Post here if you've had lag.
Pretty much what the title says, post here if you've had lag. Post if you've started having it before or after i21, post if it's persistent or occasional.
I'm getting really, really P.O.ed. I think I've tinkered with every damn thing I can think of on my computer to make sure it's not me, and I've searched the forum to make sure others have been having the issue (sure enough I've found some threads). I've even gone so far as updating my video drivers and opening up the computer while its running to take a peek inside. The lag remains a constant thorn. Sometimes it'll even stop and I get a few fun moments of clarity, but then the lag starts up all over again. So, yeah... post here if you have lag. |
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]

Just because lag happens in other MMOs doesn't mean it has to be acceptable. I've been subscribed for over two years and never have I had this much of a problem. Now if you're not going to be serious, don't bother posting.

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]

Just because lag happens in other MMOs doesn't mean it has to be acceptable. I've been subscribed for over two years and never have I had this much of a problem. Now if you're not going to be serious, don't bother posting. |
Personally, I am in the UK, and i havent had noticable lag in the game for a while...
Fine... I'll edit that in.

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]

I have had major lag this week, but today especially. I can offer somewhat of a different perspective, as I live in Sicily, but am currently stateside this month.
It doesnt appear to be a high latency, but more of a lost packet issue. I posted a youtube video of what I was getting in Sicily. You can view it at
I am stateside for this month, and my laptop does the exact same thing.
You cant tell me that its me. Two different computers, two different routes... I dont believe it.
Run an internet speed and ping test to rule out your internet as being the problem.
Also, please give pc specific information and drivers when you're looking for help; Cpu, Gpu drivers and stuff like that.
Don't be a mindless farm toon, we may need you on a non-soft SF someday. =)
It is true that at some point the lag gets unacceptable. You say you've been a subscriber for 2 years and that's great. Whilst being a subscriber you will notice throughout the course of your tenure here in CoX that there will be ebbs and flows to the lag. The game is going through a whole new metamorphosis right now including hardware changes. With that and the growing population boom due to Freedom you are going to get massive amounts of traffic on the servers. (Hell on headstart launch of freedom I saw Infinity full for the first time in YEARS!) This has also happened to me several occasions over 6 years worth of playing. One I can remember is when Midnighters first came out. The revamp of the Rikti and the invasion stuff. Going Rogue to some extent when that came out. All of it got streamlined eventually.
The only advice I can offer is to make sure it's not completely the fault of your ISP, or hardware, or other issues local to you. If you've already ruled that out then take comfort in the knowledge that over time these problems dramatically improve as things settle down after major changes. The best option is to be patient. I'm sure the technical staff and developers are doing all they can to ensure smooth play under these circumstances but sometimes it's even out of their control.
- Bow �o �he Reaper of Souls�
- 68 Unique Characters / Fifteen Level 50s & Counting! Damn you alt-itis!!!!!!!
I can ping a website at about 52 ms on average, but my ping in the game is about 150+. That's not bad for me. I can still enjoy the game, but the number itself is unnerving. I imagine that when they finally get the server upgrades and whatnot squared away, things will get better.
The only advice I can offer is to make sure it's not completely the fault of your ISP, or hardware, or other issues local to you. If you've already ruled that out
Fortunately, I was able to get an hour of play in today free of lag. Then... it proceeded to slide into lag hell.

did you try changing the router that your ISP supplies you? I noticed (just by doing a quick google search, so not very indepth) that some people have complained about lag/ping issues with your ISP. Swapping out the router though seems to have alleviated the problem for them.
Also, people have generally complained about the "seasonal" lag that they appeared to be getting from your ISP as well...
Granted, as i said it was just a quick cursery look, but there is enough evidence to me that it could well be an ISP issue.
Note: Have you actually raised a ticket with NCsoft support to make sure of anything else. I know that they would probably run you through several stages that you might have already done, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
A few years ago, i had a faulty router/modem that althoguh i could play the game, i had constant drop outs/lag from it... the rest of the interwebs was fine, downloading was fine, but once i got a replacement router from them, i had no more problems from them... even my 8pm on a thursday night router/modem reboot was solved.
did you try changing the router that your ISP supplies you? I noticed (just by doing a quick google search, so not very indepth) that some people have complained about lag/ping issues with your ISP. Swapping out the router though seems to have alleviated the problem for them.
Also, people have generally complained about the "seasonal" lag that they appeared to be getting from your ISP as well... Granted, as i said it was just a quick cursery look, but there is enough evidence to me that it could well be an ISP issue. Note: Have you actually raised a ticket with NCsoft support to make sure of anything else. I know that they would probably run you through several stages that you might have already done, but it is better to be safe than sorry. A few years ago, i had a faulty router/modem that althoguh i could play the game, i had constant drop outs/lag from it... the rest of the interwebs was fine, downloading was fine, but once i got a replacement router from them, i had no more problems from them... even my 8pm on a thursday night router/modem reboot was solved. |
If the problem was more universal on my computer, I'd be more inclined to go with your theory, but right now the evidence for it is lacking based on past experience.

