Restarting a civ...




Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
You're just a ray of sunshine on all fronts when comes to humans heh.
Just calling it like it is.



Originally Posted by Hero_of_Steel View Post
Ok everyone, a quiz that asks, How far can you jumpstart technology?

And a cheat sheet.
Well I could get you to the 19th century as long as you didn't need cement or a steel alloy. I got 7 out of 10 correct.

I didn't know you needed a flux to make steel (well now I know < > thanks to wiki ) and I had absolutely no idea what a rotary kiln did.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Just calling it like it is.
How you see it rather.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
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Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
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Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
How you see it rather.
Nope. Simple facts. The human race are herd animals. That's how we evolved. It's instinctive for us to go along with the majority and give up personal responsibility. We gather in groups and follow the Alpha dogs.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Nope. Simple facts. The human race are herd animals. That's how we evolved. It's instinctive for us to go along with the majority and give up personal responsibility. We gather in groups and follow the Alpha dogs.
No, that's your perception. While some people fit into that description, not everyone does. You're merely arrogant enough to refer to them as facts across the board, not sweeping generalizations that they are. Humans come in a sorts of flavors, and there's humans who would never follow anyone. There's people who are willing to lead or follow as needed that question authority. (like myself.) Human's are not remotely as weak as you perceive them, but I think you ultimately view yourself the same way. You see what you are.

I see a very different world and purpose for humanity. You say the rest of the planet would be better off without, I say you couldn't be more wrong. As the masters of this planet, it's our job to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. With out humanity, say some day a alien race would came and wiped out all life on this planet similar to what was purposed in the movie independence day. I tend to think all rest of the planet is better off with us for that scenario. Who knows what other issues might have occurred if humans were there to change the outcome in history.

Ultimately there's the expiration date this world has billions of years from now when the sun goes out. Would all these species be better off then without us? With us, there's a strong chance for humanity to carry the memories of this world and creatures into the stars. Life will not end with Earth. It's a beginning to something grander. Life always has a purpose. Even if it's unclear at the time it takes place, it's always there. If you're willing to see it.

Which I end with this, if you have such a universally bleak view of humanity, What purpose is it that you continue to contribute to something you view as negative to the world? Surely can't you see how contradictory it is that you sit and preach how awful we are as collective, but continue to play right along. If it were me I'd seek a means to change that direction(enlighten others, or try snuff out as many people I could. Take your pick heh.) if I felt so strongly. Being weak gives you the privledge to complain and never do anything about things that bother you since you believe you lack the means. Do you lack the means, are simply a coward, or possibly humanity isn't half as bad as you make it out to be? Only you know the answer to that, and that is a fact heh.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
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Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.




Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
No, that's your perception. While some people fit into that description, not everyone does. You're merely arrogant enough to refer to them as facts across the board, not sweeping generalizations that they are. Humans come in a sorts of flavors, and there's humans who would never follow anyone. There's people who are willing to lead or follow as needed that question authority. (like myself.)
No it's the truth. Nearly everyone fits into that description in one way or another. But feel free to live in denial if it brings you peace of mind.

Human's are not remotely as weak as you perceive them, but I think you ultimately view yourself the same way. You see what you are.
A disciple of George Carlin? Yep your right.

I see a very different world and purpose for humanity.
Good for you.

You say the rest of the planet would be better off without, I say you couldn't be more wrong. As the masters of this planet, it's our job to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. With out humanity, say some day a alien race would came and wiped out all life on this planet similar to what was purposed in the movie independence day. I tend to think all rest of the planet is better off with us for that scenario. Who knows what other issues might have occurred if humans were there to change the outcome in history.
ROFL! The planet has been doing fine without the human race for millions of years. It didn't start having problems with it's ecosystem until Humans showed up and started destroying the ozone layer, deforesting the rain forests, wiping out entire species for sport, rampant pollution, the list goes on.

Defend the planet against all enemies foreign and domestic? What enemies other than humans are a threat to the planet? Aliens? Yeah right we have to protect the Earth from all the aliens. <rolls eyes>

Wait you also said domestic enemies humans must defend against. Who would they be? The pussycats? No it's the BUNNY RABBITS. That must be why they're always eating carrots. So they can get good eyesight and take over the world.

Ultimately there's the expiration date this world has billions of years from now when the sun goes out. Would all these species be better off then without us?
Considering how many species we've wiped out of existence your darn right they are better off without us.

