Copy Tool Down?




Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Thanks for the update!

Also: Replace the hamsters with guinea pigs!
Oh god no! Have you Seen how lazy they can be?



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Sorry everybody, it is indeed still down as our operations team have had to deal with different tasks as their top priorities. We'll keep kicking the hamster cage until we are able to get the copy tool fixed.

Thank you for your patience!
Could the Training Room work priorities be tied together such that when we're asked to test something, the character copy tool is available for us to facilitate that testing?

I understand your saying they have different priorities right now but perhaps that is a business practice that needs changing.

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Originally Posted by Umber View Post
Could the Training Room work priorities be tied together such that when we're asked to test something, the character copy tool is available for us to facilitate that testing?

I understand your saying they have different priorities right now but perhaps that is a business practice that needs changing.
but you forget one thing

test is really a ad for service to come and features to come

the main game server is really "TEST" and we pay for that?

5 years on this game and it has not changed --have fun

ohh by the way all the other MMO's do the same thing



I've just accepted that I need to use one of my transfers to move a character to Freedom so that I can reliably have a tool for testing. I love doing testing and QA, and it bums me out that I don't have that option.

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Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Sorry everybody, it is indeed still down as our operations team have had to deal with different tasks as their top priorities. We'll keep kicking the hamster cage until we are able to get the copy tool fixed.

Thank you for your patience!
Thanks for the feedback!



Copy tool is still down... I don't understand why all the toons i used to have on the beta server are gone, again and there is no tool for transfering them back...






Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
My understanding is that the copy tool isn't down, it's dead, and a replacement is being made.

I have no corroboration for this, it's just my understanding based on what I saw others say in the Beta Testers channel Thursday night.
This actually makes sense considering how long it's been down, etc. I just wish we had more frequent official updates to such things. Even if you don't have set time frame atleast say "hey, X is broke. We're working on it."



Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
This actually makes sense considering how long it's been down, etc. I just wish we had more frequent official updates to such things. Even if you don't have set time frame atleast say "hey, X is broke. We're working on it."
You mean something like this?

Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Sorry everybody, it is indeed still down as our operations team have had to deal with different tasks as their top priorities. We'll keep kicking the hamster cage until we are able to get the copy tool fixed.

Thank you for your patience!
Hey, waddayaknow, they DID tell us it's broke and that they are working on it.

Or is it that you want them to come in and say something everytime someone posts about it still being down, even though they have no new news?

Or is it that you want them to come in and say something every few days just to satisfy people that they are still aware that it's broken, they are still working on it as an effort to forestall posts about it being down?

BTW, the posts about it wouldn't stop, even if the OCR team made a daily post about it being down.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
You mean something like this?

Hey, waddayaknow, they DID tell us it's broke and that they are working on it.

Or is it that you want them to come in and say something everytime someone posts about it still being down, even though they have no new news?

Or is it that you want them to come in and say something every few days just to satisfy people that they are still aware that it's broken, they are still working on it as an effort to forestall posts about it being down?

BTW, the posts about it wouldn't stop, even if the OCR team made a daily post about it being down.
Considering that was posted a Month ago (and one month after the initial post)...then I'd have to say Something like that, but not necessarily everyday. Even once a week is pushing it, but perhaps a top of the month update? And she didn't say it was broke, she just said they were trying to figure it out at the time giving the impression that it was a temporary thing. Something quite different than the rumored replacement. I'm not saying make it a priority, but it's something worth giving to the errand boy in the shop. :-p



When was the last time the copy tool worked?



Can we please, PLEASE get the copy tool back? How the HECK could it be broken for over two months?! HONESTLY!!! This is verging on pathetic. I hope you guys don't pay your crew that updates/maintains the copy tool and the server uptime webpage because they both suck.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Please fix the copy tool please. How can you really test stuff on Beta and Test server due to the fact your copy tool. And yes I know I can get a lvl bump but it not the same as testing with a build I have on Live.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Can we please, PLEASE get the copy tool back? How the HECK could it be broken for over two months?! HONESTLY!!! This is verging on pathetic. I hope you guys don't pay your crew that updates/maintains the copy tool and the server uptime webpage because they both suck.
this is why I'm actually hopeful that the rebuild rumor (although I admit to only hearing it in one post) is true as it would account for it. Either way the only fully operational PC I have right now is my 10+ y/o PPC so I'm screwed for game either way atm. :-p



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Can we please, PLEASE get the copy tool back? How the HECK could it be broken for over two months?! HONESTLY!!! This is verging on pathetic. I hope you guys don't pay your crew that updates/maintains the copy tool and the server uptime webpage because they both suck.
Still dead Jim.

This is uncalled for. How are we supposed to test stuff on beta when we can't transfer enhancements and inf or copy over L50 incarnates? Nor can we test builds on test server.

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Maybe we can at least get our monthly confirmation that the problem does still exist and someone knows and cares.



Any ETR for the copy tool to be back up every time I have tried to use it for the past 2 months it has been down is it that buggy?

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Originally Posted by Kazar View Post
Maybe we can at least get our monthly confirmation that the problem does still exist and someone knows and cares.
We did at this past week's Ustream coffee chat. They're working on it.

I'm guessing that Paragon Studios relies on NCSoft parent web services to make and maintain the copy tool. And NCSoft West is having some problems at this time. More than likely, they don't have a 'guy' to make it happen.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
We did at this past week's Ustream coffee chat. They're working on it.

I'm guessing that Paragon Studios relies on NCSoft parent web services to make and maintain the copy tool. And NCSoft West is having some problems at this time. More than likely, they don't have a 'guy' to make it happen.
then they need to fly a 'guy' out there or hire a temp comp/web guy to fix their crap. With the prices that ncsoft is charging in the store they can well afford to pay some guy 50 bucks an hour or whatever to fix their problems.

Few months before Free to pay went live the quality in many things has been going downhill and it's sad to see that happen.

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"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



I just resubbed a few days ago, and I sure would like to know what happened to the tool, why it happened and when it is expected to be back up.