Ideas for Further Customization: Weapon Pools!




Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
They were meant to be Standard pools, as any old schlub could pick up a gun or knife, whereas APPs and PPPs are a special group of powers only available to the mighty heroes and villains. I suppose Munitions may walk the line there a little, but they seem to represent the more high-end weaponry, where my pools are just the standard weapons.
Except what was suggested in the OP will never fly as Power Pools, and I can give you a positive guarantee they won't even work as Epics for everyone. You can't offer power pools that could constitute the better part of a Blast set if you chose to go with them, even with the associated drawbacks. Pools are supplementary powers, and these have the potential to turn into primary powers if you take enough of them.

The only reason I'm suggesting Epics is because Epics are the only place where an AT clearly and deliberately breaks out of its designated role. Melee get ranged attacks, ranged get shields, controllers get damage and so forth. If you're looking for something that upsets balance this strongly, that's an Epic pool.

I realise that anyone could pick up a gun or a knive, but not everyone can knife down a giant robot.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
One big issue... Shield throw was nixed for the actual shield set, because it stepped on Marvel's toes with Captain America's copyright. In short, if Shield Defense didn't get it, a power pool certainly won't.

That aside, the idea is not without merit... it certainly would make those Sword & Gun characters more feasible... but I wouldn't hold my breath.
If that's true, than Marvel needs to go sue Blizzard for giving Avenger's Shield to the Paladin class over there.

You can't own the copyright to "The act of throwing something at someone you don't like". The above-mentioned reasoning that the only way they could do it just didn't look good enough is much more believable.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
No, Shield Defense didn't get a shield throw power because the set is about using your shield to defend yourself, and you CAN'T use the shield to defend yourself if you've thrown it at an enemy. And it didn't get "nixed," there were never any plans for it.
All of these are why Captain A would be a mix of SR and shield, not WP.

I would like these concepts. Especially the Cap's Def buffs.



Love this idea. I've never liked the temporary powers, especially if they were supposed to be permanent powers for theme of my toon.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Shield (Captain America would technically be a Martial/Will Scrapper)

T1: Phalanx Fighting: Auto Self +Def (Melee, Ranged, AoE)
T2: Raise Shield: Toggle Self +Def(All Except Psionics)
T3: Shield Slam: Melee Mod. DMG, Foe KD
T4: Take Cover: Toggle Self +Res(Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, AoE)
I'm surprised no one has latched onto this one. Did you mean AoE to be energy/negative?



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Nope. I meant AoE. Ya know...You see the grenade get thrown and you pull up the shield to protect yourself.
But you can't +Res and AoE attack. might want to separate that into a +Def



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
1) Except what was suggested in the OP will never fly as Power Pools, and I can give you a positive guarantee they won't even work as Epics for everyone. You can't offer power pools that could constitute the better part of a Blast set if you chose to go with them, even with the associated drawbacks. Pools are supplementary powers, and these have the potential to turn into primary powers if you take enough of them.

2) The only reason I'm suggesting Epics is because Epics are the only place where an AT clearly and deliberately breaks out of its designated role. Melee get ranged attacks, ranged get shields, controllers get damage and so forth. If you're looking for something that upsets balance this strongly, that's an Epic pool.

3) I realise that anyone could pick up a gun or a knive, but not everyone can knife down a giant robot.
Starters. I would like enough natural and enough unnatural pools that I could take all 4 pool sets as one or the other. Be able to be all natural or all super, yet still get similar buffs.

1) I agree to a point on this comment. The defenses and the attacks need to be split up more, so you can't JUST take one set to get all your defenses.

2) I disagree, Existing power sets break the mold too. Super Speed: flurry, Super Jump: combat jumping, Fighting: all of them. So, I see no reason to not have more natural ones.

3) Though that is true, the same logic would apply to the WHOLE game. so, let's just not go there.