With us, there's a strong chance for humanity to carry the memories of this world and creatures into the stars.
It's just my opinion but I think the creatures of this world would be better off living amongst the stars rather than being memories.

Life will not end with Earth.
Of course it won't but only because life didn't start with Earth.

It's a beginning to something grander. Life always has a purpose. Even if it's unclear at the time it takes place, it's always there. If you're willing to see it.

Which I end with this, if you have such a universally bleak view of humanity, What purpose is it that you continue to contribute to something you view as negative to the world? Surely can't you see how contradictory it is that you sit and preach how awful we are as collective, but continue to play right along. If it were me I'd seek a means to change that direction(enlighten others, or try snuff out as many people I could. Take your pick heh.) if I felt so strongly. Being weak gives you the privledge to complain and never do anything about things that bother you since you believe you lack the means. Do you lack the means, are simply a coward, or possibly humanity isn't half as bad as you make it out to be? Only you know the answer to that, and that is a fact heh.
Life is something grander <snicker> Life's a joke and the jokes on us. The sooner people realize that the happier they'll be.

Life's a piece of ****
When you look at it
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.
You'll see it's all a show
Keep 'em laughing as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.



I am so torn between these two it's kinda amusing...

Can't you take this elsewhere and stop hi-jacking my thread?



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Do you think that you would be able to successfully remake cities that work and are well laid out, lighting, engines, electricity, get water, dispose of waste, farm food and transport it to where it needs to be, create an economic system, military, etc that would work and how close do you think you could get to a modern city using just your knowledge?
Well laid out? Of how many cities existing can that be said? What's the assumed method of transportation? Are the majority of people pedestrians, bikers, equestrians, drivers, or catapult enthusiasts?

Under which design esthetic is the look of the city to be handled?

One thing I know for certain: I'd have astronomers deciding how to best light the city.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I am so torn between these two it's kinda amusing...

Can't you take this elsewhere and stop hi-jacking my thread?
Out of respect for the thread I'll stop baiting him.



Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
I see a very different world and purpose for humanity. You say the rest of the planet would be better off without, I say you couldn't be more wrong. As the masters of this planet, it's our job to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. With out humanity, say some day a alien race would came and wiped out all life on this planet similar to what was purposed in the movie independence day. I tend to think all rest of the planet is better off with us for that scenario. Who knows what other issues might have occurred if humans were there to change the outcome in history.
We're obviously here to protect the Celestial egg.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
We're obviously here to protect the Celestial egg.
A joke from a PnP Champs RPG from many years ago:
Somewhere out there is.... The Hamster. This is a being built on the same number of points as a powerful superhero. But it has all the physical characteristics and powers of an ordinary hamster, save two: 1. Unaging and 2. Luck. A *whole* lot of Luck.
This is the reason that civilization appeared on Earth: To provide the wood-shaving-filled aquarium in a small elementary school where The Hamster can live comfortably. Superpowers exist to protect The Hamster from interplanetary threats such as meteors and alien invasions. The heroes will always manage to save the world thanks to the Luck Of The Hamster.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Nope. Simple facts. The human race are herd animals. That's how we evolved. It's instinctive for us to go along with the majority and give up personal responsibility. We gather in groups and follow the Alpha dogs.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Out of respect for the thread I'll stop baiting him.
You can master bait all you want; I didn't bother checking this thread till now heh. You said nothing I'd bother dignifying anyways.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
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Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.




And yet you still feel compelled to dignify my posts by quoting me and responding.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And that makes hospitals blow up
Not many people are aware that that happens. The authorities try to cover it up by blaming it on things like natural disasters or gas leaks.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
And yet you still feel compelled to dignify my posts by quoting me and responding.
Because was too easy to make a bad joke quoting that single line. You went along and posted all that dribble in response to my post, and yet you avoided the one part specficly aimmed at you for whatever reason.

BY Lastjustice
Which I end with this, if you(Forbin project) have such a universally bleak view of humanity, What purpose is it that you continue to contribute to something you view as negative to the world? Surely can't you see how contradictory it is that you sit and preach how awful we are as collective, but continue to play right along.
Everything else you posted in response to me is meaingless(hence my lack of quoting the rest if that was too subtle for you.) as this only thing you can reply to that interests me. You claim be so insightful, make sense of that. Somehow I doubt you can or will, but you're more than welcome to prove me wrong.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.




Priceless. I must have really pushed his buttons cuz he's still frothing at the mouth. Teh interwebz be seriuz bidnez!