Do the Devs remember Hero Corps?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Well, then like the dear Crey tanks, the truth of a conspiracy surrounding Hero Corps and increases of costumed villains is only conjecture as well. There might not actually be any truth to it on Hero Corps' end (how many evil corporations do we need, anyway? Good corporations exist in comics too, y'know: Wayne Enterprises, Stark Industries, etc). Perhaps one of their previous enemies just simply has a bone to pick with them and sends minions to hassle them....
There's no specific answer re: HC and supervillains. Or, rather, no need for just one answer. You can:

- See it as villains "upping the game" in response to hero corp showing up (IE, mob controls drug trade in small country, HC shows up, mob hires on villains.)

- See it as Mercenaries being Mercenary and causing trouble intheir time off ("Nobody can catch me if I rob this bank...")

- See it as an internal plot by some HC folks to keep business brisk,

- Mix of the above.

I go for #4, specifically.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
There's no specific answer re: HC and supervillains. Or, rather, no need for just one answer. You can:

- See it as villains "upping the game" in response to hero corp showing up (IE, mob controls drug trade in small country, HC shows up, mob hires on villains.)

- See it as Mercenaries being Mercenary and causing trouble intheir time off ("Nobody can catch me if I rob this bank...")

- See it as an internal plot by some HC folks to keep business brisk,

- Mix of the above.

I go for #4, specifically.
It's entirely possible that the Devs like it that way and that's why it seems that they've "forgotten" Hero Corps. They don't write any stories about them because they prefer them to be open to individual interpretation.

The only good counter-argument to that is their track record in going out of their way to explain other things that didn't require explanation, like power proliferation (Really? A mad scientist did it?) and Origins of Power ("Yes, yes. It's all a complex tapestry." 5 pts if you recognize the Simpson's episode) and of course Incarnation (which already has plenty of discussion threads devoted to it).

I guess that until they show an inclination to address the issue that we can assume that MemphisBill's #4 is the "right" answer.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Hero Corps uses nearly all costume pieces players have available. The only issue is their chest straps, but they look nearly identical to the Stealth chest piece, so that issue is resolved easily.
Is that a signature shade of blue or is that one of the shades in the palette? It does look like the bandolier and the logo are the two signature bits. You have to wonder why the HC logo was not added to the 30-month veteran rewards. Seems like a glaring omission.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
The only good counter-argument to that is their track record in going out of their way to explain other things that didn't require explanation, like power proliferation (Really? A mad scientist did it?) and Origins of Power ("Yes, yes. It's all a complex tapestry." 5 pts if you recognize the Simpson's episode) and of course Incarnation (which already has plenty of discussion threads devoted to it).
As I've said in at least one of those threads, my desire to see the Devs expand and/or clarify the lore is tempered by some of the incredibly stupid (IMO) things that they have come up with lately. I'd almost rather have no background than one I have to just shake my head at and ignore.

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Faces of the City



[QUOTE=Olantern;3765022]Well, that's the best way to handle any faction, of any alignment, but limitations of the game design and writing time tend not to allow for it. Witness the fact that every single employee of the Crey Corporation is trained for combat and attacks heroes and allied factions on sight. (And more puzzlingly, since every project Crey works on is underhanded, meaning they get thwarted by our characters, what pays for all those forcefields and freeze rays? Does Countess Crey have an endless supply of gold? Maybe that's what she's keeping in that cave she hides in.)

An argument can be made that Crey Toons *should* have used the "neutral unless attacked" tech, but that tech didn't exist when the game launched.



It would be fun if Recluse fell from power in the Isles, and was replaced by a MOSTLY altruistic guy with Hero Corps on his payroll... and the Villains were new HC recruits who are doing work for the HC at the new guy's request.

Then you could yank back all the bloody arachnos stuff a bit and set up a more over arching story about the conflict between HC and Arachnos.

By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!



Count me in as someone who'd love to see something more developed with Hero Corps (or, at the very least, put the Hero Corps emblem as a costume piece for players.)

I think a "Crey Attacks!" themed issue could be awesome- revamp Crey's Folly and Eden, build up Hero Corps in the associated storyline, have some Crey related costume pieces, etc.

Doing some badge hunting today, and something struck me that I never really paid attention to before. One of the Disciple badge plaques talks about the protest against the Hero Corps building in Baumton:

This plaque commemorates a massive protest held in opposition to the construction of Hero Corps headquarters. Among the protesters were a number of heroes, including Justin Greene, known in combat as Green Justice, and his mentor and friend Hero 1. Mr. Greene summed up the protester's sentiments with the following statement, 'How can the people of this city trust heroes who work for money? When you put your life in another man's hands, you have to know that he's helping you because he wants to. You have to know that his heart is really in it.'
Hm. Police, firefighters, doctors, nurses... they all work for money, right? One doesn't generally question if their heart is in it.



A zombie posts a necro. How amusing.



