Discussion: City of Heroes Freedom VIP Head Start and Level Pact Changes




Originally Posted by Arkham View Post
My guess... the other way around.
They don't want some VIP paying a RMT'er to create a free account and power-level their character up to 50 without them even having to be logged on to play.
Probably this. If RMT powerlevellers are using paid accounts then at least they have to pay for a new one after each ban (or con someone into giving them their account details, but presumably the supply of suckers will run dry eventually after enough get banned ). If Free accounts can level pact then the RMTs get an endless supply of free disposable accounts to PL people on, which can't be something that the devs want. Allowing level pacts to free accounts in particular would be bad because you can PL using those without needing the PL'ed player to actually be logged in, so people who aren't stupid enough to give a RMT their account info would still be potential customers...

Fortunately all it needs is a minor code change: add level pacting to the list of features that are free to VIPs but require a certain reward level (probably around the same as market access) or a paid license for Premium / Free players. Should be a quick change, but it'll take code time so I expect level pacts to be back when the code monkeys get some free time.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



I think this just confirms that they hope to make money off of F2P by offering them tokens to buy a level, XP to gain a level, character slots, etc. Basically, they have been paying attention to how PL'rs work the system and are now in competition with them.

That, and the number of us with multiple paid accounts who were hoping to cancel all but one primary one was likely a threat to their revenue model. I have one account that is ONLY used for PL purposes. Without level pacting, I would need to keep paying for at least two accounts to make this work.



So...i21 officially launches today?

"During the VIP Head Start, amongst other things accessible to our VIP players, Level Pacts will be available in order to take advantage of the brand new Power Sets that will be released then. However, after the head start has ended, Level Pacts will need to be disabled and new Level Pacts won't be available to anybody until we have been able to revisit the system at a later point."

This tends to state that it does...



Yeah so... why did leveling pacts get turned off before the headstart was over? :-/ And with no advance warning.



Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
Fortunately all it needs is a minor code change: add level pacting to the list of features that are free to VIPs but require a certain reward level (probably around the same as market access) or a paid license for Premium / Free players. Should be a quick change, but it'll take code time so I expect level pacts to be back when the code monkeys get some free time.
Actually, I would guess that this is exactly what they planned to do all along, but it wasn't just a minor code change or simple fix at all, which is why they decided to disable them until they can get it done.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



This actually really upsets me. My girlfriend and I reactivated our accounts under the very clear statement that the level pact feature would be included during the head start and that it would only be deactivated after the head start was over. We paid a lot of money to make the characters we wanted to play, but were unable to finish making the characters and pacting them because of a vacation. So even though we have paid NCSoft money and were told we would have a feature, we will not actually have it.

I understand that the devs want to put this feature in the Premium/VIP model they are working on, but there was no reason t disable the feature before the VIP head start ended.