Server downtime on 5 minutes notice?




Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
What is a hotfix?

I've alway's imagined it like a big piece of duck tape!...for the sever's...

(Pinnacle Server)
Glacile lvl 50 Ice Blaster
Enticing lvl 50 Invul Tanker
Aleaha lvl 50 Healer
Mistress Aleaha lvl 50 Scrapper
xAfterShockx lvl 50 Controller
Alex Brown lvl 50 Scrapper
Attrarre lvl 33 Controller
AJay lvl 32 Blaster



Originally Posted by Glacile
I've alway's imagined it like a big piece of duck tape!...for the sever's...
That's not far off. In MMOs it usually refers to a fix that is made on the game servers, thus no patch. It's also come to be associated with 'emergency fix'.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



the training room is up thats a good sign...

(Pinnacle Server)
Glacile lvl 50 Ice Blaster
Enticing lvl 50 Invul Tanker
Aleaha lvl 50 Healer
Mistress Aleaha lvl 50 Scrapper
xAfterShockx lvl 50 Controller
Alex Brown lvl 50 Scrapper
Attrarre lvl 33 Controller
AJay lvl 32 Blaster



This community needs a word for server withdrawal.




(Pinnacle Server)
Glacile lvl 50 Ice Blaster
Enticing lvl 50 Invul Tanker
Aleaha lvl 50 Healer
Mistress Aleaha lvl 50 Scrapper
xAfterShockx lvl 50 Controller
Alex Brown lvl 50 Scrapper
Attrarre lvl 33 Controller
AJay lvl 32 Blaster



Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
What is a hotfix?
Generally it's a piece of hastily crafted programming from a code monkey to fix something



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
It was a great way to dupe rares if you saw it coming, though.
That only worked on the american servers...

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
That only worked on the american servers...
I imagine the server farms were localized at that time. But if the Euro servers ever experienced that oddball rollback, then on-hand character inventory very well could have been duped via transferring to market or e-mail storage.



Originally Posted by SpaceNut View Post
Someone needs to rewrite that for old school players of CoH to impress the Freeps coming in!
... Challenge accepted:

Scene opens on four veteran heroes leading a new player through paper mission content, flaunting their Incarnate powers as they go

Veteran 1: Doing well here.

Veteran 2: That we are, going at quite a pace!

Veteran 3: Thank God for these Destiny powers overlapping one another!

Veteran 4: It's a far cry from what it once was!

Veteran 1: Who'da thought, back in issue 1, that we'd be blasting through level 54 content like nothing?

Veteran 2: In them days we'd have been lucky to have even survived level 54s, let alone breeze through them like we are!

Veteran 3: Barely survive.

Veteran 4: With quite a few teamwipes.

Veteran 1: Even whilst using every inspiration in the tray!

Veteran 2: Even at softcap positional defence, too!

Veteran 3: Even at every stat hitting the cap!

Veteran 4: Or even beyond.

Veteran 1: But we were happy in them days, even if level 54 content was too hard.

Veteran 2: Because level 54 content was too hard! Our powers used to mean something back then. I used to say the difficulty taught us things.

Veteran 3: Aye that it did.

Veteran 4: Aye.

Veteran 1: And even them powers was harder back then. Remember defiance didn't used to buff damage?

Veteran 2: Buff damage? You were lucky it didn't decrease damage like Fury once did!

Veteran 3: Decrease it? Pah! Scrappers' critical strikes used to deal the critical strike damage to the scrapper!

Veteran 4: Is that all? Back in them days Defender's inherent Vigilance used to remove 5 endurance per second for each player on the team and increase recharge time and decrease damage for all powers.

Veteran 1: Of course, when I say it didn't increase damage, I mean beyond the -9999% damage buff that was permanently applied to blaster archtypes.

Veteran 2: -9999%? You were lucky back then. We brutes used to have -9999% and lose a power every two levels.

Veteran 3: You were lucky to lose a power! Scrappers used to have their powers replaced at random for self-destruct buttons that dealt damage to the team! Each time a new mission started it'd scramble the power so that it came when least expected!

Veteran 4: You were lucky to be left with some functional powers at all! Defenders used to lose four powers for every level, have -9999% damage, have all their powers turn into self-destruct buttons and every time they self destructed it'd delete their character.

Veteran 1:... Just one character? I'd have killed to have just one character deleted. Each time Blasters moved it deleted every character on their account.

Veteran 2: Sounds like you were one of the lucky ones. Each time a brute even logged on it'd delete their entire account details and ban their IP from ever forming a new one.

Veteran 3: Just ban their IP?! Each time a Scrapper even thought about logging into their account it'd delete all the characters, delete their account, ban their IP and continue billing their account every month.

Veteran 4: But you try telling this to these new free players and they wouldn't believe you.

Veteran 1: Not a chance!

Veteran 2: But we had something back then.

Veteran 3: Aye, that we did. We knew about difficulty.

Veteran 4: And we worked for our rewards.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I imagine the server farms were localized at that time. But if the Euro servers ever experienced that oddball rollback, then on-hand character inventory very well could have been duped via transferring to market or e-mail storage.
That sound you hear high in the sky...

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I imagine the server farms were localized at that time. But if the Euro servers ever experienced that oddball rollback, then on-hand character inventory very well could have been duped via transferring to market or e-mail storage.
I meant duping rares only works if you've gone to the americans

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Great the sever's seem to be going from unknown back to down...fantastic

(Pinnacle Server)
Glacile lvl 50 Ice Blaster
Enticing lvl 50 Invul Tanker
Aleaha lvl 50 Healer
Mistress Aleaha lvl 50 Scrapper
xAfterShockx lvl 50 Controller
Alex Brown lvl 50 Scrapper
Attrarre lvl 33 Controller
AJay lvl 32 Blaster



Originally Posted by Jaziel View Post
As a new player i think poorly of all these 'Weekly' updates which are more like daily.
Ten months of the year, it is only once a week.

Six months or there abouts, typical maint starts at around 10:30pm aus time, much more bearable than the 8:30pm.

For about 6-8 weeks a year, its just about impossible to get on in Aus evenings - before and after big issue releases etc.

And there's always going to be emergency situations.

Also, welcome to the game.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
What is a hotfix?
Normally it would be a patch applied to an already running application/server, so the fact that they brought down the servers to do it makes it seem like a bit of a misnomer.

Bringing down the servers to do it kind of takes the hot part away.



Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
I sense a DXP weekend coming on!
At the very least!

And let's not forget to release the fully customizable Cat/Kitten models, a height slider that goes down to 1', and a chest slider which goes about a meter to the LEFT!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
and a chest slider which goes about a meter to the LEFT!
Unfortunately, due to this being a super hero game, such a thing can and will never happen. A fundamental aspect of the super hero genre is super unrealistic breasts that defy gravity.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



There can't possible be a (Paragon) market demand for that.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
First is the worst
Only one person at the Cap Au Diable black market -- just seems weird.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Looks like we're good to go -for the moment.