will help with some of his teddy bears



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Shadowlord dwells in his keep in the Mirrorworld, you'd be saving her from Mother and probably Penny's sisters she doesn't like to play with. Though maybe Glowball will help with some of his teddy bears
Liberating Penny's playtime friends would probbaly be the last major strike we'd need to do to bring down the loyalist dictatorship, so I think we're getting close to a Mother Mayhem Trial - although we might also need to defeat the Praetorian Hamidon in another Trial too, before we get the chance to take on Tyrant.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post
The trouble I have with Desdemona on the Underground trial is that it's co-op, and I have villains who are genuinely antagonistic towards her. I don't mean we "don't get along", I mean I burned her house down, sent her to the hospital, and kicked her puppy. It's not the type of thing someone would ignore "for the greater good", y'know?
She's not even friendly with Rogues, let alone Villains.

From the The Dagger of Caernoz rogue tip mission:
Originally Posted by Desdemona
Character! I'm over here. It's time for your reward.
Remember me telling you we heroes do things the right way?
Well, the right way is that you'll need to pay for your crimes before you can collect any kind of reward.

I know it sounds like I'm betraying you, but I'm not
Once you've done your time, I will see to it personally you get your money.
So your reward for helping her is being locked up in the Zig. And how much time did she do in the Zig to become a hero? None, according to her bio. But she's dead set on not allowing that option for anyone else, to the point that she'll fight until she collapses over it.

I honestly cheered when I got to burn her house down.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Originally Posted by Oldeb View Post
So your reward for helping her is being locked up in the Zig. And how much time did she do in the Zig to become a hero? None, according to her bio. But she's dead set on not allowing that option for anyone else, to the point that she'll fight until she collapses over it.
Perhaps her pants took the fall for her? They're serving a lifetime sentence in the Zig, while she goes free (in more ways than one).



Actually, I was able to appreciate it because until the trial, I felt Desdemona was rather underused, especially compared to Maelstrom who appears in multiple story arcs and multiple tip missions.
Oh, and one of those story arcs doesn't even need the GR expansion anymore.

Desdemona appears in some tips and now a trial.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Desdemona might even join he Freedom Phalanx one day, if something bad ever happend to one of the current members.
Will they give her pants?



I'm not a fan of the character. To be honest, I consider Dez horribly annoying as an NPC, and I wouldn't miss her in the least if she vanished completely. (Taking Overdrive with her, if we got really lucky. <_<)

But, as someone pointed out in another thread not so long ago, she's pretty obviously designed to be a "booth babe"-friendly marketing tool for the game. Given that, we're probably stuck with her.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No - the shorts control the demons.
I thought that was what the whip was for.



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
But, as someone pointed out in another thread not so long ago, she's pretty obviously designed to be a "booth babe"-friendly marketing tool for the game. Given that, we're probably stuck with her.
It's her mentor who's still the face of the game - just look at the Freedom artowrk

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's her mentor who's still the face of the game - just look at the Freedom artowrk
But...what exactly does a BCU know that could possibly be useful for Desdemona to learn?



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
But...what exactly does a BCU know that could possibly be useful for Desdemona to learn?
He knows where the treasure's buried.




Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Yup. Frostfire goes through the same evolution.
And Miss Thystle.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
He knows where the treasure's buried.
Bah, everyone knows Statesman's Lost Gold is hidden somewhere on the globe of Atlas!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.




SHE goes villain to satisfy her inner narcissist...



Originally Posted by BeornAgain View Post

SHE goes villain to satisfy her inner narcissist...
Yes... but I try hardto forget that Flambeaux exists any time I don't have to directly deal with her...

And transitioning from a D-rank hero to an F-rank villain isn't something to be proud of...

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



A low-level villain like Frosty getting "redeemed" is way less reality-bending than the proliferation of "heroes" who farmed the Freedom Phalanx in the LRSF for all those years.
I'm limiting myself to the actual stories behind NPCs, obviously. In Frostfire's case, it's said that he blew up a Longbow base and killed hundreds of people. This is in the actual GR material, mind you, which shows what its writers thought was an example of a "redeemable" person.

