Help me come up with a Chinese name




I have something of a problem. As the title might suggest, I need a name for an ancient Chinese character, and seen as how I'm not Chinese, don't speak any of the Chinese languages or know much about Chinese culture, I run a very serious risk of coming up with a name that's not only very stupid, but actually stereotypical and offensive. Hence why I need your help.

But I don't come empty-handed, oh no! I have a character already mostly made. I ran his costume through the Costume Request thread, and despite using all legacy pieces, people assured me it was just fine. He looks like this:

I even have a story written up for him: This is a man who was born 600 years ago and his father started him training in martial arts since he was four years old. by the time he was 90, he mastered all martial arts he had access to and was still going strong, so he gave himself to meditation, looking for the wisdom to decipher the meaning of life, if martial arts mastery wasn't it. By the time he was 130 years old, he found a way to transcend the physical world and simply left for the spirit world, where he could study the teaching and techniques of the gods. For 500 years he learned all he cared to know and found the spirit world insufficient, so he returned to the physical world, no longer looking for meaning but instead choosing to give meaning to his own life by guiding mankind to greatness and sharing his wisdom with the unenlightened.

*note* Yes, that description is a repost.

Originally, when thinking about Chinese names, the first that came up in my head was "Shen Long." I ran a google search for the name and it turns out it's a very famous Street Fighter hoax character. Famous enough for the name to be taken already. That, and "Shen" is the name of the villain from King Fu Panda 2. I thought about just replacing vowels or using other vaguely Chinese names I could think of, but not knowing what to do, I decided to read up on it.

In the 15 minutes of research, I found some interesting facts. It turns out a Chinese name is comprised of a family name spoken first, then a combination of a generation and given name romanised as a contraction. This produces some interesting names, but notably, some names very much unlike what I've mostly heard in fiction. More specifically, I'm speaking of names like the aforementioned Shen Long, the famous Chun-Li and others. What I believe is happening is that games and movies may sometimes call Chinese characters by just their generation name and given name as two separate words (which it seems isn't uncommon, either) and dropping the family name entirely. That's probably what I'll want to go with, as a full name would be unnecessarily heavy, as well as because I don't want to tie the character down to his roots, given his story.

Unlike last time when I asked for a meaningful Japanese name, I'm not actually interested in meaning this time around. Considering Chinese names appear to be contractions of two characters, I mostly just need two romanised Chinese characters that I could put together into a name, as well as making sure that that name still makes sense for a male child. I'm not quite sure what that actually entails, since certain concepts are considered masculine or feminine in Chinese culture based on a logic I can't quite comprehend being a foreigner who grew up speaking a language where gender is assigned to nouns via suffix.

To be honest, I'd still like to us the name "shen" in whatever contraction I come up with, so I'm mostly looking for just one, but I'd take a brand new name if someone has a better idea. I'm not above discarding my own ideas and taking other people's as my own

So if you speak any of the Chinese dialects or have any idea how Chinese people from, say, about half a millennium were named, please help me out, because I'm very much stumped here.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Hmmm, are you asking for a name name, like for the character himself? Because, honestly, you can just pick a random existing Chinese name (one that isn't common, or maybe of a historical person with a similar myth around them) and just copy that and no one would really know or question.

Or are you talking about a name used to refer to the character by other players? You can put the full name in the bio, but what is present above the character's name is what NPCs will refer to you as well.

Frankly, since chinese names can be pretty complex, I tend to rely on people that know the language to just give me a random name and I'll just nod or shake if I like it. But that's if I can't find an actual person from history or an existing person with that name to copy.

