Question on Token/Points timing




Ok, on the 14th, I got exactly the Points and Tokens that I expected to get (400, 400, 400, 400+150 = 1750). I also got the exact number of tokens I expected (same as I got in Beta).

Yesterday, on the 15th, I was slated to auto-renew for 3-months. Yesterday evening, that still hadn't gone through, but I decided to wait until today to see if it hit late last night. In the meantime, I bought 400 points ($5).

These points added and gave me a Token (first purchase).

Today, I look and see that the renewal did go through last night. Now, I know that we aren't getting the lump of tokens up front, and the points are to award monthly.

However, I didn't get a token or points from the subscription renewal. So, my question is this...

Are tokens/points awarded monthly supposed to come at the beginning or end of the month?

I just wanted to verify this before I sent in a petition, as I'm sure they are already swamped with them.



At the moment you will get the 550 PP (assuming Tier 9 from your post) and 1 reward token at the date of your next billing cycle in October. You will get 550 PP and 1 reward token in November.

So hypothetically, let's say that your billing date was the 14th. On October 14 you will get 550 PP + 1 RT. On November 14 you will get 550 PP + 1 RT. On December 14 you will get 550 PP + 1 RT.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Ok, I was expecting it at the beginning of the cycle, not the end. That's where my understanding went wrong.

It seems a bit odd to give you a token and points at the end when your subscription may be running out.



Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
Ok, I was expecting it at the beginning of the cycle, not the end. That's where my understanding went wrong.

It seems a bit odd to give you a token and points at the end when your subscription may be running out.
Technically it is the beginning of your next month, not the end of the current month.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



It's just weird. I pay for 3 months, I get 3 tokens and 3 point allotments.

But, instead of getting one now, one in a month, and another in another month, I get one a month later, one a month after that, and the last the month after that.

That last one will come on my next payment due date. So, if I don't renew then, I'll still get a Token and Point allotment (as I am due 3 for this payment).

That just seems awkward.



Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
That last one will come on my next payment due date. So, if I don't renew then, I'll still get a Token and Point allotment (as I am due 3 for this payment).

That just seems awkward.
I find it a bit less confusing if I think of it like rewards for membership in something. If a company gives me a discount for being a member over a year, I usually don't get that discount during the 12th month even if I've payed in advance, I get it during the 13th month and beyond. The fact that I don't get to use that discount unless I stay a member serves as sort of an incentive to stay longer. In this case, the idea that you have a new token/points dropped into your bin just as your renewel is up might encourage you to re-up so you can mess around with them.

I'd imagine they'll never consider frontloading the points, even when they develop the tech to frontload the tokens, for this reason.

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What's strange to me is that if the points are awarded at the end of the cycle, then the OP should have received a token for the end of the previous cycle. If they are awarded at the start he should have received one for the next cycle. Either way it looks to me like he should have received a token. So I think it's worth contacting support to clarify it.



My subscription renewed today, and I did not receive a token, either.

Is it accurate that don't award your token until your paid month has ended? That's counter to the other monetary way to get points, where I spend money to buy points and immediately get a token. I should also get a token when I spend money on a subscription then, yes? Not when the subscription is over. That would be like me purchasing 1200 points and then not getting a token until I'd spent all those points, or something.

I was going to give it a few days before making any fuss over it, though, seeing as how the transition only just occurred. But here we are with a post, so I figured I'd chime in with my experience.



Originally Posted by Shazzie View Post
My subscription renewed today, and I did not receive a token, either.

Is it accurate that don't award your token until your paid month has ended? That's counter to the other monetary way to get points, where I spend money to buy points and immediately get a token. I should also get a token when I spend money on a subscription then, yes? Not when the subscription is over. That would be like me purchasing 1200 points and then not getting a token until I'd spent all those points, or something.

I was going to give it a few days before making any fuss over it, though, seeing as how the transition only just occurred. But here we are with a post, so I figured I'd chime in with my experience.
It goes off the *time* at which your are billed to work out when the end of your month is.

