Heroic Patrons!




I would like to see energy M parton kept the same..being selfish here but the 2 endurance boost powers currently is a g*d send for my brute and rather not loose them

but for what uve mentioned...not bad. some good stuff there..better then ive seen before on this matter



I'd like to see ancil/patrons added for praetorias too. But in a different way since right now there is no way to declare yourself a loyalist or a resistance member as a primal.

When you defeat the praetorian AVS you could unlock the ability to use some of their powers. So if you defeat anti-matter for example, you might unlock some radiation attacks, temp invulnerability, a summon clockwork power and some utility power. Maybe even a player version of the obliteration beam?

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I think the Incarnate stuff is inline with what you want. Especially since the powers can be color changed.



I'm only for Hero Patron Pools if they come with a permanent, can't be remove for any reason, gold title that says "Statesman's Sidekick" (or whatever hero you choose)

It should be there for all to see, which hero you chose as your big league partner in heroics! And you should wear it proudly, knowing that you worked so close with them to be considered their sidekick!

You'd of course get to use any of the Hero Patron Pools, but you only get one gold title and it'd be permanent.

That would be the AWESOM way to do it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Except, you don't get such a beauteous golden title from the villainous Patrons. And the individual heroes wouldn't realistically have the time to train thousands of individual heroes on a one-to-one basis, due to all their heroic duties, which is why the Patrons I suggested were along organizational lines. Technically, the original patrons are drawn from organizations as well. (Widows/Fortunata=GW(Soul), Crabs=Mako(Technically breaks this rule), Mu=Scirocco(Mu), Wolf Spiders=Scorpion(Mace))

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If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Except, you don't get such a beauteous golden title from the villainous Patrons. And the individual heroes wouldn't realistically have the time to train thousands of individual heroes on a one-to-one basis, due to all their heroic duties, which is why the Patrons I suggested were along organizational lines. Technically, the original patrons are drawn from organizations as well. (Widows/Fortunata=GW(Soul), Crabs=Mako(Technically breaks this rule), Mu=Scirocco(Mu), Wolf Spiders=Scorpion(Mace))
What does that matter? Because the Patrons don't have them, means the Hero ones don't?

If that really matters that much, have the Villain Patrons give a badge, and the Hero Patrons give a gold title. Then it's all evened out.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
And the individual heroes wouldn't realistically have the time to train thousands of individual heroes on a one-to-one basis, due to all their heroic duties
You're really getting hung up on this and it's kind of a dumb thing to put too much emphasis on. Story-wise it doesn't make sense for Sister Psyche, Posi, etc. to stand in one place day and night for years on end.

Story-wise it doesn't make sense for Black Scorpion, Mako, etc to send countless villains on top secret missions over and over again.

Story-wise it isn't realistic to run an Incarnate trial immediately after having run that exact same trial.

Story-wise it isn't realistic to switch back and forth between heroe and villain multiple times and not be arrested on sight by the PPD.

This is a game, one with a lot of rich lore and background, but a game nonetheless. Getting hung up on what is feasible IRL is moronic and a needless stumbling block you;re putting in the way of an otherwise excellent proposition (organization patron powers alongside individual patron powers ).

No, realistically Positron would not be able to train thousands of heroes, but Black Scorpion wouldn't realistically send thousands of villains out on the same secret mission tht could get him in big trouble. Lord Recluse would realistically go hide in a cave if faced with every single one of the people who completed the Destined One story line. But that doesn't happen because htis is a game meant to be played by thousands of people.

And really, even though the villain patrons have underlings, I suspect they are JUST as busy with their scheming and backstabbing and other villainous duties as the Freedom Phalanx are with their heroic ones, so your argument holds no water.

Get over this absurd notion you have about it being "too much work" for the heroes.

Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
I think the Incarnate stuff is inline with what you want.
It really isn't.



to: Emperor Justin, sorry that comment wasn't meant at you or the OP but at the post directly above the one you quoted.

to: BrandX

The Patron Arcs grant a badge unique to the Patron in question. in Fact said badges were tied to the pools themselves. That's why initially it was impossible to Respec Patron Pools.

So Hero patron Arcs shouldn't get some spiffy unique title they should get a badge same as the Villain Arcs do.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
to: BrandX

The Patron Arcs grant a badge unique to the Patron in question. in Fact said badges were tied to the pools themselves. That's why initially it was impossible to Respec Patron Pools.

So Hero patron Arcs shouldn't get some spiffy unique title they should get a badge same as the Villain Arcs do.

That was exactly what I was going to say.

Also if players were stuck with a title over their heads that they could never get rid of, I can only imagine the forum meltdown that would result as certain forum posters would be starting up multiple complaint threads about it.