When all else fails, since this is a superhero character and martial artist, a title + family name works. If I were making my old Chinese kung fu teacher, I'd enter in something like 'Master Gao' or 'Gao Zongshi'.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Hmmm, are you asking for a name name, like for the character himself? Because, honestly, you can just pick a random existing Chinese name (one that isn't common, or maybe of a historical person with a similar myth around them) and just copy that and no one would really know or question.
I'd like to try to be as original as possible as my first option and possibly build one from scratch if someone can contribute a better grasp of what names can be used in which circumstances. Failing that, yeah, I'll probably rip someone off. It can actually be even simpler than that, though - I can do with just a couple of random, gender-appropriate Chinese characters (romanised such) to mash together for a name. I already suspect "Shen" would be appropriate for a man, since I've seen it used that way before.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Or are you talking about a name used to refer to the character by other players? You can put the full name in the bio, but what is present above the character's name is what NPCs will refer to you as well.
That's actually not a bad idea. I can work to come up with a full name, but not weight down the character name with it, and instead stick it in the description. This I like. Unlike with "Yamikaze no Rikimaru," my last made-up name, this one doesn't NEED to be long and confusing to type out. I don't think Chinese names have ever been very long to say, as a point of fact. So, yes, I can stick to just personal name for above the old guy's head and a full name in his description. Thank you

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Frankly, since chinese names can be pretty complex, I tend to rely on people that know the language to just give me a random name and I'll just nod or shake if I like it. But that's if I can't find an actual person from history or an existing person with that name to copy.
Ideally, I'd love for that to happen. Unfortunately, I don't really know any Chinese people personally (at least none that I'm aware are Chinese), but I AM hoping that one will eventually come buy and lend a hand. But it is exactly this complexity which keeps me from trying to make one up on my own, since I've no idea what I'll end up with. The stupid stereotype of Ching Chang Chung from BoneTown has me scarred for life. If I use a foreign name, I want to make sure I'm not embarrassing myself and insulting the people of that culture.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but it helps me when brainstorming for ideas.

Chinese - English Dictionary

Type in a word and it should spit out one or more results.

Evil is a maze of deceit and the cheese it hides is never worth the running.



Originally Posted by MDanger View Post
I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but it helps me when brainstorming for ideas.

Chinese - English Dictionary

Type in a word and it should spit out one or more results.
That's going straight into my bookmarks. Thanks!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



If I'd ever made a Martial Arts character, I'd have been tempted to name him after this fruit, just because its name sounds like an appropriate Chinese name:

"Flee, villains! You face the flying fists of Lo Quat!"

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



It's 3 AM and I want to put this down somewhere so I don't forget by tomorrow.

After searching dictionaries and lists of common names, I came up with three words that I think should be usable:

"Shen," as I mentioned before, which the dictionary offered to me before lists as meaning "god" and "soul" among others. I wouldn't want to use it for its meaning, but it IS a real word, and it also seems to be a real name.

"Shi," as I found in this dictionary, which seems to mean a whole bunch of things, but "history" is the one I was able to trace back to Traditional Chinese characters, and also a real name, apparently.

"Shao," which also means a whole bunch of things but is, above all else, on the list of popular Chinese surnames, so it is an actual, real surname.

I actually like all three of those and think I might go ahead and use them (probably costing myself another $10...), but at this point I'm not sure what order to use them in. Randomly searching for "Shen Shi" in Google gave me an article about the famous Chinese astronomer Shi Shen. Again, as Chinese names are complex, I can't tell if this is a family name / given name combo or just a given name split into its two characters. I'm also not sure I want to use a famous person's name, something which I read is considered to be in very poor taste. However, the reverse and what I originally searched for does not appear to be famous. Considering Shao appears to mostly be used as a surname and given the above, I now have a name to consider:

Shao Shenshi

I'm not sure if I'll go with that name and I do so hope that it won't make me look like a complete *** if I run into any North Korean gold farmers, but it is a start and definitely something worth sleeping on. This isn't done yet, but thank you kindly for the help so far.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I like that you are doing research in order to improve your character concepts.

There is a fairly extensive article on Chinese names here:

I'm not sure how reliable it is. It is a good idea to do further research any names you pick up on.

This article explains naming traditions:

Again I am unsure how accurate it is. At least part of it is lifted directly from Wikipedia. The challenge will be finding a name that was appropriate 600 years ago. You have to be careful not to accidentally pick a name like "Brittany." Of course, sometimes names that sound ridiculous now were legitimate in their day, like "Nimrod."