As for PCs, I have two villains gone hero. The first was level 50 long before GR and if you go over his souvenirs and badges it's obvious that he's a war criminal at best and a Complete Monster at worst. The other was a Tanker I chose to re-roll as a Brute. I would rather have gnawed my arm off than gone through the Praetorian content again so I made him a villain and was very, very careful with what I had him do in-game until he could switch at 20. In general, the side-switching system is a ridiculous Heel Face Revolving Door that consigns those using it to Punch Clock Villainy.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
The key part of that is the word was.

This is, clearly, how she moves beyond the C/D List and becomes A/B on her personal heroic journey. In a way it is kind of cool that within the game, as we progress in levels we get to see an NPC also progress and reach heights of power, rather just being presented with something like "here is Statesman, he's important".

Now, to your point, would there have been a better choice... probably, but then it wouldn't be someone we watched develop. And... which Yin? Primal or Praetorian?
Primal Yin.

Sig of Black Mercenary
What else do you want?



No one will every replace Vanessa DeVore for me. No matter what the Lore says.

/conspiracy theorist


@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I believe Frostfire's redemption is largely fan driven because there has always been a significant part of the community that felt his back story gives him a bum deal. After all, he was imprisoned for having tried to do the right thing even if he did it very badly.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I believe Frostfire's redemption is largely fan driven because there has always been a significant part of the community that felt his back story gives him a bum deal. After all, he was imprisoned for having tried to do the right thing even if he did it very badly.
Yeah, I get that, but why did they make him worse before he was allowed to get better?

Anyway, the problem I have with Desdemona in the Underground Trial is that she started out as "one of us" as it were (which is essentially what the Rogues Gallery, and the Paragon heroes and Rogue Isles Villains before them are; NPC equivalents of player characters) and suddenly she's more important than a whole group of us. It's such an obviously contrived attempt to promote a signature character, made worse by the fact that said character's most notable personality trait so far is a pair of hotpants.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



oh, and to answer the OP, I agree with a few others that it should be One of the Penelope Yins.

Actually, this could make for a cool trial concept: Praetor Tilman's about to devour Penny's mind, the result will give her the psychic power she needs to fully enslave Praetoria.
To stop her, your trial team must fight their way through Mother of Mercy Hospital to deliver the mask to Penny and give her the strength needed to defeat Tilman.

The fun part is that one member of the trial will randomly be selected at the beginning to wield the power of the mask, you will get a similar icon above your head as the Desdemona leading icon, if you are defeated or disconnected/quit the trial the mask will automatically move onto another player.

But it's not enough to just have the mask, to help people through the trial and through Mother Mayhem's inner sanctum, you must USE IT.
While you wear it (effectively becoming 'it') you will gain several powerful new powers to help your teammates and crush the IDF and the Seers.
But power comes at a price and with responsibility. While wearing the mask your max HP, regen, and recovery take a dive, and every IDF soldier will do their damnest to kill you (massive taunt aura), and most importantly of all, you must occasionally 'burn yourself out' to unlock some doors that are psychically locked, automatically defeating you and causing the mask to jump to another.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Despite all evidence to the contrary

I hope Desdemona will be the first to die.

Agahnim- Elec/Ice Blaster

"Elec/Ice. Nice. Holy &lt;@*&$@#!&gt; =) You're like the CoH equivalent of those bdsm people who hang from the ceiling on hooks!"

Agahnim Dragmire- Warshade

"(You spin space webs. =D)"



I believe Frostfire's redemption is largely fan driven because there has always been a significant part of the community that felt his back story gives him a bum deal. After all, he was imprisoned for having tried to do the right thing even if he did it very badly.
He received a just sentence (and very unwisely turned down a good deal from the prosecutor). He could have gotten two counts of manslaughter; AFAIK he could even have been charged with first-degree murder as the deaths occurred during the commission of a felony.

N.b. from the official page: "Since his escape from the Zigursky Penitentiary, Frostfire is suspected to be directly involved in 10 Counts of Felony Assault, 2 Counts of Bookmaking, 4 Counts of Robbery, 3 Counts of Extortion, 3 Counts of Racketeering Violence, 8 Counts of Arson, 2 Counts of Murder" And then, as Eva points out, it gets worse in the new appearances, and then magically he gets a Get Out of Jail Free card.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"