Who Will Die - Guessing Contest




I think it's Citadel. He's alive in the same way Data from Star Trek:TNG and can therefore, "die".

He'd be the easiest to replace, the least missed ... and BABs would be recruited into the Phalanx to replace him. The Citadel TF is now the BABs TF. Done and done!

(Of course i could be wrong, I predicted that the Impossible Astronaut would be an empty suit! Doh).

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



A little over a week before the next arc comes out, more or less. Get your guesses in before it comes out. Entry fees will jump up again when it does.



And again - entries are on hold until I can check out the new arcs, share what clues came out, and figure out an adjusted entry fee. I also have one guess from a couple days ago I haven't updated yet, I'll get that later today.



The email I got says the "Rulu-Shin Cult" attacked the Midnighter club... based on that, my Rularuu guesses are looking pretty good, unless it gets interpreted as a whole new enemy group.



If the group is closely enough related to the Rularuu, any previous guesses for Rularuu would count if the Rulu-shin end up being the culprit. Any new guesses from now on would have to be more specific, and again, I'll update the main post adjusting those previous guesses soon.



Played the hero version of the new arc, updated clues list, rules, and entries.

The new fee is a flat 15 million per guess, there's no more first guess discount. Good luck, keep the guesses rolling and get them in soon. The entry fee will raise to a likely 25 million when the 3rd arc comes out.



On the UStream today, Zwillinger said that removing the one who dies involved "a not inconsiderable amount of work" - which could rule out BAB as the victim, as he has a very limited presence in the game compared to the other seven targets.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Added a couple important clues in the first post, in between the spoiler tags.




I g-mailed you the 5 million entry fee last week and promised to drop my entry in the thread- thusly:

Sister Psyche is the one who dies, and I'll add that I think Emperor Cole does it. I think this is the pre-requisite to sticking her psyche back into Aurora's body, thus causing all sorts of problems for Manticore and Calvin Scott. (Neither seem to me to be the 'sharing' type.)

I haven't been in game yet this week, nor played SSA2 or checked the top of the thread, but if you need me to up my entry fee I'll be happy to send you the inf.

Regards, CP

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Yep, got your guess up there CP. Also had a fun guess come in that one of the FP becomes corrupt and the rest have to take him or her out, and then Statesman says something stupid like "let's build a memorial for them in Boomtown!"



My (not very serious) guess:

Everyone dies except Manticore and BAB.

Dark Watcher shows up.

Tells Manti to use an Oil Slick Arrow where the rest of them died.

BAB says "Oil Slick, WTF?" as Dark Watcher uses Howling Twilight to rez them all.

Tech support IRL, CLR/DRU/MED/WHM/PRI/DEF. Hmm, I sense a pattern...
S 80% E 80% A 40% K 0%
A few of my alts



Originally Posted by Balorn View Post
My (not very serious) guess:

Everyone dies except Manticore and BAB.

Dark Watcher shows up.

Tells Manti to use an Oil Slick Arrow where the rest of them died.

BAB says "Oil Slick, WTF?" as Dark Watcher uses Howling Twilight to rez them all.
Except one of them tried to hit the hospital but got lost along the way, and now they're the love-matic Statesman...



Most likely only one more week to jump in before the next arc goes live. Get your guesses in now at the current 15 million entry fee.



Wyvern existing means it can't be Manticore.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Wyvern existing means it can't be Manticore.
Does not. He got them started and has probably set something up to keep them financed in case of his death, but he doesn't need to be around to keep them going.

Although his role in Twinshot's arc makes it unlikely to be him.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Wyvern existing means it can't be Manticore.
They could be continue to be run by Swan.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



They've confirmed that episode 3 goes live tomorrow, so I'll again be putting entries on hold until I can check out the new arc probably on Wednesday since my daughter's birthday is tomorrow (5).



I would not expect Manticore or Sister Psyche to die since it would be too tragic.

In fact, I have come up with factors that would appear to rule out everyone except Synapse. Bye-bye, speedy.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Well, based on the email I got from the CoH team, it's not Statesman... unless the pic is of his ghost looking through a morgue window at his body.



Originally Posted by Felderburg View Post
Well, based on the email I got from the CoH team, it's not Statesman... unless the pic is of his ghost looking through a morgue window at his body.
That's just the loading screen for part 3 - if you haven't played it yet, I won't spoil who it is he's looking at - but it's not the main death - that happens in part 7.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Updated the spoilers in the OP to include what's been revealed in arc #3. The new entry fee is now 30 million based on the information given in this arc. I may also cut off new entries before the final arc goes live depending on how much information is available. Maybe by arc #5 or so. So get your guesses in while you can.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I'm curious to see what they will do if this is one of the heroes that awards a badge in Recluse's Victory. Will the badge be removed from the game? Will they change it so it awards for defeating a different hero? Of course, if it's Numina then there is no problem. She doesn't appear in RV. Neither does Citadel.
I was pondering that as well, but the devs could always award that defeat badge on to the WWD ending.

To the best dev team ever: I enjoyed meeting you all at the Summits and best of luck in all your future endeavors.



Added a couple points for clarity, and adjusted one rule in the main post. I am no longer accepting duplicate guesses. Every guess from here on must be unique. The extra rules are being added because of the dialog branching used in the current arc could be used in the finale to create multiple options as to who actually does the killing. I've also decided to clarify what it means to be the culprit. Is it the one who strung all the events together, or the one who actually does the killing. I've decided that both are valid answers, but if I had to choose between them to pick one winner, the one who actually does the killing would be considered the culprit.

The added points are:

*If the culprit is a part of a branching dialog, every option available in-game will be considered equally correct.

*The culprit may be considered to be the one who is manipulating the events to create the death or the one who does the actual killing blow. If both are guessed, the one who makes the killing blow is the more correct answer.



I just learned via information coming from the Pummit that episode 4 will reveal who the true mastermind of this scheme is. So, I will be cutting off all further guesses once that episode goes live. The aim is still to guess who actually does the killing blow, but if no one gets that correct, then if the mastermind is guessed then that will be considered correct as well. So get your guesses in now, there's only a few weeks left before episode 4 comes out!



Not actually entering because I really don't care about the inf, but I'd love it to be Statesman getting dead as payback by Kara The Scorpion.

I mean seriously, what the hell did she do to piss him off enough for him to personally break her spine?

Optimism_Penguin aka @Unchained Malice