Best Buff's?
define buffs a bit more:
Single Targhet Buffs or teambuffs
because Empathy has the best STbuff in the whole game with Adrenalin Boost and one of the best ST buffs with Fortitude
on the other hand FF cold Thermal or Sonic have great Teambuff potential
you forgot VEATS for thier double stacking leadership buffs paired with Mindlink for forts/widows which will give good defnumbers too
EDIT: May the battle begin
Helge corr lvl 50 rad/cold
Helge2 corr lvl 50 ice/rad
Techbothelge MM lvl 50 robo/dark
Helge Mauz def lvl 50 emp/ele
illuhelge troller lvl 50 illu/rad
Wiederbelebter helge nk lvl 50 bs/reg
Maennerschreack nightwidow lvl 44
Quantenjaeger ws lvl 3
I'll say Empathy. Adrenaline Boost is too awesome. Not to mention Fort and auras.
Thermal defenders will be great aswell, if you're willing to wait a while longer.
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
Yeah, I dont see a whole lot of people making bubble defenders anymore, are they viewed as a weak buff now? Its been some years since I really played the game but bubbles I thought were very good. Has something changed or is there just better buffs/debuffs for defenders to play as rather than playing a force field defender?
I would like to play a bubble defender but if their not that good compared to emp. cold and thermal and ect. convince me otherwise I would like to hear why or why not bubbles are the way to go.
Speed boost
Fulcrum Shift
For mass's Kin/
How about the one that removes unnecessary apostrophes. I think that one is overpowered.
Serious Answer: Traps. It's got everything you need. Buffs and - more importantly - Debuffs.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I definitely think some parameters need to be established to best answer this.
Best buffs for a single target? As mentioned before that has to be Empathy, due to AB.
For a small team it may still be Empathy, at least a high-recharge Emp that can Fort everybody and have the RAs up frequently.
For a large team a mega recharge Emp can still be a great buffer. There are Emps that can Fort 7 teammates, though it takes a heckuva investment.
As far as FF compared to the other sets... a lot's been said over the years, passionately at times. FF brings tons of a defense, which is a very good thing. However, it really doesn't bring anything else (some kb, repel and a decent aoe knockdown attack) and those other things it brings don't "force multiply" team damage, whether through +dmg or -res. Further, at the high end a lot of builds (not all, by any means, not even a majority) have created a lot of +Def for themselves. Add to that the other sets that bring +Def (Traps, VEATS, Cold for example) and it's quite possible you'll find your +Def redundant.
My own experience, from leveling up a FF Def years ago, was that from level 12-40ish I was any team's "I win" button. Then I became the "who cares" button.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
I remember a quote that goes something like this: "Empaths can turn several people into Jesus, one person into God, and everyone else into the twelve apostles."
That said, I'm thinking Time Manipulation will be a really good buffer. It can softcap and give a recharge boost to everyone including its user, can buff the damage+recharge+regen of a few people, and it has heals and debuffs on top of that.
And if you prefer offensive buffs over defensive ones, Kinetics all the way.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
Yeah, I dont see a whole lot of people making bubble defenders anymore, are they viewed as a weak buff now? Its been some years since I really played the game but bubbles I thought were very good. Has something changed or is there just better buffs/debuffs for defenders to play as rather than playing a force field defender?
I would like to play a bubble defender but if their not that good compared to emp. cold and thermal and ect. convince me otherwise I would like to hear why or why not bubbles are the way to go. |
Just to add on to what Deacon said about FF, I'll toss out a few things.
FF's primary (if not quite its only) focus is protection. Some of the sets introduced since release have weaseled into that niche while offering (admittedly) lesser protection with some other goodies. The problem with focusing on protection is that some toons (and, frankly, some ATs) don't need all that much protection to go from tough to unkillable. And FF is completely over the top for them.
FF's lack of flexibility means that min / maxers generally avoid the set.
For the soloist, defender Traps has a version of Dispersion Bubble that, over time, costs less endurance to run AND has higher base def. So, outside of PFF, bubblers can't even lay claim to having the best +def self buff available in a defender primary.
The best reason to play FF? It's freaking easy. If you do it right, you can buff you entire team in 2 clicks once every 3:45 and spend the rest of your time punching mobs in the face.
And, honestly, FF is NOT bad, not by any stretch. It's just that it's a relic from the game's early days when the devs clearly believed that they had made a game with a single target, tactical element ... instead of the AoE-fuelled zerg-fest it really is. And the devs have tried to maintain FF's flavour (distance / defense / mez protection) while keeping its performance OK (FF's buffs right now are FAR more effective than they were at release).
You know ...
It occurs to me that people with free accounts will LOVE FF.
No IOs. No Incarnate powers.
If there's an influx of freebie accounts, we'll be seeing fewer lowbie 'trollers and MMs. And, if you take those ATs out of the picture ... well, having a bubbler around will seem like a good idea.
Burning chick is right. Force field is very over powered currently. You can give everyone higher defense then most tanks sets have normally. The numbers probably wont be downgraded for quite some time....currently I'd say for buffs alone- Forcefield 1st then kinetics 2nd and Empathy 3rd.
