It's official: no lifetime subscriptions




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It's not overuse when the opportunities keep presenting themselves.
So have you asked the people in charge of the website to host that image for you yet?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
That looks delicious! Dammit, now i'm hungry.
Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
There is only one thing I can say to that:


Is the pancake pet part of issue 21?



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
While I respect their choice. I highly doubt that "all other MMOs who had tried it regretted the move." I mean..sure I suspect LotRO wishes a bunch of us hadn't bought them, but on the other hand, if we hadn't they wouldn't be here now. For games like CO and DCUO it's obvious they're only doing it to milk what's obviously a dying product, I don't believe that was the case with LotRO, nor have I ever regretted my decision.
The question is not whether *you* regret buying a lifetime sub, but whether the company that offered it did. And almost by definition, every time you didn't regret it, they did.

Also, CO offered lifetime subs prior to launch.

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There are only two games I have ever considered the purchase of a lifetime sub in to be worthwhile: LotRO, and this one. Sadly, this game never offered that option, but it still remains only one of two games I'd find it worthwhile for, even now all these years after its release.

Had CoX ever offered the option, I would have snagged it in a heartbeat. I've played erratically since CoH Beta... some months I play nearly every day, some months I don't play a single day. The lifetime option would have made it easier for me to hop in whenever I felt like it, and not 'well fudge, I haven't played in 2 months, I might as well cancel' only to get the urge to log in a week later, re-sub, play for 2 days, have something come up, and then not play for another month. Had CoX offered a lifetime option, I would have still bought all the boosters I've purchased, and I would have still purchased CoV and GR, and I'd still be purchasing anything else I was interested in that popped up that required money.

But CoX is not to have a lifetime option, and I came to terms with that about 3 years ago... even though, damn, it would have been nice, yeah?



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It's not overuse when the opportunities keep presenting themselves.
What you should do is have a professional portrait taken of yourself in that exact pose, with that exact expression.


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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Lifetime subs are a ticking financial bomb for developers and publishers - the people who buy them are the most dedicated players of a game - the people who'd be the most likely to pay subs for years.
Once the lifetime sub has paid for itself, the company is left with players who are entitled to all the perks of a sub, but who aren't actually required to pay a single cent anymore.
Just look at all the players here with 2004 and 2005 registration dates - NCSoft has been getting 6-7 years of subs from them instead of getting 2 years up front, and then having to support what would basically be free playing VIPs for the other 4-5 years.
I couldn't agree more. It always amazes me how many people usually clamor for lifetime subs, not realizing how they're essentially shooting themselves in the foot.

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Good. This game is still the bees knees. If it went lifetime sub. it would so go down the hill... <insert named games>



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
Good. This game is still the bees knees. If it went lifetime sub. it would so go down the hill... <insert named games> could do exactly what it's going to do right now, could improve.

The whole notion is moot. Paragon/NCSoft is not going to do it, so prognosticating its effect on the game is pointless. This game is not those other games, and not just because we don't have lifetime subs and they do. Trying to predict what would happen based on other games that are not us is silly.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Lets say I bought a lifetime sub at the time CoH launched in the EU, in February 2005. If it cost say... £200, that's about 22.5 months of playtime.

I'm coming up to being a 78 month vet now. That means that the company would have lost about £484 of sub fees from me (Taking into account some free months from boxes.)

That's about $791 that hasn't gone towards the game.

How good for the game and company is that, huh?



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
Lets say I bought a lifetime sub at the time CoH launched in the EU, in February 2005. If it cost say... £200, that's about 22.5 months of playtime.

I'm coming up to being a 78 month vet now. That means that the company would have lost about £484 of sub fees from me (Taking into account some free months from boxes.)

That's about $791 that hasn't gone towards the game.

How good for the game and company is that, huh?
It's only good if it's used as a limited offer. Say game "X" needs a certain amount of money to offset development costs, so they announce they are offering LTS's to the first say 5000 people (random number I picked) for 30 days whichever comes first. Now if they charged $300 for the LTS that could get them 1.5 million.

Now for an MMO if the pop ever drops to the point where the money from those 5,000 subs becomes an important loss of revenue, well it will have shut down long before the pop drops that low.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The question is not whether *you* regret buying a lifetime sub, but whether the company that offered it did. And almost by definition, every time you didn't regret it, they did.

Also, CO offered lifetime subs prior to launch.
I'm aware of this, and as an extensive participant in the CO beta, I can tell you that by the amount they ignored our feedback, the game was almost dead by launch too :P not even counting the massive bait-and-switch they pulled with the launch-day (or a few days later) patch.

Re: LotRO, I respectfully disagree. I highly double Turbine regrets those decisions in the slightest, given where they are at the moment, and given how much COHF has taken from the DDO/LotRO model.

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