Discussion: City of Heroes Freedom VIP Head Start and Level Pact Changes




Requiescat in pace, level pacts. I am under no illusions that they will ever return. Sucks for me, because I use them regular.



Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
Is this anything like Base Raids being disabled until they could be fixed?
heh.. So true.



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
Disappointing announcement is disappointing.
Yeah, gotta say the announcement of 'soon' is somewhat disappointing.

Here's to hoping the soon is actually soon, not three weeks from now. >_>



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Requiescat in pace, level pacts. I am under no illusions that they will ever return. Sucks for me, because I use them regular.
Make the characters you want to work on during the head start, level pact them, and perhaps by the time you're ready to roll new ones, they'll have the problem fixed and enable pacting again. Pick builds you think would be difficult to level on your own, based on your style of play for maximum effect.

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Originally Posted by Lord Mordeth View Post
Yeah, gotta say the announcement of 'soon' is somewhat disappointing.

Here's to hoping the soon is actually soon, not three weeks from now. >_>
There are showstopping bugs in beta.

There are showstopping bugs in beta.

They can't know how long it will take to fix so they can't possibly announce a date.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
There are showstopping bugs in beta.

There are showstopping bugs in beta.

They can't know how long it will take to fix so they can't possibly announce a date.
Bugs, or bug? Is there a showstopper other than the Mac store crash?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I'm giving 2 to 1 odds it ain't ever coming back. Supersidekicking killed it except for a few niche users. So the Producers are asking themselves: Is the time spent to re-code this worth pleasing a few users when there is little hope of monetizing it when it gets fixed?
Eh? Supersidekick killed it? That strikes me like supposing that the invention of the automobile killed the use of paper in books. The use cases I experience for level pacts just don't overlap with the use cases of SSK, like, at all.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



(Sorry haven't read every response in the thread... yet)

Perhaps, I'm guessing, Level Pact'ing will need to be recoded as a Premium/VIP feature?



It'll be interesting to see how long this feature will be out of commission.

If and when it comes back; I think they should expand it, anyone can lvl pact with anyone (that is VIPs to lvl pact with other VIPs/etc, maybe f2p players and premiums can't lvl pact).

I never liked the limit of "once you hit lvl 5 you can't lvl pact anymore".... 1 or 2 missions (and now 1 run of the new Sewer Trial most likely) and you're past the lvl pact range

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Okay so, this doesn't apply to me then?
I'm still trying to find out info on being a VIP subscriber.
I am a 45 month vet and a PAID subscriber. <--- This does not make you a VIP, why?
So, why will I, not be able to do the head start?
Who are the VIPs, and is there a list?



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
There are showstopping bugs in beta.

There are showstopping bugs in beta.
Since Beta is open and the NDA lifted - is there any particular reason you don't describe the bugs in question?

Other than that, I'm with the posters who doubt the feature will return. The dev's track record on such things is not a good one, there's always a new shiny on the horizon that Marketing wants them to work on.




Originally Posted by OnlyHuman View Post
Okay so, this doesn't apply to me then?
I'm still trying to find out info on being a VIP subscriber.
I am a 45 month vet and a PAID subscriber. <--- This does not make you a VIP, why?
So, why will I, not be able to do the head start?
Who are the VIPs, and is there a list?
If you are a subscriber you are a VIP. This DOES apply to you. You WILL be able to take part in the head start. This was made clear from the moment Freedom was announced.



Originally Posted by Doc_Scorpion View Post
Since Beta is open and the NDA lifted - is there any particular reason you don't describe the bugs in question?
Because from a user perspective, every bug is showstopping and you must launch with zero bugs


No but seriously if there's any fatal crashes at all it'd be a bad idea to launch with those, which is probably what people are talking about. Here's hoping it won't be long, what with the store already going down.



Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
Is this anything like Base Raids being disabled until they could be fixed?
I hate when you are right.



Originally Posted by Alien51 View Post
Super sidekicking can't get lower level players into the many forms of level restricted content in the game. They said in the announcement that many of us are useing it. I know I still use it.

I wonder if they are considering giving premium players a temporary level pact license that they can purchase.
Tie it to a vet tier.

This issue is actually the first time I've been planning on establishing pacts (following complaints that my Khelds are leveling too fast for my son's). I'll just have to be quick about it, I guess.

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Originally Posted by Bossa_Nova View Post
If you are a subscriber you are a VIP. This DOES apply to you. You WILL be able to take part in the head start. This was made clear from the moment Freedom was announced.
It does not, and they did say it would. It was written, but it didn't.



Originally Posted by OnlyHuman View Post
It does not, and they did say it would. It was written, but it didn't.
VIP = active subscriber. That's the definition of what VIP is.

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Originally Posted by OnlyHuman View Post
It does not, and they did say it would. It was written, but it didn't.
Not sure what you mean. As stated, the very definition of "VIP" in this context is "someone paying a subscription".

The only way you will not be a VIP is if you stop paying. Paying multiple months in advance counts as being subscribed for all the months in question.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by OnlyHuman View Post
It does not, and they did say it would. It was written, but it didn't.
Is there any chance you're confusing the Beta with the Head Start?

Just checking....



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
My guess: no one thought to write code to disable level pacting someone from VIP to Free and power leveling them with pacting or something similar, and launch is too close to commit code to change it. That's why we get pacts in head start then they go away after launch: they are fine with VIPs having them, but not so much with Premium and Free players being beneficiaries of them for some reason.

This suggests VIPs will get pacting back eventually, and launch is less than 30 days away.
That's exactly what I'm getting at. Is there a reason no one paid any attention to this?

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
(Sorry haven't read every response in the thread... yet)

Perhaps, I'm guessing, Level Pact'ing will need to be recoded as a Premium/VIP feature?
You know, like it should have been all along? Or at least, modified?

It just smacks of, "Whoops, forgot about that. Well, we really want this to go Live soon, so we'll just disable this until we get around to fixing it."

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Originally Posted by SkyStreak_TM View Post
Is there any chance you're confusing the Beta with the Head Start?

Just checking....
Yeah, I wonder if this has anything to do with the requirement to manually upgrade to VIP Account in Beta.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
That's exactly what I'm getting at. Is there a reason no one paid any attention to this?

You know, like it should have been all along? Or at least, modified?

It just smacks of, "Whoops, forgot about that. Well, we really want this to go Live soon, so we'll just disable this until we get around to fixing it."
They may just have forgotten about it indeed. It happens.



NooooOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooO the wait is killing me. So when is the head start?



I hope is tomorrow September 1 2011



Originally Posted by Undeadtaker View Post
I hope is tomorrow September 1 2011
Don't do that to me.... :P