Another possible source of names is to look at historical events from the time period you are working with. 600 years ago might put him in this period of Chinese history, although admitedly I'm not an expert:



Hu Flung Pu
Sum Ting Wong
Hu Yu Hai Ding
Kum Hia Nao
Dum Gai
Tai Ni Po Ni
Wai Yu So Tan?
Ai Bang Mai Ni
Chin Tu Fat
Wai So Dim?
Wai Yu Mun Ching?
No Pah King
Wai Yu Kum Nao?
Lei Ying Lo
Wa Shing Ka
Yu Stin Ki Pu
Wun Hung Lo



Chon Wang.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Just thought I'd put in my 2 cents:

I am of Chinese descent, but I am not fluent by any means...

"Shi" can mean the number 4, and is also the same sound as "death," which is why most (superstitious) Chinese will not buy a house with that number in it. It is considered bad luck.

"Shao" means little or small. Bruce Lee's Chinese name was Li Shao Long, which translates into Lee (Family Name) Little Dragon.

Hope this helps.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
"Shen," as I mentioned before, which the dictionary offered to me before lists as meaning "god" and "soul" among others. I wouldn't want to use it for its meaning, but it IS a real word, and it also seems to be a real name.

"Shi," as I found in this dictionary, which seems to mean a whole bunch of things, but "history" is the one I was able to trace back to Traditional Chinese characters, and also a real name, apparently.

"Shao," which also means a whole bunch of things but is, above all else, on the list of popular Chinese surnames, so it is an actual, real surname.

I actually like all three of those and think I might go ahead and use them (probably costing myself another $10...), but at this point I'm not sure what order to use them in. Randomly searching for "Shen Shi" in Google gave me an article about the famous Chinese astronomer Shi Shen. Again, as Chinese names are complex, I can't tell if this is a family name / given name combo or just a given name split into its two characters. I'm also not sure I want to use a famous person's name, something which I read is considered to be in very poor taste. However, the reverse and what I originally searched for does not appear to be famous. Considering Shao appears to mostly be used as a surname and given the above, I now have a name to consider:

Shao Shenshi
Well, combining like words doesn't work that way with kanji which is based on the Chinese hanzi system so I'm expecting, combining words with the meanings you want won't work.

You may be looking up pinyin, which are more like syllables, while traditional are logosyllabic that can be a syllable or a word. Even I'm confused, but I can say shoving syllables together like you did most likely won't carry the same meaning.

For example, if you look up the symbols for that Shi Shen guy, they mean 'Stone/rock' and 'to extend/to state/to explain' but there are obviously other symbols for Shi and Shen and most likely it's the symbols that carry the meaning and their combination moreso than the pronunciation. Basically, unless you know, I wouldn't try combining syllables for your name...maybe as separate words though...

Also, yes Shi was that man's surname and Shen was his given name. He was referred to as Shi Shenfu as well. I'd presume Shifu may be an appropriate way to refer to him but I'm most likely wrong.

I'm not sure if I'll go with that name and I do so hope that it won't make me look like a complete *** if I run into any North Korean gold farmers, but it is a start and definitely something worth sleeping on. This isn't done yet, but thank you kindly for the help so far.
Why would you care what some goldfarmer thinks of your name when their naming schemes are usually random letter patterns?



The one problem with naming a character with Chinese "words" is that since Chinese is a tonal language, it depends on pronunciation, context and/or written character to be properly understood. SOOO, if you choose to use a name that is rendered with English characters using Pinyin, you will inevitably lose out on all of those... it will have no tone marker (unless you intend the name to look like this: Shi3 Tou2 Ma4), won't have any context and will almost always be pronounced by folks who have no idea how to say it correctly. As such, making it "real" is actually somewhat of a disadvantage in this situation, I would think.

But, if you want to pick a name, use the MandarinTools site and search for things in Pinyin without any tones and see what other meanings come up.