I would actually support adding a pool to the list.

quick strike: punch minor damage
quick movement: [auto] running speed buff and 5% recharge buff
lucky move: [auto] M/R/AoE def 3%
quick breath: [auto] +20% endurance a last second breath before you go below 5% endurance.



Let me just start here, anything in this thread can be balanced. Many pool powers aren't worth much in game anyway, but they are still there (Jump Kick level attacks just aren't good). So if the damage is pretty low and the activation time is high, they will not be more attractive than blaster set attacks.

We already have the Mace Epic pools that use a "weapon". So the animations can be done and worked out. The technology is there and it works.

But I think with some creativity these could be welcome additions to Power Pools. If some of the ideas are more "Epic" then so be it. But this is the type of thing that CoH can charge for adding to peoples options and it would affect every toon in the game. From that standpoint it would be an excellent business option for them to pursue as well.



Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
While it's a nice idea I think this is the reason they added the weapon temp powers.
Only those are suckie!

Not in the "suckie mechanics wise" but "suckie in how they look"

I don't want a revolver for instance. I want a Match Compensator!

Though I have thought, maybe what they should do is make "Weapon Judgement Powers"

Make a version of every weapon set, so it has a Judgement power equivalent.

Dual Pistols can have a more powerful Hail Of Bullets. Don't even need to change the animation.

Archery can have a more powerful Rain of Arrows.

Titan Weapons can have a more powerful Arc of Destruction (short animation).

Beam Rifle can have an all encompassing MEGA BLAST!

AR can have a bigger cone version of Full Auto, say 180 degrees!

Broadsword can have a more powerful Whirling Sword or something in the likeness of Whirling Smash.

Katana I'd say give a Vorpal Style Judgement to it, but with a sword instead of kicks.

Claws can have a PBAOE flipout and attack everything PBAOE! I'd make it just like Vorpal in the disappear and shadow clones appear and hit everyone style!

Mace and Axe can get something as well!

Now only would this allow weapon sets not be put into redraw mode if so desired for their judgement powers, this would allow people to tack on a weapon to their character concepts, even if it's just the one attack.

As someone who's wanted this for more than a few concepts, Id be willing to go with it. I don't need a lot of powers to obtain the Martial Arts + Dual Pistols concept that I want. I can easily make it work with Martial Arts + Awesome Judgement Ability, that lets me draw the pistols!

Same can go with the Dual Pistol user who needs the backup sword (or titan sword)...or the Fire Blaster who also comes equipped with a Katana!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I don't know that I like this idea, it's already hard enough picking which travel powers I end up getting. The last thing I want is to be in a situation where I have to finally give up all my travel powers just to make my character competitive. Hell, my Empath/Dual Pistols defender is just painful to play already on account of the fact that my damage just SUCKS. Giving me all sorts of weapon pools to choose from just makes me want to abandon the primary and secondary altogether for it. You know, so that I can deal damage in addition to looking cool.

It's a cool idea but I don't see it being anywhere near as cool for other characters.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
I don't know that I like this idea, it's already hard enough picking which travel powers I end up getting. The last thing I want is to be in a situation where I have to finally give up all my travel powers just to make my character competitive. Hell, my Empath/Dual Pistols defender is just painful to play already on account of the fact that my damage just SUCKS. Giving me all sorts of weapon pools to choose from just makes me want to abandon the primary and secondary altogether for it. You know, so that I can deal damage in addition to looking cool.

It's a cool idea but I don't see it being anywhere near as cool for other characters.
I think you miss the point. The Archetype most likely to "have to take" these powers would be Controllers who are short decent attacks.

But for every other archetype you'd be looking at slightly sub-par attacks, ie just a little bit worse than your Dual Pistol attacks. You would never have to take these powers to be competetive.

If they are designed well each power in each powerset would add something, but when you add attacks a toon can only activate so many powers before they start recharging. You can already take too many attacks in a lot of builds.

The point of these additional pools would be to make some non-optimized very theme oriented toons work.