As DMystic wrote it’s better to just award a badge at the end of the arc & leave it to the player to decide whether or not to use it as a title.



Originally Posted by Hero_of_Steel View Post
That was exactly what I was going to say.

Also if players were stuck with a title over their heads that they could never get rid of, I can only imagine the forum meltdown that would result as certain forum posters would be starting up multiple complaint threads about it.

As DMystic wrote it’s better to just award a badge at the end of the arc & leave it to the player to decide whether or not to use it as a title.
If they dont want the title, they can easily avoid getting it by not unlocking them.

And the gold title would grant a gold title that is unique to the patron the character unlocks the pools from.

I mean if you're going to look at everything from the perspective of the Villain Patrons, then are the Hero Patrons going to be locked into just one set for a few years before you're able to select any of them with just one story arc?

Make something new. And everyone loves getting gold titles, or else they wouldn't go to the events to grab one, or select HELPER or HELP ME, to obtain a title.

And for the few who don't care for it, they can, like I said, not run the arc. Or just live with it, and turn off ability to see their name/title.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection




Saying "Don't play game content if you don't want an extra name floating over your head!" is dumb. If sticking names and titles next to my own were mandatory (as you are proposing) for big missions/arcs, I'd never play them because I don't want "Rule of Three" or "Positron's Ally" next to my name. That's lame. I want to pick something more befitting my character, not have something thrust upon me.

Granting a badge gives players a CHOICE of using it as a title instead of forcing a set title upon them. Choices are always better than mandatory settings. Always.

Granting a badge like the villains gives players the choice of having a title or not, and they still get to experience the content and unlock powers. Denying players the choice of getting new powers or running new missions because they don't want a garish title above their name is silly.

It's be like automatically assigning the "HELPER" title to anyone whose subscribed for more than two years.

"Well if you don't want that title, stop playing at 23 months!"

Obviously that's an extreme and unrealistic example, but it's the same basic premise as what you're proposing which is...you know...not a good idea.



Originally Posted by Emperor_Justin View Post

Saying "Don't play game content if you don't want an extra name floating over your head!" is dumb. If sticking names and titles next to my own were mandatory (as you are proposing) for big missions/arcs, I'd never play them because I don't want "Rule of Three" or "Positron's Ally" next to my name. That's lame. I want to pick something more befitting my character, not have something thrust upon me.

Granting a badge gives players a CHOICE of using it as a title instead of forcing a set title upon them. Choices are always better than mandatory settings. Always.

Granting a badge like the villains gives players the choice of having a title or not, and they still get to experience the content and unlock powers. Denying players the choice of getting new powers or running new missions because they don't want a garish title above their name is silly.

It's be like automatically assigning the "HELPER" title to anyone whose subscribed for more than two years.

"Well if you don't want that title, stop playing at 23 months!"

Obviously that's an extreme and unrealistic example, but it's the same basic premise as what you're proposing which is...you know...not a good idea.
Actually, you do get the choice of the Gold Title, what you thought I meant only one gold tile option? You'd look at the list of Hero Patrons (let's say there are seven of them)...then decide which of those seven's gold title makes you the happiest, and that's the one you choose. See, SEVEN CHOICES! \o/ It's all about choices!

Not to mention, you can always make it so you never see the gold title, by turning off the option to see the name of the character floating above their head.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Emperor_Justin View Post
I really like the idea of NPC Group powers, but I still think Heroes need specific patrons, like Positron, etc.
To be honest I never liked the "patron" bit of the Patron Power Pools

Anyway, liking the suggestions!

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Emperor_Justin View Post
. . . . <Snip!> I don't want "Rule of Three" or "Positron's Ally" next to my name. That's lame. <Snip!> . . .
I so completely agree!



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Actually, you do get the choice of the Gold Title, what you thought I meant only one gold tile option? You'd look at the list of Hero Patrons (let's say there are seven of them)...then decide which of those seven's gold title makes you the happiest, and that's the one you choose. See, SEVEN CHOICES! \o/ It's all about choices!

Not to mention, you can always make it so you never see the gold title, by turning off the option to see the name of the character floating above their head.
You missed the point entirely.

What about the option of "I don't want garish, ugly yellow text following me around,"?

Yeah, I could turn stuff off, but I find the titles and names above people's heads useful, and would still like to have my own name and title up there, just not with a nasty yellow sign up there.

So then my choice is, what, back to not playing the content again because I'll be forced to select one of seven things tacked onto my name? nope. Stupid idea.

Badge, then I can choose if I want any title or no title.