For example:
Shao — is a word all by itself, and exists as a different meaning with all of the different tones in Chinese. It ranges from a surname, place name, a spoon/ladle to meaning "very little" (which is the meaning I am most familiar).

So, in other words, do glance down a list once you pick a word with a meaning you like (especially at words with different tones than the one you have chosen). Also, as Leo said, don't just smash two words together. Most all of the Chinese I know consists of strings of independent characters. In fact, the only words I know that are made up of two parts like that are words that have a particle attached (eg. to make something plural or past tense) or are approximations of English words (like when they smash a few random characters together to approximate the sound of the English word "whiskey"). Of course, now that I said that, someone who speaks fluent Chinese will come along and tell me how incredibly wrong I am.



Actually, many style names I've seen (such as in Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Outlaws of the Marsh) seem to be made up of two characters/words put together.

My own forum name is similarly constructed, though I typically use the Japanese pronunciation of the first character rather than "Tian".

I like Shao Shenshi. It's got that ring of pseudo-authenticity and it simultaneously has the American comic book alliterative-name thing going.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



It's easier to come up with a meaning than pick a name for you... in fact, you can pick some tones that you like, and I'll come up with some meaning that you like.

Let's go with Shao Shenshi for now. (Going to use traditional characters here since he's old and names look nicer that way)

邵 as surname. If you don't like writing it as Shao, you can write it as Shaw.

Now Shenshi. There are a lot of characters that can be pronounced that way, but not all sound good in a name. Don't worry about the generational name and what not. This can be his 'nom de guerre'.

神士 - "amazing knight/gentleman"
深士 - this is like a "hermit scholar"
慎士 - "cautious warrior"
神視 - "supernatural vision"
深視 - "penetrating insight"

On the more mystical side,
神石 - "magic stone" ... a bit weird but hey

Maybe people can give him titles like
神師 - "amazing master"
绅士 - "sir/gentleman"

And if you like him to be evil, there's always
神尸 - the "magic corpse". Err lol

Hope that helps.
N.B: The tones are different but don't worry about it, people from different regions would pronounce the name differently anyway, i.e. not as "shenshi" but something else.

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



Wow, I honestly didn't expect such a strong response. Thank you! I don't think I can piece-quite and respond to everybody, so I'll try to sum up what I can with just a couple of quote.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Why would you care what some goldfarmer thinks of your name when their naming schemes are usually random letter patterns?
I was joking More I mean that all kinds of players play City of Heroes, and I expect to run into at least one or two Chinese people, so I want my name to be non-stupid for their benefit. I've seen enough faux-Russian to simply not want to do that to anybody else.

Originally Posted by Freem View Post
It's easier to come up with a meaning than pick a name for you... in fact, you can pick some tones that you like, and I'll come up with some meaning that you like.
Thank you, Freem! If I have your ear, I actually have a few questions and suggestions:

First of all, if mashing characters together, is it appropriate to split a character's name in three parts and, for instance, write my example name as Shao Shen Shi? Having slept on "Shao Shenshi" has made me realise I made exactly the same kind of mistake that I did with "Yamikane no Rikimaru," which was to produce a name that was meaningful but not something I actually liked on merit of sound and aesthetic.

I want to call this character "Shen" as the name with which he is addressed most often, which would be his given name. Not Shenshi, not Shen Shi, just Shen. The problem, as I understand it, is that if this does act like a generation name, then addressing someone by that is confusing since it can apply to any one of his immediate family. I don't want to flip the name around as it then has him named after a historical figure, which I understand is frowned upon.

I think I might just take you up on your offer and just offer you a sound I'm going for. In this case, I think I've found what I liked - a name which relies on the aliteration of the "sh" sound. I don't know how a genuine Chinese person would pronounce those, but they way they sound in English spelling, you have this VERY heavy, repeating "sh" sound in the whole of "Shao Shenshi," and that's the sound I want to go for.