@Talionis: YES! Thank you! You get it! the entire point of this was just for thematics. They're not meant to be as good as your basic powers, but to help round out characters and add to overall theme.

The street warrior who talks with his fists, but isn't afraid to pack heat.
The magician who has learned to hold his own in a sword fight.
A so much more!

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



I have thought of suggesting this very same idea, and I'd like to see it developed. I think even just a pool of five weapons to choose from to supplement your character would be cool. I'd be a good place to reuse the whip animations, for instance, by giving your toon a chance to carry a whip. Or a shield, sword, war mace, etc. It opens up possibilities for builds and costume and concept designs, never a bad thing.
(Please) Make it so, Devs!



TBH, they would need to fix redraw across power sets for this to be worthwhile (ie: you wouldn't have to redraw your weapon for any reason (such as activating healing flames) except for perhaps drawing a seperate weapon (like a nemesis staff)). In addition, aside from purely conceptual reasoning, power pool attacks are worthless aside from being set mules, these powers would have to at the very least be as good as tier 2 attacks to be worth taking (this would include buffing already existing power pool attacks). The only pool that would be numerically competitive to existing sets is the shield pool, however AFAIK it would be a nightmare to implement due to all the animation work needed and/or would be mutually exclusive with alot of things.



i stated some thing like this but really want a full power sets for blasters as they really lack in the secondary powers pools fallow link

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
TBH, they would need to fix redraw across power sets for this to be worthwhile (ie: you wouldn't have to redraw your weapon for any reason (such as activating healing flames) except for perhaps drawing a seperate weapon (like a nemesis staff)). In addition, aside from purely conceptual reasoning, power pool attacks are worthless aside from being set mules, these powers would have to at the very least be as good as tier 2 attacks to be worth taking (this would include buffing already existing power pool attacks). The only pool that would be numerically competitive to existing sets is the shield pool, however AFAIK it would be a nightmare to implement due to all the animation work needed and/or would be mutually exclusive with alot of things.
The whole point of power pools has always leaned toward concept. Not everything has to be "Numerically competitive".

These sets look good. Power pool it up.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
TBH, they would need to fix redraw across power sets for this to be worthwhile (ie: you wouldn't have to redraw your weapon for any reason (such as activating healing flames) except for perhaps drawing a seperate weapon (like a nemesis staff)). In addition, aside from purely conceptual reasoning, power pool attacks are worthless aside from being set mules, these powers would have to at the very least be as good as tier 2 attacks to be worth taking (this would include buffing already existing power pool attacks). The only pool that would be numerically competitive to existing sets is the shield pool, however AFAIK it would be a nightmare to implement due to all the animation work needed and/or would be mutually exclusive with alot of things.
BABs was working on removing redraw from all weapon powers, such that you would never have to play the draw animation if you could use a weapon power. You'd only ever draw the animation if you were out of range, out of line of sight or had no power selected. He managed to do this for quite a few sets, but ran into problems with Shield Defence. He was working on that, but said it would have to wait until after Going Rogue.

And then he left.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I just had a thought this would be good for a mid power pool of sorts to unlock a at 20 or so The require to unlock would be a induction mission during which the chance to test the first power of each. like a temp

There would be hero and villain groups with there own set of powers

hero longbow, Manticore and P.P.D. ect

villain side vozalock, skulls, and freak show ect

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Hm...Mid-level weapon pools? That could be interesting, but could possibly require a bit of rebalancing. As for the second bit of what was described, that sounded more like expanded Patron Pools, which would be cool, but isn't in the scope of this thread. Try the one in my sig.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Hm...Mid-level weapon pools? That could be interesting, but could possibly require a bit of rebalancing. As for the second bit of what was described, that sounded more like expanded Patron Pools, which would be cool, but isn't in the scope of this thread. Try the one in my sig.
The re-balancing could be in how many slots you are able to put in to it or what enhancements can be used in it. But to think of it it would be yet another power to put slots in so i think with the limited number of slots may fix its self.

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons