Staff Fighting




From my other post.

Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
"Staff" Fighting is actually the new MM set mixed with sonic:

1. yell at employees: foe -rez all
2. intern: basic pet, needs a lot of texting time
3. screem: pbaoe sonic
4. train lackey: pet upgrade
5. repremand: high damage sonic
6. secretaries: 3-5 pets
7. staff meeting: leadership-like uprade for entire staff +acc +def
8. manager high grade pet
9. Restructure: after long years of devoted service, "restucturing" causes general enragement +dam and randomly targetting an employee to be fired, sending your manager in a blind *RAGE* ending with self destruct
On a less redundant note, I'd hope dom's/trollers get dark/dark (have that for them yet?) and some sort of device holding like ropes, chains etc. Another assault set would be "device" assault: knives, boomerangs, throwing stars, granades, spears. Not necessarily all of theses in the same power set, but weaponry typed.

Staff could definately be used as the melee brandishing device and add ranged, pbaoe, and aoe with magical properties a-la Vanguard Wands (holding it up or planting it in the ground for various effects) or making it a contraption to hide other attacks.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Enough with the melee gosh darn it.

Give me a new control set?
Give me a new Assault set?
New things in the works for Dominators, remember? (Speculation is Dark Control/Dark Assault)
Give me a new ranged set?
You just got Beam Rifle.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I think control sets take way more work than melee sets...that's why it takes so long before another control set comes out. I am waiting on the Dom surprise as well.

Oh! I would think a Sythe would go along better with Titan weapons more than Staff would.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I think control sets take way more work than melee sets...that's why it takes so long before another control set comes out. I am waiting on the Dom surprise as well.
I don't really think so.

For the most part (*sideways glance at Illusion*) Control sets follow just as regular and predictable a pattern as Melee sets. Other than making a couple unique powers the rest is largely copy->paste. I would need new animations obviously, but that's probably actually easier for Control sets, since you can just make the particle FX flashy and recycle the same ol' same ol' character animations, where all the new melee sets made recently have used specialized, unique character animations as well as particle fx.

I think it's simply that there are 4 archetypes that can use Melee sets (and more people who play them), and only two that can use Control. Melee gets priority because they can satisfy more people's desire for new sets for the same time/money investment.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



<_< Oathbound, you're starting to freak me out...I think you're following me :P.

I somewhat agree with you about the copy and the paste with the control powers but I already know about the how and the why's melee sets tend to be's even more obvious in game if you Pug/Run paper mishes. One can count on their fingers how many control or support toons that are available but when it comes to melee you need a whole extra pair of limbs .

I also chalk it up to it being far more easy to lvl a melee toon compared to a control heavy toon(give or take for some doms).



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
<_< Oathbound, you're starting to freak me out...I think you're following me :P.

I somewhat agree with you about the copy and the paste with the control powers but I already know about the how and the why's melee sets tend to be's even more obvious in game if you Pug/Run paper mishes. One can count on their fingers how many control or support toons that are available but when it comes to melee you need a whole extra pair of limbs .

I also chalk it up to it being far more easy to lvl a melee toon compared to a control heavy toon(give or take for some doms).
Following you? Nonsense! *ducks back into the bushes*

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Here's 6 out of the 9 Titan attacks.

What's missing is
Build Up

There's anther attack but I don't remember what it's name is. When I took this screenshots the other attack wouldn't come up using this real numbers system.
the T1 attack is missing too.
the taunt may probably be lvl 12, so that left only one power at lvl 26.

I can't see a basic build up power at this lvl, so this is probably a rage/blinding feint power (but I bet on a more balanced version of Rage)

English isn't my birth language, so don't blame me if I do some mistakes. thank you !



Originally Posted by slaad View Post
the T1 attack is missing too.
the taunt may probably be lvl 12, so that left only one power at lvl 26.

I can't see a basic build up power at this lvl, so this is probably a rage/blinding feint power (but I bet on a more balanced version of Rage)
Or, it's just Build Up.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Or, it's just Build Up.
Isn't the Form of Body/Mind/Soul powers the build up for this set? Like Swap Ammo from Dual Pistols. Dual Pistols didn't get a build up power. That would leave one power left for Taunt or Confront. (or Placate I guess..).

3 AoEs, 3 Single Target, One Ranged, A Swap Ammo sort of power instead of build up, and Taunt (or Confront, or Placate).



Now that I know we are getting Titanic weapons, I think a Scythe would fit better with those animation, rather than a pole arm. Could go either way though.



If sky splitter has a relatively low activation time, it is gonna be beastly. It does 276 damage base on a 15 sec recharge time for a scrapper, which is better than headsplitter, which only does 187 damage base on a 14 sec recharge time. I actually don't know of any powers with a higher base damage than that. Staff melee may end up breaking some rules on DPS if those numbers stay the same and the activation times aren't outrageous.

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
If sky splitter has a relatively low activation time, it is gonna be beastly. It does 276 damage base on a 15 sec recharge time for a scrapper, which is better than headsplitter, which only does 187 damage base on a 14 sec recharge time.
Based entirely on that leaked video I'd say the animation was 2-ish seconds for sky splitter. Also, in case you were counting that tick of smashing/energy/psi damage they have listed, that's only if you have 3 levels built up in whatever form you're currently in.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Looks like it does count that, I was just looking at the Real Numbers average damage, and we all know how misleading that can be.

TW/Elec Optimization



Looking at the Perfection bonuses, AS THEY ARE PRESENTED HERE (unreleased beta numbers and all that) I can't really see any reason anyone would run anything other than Form of the Body.