Would you, however, advise me to go with a simpler name if I want the character to be referred to as just "Shao" by his friends and enemies? Would dropping a character and going with simply Shao Shen be appropriate for a name? I could do that. It would be simpler and give me the given name I want... I think.

As far as meaning goes, I'm actually not that concerned with finding the perfect meaning for the name, so long as it's not something stupid, like "Master Pink Unicorn" or some such. I'm also going to try an avoid including any Traditional Chinese symbols into City of Heroes, both because I have NO knowledge of the language whatsoever and because adding Chinese keyboard layouts causes my Microsoft Language Bar to get stuck in them permanently. I know City of Heroes supports Unicode and will display them just fine, but I can't actually type or read them, and I have a policy of not including text I can't replicate or translate So as long as the name doesn't have some silly alternate meaning, I should be happy with it.

Basically, I want someone you can address as "Shen" and possibly with the family name of "Shao." If we can add in more characters for the person's full name in his bio, that would be even better, but I want a name above his head that a Chinese person would look at and go "Hello, Shen."

And again - I'm honestly shooting in the dark here, as I know practically nothing about the subject matter.


On a somewhat unrelated topic and purely out of curiosity, can someone tell me what Chun-Li's name... Is? Does it mean anything, which part of it is what name, is it missing a surname, etc.? This isn't important, it's just something that's bothered me since I was about 5 years old watching people play old arcade games


Overall, I have a costume for the guy all set, I have powersets for him so all I need is a name and he can be made.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Not really that knowledgable about Chinese names, but I did read about etiquitte (lol sp?) on the wiki page. It's not polite or honorable to refer to someone by part of their name without a title. They used the example of Yao Ming: You would call the person by the full name, Yao Ming or Mr. Yao Ming or just Mr. Yao. You would not refer to that person as just Ming or just Yao or as Mr. Ming.

Even popular examples like Chun-Li (which the symbols mean beautiful spring, i believe), that's her full name. If you don't want those NPCs disrespecting you, better have them say your full name, put a title before the surname or something.

If you want people to refer to your character as Shen, that could be a possible pen-name and not his real name...or make Shen his surname, and put a title in front of it, like Mr. Shen or Master Shen Shao Shi or some other...

But that's just info going off the wiki. That may be particularly formal while in reality, China may be far more casual than that.



I know I am late with this, but as I was sipping my morning hot tea I noticed it is a "Authentic Chinese Tea" and is called Wu-Yi.

Last night in the help channel I saw someone, whose toon was named after a book, insist that any name is alright as long as it is not a Super Hero name.

Wu-Yi has a nice ring to it...and the tea is wonderful


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
First of all, if mashing characters together, is it appropriate to split a character's name in three parts and, for instance, write my example name as Shao Shen Shi?
Write it "S A B" or "S AB" or "S A-B" as you like. "AB S", "A B S", "A-B S" is also used when interacting with westerners.

I want to call this character "Shen" as the name with which he is addressed most often, which would be his given name. Not Shenshi, not Shen Shi, just Shen. The problem, as I understand it, is that if this does act like a generation name, then addressing someone by that is confusing since it can apply to any one of his immediate family.
Your best bet is to let Shen (沈) be the surname, "Shaoshi" be the name. For a 500 year-old guru he's probably going to be called "Master Shen" or "Teacher Shen". Nobody is going to use his name to his face.

You can use "Shen Shao Shi" ("Shao Shi" is the name), or just "Shen Shi (氏)" which is just a "person who is of surname/descent Shen".

Besides, most people in the game who sees "Shen Shan Shi" or "Shen Shi" would call him "Shen" anyway.

If you want him to refer to himself as "Shen", then as an ancient person, he can have the name "Shen Shen" and courtesy name "Shen Shao Shi". Then with the proper ancient person mannerism he will say something like "Shen will kill 10 Skuls" (referring to himself, his name).

Chun-Li is the whole name, she doesn't have a surname.

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Not really that knowledgable about Chinese names, but I did read about etiquitte (lol sp?) on the wiki page. It's not polite or honorable to refer to someone by part of their name without a title. They used the example of Yao Ming: You would call the person by the full name, Yao Ming or Mr. Yao Ming or just Mr. Yao. You would not refer to that person as just Ming or just Yao or as Mr. Ming.
You make a good point, Leo. I'll need to rethink this, making me happy I decided to sleep on the name and get a few more opinions my way. It's definitely helping me get a better perspective on things.

Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Wu-Yi has a nice ring to it...and the tea is wonderful
That's not a bad idea, but it's kind of sort of taken by Penny's dad, Wu Yin I know it's not the same name, and when it comes down to Traditional Chineese characters probably not even anything like close, but as well as being authentic, I am also aiming for a bit of Westerner showmanship (which is funny since I'm about as East in Europe as it gets before you cross into Asia ), and having a romanised Chinese name that's that close to the romanised Chinese name of a canon character strikes me as a bit confusing. That, and I KNOW people will make fun of the name similarity

Wow... Three smilies in a single paragraph. I must be in a good mood.

Originally Posted by Freem View Post
You can use "Shen Shao Shi" ("Shao Shi" is the name), or just "Shen Shi (氏)" which is just a "person who is of surname/descent Shen".
I think you just gave me the name I was looking for pretty much as-is. Now I just hope I can snag it before someone beats me to it I don't know "Shen Shao Shi" has any kind of real meaning, but if you're offering it to me, I can assume whatever it means is not inappropriate. Seems like I can easily just go with that. Thank you kindly for your help!

Originally Posted by Freem View Post
For a 500 year-old guru he's probably going to be called "Master Shen" or "Teacher Shen". Nobody is going to use his name to his face.
Yeah, about that: The article on Shi Shen, the Chinese astronomer, the man is also referred to as "Master Shi Shen," which is given in pinyin as "Shi Shenfu." I assume this has to do with actual Chinese language grammar and word formation so I wouldn't even try to guess how that might work for my name, so let me instead ask a direct question: If the name you gave me should be referred to as "Master Shen Shao Shi," how would that come out in pinyin romanised Chinese writing? This isn't as directly important to the name above the character's head since I doubt I'd put it there, but it definitely IS something I'd want to put in his description field. He is, after all, "the old master" in terms of concept


Something I didn't find a good single quote to address, as well: Thank you for your explanation on Chun-Li's name, Freem and Leo. I appreciate it, as I like knowing what I'm reading and what it means, if even just vaguely. The name meaning is interesting a well.

In general, thank you everybody for your help. I honestly could never have come up with this name on my own, and I really, really like it! I might actually go ahead and reserve it, even if I don't play the character right immediately.

See, this is why I like our community - I can come up with any request for any unusual thing and eventually people will come over and help out. It makes the gaming experience so much more enjoyable, and it gives a feeling that there's always someone who can help. So, thank you

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



So for character name of "Master Shen Shao Shi", that can be changed to Shen Shao Shifu in pinyin (please please please correct me if i am wrong on this one though)

*edit* Looking up on Wikipedia Shifu is pinyin for "master" anyway *arrgh!*



In Japanese, the honorific "-San" is something people use when addressing or referring to other people. It's never used on yourself; i.e., you would never introduce yourself as Samuel-San or Tow-San, even though in English it's perfectly acceptable to introduce yourself as Mr. Tow.

You may want to check if Chinese is the same way with titles and honorifics. If so, ideally you'd want to set it up such that other people refer to you by title, but you yourself would leave it out.




I know that the titles, while they carry the same definition may have different context.

For 'fu', it may mean 'master' but it may mean master in the instructional/teacher sense. I know a martial arts teacher would use the title 'shifu' or 'sifu' but I have no clue on the rules if you'd shorten that when adding it to a name.

Could be Shen Shao Shifu, Shen Shao Shishifu, Shen Shao Shisifu...I'm actually curious about it myself. Since we'd always just put our old teacher's name infront of a 'sifu' and be done with it >_>