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  1. goesto

    Elec Blast

    Originally Posted by Cynergyspyke View Post
    So i'm sort of an Elec everything kind of guy.

    So has Elec blast been changed/buffed in the two years I've been gone? Does it still suck badly?
    I hear ya I suffer from the set too. Probably for me the most dissapointing set for me out of all the sets from all the ATs.

    for me its missing a third single target power. there just isnt enough blast in that blaster set.
    Electrical blast without the blast.

    I´m always waiting for a change in it, but no luck .

    charged bolts and lightning bolts are ok and the usual tier 1 and 2.
    thunderous blast is a nice nova, but of course situatinal.
    zapp is your usual snipe, but again situational.
    ball of lightning is ok as a ranged aoe, like fireball.
    aim is, well aim .

    now here is where for me the problem in regular gameplay comes in.
    we have short circuit, tesla cage, and voltaic sentinel.

    short is circuit is ok, but since we have a deficit in st ranged its negative points stand out
    for me. It is a pbaoe which is so so for a squishy toon, and non top of that it has a 3 second animation, mixed with an aoe to get the attention of not one but several toons. not a fan of it.

    tesla cage. a hold, yeah it can be useful, but i´m a blaster and i want to blast. with just 2 ranged st powers i feel something is missing.

    voltaic sentinel. hmm well in regular gameplay paying attention to something every minute to see if its up and casting it so often is annoying as hell. and for what it does....pff
    i´ve tried it and just couldnt get used to it. It´s just not practical at all. not going to work for lots and lots of people. Would mind it being there as an option to try or for those that can use it. (but I would try it and respec it out).

    Even rad blast has that tier 1 and tier 2 and a third power like cosmic burst which is short range and has a mez, but does nice damage.
    I know this has been mentioned before, but maybe they could give tesla cage damage and reduce the range or eliminate the -end as compensation. And rads Pbaoe cast in about one second where elecs casts in about 3.

    I just dont like the idea that the devs might have for elec. The -end isn´t as fanasticly fun as too compensate for taking away so much of the blast away from electricity.

    Electricity just screams out BLAST.
  2. correct me if i´m wrong please.
    if memory serves with VIP accounts we would get 400 pp points and 1 free character transfer token. am I mistaken?

    If I´m not is anyone else not getting them.

    I have received the PP points but not the character transfer.
    Thought I would receive them the same day since it is a monthly thing.

    Anyone know?
  3. making another invulnerability tanker after abandoning my invul/em tanker in another server.

    undecided between super strength and dark melee.

    considered ma but doesnt fit all that well with my concept.

    super strength fit nicely but was wondering about dark melee..mostly for siphon life and -tohit.

    oh and whats up with that aoe in the description of the power range for tankers.
    is that the taunt area effect? I´m pretty sure the powers arent hitting several enemies.
  4. goesto

    Staff Fighting

    waiting on this set. Hope it comes out soon.
    Actually both of them are interesting.

    generally I like the work their doing.
  5. servers might be up soon guys.....so you can get your daily dose in again
  6. Now Liberty is down.

    is this happening to anyone else or is it my system that has gone nuts?
  7. um while I was reading this thread I decided to log in.

    Freedom server is down!?

    or is it just me?

    What happened?
  8. well guess if you didnt get it boohoo for you
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    I think the sale extension was another product do to that other one being on sale for only about 24-48 hours
    I went to check just in case and found the following in the HeadStart announcement page:

    "And for the first week ONLY, you'll be able to get:

    6 Character Transfers for 480 Paragon Points or $6! (one time purchase)"

    There are other products that last 2 weeks, such as the 20% discount on beam rifle or the 50% off of the revive or restore powers.

    The issue was launched on the 13th but some problems occured and Avatea wrote the following in one post:

    "Good News!

    We now estimate that all servers will be back online no later than 5:30 p.m. PDT / 8:30 p.m. EDT / 1:30 a.m. BST / 2:30 CEST. However, due to unforeseen technical circumstances, the Paragon Market and accumulated bonus Paragon Points players have been earning since July 1st, 2011 will not be available for the remainder of the evening. We will continue to work through the night to make the Paragon Market, and your bonus points, available as soon as is possible.

    What does this mean? All VIP Players will still have access to any in game bonus directly associated with their VIP subscription including, but not limited to, the Time Manipulation Power Set, the new IDF and Defense costume parts and all associated content. Players will not be able to purchase Paragon Market exclusive content such as the Beam Rifle Power Set or make any purchases from the Paragon Market. We do sincerely apologize for any disappointment this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding. Please note, as a result of this delay, we will be extending the sale of 6 server transfers for $6.00 USD for 24 hours.

    So jump on and join your fellow City of Heroes Freedom players in exploring all of the new content in First Ward, experience the all new Death From Below Sewer Trial and fight your way through the Underground Incarnate Trial!

    We’ll see you online! "

    note the extension is on the sale of 6 server transfers for 6 dollars and lasts another 24 hours.
    Now today is the 20th and the launch date was the 13th. Add in the 24 hour extension and that offer should be available still.
  10. went over to check again just in case.
    Looked over in sales. Definitely not there.
    I´ve seen it around also, but when I looked today it wasnt there.
    Checking now and not finding it anywhere.
    All I´m finding is a single character server token for 800 points.
  11. did you guys take away the character transfer x6 offer already?
    wasn´t it extended another 24 hours do to the problems with the store?
    can´t find it.
  12. What happened to Character Transfer Token x6 offer?
    Can´t find it in store.
    Wasn´t it supposed to be available for a week during the Head Start?
    And then was extended 24 hours do to issue with the paragon market not being accesible?

    Head Start started on the 13th if I´m not mistaken. A week has 7 days + the 24hr extension. Shouldn´t it be available on the 20th?

    Or am I mistaken on some point?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    For the one millionth time because you can't search: Bots/Traps.
    say, now that you mention bots/traps.... wouldnt a bots/time improve on it?
    - the damage part and mez protection it seems bots/time would be a bit tougher.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    I don't really see any more synergy between gravity control and time manipulation than there would be between any control set and time manipulation. The holds in TM will stack with the holds in any control set, so that doesn't make grav/time anymore special than anything/time. The movement debuff in gravities powers could be considered synergistic - but time manipulation has SO much movement debuff that using it alone you are likely to hit the movement speed debuff cap.

    I actually see more effective synergy between ice control and time manipulation, as they both possess recharge debuffs and stacking them up IS a good thing, far more than movement slows. Even earth control's quicksand is likely to better combine with time manipulation than gravity - stacking it with the slow field in TM will make sure nobody moves at all or at least give you the ability to drop slows on two groups at once. Volcanic gasses will also go well with time manipulations slow field, since it has a pulsing chance to hold that would stack nicely with VG and both have a fairly long duration.

    Now, thematically speaking the two seem to be a natural combo - but mechanically I don't really see any advantage.
    generally agree.
  15. you know I kind of smirked and lol at this one when I read it again.
    I guess this is what happens when you look at too many numbers from different things while your having breakfast because you just woke up.

    I was looking at the pvp numbers from tanks
    and then looked at the pve numbers from scrappers.

    big duh moment.

    I dont have much experience at all with scrappers or high level scrappers.
    I usually do support toons.
    Is it worth IOing with psi resist at all and sacrficing other things.
    Or should I just not worry at all about it?
    I like to be prepared for whatever I may encounter.
  16. Planning my new /energy aura scrapper when i21 hits.

    but i see it has a Big hole against psy. I see no resistance, no typed defense, no/or very very little positional defense.

    just from memory, so not to sure, are the other sets this weak against a certain type of damage as energy is against psy? All the others I think had somethiing against everything, although they might be heavy against some damage in particular.
    Well I guess SR and Regen being different, since SR is positional and regen takes on a different strategy.
    I´m no expert on scrapper secondaries so just asking.

    guess it will have to be patched up with IOs obviously. But I didnt expect there to be next to nothing against a certain type of damage.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
    Speaking of the poll, asking what powersets we most wanted, I remember voting for Shield defense. Not because of having a shield. For some reason I thought Shield Defense meant having perma Force Field Shields. Getting to run around in hamster balls sounded fun.
    I´m not 100% sure, but I think I voted for Growth back then. The idea sounded interesting.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    We should probably start calling street justice StJ instead of SJ to avoid having the same problem we have between electric armor and energy aura (Ela vs ea).
    sounds good.

    first time i saw it I thought about SuperJump O_o.

    I was thinking, "wth are they talking about", for a second or two. lol
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I have. And what I remember being said about that poll was that shield was #1, and Dual Weapons was #2, nothing past that. I do know a realistic fighting set has been requested forever, so much so that players have tried filling that hole with Super strength, DM, and EM. Let's face it, MA just looks fruity like some TKD demonstration, and the punches added were not that impressive. As a RL martial artist, I would like a set that looks like you could actually be fighting with it.

    To ease the pain, expect new powers every few months after Freedom goes live. Just don't expect them to all be free.
    Yep I dont feel that comfortable with the martial arts set either. I always end up not playing it. Not there for me yet.
    and SS or EM definitely dont have that feel to them. SS is ok, but its something very different.

    I wonder how SJ will turn out. Be fun to see some combo in it with transitions from Striking to Trapping to Holds. That would be some very nice combo work. Would make for an extremely fun set and some dynamic play. Lots of possiblities there to play around with.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    Sigh, another flavor of MA. I'm still awaiting my Staff melee set.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    With elec/psi, you want to pick up the damage interface and /ice app for ultimate carnage. Once there, you can completely squash anything you want by overly excessive application of domination driven chain fences. Yes, dom works just fine on chain fences, and the extended duration on it means you can manipulate your position much easier than without the extended duration.
    will consider that.
    was concidering mu, but i´ll give that ice some thought.

    btw does jolting chain change in later levels? How long it lasts or something?
    right now it hits once and thats it. not liking it as a control power.

    Static field is nice though. Those other sleep powers I did not like, but this once is a nice way of making a sleep power more useful.
  22. Good info for me also since I´m in the same situation as the OP.

    I guess mids is also a bit off since when I´m working on my build I it says that I´ve topped off my +recharge at about 80%