I mean, I realize this is all hypothetical and will likely never happen ,but Devs, please, if you're reading this, no arbitrary yellow titles ever please. I'd like to play the content without having something ugly next to my name. Thanks.



Originally Posted by Emperor_Justin View Post
You missed the point entirely.

What about the option of "I don't want garish, ugly yellow text following me around,"?

Yeah, I could turn stuff off, but I find the titles and names above people's heads useful, and would still like to have my own name and title up there, just not with a nasty yellow sign up there.

So then my choice is, what, back to not playing the content again because I'll be forced to select one of seven things tacked onto my name? nope. Stupid idea.

Badge, then I can choose if I want any title or no title.

I mean, I realize this is all hypothetical and will likely never happen ,but Devs, please, if you're reading this, no arbitrary yellow titles ever please. I'd like to play the content without having something ugly next to my name. Thanks.
And my thought is, do we get to get rid of everything that people don't like? I like the idea, I hope it happens.

Devs if you're listening, please make it happen if you do this!

"Positron's Sidekick" "Numina's Sidekick" "Synapse's Sidekick" ...act these are titles we need to have happen if this suggestion happens!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



How can you get rid of something that doesn't exist yet?

And I've been stressing choice. Just give me the option not to take it, while still getting to play the content.

EDIT- also, really dreadful title suggestions. I don't want my level 50 +4 Incarnate that's beat the snot out of Recluse, Emperor Cole, Nemesis, Dimensional gods, alien invaders, and elite paramilitary groups to be lugging around "Sidekick."
That's idiotic.



Word. In addition to the problems I've already stated I had with specific heroes, I'll posit(ron) one more: Thematic elasticity. The powers of the Freedom Phalanx were formatted for specific themes, and that's fine. However, not everyone likes the idea of being constrained to the frankly narrow themes that would arise from gaining powers attached to any one single character. Plus, not all the characters are really equal in power, nor do all of them have "teachable abilities". Wanna learn psionics. cool. Wanna learn how to be a ghost? Not happening. (Without large student fatalities, that is.)

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Originally Posted by Emperor_Justin View Post
How can you get rid of something that doesn't exist yet?

And I've been stressing choice. Just give me the option not to take it, while still getting to play the content.

EDIT- also, really dreadful title suggestions. I don't want my level 50 +4 Incarnate that's beat the snot out of Recluse, Emperor Cole, Nemesis, Dimensional gods, alien invaders, and elite paramilitary groups to be lugging around "Sidekick."
That's idiotic.
No more idiotic than having to take a hero as your patron. You're so powerful, why do you need a Patron?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Actually, it is more idiotic.
Taking a patron or mentor at the level of the Freedom Phalanx, the most prestigious heroes in game, is a status symbol. You are worth their time. You are good enough to use/learn their power, and when you finish their arc, you're like an equal.

Hell, when you finish the villain patron arc, you hand Recluse his own smashed up helmet.

That's significantly less idiotic than being delegated "sidekick" like Jimmy Olsen or Robin.

And then there's always the blatant, bvious answer to why someone with power would do missions like this: to get more power. Duh.

It's a bad idea.

I'm suggesting the option. If you want a stupid title, you can take it. If you don;t want it, you don't have to take it! You're suggesting the dumb title be mandatory, which boggles my mind.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
. . . <Snip!>
"Positron's Sidekick" "Numina's Sidekick" "Synapse's Sidekick" ...act these are titles we need to have happen if this suggestion happens!
I have to strongly disagree with this part! Maybe you are just yanking Justin's chain, but forcing titles onto the patron pools would really suck.

I happen to really like the idea of patron pools. Not sure why you would be against it!



I'm not against Hero Patrons actually. I just think...

1) People didn't like Villain Patrons being unlocked or tied to the signature characters...now...it's "I want powers like the Villain Patrons, without having to go evil to obtain them"

2) No matter how much people want to say it's not, Hero Patron sounds like Sidekick to me, and I'd like to keep it that way with a Gold Title

3) People love gold titles! Or they wouldnt go out and get them when the Devs are there to pass them around.

4) Whatever you do come up with for Hero Patrons, why not just make them part of the existing Anicillary Pools? Go beyond the five powers! In fact, add more, as my Scrapper still doesn't have a Cold Mastery, or a decent Energy/Body Mastery. Also, tier them out and stop with the need this power requirement first (this make me sad the most)

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



At this point what you're basically saying is "My interpretation is the most correct and everybody should be forced to accept it."

You're either a troll or completely daft.

Either way, this conversation has turned stupid, so I'll say that organization/group power pools and heroic patrons are awesome, arbitrary gold titles are not, peace out.