Me, too, ever since i21 dropped. I attributed it to server lag at first, but I've been playing at times on light-loaded servers and still have the issue.
My issue manifests itself as intermittent green bar spikes on netgraph (skiplag, teleporting enemies, etc.) about every 2-5 seconds for about 1 second each. Pingrate is usually between 150-200. Redbars are minimal. Other internet activities unaffected. Can still stream Netflix stuff just fine, etc.
Let's see-GPU is an ATI EAH5870 1GB, running Win7-64, running 4GB 1333 mHz RAM, processor is...well, I forget the exact model, but it's an ATI quadcore running at 3.4 GHz.
Physical location-central Arkansas (aka the 9th circle of hell).
ISP-Conway Corporation Cable Company
Any thoughts, people?
Basically too many 50's to count, but I'm generally a brute/scrapper/tank kind of guy.
Had some serious rubberbanding on Infinity the other day trying to get inside the WW. I'd think I was in and click on the rep, and would find myself back out. Over and over.
The memory needed for the new Atlas has also tripped me up. I sometimes play on my son's Nick laptop, where the game surprisingly runs ok (with graphics settings floored and in blue zones, anyway). Not the new Atlas though, where I've timed out and been bounced back to the login screen while trying to load toons that happen to be in Atlas.
Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level
I made a new alt the other day and street hunting in AP has become a nightmare.
There is a lot of power recharge lag going on in there and that isn't lag that can be caused by anything other than a slow server. This started after the latest server upgrades.
power recharge lagging a lot lately, but only in outdoor zones (huh?)
and rubber banding sometimes , other ppl lag is uncommon but happens from time to time
always in outdoor zones
Okay, something really strange seems to have happened to CoH. The latest from my tech support card.
Response Brian via Email 09/26/2011 07:12 PM Hello [Name Redacted], Thank you for bringing this concern to my attention today. I have been reviewing the data provided and it appears the issue you are reporting is related to low frame rates and not lag. This term is often referred to as FPS, or Frames Per Second. I would like you to download a small program for monitoring your FPS while in City of Heroes called "FRAPS". While the software is free, it isn't supported by NCsoft. 1. Download Fraps from 2. Install FRAPS using the onscreen instructions. 3. Double click the desktop shortcut to run the program. Once running, you can minimize the program and start City of Heroes. Once you log into City of Heroes you should notice a green set of numbers in the top left corner. This number is your FPS. Ideally, you want at least 30 FPS and a stable 30 FPS. The more your FPS jumps from low numbers to higher numbers the more "shuddering" and "jerkiness" you will experience. Anything from 0-15 is low, 15-30 is good, 30-60 is ideal. Though you can go beyond 60 FPS, you will not notice much difference. Once you have your baseline reading with your current settings, you can use the "Graphics and Audio" tab to change your graphic settings until you find a "sweet spot" granting you at least 30 FPS. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding what settings affect the performance the most, or would like suggestions to improve your frame rate. Regards, Brian NCsoft Technical Support |
Customer [Name Redacted] via CSS Email 09/26/2011 07:45 PM The highest I can get the FPS is to about 25, and that is on the lowest possible graphics settings. This is unacceptable. Before Issue 21 I used to get Ultra Mode on medium settings, but now I have been reduced to the most rudimentary graphics setting that this game has to offer. How on Earth did this happen? |

30? I'd love 30!
I get about 25 when solo, about 20 when teamed and about 3 to 6 when on a league.
30! Man, I cannot wait for a new cpu and MB.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Don't be a mindless farm toon, we may need you on a non-soft SF someday. =)
Pretty much what the title says, post here if you've had lag. Post if you've started having it before or after i21, post if it's persistent or occasional.
I'm getting really, really P.O.ed. I think I've tinkered with every damn thing I can think of on my computer to make sure it's not me, and I've searched the forum to make sure others have been having the issue (sure enough I've found some threads). I've even gone so far as updating my video drivers and opening up the computer while its running to take a peek inside.
The lag remains a constant thorn. Sometimes it'll even stop and I get a few fun moments of clarity, but then the lag starts up all over again.
So, yeah... post here if you have lag.
Also, supply geographic location and ISP.
Tacoma, WA, USA
Century Link