Ideas for Further Customization: Weapon Pools!




Just weapons? *Ahem*
The best way to do this.
1:Take every primary available, pick two powers from it, preferably a tier 1 and something "distinctive" about the powerset.
2:Pick a secondary that thematically "Matches" it, do the same.

3:Scale this new power pool similarly to current power pools, especially fighting for the melee/armor sets, in terms of damage, accuracy, recharge, end cost, debuffage, holdage, range e.t.c.
4: Make available right alongside the other power pools at level four
5: Make it so current primary/secondary choices exclude certain picks, particularly "Doubles" and things like claws with shields
8: profit

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



I'd love to see stuff like this added to the game. It would greatly increase diversity of concepts.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Just weapons? *Ahem*
The best way to do this.
1:Take every primary available, pick two powers from it, preferably a tier 1 and something "distinctive" about the powerset.
2:Pick a secondary that thematically "Matches" it, do the same.

3:Scale this new power pool similarly to current power pools, especially fighting for the melee/armor sets, in terms of damage, accuracy, recharge, end cost, debuffage, holdage, range e.t.c.
4: Make available right alongside the other power pools at level four
5: Make it so current primary/secondary choices exclude certain picks, particularly "Doubles" and things like claws with shields
8: profit
That...Is a good idea, but we already have Ancillaries. They could use expansion, though. But I would totally go for Mid-level Ancillary Pools, that aren't as strong as the higher ones, but are there mostly for thematics.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Ancillaries are so far down The line, so archetype-specific, and so limited in application that they are barely relevant to the idea of expanding character themes, abilities, or concepts.

Ancillaries are more icing on the cake.

I'm talking about allowing for more creative freedom at the near-start of the game.

These aren't supposed to have anything to do with ancillaries and more based on the normal pool powers and their application.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



You know what? I absolutely love this idea.

It almost certainly would run into technical limitations, unfortunately, but one of the (few) things I've always envied in CO was the ability to just grab a power or two from outside of your primary sets for flavour, fun or some funky min-maxing. More customization is almost always a plus in my eyes, and while we have more powers and more costume pieces coming out monthly now, being able to give my characters some flavour powers or have some more useful picks on my power-light characters (I'm looking at you, forcefields!) would be worth every minute of production time.



Yeah, because responding to YOUR thread from no more than a month ago really demands a call for that. Isn't that why everyone is constantly yelling at new posters to "search first?" So that when they search, we can make fun of them for necro-posting?

As far as I'm concerned, the idea is still good, and I still want to see this as an epic power pool. I keep throwing the idea around to people I team with in-game and I get mostly positive responses.

I still maintain that melee characters - all of them - really need to have access to at least a pistols pool, a rifle pool and a bow pool. They don't have to be major, just as long as my Katana Scrapper can shoot guns at people.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Still a good idea! I also feel that melee toons should have access to at least some ranged attacks, and in turn, ranged toons should have some melee attacks other than Brawl or Kick.

Hurl just isn't enough for tanks to take on fliers or snipers!



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
One big issue... Shield throw was nixed for the actual shield set, because it stepped on Marvel's toes with Captain America's copyright. In short, if Shield Defense didn't get it, a power pool certainly won't.

That aside, the idea is not without merit... it certainly would make those Sword & Gun characters more feasible... but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Shield Throw was nixed because the only way it could be done would be to throw a generic shield model (not the one attached to your arm), while the one attached to you arm stayed there. They decided that would look stupid, and gave us Shield Charge instead.
Actually, it was BOTH reasons.

Throwing a shield is specific enough to one character and one character alone that it is part of the trademark on that character.

I actually Googled it. Captain America is the ONLY character in ANY media who throws a shield frequently enough to be known for doing it. It is thus part of the trademark for that character. (Seriously, I went through more than 15 pages, and no other character cropped up in Google's search for characters that throw shields, just Cap).

The only other character that does it at all that I am aware of is Taskmaster, and he does it because copying other people's moves perfectly is his entire schtick.

That combined with the game engine limitation Roderick mentioned is enough that we will most likely never have the ability to throw a shield as an attack.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yeah, because responding to YOUR thread from no more than a month ago really demands a call for that. Isn't that why everyone is constantly yelling at new posters to "search first?" So that when they search, we can make fun of them for necro-posting?

As far as I'm concerned, the idea is still good, and I still want to see this as an epic power pool. I keep throwing the idea around to people I team with in-game and I get mostly positive responses.

