The In-Game Dichotomy of VIP vs. Free
So what you're that a lot of F2P players are willfully ignorant over the differences between VIP, Preem, and F2P. It's nice of you being "that guy" who goes around explaining to folks everything they've ignored up to this point, but you're not forced to do so.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I like my blue name. Please don't make it purple.
It would be nice if they made the Paragon Rewards window a one time popup.
Incarnate and Signature story arcs are part of the VIP experience.. Lots of other things that can be done in the game besides them tho.
I do kind of like the idea of color coding names so you can see if someone is premium or below
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Pure White Lightning - Level 50 Electric Brute
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@Blue Lava
The issue remains, however, that CoH Freedom's MTX-hybrid F2P model is always going to divide the player community into Have's and Have-Not's.
Here's all the content a new F2P player can't access:
- Preatoria
- First ward arcs (seven arcs)
- Signature Story arcs (which is just one blue- and red-side for now)
- Incarnate trials and TFs
That's it. Only the last one can't be purchased a la carte. You seemed to be unnaturally drawn to gated content and thus it seems like this is a widespread problem. It isn't. 80% of the game is accessible to freebies.
- Before you take Free/Premium friends on that content, check to see if they purchased it first.
- As you recruit people for that content, remind them it's not for Premium players unless they purchased it or earned it through the Reward Program.
This is no different than when we were running Apex or Tin Mage and had to remind folks it's only for those who've unlocked their incarnate slot.
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So what you're that a lot of F2P players are willfully ignorant over the differences between VIP, Preem, and F2P. It's nice of you being "that guy" who goes around explaining to folks everything they've ignored up to this point, but you're not forced to do so.
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Here's all the content a new F2P player can't access:
That's it. Only the last one can't be purchased a la carte. You seemed to be unnaturally drawn to gated content and thus it seems like this is a widespread problem. It isn't. 80% of the game is accessible to freebies. So,
This is no different than when we were running Apex or Tin Mage and had to remind folks it's only for those who've unlocked their incarnate slot. |
Also, one can check if someone is prepared to run Apex and Tin Mage by just looking at their in-game icons - If they don't have an Alpha equipped, they wouldn't be of any use. Technically they can run it without an Alpha equipped, but they'll be horribly useless.
Also, your list didn't include the new Sewer Trial - Can anyone say 100% certain that the trial is available to Premium and Free players? If so, either my friend had a bug, or (more likely) he was doing it wrong. But I haven't heard a clear indicator.
It's more that a lot of F2P, Premium *and* VIP players are wilfully ignorant of the differences between F2P, Premium and VIP. Regular forum-goers make up a small percentage of total players and the information in-game is not as clear as it could be.
Oh, I had one more suggestion:
Allow Premium players to join any content, just limit the rewards - They wouldn't be allowed to start a Signature Story Arc, for instance, but they could join a team that is running one. Then just limit the reward they receive, making the Reward table an option between an SO, Reward Merits, or... A Super Inspiration (because those are in such high-demand...).
Pros: Less limitations and hurdles in forming a team
Cons: Possibly less of an incentive to be a VIP
What is currently done for a Premium when they complete a Task Force? Does the game allow them to choose an Incarnate component, even though they can't use the system? or are they only allowed to choose the Merit reward?
With this applied to Incarnate Trials... I don't think it could be done appropriately. Ya can't participate effectively in Trials without Incarnate equipment, so it would be pointless.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

I can say without a doubt that the Sewer Trial is available for Premiums. My brother played it today and he is only Reward Tier 2.
He really liked it. He also said "I didn't know CoH had instanced group missions."
This is why I felt it was better to have a F2P server with VIPs allowed to go there rather than making a VIP only server.
Its going to keep happening and probably come up more often as VIPs take 2nd and 3rd accounts to premium status. Heck even main accounts to premium status. The game is being quite generous for what a F2P gets IMHO.
Over the past week, I've noticed what I can envision will be an increasing problem: Noncompatible gaming experiences between VIP and Premium/Free players.
Some examples:
However, I think a few things could be done that could make many of these false-starts more avoidable:
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

What probably happened with the LFG is that he selected "First Available Trial" which includes the incarnate trials, and all of them would be unable to be joined, hence the error message. But he should be able to select the Death From Below specifically it should work.
[list][*]My friend's two accounts (he forgot the password to his original and made the second one at one point) reactivated last week. We celebrated by planning to do an Incarnate Trial, as he had quit during Alpha Strike and wanted to revisit the system now that he was able. However, as I found out by asking the forums throughout the day, he wasn't able, so that plan was shot.
The Sewer trial is open to everyone. Make sure he is selecting the Death From Below Trial on the first tab. If he chooses First Available it won't let him because that includes the Incarnate trials, which he can't do.
I did see a report on Virtue's Help channel the other night from a free player that couldn't get it to work, but I don't know if he was doing it correctly, and he had originally tried to join while in a mission, which may have messed it up.
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy

And here we walk a knife edge when it comes to FTP players. We don't want the FTP experience to be so awesome that they never consider going VIP or Premium. But worse still, would be a FTP experience that is so shallow that they leave before giving the game a chance. I think we just need to give it more time the way it is for now.
But definitely, some better way of distinguishing between VIP, Premium, and FTP players would make setting up teams and leagues easier.
Allow Premium players to join any content, just limit the rewards |
segregating the playerbase in 3 types is enough , but forcing ppl to "leave" teams is a bit uh-oh
example :
Friend A : Vip
Friend B : VIp
Friend C: premium
A is doing patrol missions with C , while waiting for B to come online ,as he comes on , A invite B , now all them decide to do something toguther , ok lets start a cool Story Arc or some TF ..........
Solution 1 : C is forced to leave friends behind....?
Solution 2: C see WHAT HE IS MISSING , while A and B get some cool rewards C just see the C decides to go VIP ....because he want the rewards too

f2p needs limits but premium at least have been users or payed something in the cash sho
As an aside my brother was also able to run Alignment tip missions with me. I'm gonna check this evening and see if he can do the SSA with me too.
Or...allow VIP players to grant a temporary "pass" for the content. It lasts for the single run only, you can only grant one per hour, allows the player to participate.
Perhaps rewards could be restricted. At least they would get to taste the content and get access for that run only.
Returning players should not be relegated to the game they left two or three years ago.
I've come to understand that their approach to Freedom was entirely different from any other MMORPG developer's approach to Free-to-Play. They did not introduce VIP as a way to keep current subscribers happy. The entire system was built around VIPs. The system is built to heavily tip the scales in the favour of subscribers, that is simply the type of system they have created. They want everyone to subscribe. That is the only conclusion that one can make from Paragon VIP Rewards, VIP-Only server, content restricted completely to VIPs. That is their system and personally I like it. It's the least F2P F2P game I have ever played. I don't like F2P games as a rule.
I'm happy with the way things are.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.
And here we walk a knife edge when it comes to FTP players. We don't want the FTP experience to be so awesome that they never consider going VIP or Premium. But worse still, would be a FTP experience that is so shallow that they leave before giving the game a chance. I think we just need to give it more time the way it is for now.
But definitely, some better way of distinguishing between VIP, Premium, and FTP players would make setting up teams and leagues easier. |
Or...allow VIP players to grant a temporary "pass" for the content. It lasts for the single run only, you can only grant one per hour, allows the player to participate.
Perhaps rewards could be restricted. At least they would get to taste the content and get access for that run only. Returning players should not be relegated to the game they left two or three years ago. |
Your last sentence really nailed it. My premium friend quit the game during Alpha Strike. The game he comes back to as a Premium is as the game existed years prior, so it's actually an inferior game than the one he quit. That won't convince him to stay, no matter how much I explain to him that he can buy the content ala carte (some of it - No purchasing Incarnate content, his main interest). To know if he wants to stay, he would need to experience the content he's missing out on.
Maybe put a timer on it, if it has to be more restrictive. Premiums can join a VIPs team for gated content, but they're on the Weekly Strike Target timer. Meaning, they can join my SSA, but only once a week. Then you can add the limited rewards and other qualifiers as you see fit.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Over the past week, I've noticed what I can envision will be an increasing problem: Noncompatible gaming experiences between VIP and Premium/Free players.
Some examples:
So, instead we rolled up new alts, with the intention being that I'd show him the new Sewer Trial. We get there and I have him check if he can access the LFG tab correctly. He said there was an error about "no available trials," or something, so I assume that Premium players can't use the LFG tab for non-Incarnate content as well (but I need some clarification on this, as I've heard otherwise since). We ended up just playing through the 1-5 content; he was unimpressed, as it's only slightly different from what he's already seen, and he hasn't logged back on since.
I knew there would be adjustments with this gameplay model, hence why the Exalted server was born - VIPs who didn't want to deal with free player restrictions.
However, I think a few things could be done that could make many of these false-starts more avoidable:
Pros: Know everyone's gameplay capabilities and limitations just by looking rather than needing trial and error falsestarts or an extensive interview before deciding what the team will do.
Cons: Odd color-coded segregation fears make me uncomfortable. :/
Cons: Ya just know that everyone will automatically click it closed after seeing it once.
I think that's all I've got for now. What are your thoughts? Agree? Disagree? Have other suggestions or experiences that show that some changes should be implemented?
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.