So give it a few hours. I typically resub to the game at *strange* hours of the night, so i typically get my rewards early in the EU morning. But when i have resubbed late at night, and then cancelled the sub... i have still been able to play most of the day and late into the night until i hit the "time" that i had initially subbed and then got kicked from the game.

The only downside with the NCsoft page, is that it doesnt tell you what time you subbed >.<

note: They do it this way, because if they decided to kick all people whose subscription expires that day at a time of their choosing, it means that *some* people could in theory have 23hours 59minutes and 59 seconds wiped off.

Would you like a company charge you $15 for 29 days (whilst everyone got 30 days) sub just because you signed up at *exactly* the same time as their kicking script?

This is why *most* companies dont do it that way....



Originally Posted by Dark Sweater View Post
What's strange to me is that if the points are awarded at the end of the cycle, then the OP should have received a token for the end of the previous cycle. If they are awarded at the start he should have received one for the next cycle. Either way it looks to me like he should have received a token. So I think it's worth contacting support to clarify it.
I did send in a petition for clarification, but I think it's probably WAI.

Originally Posted by Shazzie View Post
My subscription renewed today, and I did not receive a token, either.
I was going to give it a few days before making any fuss over it, though, seeing as how the transition only just occurred. But here we are with a post, so I figured I'd chime in with my experience.
I'll reply again once Support confirms this WAI or not.

Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
It goes off the *time* at which your are billed to work out when the end of your month is.

So give it a few hours. I typically resub to the game at *strange* hours of the night, so i typically get my rewards early in the EU morning.
My renewal hit on the 15th (late in the night). It is now the 17th, and no points or token. So, that's not the issue.



Judging from the point totals I've seen, you get your bonus at the start your billing month *but September's have already been awarded*, even for people who's billing date is post-launch.

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Originally Posted by Jasra View Post
Judging from the point totals I've seen, you get your bonus at the start your billing month *but September's have already been awarded*, even for people who's billing date is post-launch.
That actually does make sense, so the vital time for me would be end of October...



Originally Posted by Jasra View Post
Judging from the point totals I've seen, you get your bonus at the start your billing month *but September's have already been awarded*, even for people who's billing date is post-launch.
This makes no sense. There shouldn't be "September points" now. It's all based on the billing cycle. My account has been active in August and September. It has 1200 points: 400 for August, 400 for September (which were given by calendar months) and 400 for the current billing cycle. When a new billing cycle starts, I should get another 400 PP and a token. Anything else is obviously an error.



The *only* thing i can think of is that they fudged the September reward to give them an extra month to work out any possible internal problems that they might have right now (they just didnt talk about it).

I am due my 4 year award on Monday (so 2 reward tokens and 400 points for me), so it will be interesting to say the least (will let you guys know on the Tuesday though)



Update as to my Petition status:

I have received 4 emails in response to my petition. Here is the body of my petition, which I tried to keep brief, but didn't come out as clearly as I had hoped...

"I got the proper points and tokens on the 13th/14th. I got the token for my Points purchase on the 15th. My account renewed on the 15th, but I didn't get a Token or Points for it. I realize that Points/Tokens are awarding monthly, and not front-loaded. Are the Tokens/Points for subscribers happening at the beginning, and mine just messed up? Or, are they happening at the end of the subscribed month(s)?"

Response1: "I am escalating your petition for review and a Senior Specialist will be in contact with you as soon as possible. You should receive a reply within 24 hours."

Response2: "We are in the process of investigating this issue for you and you should receive an update within 24 hours. We may need more time if you contacted us on a weekend or holiday, but someone will respond to this support ticket as soon as possible."

Response3: "I am transferring your ticket to the City of Heroes Team to further assist you. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible."

All 3 fairly typical and par for the course.

Latest Response: "Please visit the link pasted below for information about how Paragon Points are granted.

If you have additional questions, please let us know and we'll be glad to assist you further."

Not very helpful, and seems to have ignored my initial submission almost completely. I responded thusly just now:

"Thank you for the link. I have read that before, and just re-read it again now. It doesn’t answer my question at all. It cover mostly issues for BEFORE Freedom launches. It only states that you will receive 400 (or 550 if Tier 9) points per month subscribed after launch.

It does not cover WHEN the points per month after launch will occur. My subscription renewed on 9/15, 2 days after Freedom’s launch. I paid the 3-month plan cost ($41.85).

I did receive the correct Points and Tokens for Freedom’s launch, as well as the Token for the $5 worth of Points I purchased. These show up in my history.

I received NO Points and NO Tokens for that renewal. I did not expect to receive all 3 months worth of points/tokens up front, as it was stated on the boards that they would not be frontloaded.

I did, however, expect to receive ONE months allocation, 1 Token and 550 Points (I am Tier 9). I did not. So, either it was supposed to have awarded, and didn’t, or it comes at the END of each months subscription, which is possible.

This was what I was seeking clarification on, as I expected an allocation at my renewal."

Now, hopefully, this will get a more appropriate response.



Reading that again, it looks like they might give all points on the 1st, then ... no, that still doesn't make sense. Someone needs to explain this better if it's not the simple, obvious "you get points on your renewal day" that we assumed it would be.



Today's response was thus:

"Thank you for contacting NCsoft Account Support.

We are in the process of investigating this issue for you and you should receive an update within 24 hours. We may need more time if you contacted us on a weekend or holiday, but someone will respond to this support ticket as soon as possible."



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
Reading that again, it looks like they might give all points on the 1st, then ... no, that still doesn't make sense. Someone needs to explain this better if it's not the simple, obvious "you get points on your renewal day" that we assumed it would be.
It is quite possible they gave everyone their September points up front. In which case, I understand not getting the points. But, I want to be TOLD so.

However, my tokens were exactly right at launch. I hit 84-months on August 15th.

84/3 (vet badges) = 28
84/12 (years) = 7
1 (retail code) = 1
1 (free 1st for all) = 1
Total = 37

+1 for first point purchase = 1
Total = 38

This is exactly how many I have. I did not get a Token for September's renewal date, early or at renewal.

So, something doesn't add up, one way or another, unless the Tokens and Points are backloaded. That is possible and noted as such.

I just want clarification of what's going on.



Okay so I log in tonight, and have earned 2 "Tokens" (Corrected lol) ? Now I did have a year coming up on 23rd, except...this isn't the 23rd. Also 1 was auto slotted onto the first slot of a tier, which i think is rather annoying.

Also I didn't get the year badge?

Very confusing...



DragonSire I'm not trying to be the grammar police but you're talking about Tokens not Points.

And yes it is very confusing.

I'm eagerly awaiting the next response to Caulderone's support ticket.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
DragonSire I'm not trying to be the grammar police but you're talking about Tokens not Points.

And yes it is very confusing.

I'm eagerly awaiting the next response to Caulderone's support ticket.
Err..yes. Thanks.



Today's response amounted to:

Investigating. 48 hours.



After no response yesterday, I received one today. Given the last one said 48 hours, that's expected.

Today's message was:
"We are currently investigating when the monthly Paragon Points/Reward Token should be granted or if there is an actual issue, and will get back to you as soon as we have more information to provide. We appreciate your patience while we look into this."

So, still hanging out in limbo.



I also have a petition in the system (sent about 24 hours ago) with regards to this issue, since I have not received any points/token for my monthly renewal on the 17th.

Just waiting around right now for a Senior Specialist to contact me- the immediate post-petition response I received said I 'should receive a reply within 24 hours', but I'm not gonna whine if it takes another day or so. I just want to get clear, accurate, and specific information as to when points/tokens are received, as well as making sure there wasn't any freaky issue with September due to the changeover happening then.