Time manipulation seems to be taking one of the main spots whenever we get it though. Oh how interesting.
In short, FF has the best +def. The question is, how much do you really need? How much do you really need for end game stuff with over 50% of the player base playing level 50s? Cold more than fills in the need for +def and brings in multiple debuffs as well. The early game of CoH focused on power sets that did one thing, but it did it really well. CoV hit and suddenly the devs had to move past that and started to add in more balanced sets and more balanced ATs as well. Pretty much any new set these days will be more of a hybrid set than anything. Some of the single focused sets still win out. FF, IMO, lost out the most. FF still has uses(bad PuGs, Hardcore(deletion upon death)), but that's about it.
Note, I'm not saying the hybrid sets, or even CoV ATs are by default better. They just tend to do a number of things decently versus a few things the best.
While I think it may have been close before, the changes to some of the ST buffs to affect people in a general area around the target push Kinetics over the top.
There is going to be at least some bias in my looks at the two sets, but bare with me. I am only going to compare what I think are the two best more-or-less pure buffing sets, Kinetics and Empathy.
Adrenaline Boost is the single baddest ST buff in the land, no question, and Empathy as a set is pretty badA at buffing in general, but with Speed Boost providing half of the recharge buff of AB permanently, Transfusion, Increase Density and Transference working on green, blue and status bars (the Trans powers do require a target, but they also debuff that target), Kin's average level of buff per teammate is higher. To be fair, Regen and Recovery Auras are awesome, and specifically built for it, you can get to a pretty good uptime.
(1[base]+1.25[Slotting + Spiritual Alpha]+.7[Hasten]+1.15[100% Global Recharge from IO slotting without going Super Purple or destroying my Ice Blasting for it]) equals about 120s, so 75% uptime.
The Transes have pretty good frequency without needing to dedicate for it if one chooses not to.
Empathy has Resurrect, Fortitude and the straight Heal powers, Kinetics has Fulcrum Shift. I can see the appeal Empathy has (I have an IO'ed Empathy Defender and he kicks tail), and it is probably closer to Cleric sets of other games, but the power to drive your entire team to the game's damage cap (or close) in a decently sized spawn... it is just something else.
Oh, and the movement buffs from Speed Boost and Inertial Reduction.
My Emp/Ice/Mace Defender (Softcap lets me go leaner than normal on breakfrees without Clarion) and my Fire/Emp/Fire Controller rock, but my Kin/Dark/Mace Defender and Fire/Kin/Earth Controller win the day for me.
Edited to add: There are some compelling arguments for the ease versus power of FF. Never thought of it that way. I do not mind being ridiculously active in providing mitigation, but for people who prefer to get their buffing out of the way early, FF and Emp are great.
11 months of all-nighters, messy feeding sessions, bath fighting and realizing just how good my son's lungs work, and I am still convinced he is the crowning accomplishment in my life. What in the blue HFIL is wrong with me?
How about the one that removes unnecessary apostrophes. I think that one is overpowered.
Serious Answer: Traps. It's got everything you need. Buffs and - more importantly - Debuffs. |
But yeah Cold is my fave support set. Most sets will bring a lot to the team buff or debuff-wise but most importantly if they're played well.
To echo False, for pure buffs, Empathy is up there and Thermal has a nice mixed bag too.
@Fail (Used to be @Tux) and @Tuxedo Infinitus Defiant/Freedom/Champion
Favourite Toons: Prosper [Ill/Rad] Controller :: Infinitus [Fire/Elec] Blaster :: Pocket Dynamo [Fire/Shield] Scr :: Fast [Cold/Sonic] Def ::
Inspire [Plant/Storm] Controller :: Quality - SS/Fire Brute :: Double Down [DP/Kin] Corr :: Pwnz [Fire/Cold] Corr :: Fail [Fire/Son] Corr
In a duo, an emp is probably the best support. He can make one person literally invincible with amazing buffs and timely healing. But if that person is already invincible, an emp won't do as much as a kin would.
As far as pure offense goes, nothing beats a kin. The ability to keep an entire team at the damage cap and speed boosted for an entire mission just can't be beat by anything else.
If you're making a team of random AT's, and you only get to have one buff/debuff set on the whole team, I'm pretty sure most people would pick kin......unless it's a weak team that needs a lot of support just to stay alive. But these days those are rare, and the biggest value comes from those who can help the team steamroll faster.
Emp for single targets.
Time for medium to large teams (being able to basically power boost heal over half a team, plus provide +recharge, +recovery, and +def to everyone will be very nice)
FF if all you need is defense
Far as buff's go, who is the best at it? empathy, force fields, thermal, cold. You tell me and why they are better than the other AT's out there far as defenders go.
I don't mean to be too disrespectful but I think you are missing the whole point of CoX gameplay. It is all about super heroes who are all super and teams that can function without holy trinities. I think you are really missing the boat with the preconceptions you are probably bringing in from other MMOs.