I still maintain that melee characters - all of them - really need to have access to at least a pistols pool, a rifle pool and a bow pool. They don't have to be major, just as long as my Katana Scrapper can shoot guns at people.
I wasn't trying to be mean...I'm sorry if it seemed that way...

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



I think these would be better suited as Epic Pools than normal pools. While I DO understand the desire to round out your concept earlier on, but even if it was available then I'd wait until the 30s to slot what I need over what I want.



I still say I'd take these as power pools, and all that that entails as in reduced damage output, redraw etc., over an "epic" power pool.

As somebody that plays a really really gimped /devices melee fighter, as in all his attacks come from assorted power pools and vet powers, I've managed to get to level 24 almost entirely solo and have fun.

So, I'm fairly certain that, even with reduced damage/redraw etc taken into account, I'd love to do the same with a load of ranged attacks onto what is supposed to be a melee character and have as much, if not more fun, due to having the good toggles to cover my can built into the character.



Overall I think that they should be Epic Power Pools with ranged weapons (Dual Pistols, Assault Rifle, ect) be made available only to melee toons (Scrapper, Brute, ect) and melee weapons (Swords, Staff, ect) only to ranged toons. Whips, I'm not sure about. Maybe melee.



Originally Posted by DoctorWhat View Post
Overall I think that they should be Epic Power Pools with ranged weapons (Dual Pistols, Assault Rifle, ect) be made available only to melee toons (Scrapper, Brute, ect) and melee weapons (Swords, Staff, ect) only to ranged toons. Whips, I'm not sure about. Maybe melee.
I agree. Ranged weapons for melee characters and melee weapons for ranged characters is a the realm of Epic pools. The only problem is that Epics have kind of a set "formula" for how they're built. Scrapper Epics, for instance, have one or two attacks and the rest are utility powers like Web Grenade or Targeting Drone or Caltrops. This is actually the most relevant to Blasters, since their Epic shields are actually some of the best protection they're likely to get from conventional powers, meaning their sets need to somehow include that in them, as well.

Nevertheless, I stand by my position - Melee characters need at least a token access to rifles, pistols and bows WITH CUSTOMIZATION, and I can't disagree that ranged ATs need access to at least the more basic melee weapons like swords, axes and maces.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by DoctorWhat View Post
I think these would be better suited as Epic Pools than normal pools. While I DO understand the desire to round out your concept earlier on, but even if it was available then I'd wait until the 30s to slot what I need over what I want.
Originally Posted by DoctorWhat View Post
Overall I think that they should be Epic Power Pools with ranged weapons (Dual Pistols, Assault Rifle, ect) be made available only to melee toons (Scrapper, Brute, ect) and melee weapons (Swords, Staff, ect) only to ranged toons. Whips, I'm not sure about. Maybe melee.

Not to pick on you, but I have to disagree with both of these statements. Let them become available as soon as power pools are unlocked. Seriously, I see no valid reason for restricting these pools to "Epic" status or character/fighting class. This is really more about character concept and depth in my opinion. These pools are not going to create instant ubertoons and I just don't see them as unbalancing in anyway.

I personally would want to use a weapons pool to give my melee toon some ranged attacks. But there is no reason to lock it down to just that function. If I have an energy blaster who wants to carry a pistol too, that does nothing to hurt game balance and can only add more flavor to the character.

Weapon power pools are a seriously cool idea that deserve to be in game!



This could easily be expanded to encompass not just weapons, but virtually any other power set. A slice of four attack powers from Martial Arts for example or maybe Kinetic Melee.
Heh, I could envision toons that only had one or two powers from their primary sets and the rest filled out with pools, and really, I see nothing wrong with that!

Power Pools for all!



Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
This could easily be expanded to encompass not just weapons, but virtually any other power set. A slice of four attack powers from Martial Arts for example or maybe Kinetic Melee.
Heh, I could envision toons that only had one or two powers from their primary sets and the rest filled out with pools, and really, I see nothing wrong with that!

Power Pools for all!
I think that'd be cool, and it might bring us closer to the original idea of the game's designe (freeforming), but it might take a lot of balancing, and it would make Powersets that little bit longer to make. And what of purchaseable power sets? Are they purchased with the normal set, available to everyone as sort of a "taste" of the set, or VIP-Only?

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



I would think that if you have purchased a power set then the pool should also be unlocked for you. I doubt that every power set would be suitable. Beast Master for example, I just don't think you could make a balanced four power pool from it or any of the Master Mind pet sets for that matter.

And I could maybe see some limitations, not really sure it would be all that great to give a martial artist toon access to four repeat powers for example.

But by and large, you should be able to make most of the power sets work out as power pools.