Think about it, the bonuses for Form of the Body are Foe - Res and Self +res, but very useful effects.

The bonuses for Form of the Soul are a ToHit buff and a Regen/Recovery buff. While the regen/recovery are very nice bonuses, the ToHit buff is useless,.. since you have to already be able to hit them to build perfection to use the ability**. It's completely superfluous.

The bonuses from Form of the Mind are even worse. You have -Defense, which runs into the same problem as the +ToHit from above, you have to already** be able to hit them to build up to the power. The other bonus, -12%movement/recharge is such a trivial number, particularly as it's the only Recharge slow in the set, as to be pointless.

**This is assuming you only gain Perfection on a successful attack, like combo points.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Why would a tohit be bad? You can make sure the next few blows will more likely hit, same for -defense. Its a follow-up effect, if you open up with buildup you can be pretty sure the next few blows also hit.

(basicly the flaw of DB, no hit is no combo, no combo = gimp).

Must say these 2 sets look way more interesting then StJ and BR combined, couldnt they just swap out these with the current released 2?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Why would a tohit be bad? You can make sure the next few blows will more likely hit, same for -defense. Its a follow-up effect, if you open up with buildup you can be pretty sure the next few blows also hit.

(basicly the flaw of DB, no hit is no combo, no combo = gimp).

Must say these 2 sets look way more interesting then StJ and BR combined, couldnt they just swap out these with the current released 2?
I'm not saying extra +tohit is bad, I'm saying if your accuracy/tohit is already good enough that you can reliably him these mobs FOUR TIMES (3 to build perfection, the 4th to actually get this effect) then you don't even need the effect. It's entirely superfluous. Wasted.

If you've already got a 95% chance to hit your target, an extra +15% does exactly nothing for you. And if you're having a hard time hitting them, well then good luck even getting the bonus in the first place.

EDIT: Also, if the set follows the same formula as Dual Pistols it won't be getting Build Up. Swap Ammo replaces Aim in Dual Pistols, there's no reason to believe the Form powers won't be replacing Build Up in Staff Fighting.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Looking at the Perfection bonuses, AS THEY ARE PRESENTED HERE (unreleased beta numbers and all that) I can't really see any reason anyone would run anything other than Form of the Body.
They seem to have balanced damage type against effect. Form of the Soul is kinda lackluster in terms of effect, but it has that sweet, sweet energy damage that people seem to adore. The problems is that the extra damage-type ticks aren't really enough to compensate, I think.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
They seem to have balanced damage type against effect. Form of the Soul is kinda lackluster in terms of effect, but it has that sweet, sweet energy damage that people seem to adore. The problems is that the extra damage-type ticks aren't really enough to compensate, I think.
Kinda like how added Toxic damage isn't enough to compensate on Dual Pistols?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
I'm not saying extra +tohit is bad, I'm saying if your accuracy/tohit is already good enough that you can reliably him these mobs FOUR TIMES (3 to build perfection, the 4th to actually get this effect) then you don't even need the effect. It's entirely superfluous. Wasted.

If you've already got a 95% chance to hit your target, an extra +15% does exactly nothing for you. And if you're having a hard time hitting them, well then good luck even getting the bonus in the first place.

EDIT: Also, if the set follows the same formula as Dual Pistols it won't be getting Build Up. Swap Ammo replaces Aim in Dual Pistols, there's no reason to believe the Form powers won't be replacing Build Up in Staff Fighting.
True, its not the most usefull buff to choose from, i didnt know staff wasnt getting a build up abilty. But wouldnt that be the same with Claw or Dual Blade? Both afaik dont have a buildup power but also rely on a 'hit checked' ability that boost their damage and tohit. Same kinda for dark, but being a AoE would have way higher chance of getting a hit. Basicly you slot your 'buff power' heavy on accuracy, while the rest can go with more damage.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



[Guarded Spin] is only 12.25% L/M
[Titan Weapons.Defensive Sweep] is only 12.25% S/M

[Divine Avalanche] is 15% L/M
[Parry] is 15% L/M

)= Why can't they all be equal?
Unless of course if [Guarded Spin] and [Defensive Sweep] grant their defense per target hit (both are cones, max targets of 5).. then they would be pretty darn good!

Sucks how Titan gives S/M ... would much prefer it grant L/M. Oh well
Definitely going to suck slotting if each attack takes targetted AoE sets, seeing as how most TW attacks are cones. >.<

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Looking at the Perfection bonuses, AS THEY ARE PRESENTED HERE (unreleased beta numbers and all that) I can't really see any reason anyone would run anything other than Form of the Body.
I can see a few builds/playstyles using Form of Soul after they pick up Sky Splitter. And running out of End is a universal enough in CoX that everyone will use Perfect Soul - Sky Splitter sometimes (if only for AV fights, or when the RNG is stingy with the blue pills).

But the Psi one will get taken off the power bar and tossed in the trash as is. No reason to ever use it. It needs something, +recharge maybe? PBAoE heal? A 5 second Mag 2 Confuse? Team Mez Protections? Really doesn't matter what. Even if the effect is highly situational.



I really like the looks of the titan set, WAY too much.

My fre sword swinging elec/fire tank main always should have been elec/sword. Now maybe I can get a set with both parry AND shatter armor, provided I can get a big freaking glowy magic sword as part of the package.

I have seldom wished for a powerset respec, but given all the T4s I have on that guy, and how long it'll take to get there agian, I can honestly say I can see the argument for one here...

Ah well, I guess there'll be new content to farm those incarnate powers from too.

The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!



waiting on this set. Hope it comes out soon.
Actually both of them are interesting.

generally I like the work their doing.