I am not trying to be (too much--I make people sick

Just choose a character who you like and roll with it. It will be a lot of fun. Trust me. And don't worry about whether or not you are the best personification of a holy trinity. answer your question...Kinetics for the recharge and damage buffs; or perhaps for the resistance debuffs (but you didn't ask about debuffs) rad, storm, cold, traps, trick arrow, sonic, dark, sonic secondary, etc. At level 50 (and higher game in general) people tend to be self sufficient and mostly just care about doing extra damage. You want to shave an extra minute off that BAF or whatever so you can get to something else. Kinetics is king at that, but does have the disadvantage (unlike the resistance debuffers) that it doesn't stack as well with other people.
I know forum goers might be the exception but all of the level 50s I actually play are soft capped for defense and don't need any babysitting and a pure defense/heal buffer is useless to them. This differs when you get to non forum going population, but the point still stands that City of Heroes is not a Holy Trinity (tm) game and if you play it like one you will be disappointed. I *do* love fortitude, by the way, but I love it for the +damage more than anything else.
Yes, I suppose the attitude (and demands with more base builds) might change when the free-to-play opens, but that will just sadden me more than anything else.
"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
For the soloist, defender Traps has a version of Dispersion Bubble that, over time, costs less endurance to run AND has higher base def. So, outside of PFF, bubblers can't even lay claim to having the best +def self buff available in a defender primary.
Is that true?
To respond to the statement above, I just wanted to start this thread to read people's input on the defender power-set's to learn how things have changed over the years that I was out. I want to know what people think about thermal, cold, empathy, kinetics, etc. Just learning about the defender powersets and what not, and yes the tanker's as well for defense cause willpower and shield are all new to me, and wanting to learn how things have changed when I made that thread.
Playing as a bubbler is fun to me, I just want to know why I dont see many bubbler "Defenders" anymore, I usually see more bubblers as a secondary on controllers or MM's it seems, but not as a defender. Didn't know if anything changed over the years when I was out. Didn't know if bubbles got nerfed or something.
What would blend well with a secondary to bubbles?
I'd rather have a Kin on my team over an Empath.
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Playing as a bubbler is fun to me, I just want to know why I dont see many bubbler "Defenders" anymore, I usually see more bubblers as a secondary on controllers or MM's it seems, but not as a defender. Didn't know if anything changed over the years when I was out. Didn't know if bubbles got nerfed or something.
What would blend well with a secondary to bubbles? |
If you enjoy playing a bubbler just keep playing and enjoy yourself. Most people agree that it is relatively underpowered now but so what? It is still enjoyable for you and it is unlikely to be nerfed.
As far as secondaries go:
It is really really hard to beat sonic right now so that is a good default.
Dark is would further enhance the defense buffs of FF by debuffing enemy tohit, but this might be overkill.
Fire will probably be fun when it comes out.
Energy has more knockback if you want to play with the FF/NRG knockback themes.
"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
Playing as a bubbler is fun to me, I just want to know why I dont see many bubbler "Defenders" anymore, I usually see more bubblers as a secondary on controllers or MM's it seems, but not as a defender. Didn't know if anything changed over the years when I was out. Didn't know if bubbles got nerfed or something.
What would blend well with a secondary to bubbles? |
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I play two defender bubblers, I think the best pairing is sonic blast. I also play a controller bubbler, and a Mastermind bubbler. No, it is NOT true about FF having less self-defense, if you remember to click Personal Forcefield when it gets really hairy.
Kinetics vs. Empathy: You can strip down your comparison of only buffs to empathy buffs, it is narrow-minded to do so since many of the buff activations are indeed also formidable debuffs. Damage debuff, endurance drain, recharge and speed debuffs can and do provide survivability to solo and teamed kinetics. Empaths cannot fort themselves, cannot increase their own speed. Empaths also have no -regen in their primary. Adrenalin Boost IS the best single target buff, but fulcrum shift is a damage capper for the team, along with a hefty debuff.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
For the soloist, defender Traps has a version of Dispersion Bubble that, over time, costs less endurance to run AND has higher base def. So, outside of PFF, bubblers can't even lay claim to having the best +def self buff available in a defender primary.
Is that true? |
And, Psylenz, I /did/ say "outside of PFF"

Some notes from test server:
A lot of Time powers are lookalikes to famous great buffs and debuffs existing in other sets. It also features a combo system that makes its buffs and debuffs more effective on certain targets. This makes Time look awesome on paper: 1/2 empathy plus 1/2 rad plus 1/2 storm plus critical heals and debuffs on demand equals godly.
In practice, the Time version of these powers often have double the recharges of their lookalikes in other sets, and/or greatly reduced effectiveness. Also, the extra numbers added by its combo system are small. 1/10 empathy plus 1/10 rad plus 1/10 storm plus better heals on 1 teammate at a time and marginally better debuffs on 1 enemy at a time equals meh. Conventional wisdom on the test server is that Time is okay for soloing, though it needs changes if it's going to be on the same level, soloing or teaming, as the other debuff sets.
Also, anyone who gets Grav/Time to level 50 without powerleveling, I will buy you a beer if you're ever in town. And then have you committed. Have a nice day.
Far as buff's go, who is the best at it? empathy, force fields, thermal, cold. You tell me and why they are better than the other AT's out there far as defenders go.