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
Count me in as someone who'd love to see something more developed with Hero Corps (or, at the very least, put the Hero Corps emblem as a costume piece for players.)
Well can't sleep so might as well reply to this before heading off again.

But I swear one of the veteran rewards, the 'signature chest logos' has the Hero Corps logo in it.

I may be mistaken though.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Well can't sleep so might as well reply to this before heading off again.

But I swear one of the veteran rewards, the 'signature chest logos' has the Hero Corps logo in it.

I may be mistaken though.
The signature chest logos include the Freedom Phalanx (not Freedom Corps/Longbow), the Vindicators, Vanguard, Arachnos, Cage Consortium, and the Circle of Thorns, but not Hero Corps.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Back to it, aren't we all contracted by Hero Corps? Aren't we paid? Or are we contracted by FC and "paid" with "influence" through them?
No! *angry face* As far as I am concerned all the Influence my heroes own is just a representation of the aid and support their reputation can generate.

Don't ask me how I can spend that at an auction house where the auction house can take a cut *sobs*

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm talking about what they represent now. It's quite possible they started out with altruism in mind. It's been about seven years since I last read that history, so my memory may be a bit fuzzy. But as I understand the controversy around them, it's that heroes are getting rich fighting crime, so it's never really certain where their loyalty lies. Would they sacrifice profit for heroism or would they do the other way around?

Either way, with Crey's taint, they're pretty much a shady organisation now, and that's the kind of storyline I'd expect to see. Then again, when their headquarters gets bombed AGAIN... Who knows?
Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
I think you've got it completely wrong Sam. It sounds more like Hero Corps was formed with the principle of genuinely wanting to help people, and Crey destroyed their headquarters then offered to underwrite them to get them in the Countess's pocket.
Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
Just because they could be in Crey's pocket doesn't mean they're up to all the bad stuff that Crey is into. It could just be that they think Crey is just a company like the rest of the world (apparently) does (some of the time). Crey's involvement in any dirty dealings that may or may not exist is probably just limited to the fact that they bankroll Hero Corps and so it's unlikely to investigate any criminal dealings of theirs.

Sounds like there's a very interesting arc there: Release Hero Corp from Crey's grasp

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Does Bruce Campbell end up fighting this thread? Or are we going with the classic "Eat the brains of the token minority person" first?

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Geez- you guys act like this thread is so ancient. It was only 5 months ago; figured it was better to reactivate discussion in a topic where people had already expressed an interest in discussing it than to start a new thread.

In any event, I like the idea Scarlet Shocker alluded to above: some kind of storyline (Signature Arc?) wherein we explore the nature of Crey's involvement with Hero Corps- why they want to back them, what their plans are with them. Possibly the founders wanting to get out of a bad deal they made before doing the research.



The thread topic remains unresolved. I feel it's still relevant.

Hero Cops is one of the more interesting NPC factions in the game because it manages to walk the fine balance between morality and greed, yet still remain on the right side of the divide. Whether you like Hero Corps or not, their heroes for hire help protect the city, and that's nothing if not a good thing. An argument could be made about WHY these people protect the city and whether they can be trusted if someone else offered them more money, but this is a debate within the context of a working, helpful organisation.

Once upon a time, City of Heroes had subtlety and perhaps even philosophy in its writing. These days, it's all wars, gods, nuclear missiles and over-the-top shenanigans. I'd like to see some more of the old plot threads make a comeback and be explored in-depth.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Hero Cops is one of the more interesting NPC factions in the game because it manages to walk the fine balance between morality and greed, yet still remain on the right side of the divide.
Urm, actually, it was heavily suggested that HeroCorps was also responsible for paying villains to cause trouble in cities it operates in...and that this is why when you want to "take on harder missions" (i.e. increase difficulty) you pay a HeroCorps rep to make it happen.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Urm, actually, it was heavily suggested that HeroCorps was also responsible for paying villains to cause trouble in cities it operates in...and that this is why when you want to "take on harder missions" (i.e. increase difficulty) you pay a HeroCorps rep to make it happen.
What does that say about you the player character paying an agency that pays villains to be more active?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Once upon a time, City of Heroes had subtlety and perhaps even philosophy in its writing. These days, it's all wars, gods, nuclear missiles and over-the-top shenanigans. I'd like to see some more of the old plot threads make a comeback and be explored in-depth.

A lot of the recent plot seems too .. frontal, I guess .. nothing which really made me think or -want- to do anything. When I go to a contact, I just see the mission objective and skim over the details, though the SSA's forced me to read and it was rather enjoyable.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



What does that say about you the player character paying an agency that pays villains to be more active?
Don't blame me, man, I didn't do it!

This is just more of the sadistic GMing that's been endemic in the game since the beginning. It's right up there with using pieces of Hamidon to enhance you powers (what could possibly go wrong?), taking part in an obvious Nemesis plot for convenient time travel, voluntarily letting yourself get disintegrated by a machine built by Crey and Dr. Aeon to play video games and sticking your head in a sentient malevolent energy source because it will make some big blue guy think you're cool.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"